Qt drag drop UNC path - qt

when dragging a file from path
in lineEdit area it cuts \\nearlinestorage when reading ui->lineedit->text()
how is it possible to get the whole path

solved. Problem is in the droparea::dropevent(QDropEvent *event).
I replaced
QString url = urlList.at(i).path();
QString url = urlList.at(i).toLocalFile();
I get proper result ( as expected ).

Make sure the QLineEdit doesn't have a minimum number of characters set.


Qt Set image to label reference variable

I have some pictures in the resource file and their file names correspond to their staffIds. this is how I set the picture into my QLabel but nothing is shown.
QString staffId;
QPixmap managerPic(":/staff/\'"+staffId+"\'.jpg");
I'm with #Mike here, most probably the single quotes aren't part of your filenames. You can use the debugger to see what is passed to the QPixmap constructor, or put the name into a separate QString variable and write it to qDebug() to see what it contains.
In general you better use QString::arg() to build strings instead of concatenation; usually it's easier to read and understand:
QPixmap managerPic(QString(":/staff/\'%1\'.jpg").arg(staffId));
QPixmap managerPic(QString(":/staff/%1.jpg").arg(staffId));

QSettings INI file: value containing semicolon

I'm trying to read and edit a Desktop Entry .desktop file using Qt QSettings. The problem is that these files contain keys with multiple values separated by semicolon ;. I tried reading these as QStringList but no luck. I only get the first value. For example:
Getting the values with:
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toStringList();
settings.value("Desktop Entry/MimeType").toString();
returns only the first value (in my example: disc, GTK or application/x-cd-image).
How to I return the full value from those keys? And how do I write it back using QSettings?
Update (first attempt was completely useless)
Variant 1
QMap<QString, QString> settings;
QFile inFile("<input filename.ini>");
QTextStream in(&inFile);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
QStringList linelist = line.split("=");
settings[linelist[0]] = linelist[1];
Variant 2
use QSettings::registerFormat().
This is probably the only "clean" way to do it with QSettings. The advantage is that you can register it with the .desktop extension. You'll have to write a pair of ReadFunc() and WriteFunc() functions.
I think you can't do it. QSettings has certain interpretation of .ini file format, which is very close to Windows interpretation, and is not meant for generic parsing. Semicolon starts a comment, and apparently QSettings allows comment after value until end of line, and AFAIK there's no way around it.
You need to find a different library to handle .desktop files, or implement one yourself.

Unicode characters in qt app dont show up

I'm trying to display different language strings in my qt app by inserting each language into a QMap<QString, QString> so it can be re-used in several places and put into different combo Boxes across the application. I do this by
creating the QMap like so in the CTOR:
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"English"), "english");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Dansk"), "dansk");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Nederlands"), "dutch");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Čeština"), "czeck");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Slovenský"), "slovak");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Magyar"), "hungarian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Român"), "romanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Latviešu"), "latvian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Lietuvių"), "lithuanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Polski"), "polish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Português"), "portuguese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Español"), "spanish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Français"), "french");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Italiano"), "italian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Svenska"), "swedish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Українська"), "ukranian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"中文"), "chinese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"日本語"), "japanese");
I then insert them into the combo box:
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = m_langMap.begin();
while (it != m_langMap.end())
When the app runs, I see the following:
However, if I create a separate .ui file and insert the map the same way, I see the following (even if I include this separate Dialog class into the same application), so clearly there is no font issue as far as the App not knowing how to render the different character sets....yet I cant figure out why the first one won't render the character sets?
Can someone tell me why the first doesn't work but the second does? I checked the Designer and its Locale is set to 'C, Default' in both ui files I've shown below. I can't seem to figure out what else is causing the difference for the first not to work, and the second does work within the same application.
Thanks for any help!
The other test Dialog:
Your code is correct, but the problem is that your source file cannot contain Unicode characters - apparently it is using different coding.
Save file as UTF-8 and everything should work!
In the first screenshot the font used by the combobox is much larger than in the second screenshot. My guess is that you have changed the font either in the GUI designer or in the code and the second (working) screenshot is using the default font. It might be that when you have changed the font size, you have also changed the font to something that doesn't contain all the required Unicode characters. Try changing the font used by the combobox to something else.

pass permanent parameter to a jar file

I have 3 jars: jar1, jar2 and jar3, in the same path who can change in other pc (ex: c:\prova)
When I run jar1, it moves jar2 in the Windows Sturtup folder.
I want that jar2 simply activate jar3 at every windows startup, but of course it doesn't find jar3 who is remained in the first path.
So I want that jar1 pass a reference (in this case the path c:\prova) to the jar2, when moving it, or at least on the first call to it.
I find it difficoult because:
I can't write the path in a text file in jar2: text files in jars aren't writable.
I can't write the text file in the windows Startup folder: it will be opened at every win startup..
I can't pass the path as a parameter, it will be good for the first call but I can't store this value for the succesive calls.
Sorry for my bad english, thanks for any help!
To add the file Path.txt (with jar3's path) in jar2:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("jar uf jar2.jar Path.txt");
To read the file in jar2 (Startup is my class name):
String s = "/Path.txt";
is = Startup.class.getResourceAsStream(s);
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
while (null != (line = br.readLine())) {
Thank me!

QPlainTextEdit truncate history linewise

I have a GUI application whose main part is a QPlainTextEdit. It is used to display a log of the application, and as such the associated text grows line by line ad infinitum.
As the application is intended to run very long, I need to limit the memory that will be allocated for this log. Therefore I want to have some maxNumLines or maxNumCharacters parameter that will make sure the history will be truncated when reached, i.e. the head lines will be removed as new lines are appended (a.k.a. log rotation).
To achieve this I found the functions
// get the associated text
QString toPlainText () const
// set the associated text
void setPlainText ( const QString & text )
Therefore something like this untested code would probably do the trick:
QString &tmp = pte.toPlainText();
while (tmp.size() > maxNumCharacters) {
// remove lines from the head of the string until the desired size is reached
// removes nothing if "\n" could not be found
tmp.remove(0, tmp.indexOf("\n")+1);
pte.setPlainText( tmp );
Is this the way to go to remove the first line(s) from the QPlainTextEdit? Are there probably other Qt Text GUI elements that would better fit to this task (set a maximum number of lines and truncate at the head of the list), e.g. somehow display a QStringList in which I could store the lines (s.t. I could easily erase(0))?
Or does the QPlainTextEdit eventually implement such upper bound for the size of the associated QString after all?
Apparantly the property maximumBlockCount is exactly what I need:
If you want to limit the total number of paragraphs in a QPlainTextEdit, as it is for example useful in a log viewer, then you can use the maximumBlockCount property. The combination of setMaximumBlockCount() and appendPlainText() turns QPlainTextEdit into an efficient viewer for log text.
For reference:
I had exactly the same problem a months back, and I ended up using a QListView. Although using the model/view/delegate architecture is a bit more fiddly, it scales much better in the long run. For example once the basic architecture is in place, adding a filter that displays only error or warning entries becomes trivial, or creating a delegate so that the background of error entries are painted red is also straightforward.
