Facebook authentication for asp.net - asp.net

I researched on various articles available on the internet..
but still i'm not able to find a proper solution for integrating facebook connect authentication with my asp.net site..

Facebook C# SDK


ASP.NET - Integrate Twitter in FaceBook Style

I have a requirement of integrating Social Login for FB and Twitter in one of our applications.
We have successfully integrated both of them.
Unfortunately, we are facing problem with Twitter Integration as we used some DLL's for Twitter authentication.
The problem is that the Firewall is restricting the code to access internet on the server and so Twitter authentication is not working. However, there is no problem with Facebook as it is kind of client side mechanism where in it uses client's internet.
Is there any solution for twitter which works similar to Facebook integration?
Thank you.

How to allow users to Login to my web application using their google account in ASP.NET

I am developing a website, in that i want to implement this feature so when ever the user login to their google account i want to get their profile and i want to store it in my database.
i here that it could be done by OAuth. Can any one have best example of this situation please post here.
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at the DotNetOpenAuth project? The download includes sample projects for MVC and WebForms.

Authenticate users on my site through LinkedIn

I'm working on a small site for my university. The requirements include the ability for our users to authenticate with their LinkedIn accounts. I know Facebook and Twitter have such capability, but what about LinkedIn? I'll be doing this in .NET, is there a native SDK?
LinkedIn uses OAuth just like Facebook, their developer site / docs are at:
javascript api:
Here is simple OAuth C# working example and ASP.NET implementation example project.
It will help you in LinkedIn implementation.

Authentication with Google or Facebook

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want to authenticate users with their Google or Facebook account
Check the Url http://codechallenger.blogspot.com/2011/03/autenticacion-de-usuarios-contra.html
The post is in spanish
I believe both of those providers support OpenID. While some people out there bash it, I know other sites that have used it with great success.
I would start by finding a good OpenID provider for .NET and go from there.
I would recommend your first step would be to look into authenticating using OpenID (and integrating with WIF) as both Google and Facebook provide OpenID

How to integrate open ID Login

I want to integrate Open ID, Google and Yahoo login in my site, So please anyone can tell me the process of integration in ASP.NET.
Google and Yahoo support OpenID, so you just need to OpenID enable your website.
This is a great article which tells you step by step of what you need to do. You will still need an OpenID library for .NET in order to do that.
I have actually written a blog post on How to add OpenID authentication to your site using Janrain Engage that might help you along.
It's written with an ASP.NET MVC 3 application in mind, but there's nothing in there you cannot use in an ASP.NET app.
