Point handling for closed loop searching - graph

I have set of line segments. Each contains only 2 nodes. I want to find the available closed cycles which produces by joining line segments. Actually, I am looking for the smallest loop if there exist more than one occurrence. If can, please give me a good solution for this.
So, for example I have added below line list together with their point indices to get idea about m case. (Where First value = line number, second 2 values are the point indices)
0 - 9 11
1 - 9 18
2 - 9 16
3 - 11 26
4 - 11 45
5 - 16 25
6 - 16 49
7 - 18 26
8 - 18 25
9 - 18 21
10 - 25 49
11 - 26 45
So, assume I have started from the line 1. That is I have started to find connected loops from point 9, 18. Then, could you please explain (step by step) how I can get the "closed loops" from that line.

Well, I don't see any C++ code, but I'll try to suggest a C++ solution (although I'm not going to write it for you).
If your graph is undirected (if it's directed, s/adjacent/in-edges' vertices/), and you want to find all the shortest cycles passing through some vertex N, then I think you could follow this procedure:
G <= a graph
N <= some vertex in G
P <= a path (set of vertexes/edges connecting them)
P_heap <= a priority queue, ascending by distance(P) where P is a path
for each vertex in adjacent(N):
G' = G - edge(vertex, N)
P = dijkstraShortestPath(vertex, N, G')
push(P, P_heap)
You could also just throw out all but the shortest loop, but that's less succinct. As long as you don't allow negative edge weights (which, since you'll be using line segment length for weights, you don't), I think this should work. Also, fortunately Boost.Graph provides all of the necessary functionality to do this in C++ (you don't even have to implement Dijkstra's algorithm)! You can find documentation about it here:
EDIT: you will have to create the graph from that data you listed first before you can do this, so you'll just define your graph's property_map accordingly and make sure the distance between a vertex you're about to insert and all vertexes currently in the graph is greater than zero, because otherwise the vertex is already in the graph and you don't want to insert it again.
Happy graphing!


How to check if a path exists between two nodes of length exactly x in an undirected graph?

An undirected graph is given (as an adjacency list or incidence matrix). For multiple queries, check if a path of length exactly x exists between two nodes. Same nodes can be visited more than once.
I know that for single queries it's easy to check for this, simply by raising the incidence matrix to the power x (number of steps) and checking if the value at [first node][second node] is greater that 0. This takes too long, and for bigger matrices it takes too much memory. Even more so for multiple queries.
How can I solve this problem using as little space and time as possible?
Is it possible to reach 3 from 2 in 1 step? yes
Is it possible to reach 4 from 1 in 1 step? no
Is it possible to reach 5 from 5 in 8 steps? yes
Is it possible to reach 8 from 1 in 10 steps? no
Thank you in advance.

Longest path in adjacency matrix in R

Hypothetical scenario to have a descriptive example: I've a model consisting of 10 parts (vertices) to be put together. Each part can be connected to others (edges) as defined by a connection table.
There's a shortest.paths function in igraph. However here the aim is to find a way to calculate the longest path in the adjacency matrix. Resulting in a path using as many parts as possible, ideally all, so no part of the model is left alone in the end. MWE as follows:
connections <- read.table(text="A B
1 2
1 7
1 9
1 10
2 7
2 9
2 10
3 1
3 7
3 9
3 10
4 1
4 6
4 7
7 5
7 9
7 10
8 9
8 10
9 10", header=TRUE)
adj <- get.adjacency(graph.edgelist(as.matrix(connections), directed=FALSE))
g1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected")
The result should be something like: for instance if the first part of the model is 8 it could be combined with 9 or 10. Let's say 10 is selected next part can be either 1,2,7 or 9. If 9 is selected as next the follow up could be 1,2,3,7 or 8. If then 8 is selected the model would be finished as part 10 is already in use. The question then would be how to find a way/path to put together as many parts as possible, ideally all of them. The latter would be possible only by starting with 6 or 5.
There are cycles in your graphs, and I don't think you have stated that we cannot use the same vertex (part) more than once: and in this case the longest path might be infinitely long as you can traverse the cycle infinitely many times and then proceed to your destination.
As per your edit, I think this is not allowed. You can use dynamic programming for this I hope. You can start with DFS like algorithm and mark all the vertex except starting as unvisited. Then apply recursion to choose maximum between the longest paths from all the possible vertex we can reach (except which are already visited) from that given vertex.
It is an NP-hard problem, so you would have to check all the possible paths!
You can see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_path_problem . You will have modify the algorithm to work in graphs with cycle by adding, as stated earlier, a flag to tell which vertices are already visited.
Tell me if i get it right, you are trying to find a path, that touch the maximum number of nodes?
If that so this is basically an instance of the Hamiltonian path problem, I would say an easier version of it if you can pass on a node more than 1 time.
You can try to watch that algorithm.
to respect you edit maybe, you can try to see the graphs search algorithms, you can find something here, however be advise that this type of algorithms are quite heavy on the memory complexity side.

