How do I use Global.asax files in ASP.NET applications? -

How do I use a Global.asax file in my ASP.NET code?
Is there some kind of include statement, sort of like <script type="text/javascript" src='xxx.js'></script>?

You mean global.asax right? Just add it to your project. The code you put in there will be picked up by the ASP runtime and executed as expected.

It's a file. It goes in your application folder (the same folder your files go in.)
You'll use Global.asax for asp.NET, and Global.asa for classic ASP.
Right-click your project folder, add new item, pick global.asax from the options, and you're there.
(Which is to say, you don't have to make a reference to it in your .aspx pages like you do for javascript or css, etc. The events that global.asax handles are global (hence the name...), not page-specific.)


How application works?

I am quite new to .NET development and I am just wondering how does it work?
My undermentioned points are:
While developing ASP.NET application, under the project we have files like:
After adding certain functionality to pagename.aspx page, assuming I have the development required web application (this is not my concern, what is developed)
Now I'm going to deploy this application, I use web deployment MSI which creates the required files in the one folder called folderdelopyed.
This folder contains the files required to support this application but interesting does not contain pagename.aspx.cs and pagename.aspx.designer.cs files.
My question is if folderdelopyed does not contain .cs file, then how does it work to run the segment of code which I have written in this file called PageName.aspx.cs?
The code in your cs files gets compiled into a dll.
For Web Application projects this is one dll
For Web Site projects, this is a dll per page.
All of the code is now in the dll's in the bin folder of the website.
You can use a tool like ILSpy ( to look inside the dll's and see your code.
In the old days, for classic ASP, the script used to be embedded in your page - a mix of code and HTML, and was interpreted at runtime.
I like the new way more :-)
ASP.NET code is compiled into Dynamic-link library files, also known as DLL files.
The code you write in your code behind, which is the files with .cs extension, is compiled and put into whole new file, with .dll extension - and that file is copied to the server, to the BIN folder of your site.
Depending on what project type you choose, it's possible to have several DLL files for the web application, changing in every build - see dash's answer for more details.
On every .aspx page you have referece to what DLL file to use, as the very first line. For example:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="pagename.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyNameSpace.pagename" %>
In this example, the Inherits part determines what DLL to use. How? By the namespace, which is also the name of the DLL file.
When the above .aspx is requested by a browser, the .NET engine will go to the BIN folder, look for MyNameSpace.dll and in there look for class called pagename that inherits from the base Page class - all the rest is typical life cycle of ASP.NET page.
let me to say you something more Amazing.
you can hide your aspx file too.and put their content in to dll as same as your cs file put in dll.
you can make k aspx that just contain an address to the ddl file and no html body :D
that was greate!!! not only you can hide your cs file, you can hide you aspx file too :D

Two HttpHandlers handling same file type

In my new job, they have already written an httphandler to handle all the .aspx files, and they are not using's httphandler. Now, I want to use's regular .aspx httphandler for some web pages (.aspx files) in the project and the other pages need to be handled using their customized httphandler, i.e., 2 httphandlers for same file type (.aspx), how to do this?
If you place your pages in their own directory, you can remove the custom handlers and add the normal ones in a web.config file placed in the same directory.
See this document on MSDN, in particular the section about Configuration Inheritance.
Another option is to use different file extensions for the custom handler and for the normal ones and register the handlers accordingly.

Does code in aspx page get compiled in a web application?

Let me just start by saying, if anyone knows of a good article that talks about this subject, please point me towards it.
Does code in an .aspx page (in between <% %> tags) get compiled in a web application or is it treated like markup where you can just change it without recompiling the solution? Does compiling only compile the code behind code in the .cs and designer.cs files ?
If you're developing in a 'Web Application Project' (as opposed to 'Web site') then any change to class (.cs), code-behind file (.aspx.cs), designer files, etc (basically anything that isn't markup or static files like .htm) would require a rebuild in Visual Studio.
All code within a .aspx file, in or out of code blocks (<%%>) gets compiled.
Changing an .aspx file will cause IIS to recompile it on the next request.
See MSDN - ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation.
Update (following comment):
As for development work - pretty much the same happens when you use the dev web server to view the page. You do not have to recompile the solution/project, but the page will get recompiled dynamically.

Page class outside of App_Code will not compile

I have a website that has 2 files as follows:
It used to be that I could just drop new files onto the web server and IIS would automatically compile the files and I could access the page e.g.
... and the associated functionality in the page class contained in the .cs file would work nicely.
Now I get the error: "Could not load type namespace.classname" which refers to my page class.
Now for some strange reason I have to put all my .cs files, even page classes into the app_code folder.
All that has changed on my website is that I reorganised the structure so that instead of my pages being on the web root they are now inside http://.../newfolder/page.aspx.
For some reason all my page.aspx.cs files now have to be in app_code.
Any ideas?
Sounds like you are mixing up a Web Application Project and a Web Site.
Are you sure the files are exactly the same? Perhaps one #Page directive says CodeBehind=Page.aspx.cs and the other says CodeFile=Page.aspx.cs?
CodeBehind requires project compilation, so you cannot just drop in a new .cs file, you need to upload a new compiled DLL. CodeFile will allow dynamic compilation.
The App_Code directory is dynamically compiled (in both cases) when your app is accessed, so the Inherit directive has a valid type when you put the file there. In general, don't do this. You want the .cs file to go with the .aspx file. Use App_Code for business logic or utility classes that aren't associated with a particular page.
Finally, is this new subdirectory set up as a new app in IIS? What does the web.config file in your new directory change? Are you running the same version of ASP.NET? Check the "compilation" tag. I'm not sure what you could do there to cause this, but I'm sure you could cause some chaos.

Is there a way to get rid of aspx placeholder files in a ASP.NET web deployment project?

I'm using a web deployment project in order to precompile my ASP.NET 3.5 web project. It creates a single extra DLL for the code in aspx and ascx files. And, for every aspx file there is a placeholder aspx file (empty) which needs to be copied to the server.
I'd like to simplify the deployment process. Is there a way (configuring the IIS site and adding some sort of http handlers etc.) to get rid of these aspx placeholders?
Also, I'd like to know if there is a way to get rid of the .compiled files in the bin folder. It would make the deployment process smoother.
I discovered it by myself. It is much easier than I thought (IIS 6.0):
In Internet Information Manager go to the property page of the site, then chose the tab "Home Directory" and click on the button "Configuration...".
Click "Edit..." for the .aspx ISAPI extension and uncheck "Verify that file exists". At this point, no aspx file is needed anymore.
One important thing: I had to create an empty "default.aspx" file in the root of the application in order to allow the default document for requests like "" (without calling an aspx).
Update 2
Another very important thing: if you're using ASP.NET Ajax PageMethods, then you have to keep the aspx placeholder of that page. If you're omitting the file, a javascript 'PageMethods is undefined' error will be thrown on the browser.
IF it is possible, then it will require, at the least, the mapping in IIS of all possible requests to the engine. Not very difficult. Then, a HttpHandler should be possible to intercept all incoming requests. That handler should then be able to dynamically load compiled page classes and render them. You'd basically have a single engine DLL that serves page content.
But as you might have noticed from all the should's, it's not a simple thing to accomplish, and I doubt that it's really worth the trouble. What exactly is wrong with these placeholder files being present?
