Why is this happening in my simple HTML example I'm working on - css

I'm trying to get familiar with CSS but some of things that are happening seem rather arbitrary.
For example:
Why is only the first and second divs displayed (playerinformation and centerad), but not the third one? I thought divs were stacked vertically unless told otherwise via floats or what have you.
Any suggestions?.
I just want three div, organized horizontally within the middle vertical div called middle.

My guess is #rightad is being removed by Adblock, or an equivalent. That's what's happening for me. If you disable your adblocked, I bet it will show up.

All worked for me (in Firefox), then installed AdBlock and the #rightad disappeared. Disabled adblock for the page and it reappeared again.
Alternative quick test would be to try your jsfiddle in a different browser and see if its all there.


Z-index issue in mozila firefox, in a css only page

I know this has been asked many times, and I have been searching for the answer in a lot of places but I can't seem to fix my code. Thank you for reading this because I'm going crazy here! First I had a different z-index problem with safari, than another with explorer, but now the z-index problem I'm having with mozila I can't fix in any way. I code in chrome, where it seems to work perfectly (for me it seems at least!)
I believe now it works more or less fine in most browsers but not on mozila. The idea of the page is to make (only with CSS because that's the only language supported by the website) a flipping book of several pages. I see some examples around of CSS only flipping cards (only one page), but not a book of more than one page. So I essentially overlap several "cards", in order to give this effect. You can see the demo from codepen here: pkrein/pen/qBOewem
Btw I do know this code is not as clean as it could be, but that's the way I figured to make a fuction like that works only with CSS, and I hope it will make sense for you.
Ok, so the matter is, the content inside the book pages is not "scrollable" on firefox. I guess this is indeed a z-index problem, because when I move any page outside the book, that is, from behind the rest of the content, it scrolls fine.
Let me know if I can give any more info that could help you understand my issue!
I figured a possible solution for this. It's not quite the solution for the problem itself but it's something that can make what I want to do work.
The problem was: (what I had to remove in order to make it work):
(1) The div #content-holder holding all the text inside the flap
(2) The div .preparation-text inside the .preparation (that's the text I want to scroll). That was a scrolling div (.preparation) inside a non-scrolling div (.preparation-text). I always add a scrolling div inside a non-scrolling div in order to hide the scrollbar, by adding a high padding-right to the inside div. I know I can use code to hide the scrollbar but it do not work in all browsers.
How I fixed:
(1) I just removed the #content-holedr divs, since it was not strictly necessary.
(2) I removed the .preparation-text and transformed .preparation into a scrolling div. Then I just covered the scrollbar with an image of the same size and colors as the background (a print of the layout).

z-index and CSS issues

How do I set a specific section of a page (div section?) to be on top of another section? I tried adding a z-index on the CSS file but it's not working. Or maybe I'm adjusting the wrong CSS file. In the end, I am confronted with:
--- which CSS file do I adjust? (I'm using Firebug but now I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly
--- what exact code adjustments do I need to do?
This is a sample page: http://www.criminal-lawyers.com.au/offences/aggravated-assault. The testimonial box to the lower right part of the page gets covered by the brown area when you scroll down. The goal is to put it on top so it's not covered whenever you scroll down (I know I should better position it "absolute" instead, but that's not the goal).
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Finally had it solved! Many thanks to all your comments below. Although some answers did not exactly solve the problem, there were concepts behind them that really helped.
You need to set z-index:21 on the div with id it_widget_content-11-background-wrapper which is the main container of the sidebar widget. That should solve the issue.
it's pretty simple, to this widget-background-wrapper sidebar-widget-2 add z-index:9999. sorry i would rather comment this, but reputation < 50.
Remove position:fixed on the classes
CSS file - wp-content/themes/Criminal-Lawyers-it/style.css
They will remain in place.
Just realised it may not be exactly how you want it to look :) However, even with correct z-index, it may look weird having them overlap the footer...

CSS Issue on a specific web page

We are instituting a new responsive web template design on our website, this design has worked perfectly in all but one place (We are on the Convio CMS if that helps). Here is what it is supposed to look like (menu and contact info in right column):
On this page however:
that info appears below here. However after you use the find feature, the information then DOES appear on the right side as it should. This really has me stumped.
The find a church service is a component that can be placed on any page.
Secondary issue - the map is not visible on the results page in Firefox, though on the current page - www.ucc.org/find - it is visible.
Any solutions, ideas, etc. are welcome!
Two problems, both CSS. The left div, ef-inner3 does not have float:left nor width specified. This causes it to be too wide, pushing the topics area down.
You need to add those CSS values in. How you do that with your particular CMS system I am not sure.
The reason behind it moving down is thus: When you float two elements, their combined widths cannot be greater than the width of their parent. If they are greater then there is not enough room and the second floated item moves below the first.
Tricky one! But I'm thinking this might not be CSS.
My first reaction was that maybe a DIV isn't properly closed somewhere.
Based on the Find function fixing it, maybe you have a </div> that's set to display with the Find results, so it's not showing up before the Find function brings it up?
Hope that makes sense! If possible, try searching for any closing tags that are inside any kind of if/else statement.
EDIT - just noticed - A lot of the content in your Find a Church page seems to be after the 'three fourth' DIV, and after a 'clear' DIV. If you can edit the source, try placing all of that back inside the 'three fourth' DIV and see what happens.

Why is Chrome breaking this layout?

See http://www.arthwine.co.uk.
This used to work fine in Chrome and works fine in all other browsers (afaik). Now, for some reason, Chrome is hiding most of the left column (apart from the bear). If you look on a different browser, there is a panel with the branding and a menu in it under the bear.
I can't figure out at all why it's doing this. Any ideas?
The reason it breaks is because of the bear. Or rather, it is because of the way you relatively positions the image of the bear outside the bounds of every single one of it's parent elements except the body.
This makes chromes rendering engine choke on your layout somehow.
You can test this very easily by just deleting the image of the bear from the source code, and see how everything else suddenly pops into place.
I checked it in Chrome 9.0.597.98 and I had the same problem. The solution that I found, is to add position:absolute; for the #header.
I don't see anything wrong in Chrome. I see the menu and the branding.

Vertical Align a DIV with dynamic height inside another DIV

I have been looking around and seem to find lots about aligning a div vertically however not with a dynamic height div surrounding it.. i have a moch up of what i require, built from all sorts of different templates i have found.. i just cant get it to do what I want maybey i am totally wrong?.. i thought it would be simple however has turned south.. i am hoping somone on here can understand what i mean and fix it easily as I am lost... tried so many different things however just end up back to square one..
I have checked out "vertically-center-content-with-css" at vdotmedia and this is exactly what i need the div to do however i can't get it working in the template i have come up with.. i do want it to be cross browser and ie6 would be nice but at least ie7..
Thanks in advanced!
The code was a bit long for here so see the link for what i am after..
Not so easy but check this out: http://blog.themeforest.net/tutorials/vertical-centering-with-css/
Try using vertical-align: middle and a set of divs with display:table, table-row, table-cell.
