migration from plone 3.3.5 to 4.1 - plone

After migrating from 3.3.5 to 4.1, some folders show their contents properly while some give this error
AttributeError: getLocallyAllowedTypes
How can I fix it?

You really need to include more detail when asking others for help. When asking for help with software, it's very important to include not only tracebacks but also what add-ons you are using. Your original question should have mentioned that you're using contentleadimage. It also should have mentioned that you're using Collage, something I only found out from the traceback.
At any rate the problem appears to be that Collage, contentleadimage, or some combination of your add-one are not compatible with 4.1.

I ran into this problem myself when using wsapi4plone.core to sling content across. Some of my ZODBs have been upgraded all the way from 2.0.5 and we decided this migration would be a good opportunity to 'clean' the content.
The fix is to go to the offending folders on the content source, and from the 'Add new' > 'Restrictions' and check the appropriate choice.
MY suspicion is that these were older folders (prior to the property existing) that had not updated properly and had never been edited since. I didn't dig too deep since there were only a few.


With which module can I create or blog content in Zikula 2.0.6?

because Zikula's official support forum was closed, which I found better, since in German, I have to look for help here.
I have Zikula 2.0.6 installed for the first time today and no module makes it easy to create content like the Wordpress blog.
Content Module generates 500 errors. News modules not compatible. Dizkus Module also displays 500 errors. Which module can I use to create content?
Thank you in Advance, Alexander
It seems to be better to start with Zikula 1.5.6. E.g. News and Co tent are working fine with it but not with 2.0.6.
If English is to hard for you, you can also try in German. Some German developers and users are reading here as well.
You're totally right! The New News module was supposed to be released for Core-2.0 but the developer never did it. A Shame really.
There is still one important ticket open. See https://github.com/Portugao/News/issues/17. At last Camp Zikula we agreed to keep this function available.
There is a good reason not to release it yet.

Plone 3.3.5 upgrade broken

I inherited a Plone installation (version 2.5). It was critical that I upgrade it to 3.3.5.
I set up a test environment and got the old version working. I set up 3.3.5 and went through the migration steps. Now whenever I go to a page I get:
Macro Expansion failed
exceptions.KeyError: 'header'
I've looked in the front_page template (I think that's what it's called) and it has that error listed front and center. I tried removing the macro tag and it gives me an error about the macro needing to be within the tabs.
From looking at more documentation it looks like Plone has moved away from using macros. Is there a quick fix to get our site to work as is, or will we have to do some re-writing?
EDITED: From the comments there is a mention of Add-ons needing to be upgraded. How do I know if I have add-ons? How do I know if they need to be upgraded? How do I find out how to upgrade them? The documentation is full of "whats" but very sparse on "Hows".
EDITED: I found the header issue by looking through the old one (there was a header template that was in the old installation but not in the new one, had to figure out how to get it in there), now it's giving me an error about a user-macro="scripts/macros/jsrenderer" and if I remove that there is one for css. These look like standard entries for plone (since the exact same syntax comes up when I google these...but I can't find the location of the macro anywhere. Is this something that has changed in version 3?
EDITED: I think I've got it under control now, jumping back and forth between the two installations. Such a Pain.
Let me know if you need any code. Thanks for your help.
I can only give hints for debugging this error. What you can try is:
Can you find a define-macro="header" in the code? If not, that's what your template tries to look up and fails.
In the ZMI, check the portal_skins -> properties tab. I think most of the views (templates) are mapped as filesystem directory folders. These need to be registered in each skin layer. The order of each entry is important, as that's the way macros are looked up. Check if each layer has access to each directory view.*
Check if a custom product defines yet another 'main_template.pt' which (re-)defines different macros.
From my experience, a lot of customization happened in page templates. In the traceback you should find, which template the error is happening. Try to look up use-macro="" statements which perhaps point to macros which are different or don't exist anymore.
Furthermore, no - page templates with macros are still in use. Good luck!

where to look up newtonsoft json.net breaking changes?

I have a bunch of code I'd like to upgrade from using
JSON.net 4.0.3 to 4.5.8 or whatever is latest. Are there any known
breaking changes, or a place I can look to find them?
I saw this: http://json.codeplex.com/workitem/22498 which looks to
be fixed in 4.5.3. I saw this as well:
http://james.newtonking.com/archive/2012/03/20/json-net-4-5-release-1-iso-dates-async-metro-build.aspx, which I might need to address.
Releases from 6.0.4 forward have release notes on the GitHub repository for the project.
All the releases have their changes listed on the blog you link to ( http://james.newtonking.com/ ) and on the particular article he says that the package will now only make breaking change on major version number changes (semantic versioning, hurrah!).
So by trawling the blog for each post relating to a major version change (i.e. 6.0.0) you can work out what changes you need to worry about. I have not seen a better compiled list.

Plone and deco.gs

I am trying to use plone 4 with deco, using this buildout: http://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.deco/buildouts/dev/
It seems to work, but when I add the new page element nothing special happens. (No deco.gs)
Anyone knows what is happening? or know a way of making it work with plone 4?
Deco is still experimental as of this writing, and shouldn't be used in production just yet.
Steps to get it working (what's currently working, that is) can be found in the install docs:
As far as i am aware, there has recently been a refactoring leaving the Deco UI editor not in a workable state. It shouldn't be a lot of work to repair, but it would be best if one of the core developers would do it.
Your best bet is probably asking on the plone.dev list to make someone do a small development push.

Need a translation toolkit that supports msgctxt

Wordpress 3.1 came out recently with a lot of new features, and as I can see, there's a big change in support for translation. The context feature of GNU Gettext (msgctxt) is now used a lot in Wordpress's code, some e() and _() are replaced by _x() and _ex(). And... it's causing a problem for me.
I'm using PoEdit to edit the translation for Wordpress, but currently it doesn't support msgctxt. I know how to manually edit the .po file to translate a string that uses msgctxt, but it's a hard work. And, the bigger problem is that when I use PoEdit's Update button, all my hard works... go away, the things that I changed by manually editing the .po file go away!
So now, I come here to ask you, do you know any translation toolkit (like PoEdit) that supports GNU gettext's msgctxt? Please tell me, thanks a lot for your help :D
Great news: PoEdit 1.5.5 now supports msgctxt! The key thing to get right is the keyword sources configuration within your Catalog properties. For _x and _ex it should look like: "_x:1,2c" and "_ex:1,2c". Covered in more detail here: http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/theme-development/translating-your-theme/
you can use PoEditor.com it supports the msgctxt!
I realize this is a year-old question, but have you tried Automattic's own GlotPress?
It's still a work in progress, and you have to install it from the Subversion repository, but it does support translation contexts and it allows collaboration.
