CSS Cursors are not working in WebKit browsers - css

I am having trouble with cursors not being pulled through in WebKit browsers. Surprsingly IE and Opera work as I expect them to. Here's the CSS
.olControlDrawFeatureActive {
cursor: url(<DOMAIN>/common/images/cursors/draw.png), crosshair, default;
It quite simply changes the cursor to either the Draw png or, if it doesn't accept custom cursors or PNGs (like IE or Opera) then it should default to the crosshair. Works fine in IE and Opera, it goes to the crosshair as I want it to, FireFox, Safari and Chrome on the other hand refuse to return any css for this at all. Looking at the returned CSS in Firebug I just get.
.olControlDrawFeatureActive {
Empty, and utterly useless. I have tried replacing the URL with it's full path and relative path and (and this is the most confusing bit for me) I have tried removing the custom cursor entirely so it should default to the crosshair, but still it just returns an empty CSS rule! It's been bugging me for a while now because it originally worked fine in Webkit but not in IE, got it working in IE and now WebKit decides to not play ball! Am I doing something really obvious wrong? Any help or pointers would be hugely appreciated as it is driving me bananas

The problem seemed to lay in the fact that I had specified 3 levels of cursors i.e. The Custom one, the Crosshair and the Default cursor. There was no need to have the default one in there anyway as Crosshair is accepted by all browsers. Removing this seemed to make it work.
This seems strange though, does CSS only allow for two levels of cursors? If so then why did Opera and IE accept it, do they just ignore the first one?
Fixed CSS


Minor differences in background-image positions across browsers

On http://onpole.org/roland/, I have used background-images to decorate the page.
I, myself, use Mozilla Firefox, so I created my CSS with that browser in mind.
However, if I open the same website in different browsers (Chrome, Safari, have not tried IE yet) I see minor differences, which disrupt the layout.
(this one actually is wrong in Firefox)
At the top of the page, there is a drawing, in which a white line comes out and goes down, into the next part of the website.
In Firefox there is an error when it comes to the next part,
But in Safari and Chrome this line is correct!
I would post more examples, but apparantly my reputation is too low to post more than 2 links. There goes being specific.
There's also a part where there are arrows coming out of the line. This works fine in Firefox, but has an error in both Safari and Chrome.
So the first error is not correct in Firefox but works fine in Safari and Chrome.
The second error is exactly the other way around.
I am posting this here because I need advice on how to tackle these problems.
Should I make browser specific css where I move the line 1 pixel?
Or is there some other way? Or do any of you know why these differences occur?
Just a suggestion but why not create a separate stylesheet? When I helped redesign my company's website, my supervisor and I found that our stylesheet rendered properly in Chrome but not in Firefox. Ultimately we created a stylesheet to fix those areas. It would only launch if the browser being used was Firefox.
Using a simple PHP command (and assuming that your Gecko stylesheet will be stored in a folder called CSS in your site's main template directory), here's how you can detect if the browser being used is Firefox which will then force the Gecko stylesheet to launch before the page is even loaded:
// firefox
if ($this['useragent']->browser() == 'firefox') {
// add gecko stylesheet
$this['asset']->addFile('css', 'css:gecko.css');
Important: When writing a stylesheet meant for Gecko-based browsers only, the sheet must be written as follows:
#-moz-document domain(YOUR-DOMAIN.com) {
Only the code in between the { } will be read in Firefox. The best thing of all is if you want to target specific subdomains on your site, you can add a declaration for that subdomain all on the same stylesheet.
#-moz-document domain(YOUR-DOMAIN.com) {
#-moz-document domain(SUBDOMAIN.YOUR-DOMAIN.com) {
Just remember to keep your rules inside the curly { } brackets and you'll be good to go.

What is the use of this CSS hack in Safari?

What is the use of this CSS hack in Safari?
/* CSS Hack Safari */
#dummy {;# }
I found it in this page:
After doing some Googling, I was able to find something pertaining to Safari and browser hacks..
Apparently, older versions of Safari would ignore CSS declarations that were preceded by a hashtags. For instance:
h1 {
If Safari were to come across something similar to this, it would make h1 24px, and completely ignore the 30px.. However, say IE, or Chrome were to see this, they would read the declaration and make the fontsize 30px because of the fact that they don't take the hashtag into consideration. To my knowledge this little 'hack' no longer works on newer versions of Safari.. Here is my reference.
Now back to the question:
#dummy {;#}
This doesn't particularly do anything, so I don't really see why this was in their code.
However, I am assuming that something was originally placed in there, and later removed due to the fact that this hack no longer works..
This is a rather interesting source on browser hacks..

firefox 3.x doesn't support background images in Pseudo-classes?

