IIS Forms Authentication throws a 401 Error - asp.net

We are currently setting up forms authentication for our web app.
The plan is for users to be redirected to a login page on our main system when they want to access files.
IIS Settings
Setting the IIS "Authentication" to anonymous gives access to the files.
BUT when we change the authentication to "Forms" and disable everything else we are met with a constant 401 error when trying to access the file.
401 Error
There is no redirect. It just throws this error.
The Web config has been changes to allow "?" (anonymous) and allow="*".
This does not change the 401 error.
When anonymous access is enabled (alongside forms auth) there is no redirect. The users have direct access to the files. (As if forms authentication is not even enabled?
Web Config

Please note that I also had to add machine keys to my web.config and also had to add the domain name in the authentication tags (also in the web config). After also adding a cookie.domain in my C# side the authorisation is finally working between domains.
--This has to be done when working with 2 subdomains. Eg: 1.website.com and 2.website.com.


ADFS SSO integration - aspx exceptions

We have implemented SSO on our web app and it's working fine. Users are redirected to the ADFS login before accessing our app and we accept the ADFS token and authenticate accordingly. We're happy.
The question is for some of the aspx pages, we don't require authentication. Is there a place to list those exceptions in the web.config (or other)?
Yes - you can use the location tag with allow / deny.
Refer: Setting authorization rules for a particular page or folder in web.config.

Forms authentication while Anonymous authentication disabled

I configured a web application to use Form authentication. When open Login page I got the following error:-
Error 401.2 - Unauthorized
You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers.
It works fine when enable Anonymous Authentication. I need to understand why? Is that normal behavior?

How to change authenticate method on IIS 7?

I've got an error which tells me unauthorized. How and where to change that webserver allows anonymous (public) access?
HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized
401.2 - Logon failed due to server configuration.
Something has happened on my local machine when I made the latest update for IIS, but now I'm not sure what has happened.
Note the following methods here:
Select your website on the tree left hand side inside IIS Manager.
Double click on Authentication section from the menu (Authentication section is under the IIS caregory)
Enable Anonymous Auth. there as follows :
You can bind a user to this app by Editing the Anonymous Auth. Section. this will gives you box like this :
This should be set to IUSR by default.

II6 Basic Authentication and RouteTable.Routes

I have an ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms site that is running on a IIS6/Server 2003 instance. The site itself does not permit anonymous access and uses IIS basic authentication before the user can get to the Forms authentication screen. However, there are two site nodes below the site level, that are virtual directories which DO permit anonymous access (for requesting static images by other machines).
A new request required me to route those requests to a different page and examine the URL being requested and perform different tasks. I’m using a MapPageRoute method in the Global.asax file and the route clears through Forms authentication with a web.config setting <allow users="*" />. Obviously, that works great locally, but when deployed to the IIS6 machine basic authentication kicks in before the request gets routed.
Is there a good way to "fake" or create a virtual directory node in IIS6 and grant it anonymous access so that the routed url request can execute?
This might not work for everyone, but since in my case HTTP Authentication was primarily instituted just to prevent people from multiple attempts at the login page, I actually removed Basic Authentication from the site and all virtual directory nodes.
Then I added it just to the ~/[loginpage] that was being used. Since forms authentication was in use all unauthenticated users are re-directed to the login page and then get the basic authentication. Since the routed page request needed to be public I just added it as an exception to the Web.config. The routed values have to meet a very strict criteria to even be executed by the page logic and everything else is returned as a 404 by the handler.
Obviously this means that the asp.net dll is executing before IIS basic security when requests are redirected to the login page, but in this case I think it is fine.

Using Windows Integrated Auth & Anonymous after jakarta redirect on IIS7

I have an application we bought that I need to integrate, and it uses jakarta connection to get to the application from IIS.
So, the basic operation is:
user goes to the url
Gets redirected to the application
SSO is enabled, so redirected back
to IIS for fetching of domain
Back to application
If username is blank show login
page, else let user in.
This is a simplification of all the steps, but the basic idea is here.
My difficulty is that I need both Windows Integrated Auth and anonymous on, as some users won't have credentials, and need to be prompted for a username/password.
I have looked at: IIS Windows Authentication before Anonymous already, but the user doesn't get to click on a link to decide. The application goes back to IIS looking for login.aspx and from there I want to either get their domain credentials or pass back to the application empty strings to signify that there are no credentials.
It seems this isn't going to be possible though as if anonymous is on it doesn't make the 401 request so the credentials aren't passed.
If I can't get this to work with just using an ASP.NET page, could it be done using an ISAPI filter, or a module?
I found a possible solution, but I need to figure out how to get it to work, as my login page is on the JBoss server.
Keep the Authentication in the IIS as the Anonymous.
When loading the home page check the ACTIVE DIRECTORY for the current logged in USERNAME if exist
provide the extra functionality to current user or else with fewer options.
Refer --> Active Directory Cheking
