Wordpress qTranslate and sub-domain help needed - wordpress

OK I have my website running Wordpress at http://www.visualise.ca/ and I installed the qTranslate plugin to have a bilingual installation. If you visit http://www.visualise.ca/?lang=fr you will see the french version of my website.
The problem is that it messes up my AJAX scripts so I would like to use the qTranslate option that allows me to have my french version in a sub-domain at http://fr.visualise.ca/ instead.
When I activate this option the http://fr.visualise.ca/ returns blank (Server not found) so here are my questions:
1) I guess I have to use .htaccess ? If yes, what's the syntax ?
2) I created sub-domain fr.visualise.ca and made it point to the root document folder of my Wordpress installation, is that ok?
Many thanks for your time and help
UPDATE: Actually it was working I had to use and create a sub-domain for fr.www.visualise.ca instead of fr.visualise.ca ... Which is kind of ugly :-/

You will add to the CNAME records to your DNS-Server or set a "catch all" like *.yourdomain.com

I had to make sure that the http://fr.visualise.ca subdomain exists and is map to right folder on the web server (same folder as the visualise.ca domain)


wpml languages redirecting to default

I'm not too familiar with WPML and I site I am working on is using it. Everything was working fine, but now it has been noticed that when you go to a different language domain (e.g. www.domain.com/es/pagename) the site seems to rewrite the address to (www.domain.com/pagename) removing the language directory from the web address making some language pages unaccessable.
This is not occurring on all pages though.
I checked the htaccess file and the rewrite are their.
Any help or information on this would be great.
Try check settings of WPML plugin http://take.ms/hFuqg
Problem ended up being 'Custom Permalinks' plugin. Doesn't play nice with WPML.

WordPress website not working with domain name but IP address

http://sidparmar.ca/portfolio/ This is my portfolio website and an only home page is working with the domain name. Every link is broken unless replaced by IP of my VPS which is
So usually it should work like sidparmar.ca/portfolio/contact/ (give me an error "The requested URL /portfolio/resume/ was not found on this server.")
but currently, it is only working if I type as URL.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions/advice or pointer that I should look into. Any help is appreciated.
Has your site been like this since you installed Wordpress? If so, then where did you install wordpress (i.e. what directory)? It looks like you did not install it in the web root directory of your web server. Also, when you installed Wordpress, are you sure you specified the correct URL of your website?
My suggestion based on the limited information you provided and the minor amount of custom content of your website is to simply delete your database and files, create a new database, and re-installation Wordpress following exactly the correct instructions. Your VPS host may have an outlined process for you.
Alternatively, if this is a new issue, do you think you caused it? If so, what did you do? If not, you should probably contact your VPS host to see if you or they need to make an update in your DNS settings.
Found the answer by myself! Yeah!
I just added "ServerAlias www.domainname.ca" to my apache2 conf file (000-default.conf) which you can probably find at /etc/apache2/sites-available directory in your VPS.
Not sure why this worked or what exactly caused the problem but I am sure that it happened because of Yoast SEO plugin.

Change WordPress URL folder name to another without redirecting

I'm trying to change my WordPress site's URL (without redirecting) from:
Also, if my wordpress site is located in the /go/ folder, is it possible for me to trim /go/ ?
Thank you.
These are two separate issues.
Regarding the first issue, are you saying that you still want a user
to type in example.com/go/take, but be served the file from
example.com/go/give without changing the url? You can install the
wordpress redirection plugin to do that. You can create a 'pass
through' redirect which will do this.
Here's what you can do to run example.com from a wordpress install
in the go subdirectory:

Transferring Development Wordpress To Live Wordpress Without Issues

I am looking for a way to port one wordpress install across to another site.
For example, say I have:
I want to transfer everything from development.example.com to example.com
Transferring the domain name is always a pain for me and I am hoping someone can help me.
After transferring to a new domain and hosting, I normally have to go into the wordpress database into the options table and change two fields.
siteurl and home (I change these to my new domain name)
I can then run example.com/wp-admin and I will be able to login.
The above works fine on the basic setup, but the issue I am having is that when you have lots of different plugins all adding options and other fields to the database it turns into a bit of a nightmare.
I normally have to remove the plugin folder and reinstall them one by one, and then use a search and replace plugin to change all the options from.
search: development.example.com
replace: example.com
This all seems like a very long winded process considering when I build with codeigniter you only have to change the url in one place config.php and then just run a
cp -rf development.example.com/* example.com
Could someone advise me on how they normally run a transfer with wordpress where all this search replace and login issues aren’t needed.
You have all the details on the When Your Domain Name or URLs Change section in the Codex.
For replacing links, the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin works well for me.

Should I install a new wordpress to make this happen?

I have a wordpress website called http://mysite.com (example only), I want to have a link http://blog.mysite.com, how would I configure that one using only one wordpress install(same wordpress install on http://mysite.com) and of course the same database that the http://mysite.com uses. Should I just use a plugin or what?
If you want to use 1 wordpress install for two different sites try using http://wordpress.org/support/forum/multisite .
Otherwise, I would agree with the answer above and you would only need to setup a simple redirect in your hosting control panel.
Add a subdomain of a kind http://blog.mysite.com pointing to a location similar to http://mysite.com. In this way both the domains will point to the same wordpress installation.