Is there a closed form available for the following table?

Below is a table which has a recursive relation as current cell value is the sum of the upper and left cell.
I want to find the odd positions for any given row denoted by v(x) as represented in the first column.
Currently, I am maintaining two one arrays which I update with new sum values and literally checking if each positions value is odd or even.
Is there a closed form that exists which would allow me to directly say what are the odd positions available (say, for the 4th row, in which case it should tell me that p1 and p4 are the odd places).
Since it is following a particular pattern I feel very certain that a closed form should exist which would mathematically tell me the positions rather than calculating each value and checking it.
The numbers that you're looking at are the numbers in Pascal's triangle, just rotated ninety degrees. You more typically see it written out like this:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
You're cutting Pascal's triangle along diagonal stripes going down the left (or right, depending on your perspective) strips, and the question you're asking is how to find the positions of the odd numbers in each stripe.
There's a mathematical result called Lucas's theorem which is useful for determining whether a given entry in Pascal's triangle is even or odd. The entry in row m, column n of Pascal's triangle is given by (m choose n), and Lucas's theorem says that (m choose n) mod 2 (1 if the number is odd, 0 otherwise) can be found by comparing the bits of m and n. If n has a bit that's set in a position where m doesn't have that bit set, then (m choose n) is even. Otherwise, (m choose n) is odd.
As an example, let's try (5 choose 3). The bits in 5 are 101. The bits in 3 are 011. Since the 2's bit of 3 is set and the 2's bit of 5 is not set, the quantity (5 choose 3) should be even. And since (5 choose 3) = 10, we see that this is indeed the case!
In pseudocode using relational operators, you essentially want the following:
if ((~m & n) != 0) {
// Row m, entry n is even
} else {
// Row m, entry n is odd.

How to calculate the expected cost?

I am not good at probability and I know it's not a coding problem directly. But I wish you would help me with this. While I was solving a computation problem I found this difficulty:
Problem definition:
The Little Elephant from the Zoo of Lviv is going to the Birthday
Party of the Big Hippo tomorrow. Now he wants to prepare a gift for
the Big Hippo. He has N balloons, numbered from 1 to N. The i-th
balloon has the color Ci and it costs Pi dollars. The gift for the Big
Hippo will be any subset (chosen randomly, possibly empty) of the
balloons such that the number of different colors in that subset is at
least M. Help Little Elephant to find the expected cost of the gift.
The first line of the input contains a single integer T - the number
of test cases. T test cases follow. The first line of each test case
contains a pair of integers N and M. The next N lines contain N pairs
of integers Ci and Pi, one pair per line.
In T lines print T real numbers - the answers for the corresponding test cases. Your answer will considered correct if it has at most 10^-6 absolute or relative error.
2 2
1 4
2 7
2 1
1 4
2 7
So, Here I don't understand why the expected cost of the gift for the second case is 7.333333333, because the expected cost equals Summation[xP(x)] and according to this formula it should be 33/2?
Yes, it is a codechef question. But, I am not asking for the solution or the algorithm( because if I take the algo from other than it would not increase my coding potentiality). I just don't understand their example. And hence, I am not being able to start thinking about the algo.
Please help. Thanks in advance!
There are three possible choices, 1, 2, 1+2, with costs 4, 7 and 11. Each is equally likely, so the expected cost is (4 + 7 + 11) / 3 = 22 / 3 = 7.33333.