Is it a bug that Firefox doesn't seem to support background-image swapping in pseudo-classes or is it that the other browsers are doing more than they should be?
I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong... this works in Opera and Chrome (haven't tested in IE yet)...
However firefox just ignores this. I was hoping to avoid writing a javascript roll-over... this seemed like such an elegant solution, but I'm starting to suspect that I'm hosed.
Your page is in quirks mode, presumably, and :hover has some weird behavior in terms of when it applies or not in quirks mode. I suggest putting your web page in standards mode if you want browsers to actually behave compatibly on it, instead of explicitly asking them for buggy backwards-compatible behavior.
What version of FF are you using? A quick search revealed this possible issue similar to yours: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/746770
Try this to see if it works:
[class="myClass"]:hover{ /* firefox fix */

Border-Radius Causing Naughty Errors in FireBug: "Unknown property... Declaration dropped." Should I make this disappear or better keep it my way?

today I hit F12 in FF to load FireBug to see what my site was thinking. Then saw this:
The facts showing from above:
My site likes using them "rounded", alot of them...;
My site is loaded with errors, at least as FireBug sees it.
Is FireFox right and should I assess this and if so how do I change it since I think this is crucial for IE and is the default CSS3 spec, right? Or is there something else happening thats causing all this things to show up in FireBug? I would be happy to hear what I should do to make all this disappear again, really.
Open the drop down in your console tab and un-tick stuff like "show CSS errors".
Also, it's not a bad thing. If Firefox comes across a property it doesn't know (such as border-radius at the time this question was asked) it will just ignore it and continue with the next property. This is why for instance -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; works. Firefox will ignore the -webkit- prefixed one, it would recognize the -moz- prefixed one and ignore the non-prefixed one because the non-prefixed one had not yet been implemented in the version of Firefox you used. (It is now no longer needed to prefix border-radius unless you're supporting an ancient browser)
You might want to pop the IE-specific properties (filter and zoom) into an IE-specific stylesheet, and include that with conditional comments.
As for the rest, you’ve just got an older version of Firefox that doesn’t recognise the newer properties. That’s fine, it won’t do any harm. (Somewhat odd that moz-opacity isn’t recognised, as I thought that had been around for ages, but it’s fine.)
Check this
I think you need to use -moz-border-radius:... declarations for FireFox :)

Handling browsers that don't do SVG properly: best way to redirect/load different css/show redirection link?

I have a webpage which I have made entirely as svg (apart from the html to load the svg). So far, so good, and you can see it here (not yet complete): http://kitandmarcin.us/svgcontainer.html (it's for my own wedding, so "the client" doesn't care that not all users are getting the same experience).
This works just great in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. It basically doesn't work in IE (including IE9), or Opera. I haven't tested anything else.
My question is, what is the best way to handle giving IE (and, I suppose Opera) users either (a) a redirection to a different page, or (b) show them something else (probably a screenshot).
I would prefer not to use javascript, because I suspect if they are already having trouble viewing the page, problems on their end with javascript are quite possible.
It works fine in Opera 11 / Windows.
You should consider just making it in good old HTML/CSS - it's not a particularly complex layout.
Alternatively, use javascript on your parent page to redirect users of IE to a static PNG version of your SVG.
IE8 simply does not support SVG without a plugin - javascript will work just fine on the page. However, SVG is supposed to work in IE9, so I'm not sure why yours doesn't. I don't yet have IE9 here, so I can't test.
ForeignObject is probably the answer why it doesn't work. Given that your svg is quite simple, I'd suggest removing the foreignObjects and using svg text and tspan elements instead. That should make it work in all browsers. And seeing how you used inkscape to create the svg it could have done all the linewrapping etc for you anyway.
From other answer about flow-elements in inkscape:
Inkscape can generate <text> and <tspan> for
you quite easily, just don't click and
drag an area but instead just click
where you want the text and start
writing, then press return where you want a
new line.
I'm not sure if IE9 supports foreignObject.
There's a way to do automatic linewrapping in svg tiny 1.2, which is supported in Opera, a workaround solution could look something like this. But to get IE9 compat too, you'll probably have to go with text+tspan.