Geometrical progression with any number row

I can have any number row which consists from 2 to 10 numbers. And from this row, I have to get geometrical progression.
For example:
Given number row: 125 5 625 I have to get answer 5. Row: 128 8 512 I have to get answer 4.
Can you give me a hand? I don't ask for a program, just a hint, I want to understand it by myself and write a code by myself, but damn, I have been thinking the whole day and couldn't figure this out.
Thank you.
Guys, you don't get it, I can't just simple make a division. I actually have to get geometrical progression + show all numbers. In 128 8 512 row all numbers would be: 8 32 128 512
Seth's answer is the right one. I'm leaving this answer here to help elaborate on why the answer to 128 8 512 is 4 because people seem to be having trouble with that.
A geometric progression's elements can be written in the form c*b^n where b is the number you're looking for (b is also necessarily greater than 1), c is a constant and n is some arbritrary number.
So the best bet is to start with the smallest number, factorize it and look at all possible solutions to writing it in the c*b^n form, then using that b on the remaining numbers. Return the largest result that works.
So for your examples:
125 5 625
Start with 5. 5 is prime, so it can be written in only one way: 5 = 1*5^1. So your b is 5. You can stop now, assuming you know the row is in fact geometric. If you need to determine whether it's geometric then test that b on the remaining numbers.
128 8 512
8 can be written in more than one way: 8 = 1*8^1, 8 = 2*2^2, 8 = 2*4^1, 8 = 4*2^1. So you have three possible values for b, with a few different options for c. Try the biggest first. 8 doesn't work. Try 4. It works! 128 = 2*4^3 and 512 = 2*4^4. So b is 4 and c is 2.
3 15 375
This one is a bit mean because the first number is prime but isn't b, it's c. So you'll need to make sure that if your first b-candidate doesn't work on the remaining numbers you have to look at the next smallest number and decompose it. So here you'd decompose 15: 15 = 15*?^0 (degenerate case), 15 = 3*5^1, 15 = 5*3^1, 15 = 1*15^1. The answer is 5, and 3 = 3*5^0, so it works out.
Edit: I think this should be correct now.
This algorithm does not rely on factoring, only on the Euclidean Algorithm, and a close variant thereof. This makes it slightly more mathematically sophisticated then a solution that uses factoring, but it will be MUCH faster. If you understand the Euclidean Algorithm and logarithms, the math should not be a problem.
(1) Sort the set of numbers. You have numbers of the form ab^{n1} < .. < ab^{nk}.
Example: (3 * 2, 3*2^5, 3*2^7, 3*2^13)
(2) Form a new list whose nth element of the (n+1)st element of the sorted list divided by the (n)th. You now have b^{n2 - n1}, b^{n3 - n2}, ..., b^{nk - n(k-1)}.
(Continued) Example: (2^4, 2^2, 2^6)
Define d_i = n_(i+1) - n_i (do not program this -- you couldn't even if you wanted to, since the n_i are unknown -- this is just to explain how the program works).
(Continued) Example: d_1 = 4, d_2 = 2, d_3 = 6
Note that in our example problem, we're free to take either (a = 3, b = 2) or (a = 3/2, b = 4). The bottom line is any power of the "real" b that divides all entries in the list from step (2) is a correct answer. It follows that we can raise b to any power that divides all the d_i (in this case any power that divides 4, 2, and 6). The problem is we know neither b nor the d_i. But if we let m = gcd(d_1, ... d_(k-1)), then we CAN find b^m, which is sufficient.
NOTE: Given b^i and b^j, we can find b^gcd(i, j) using:
log(b^i) / log(b^j) = (i log b) / (j log b) = i/j
This permits us to use a modified version of the Euclidean Algorithm to find b^gcd(i, j). The "action" is all in the exponents: addition has been replaced by multiplication, multiplication with exponentiation, and (consequently) quotients with logarithms:
import math
def power_remainder(a, b):
q = int(math.log(a) / math.log(b))
return a / (b ** q)
def power_gcd(a, b):
while b != 1:
a, b = b, power_remainder(a, b)
return a
(3) Since all the elements of the original set differ by powers of r = b^gcd(d_1, ..., d_(k-1)), they are all of the form cr^n, as desired. However, c may not be an integer. Let me know if this is a problem.
The simplest approach would be to factorize the numbers and find the greatest number they have in common. But be careful, factorization has an exponential complexity so it might stop working if you get big numbers in the row.
What you want is to know the Greatest Common Divisor of all numbers in a row.
One method is to check if they all can be divided by the smaller number in the row.
If not, try half the smaller number in the row.
Then keep going down until you find a number that divides them all or your divisor equals 1.
Seth Answer is not correct, applyin that solution does not solves 128 8 2048 row for example (2*4^x), you get:
8 128 2048 =>
16 16 =>
GCD = 16
It is true that the solution is a factor of this result but you will need to factor it and check one by one what is the correct answer, in this case you will need to check the solutions factors in reverse order 16, 8, 4, 2 until you see 4 matches all the conditions.
