ASP.NET - Integrate Twitter in FaceBook Style -

I have a requirement of integrating Social Login for FB and Twitter in one of our applications.
We have successfully integrated both of them.
Unfortunately, we are facing problem with Twitter Integration as we used some DLL's for Twitter authentication.
The problem is that the Firewall is restricting the code to access internet on the server and so Twitter authentication is not working. However, there is no problem with Facebook as it is kind of client side mechanism where in it uses client's internet.
Is there any solution for twitter which works similar to Facebook integration?
Thank you.


Reliability of Firebase Dynamic links in iOS?

How can I setup dynamic links which are robust like google maps, Twitter or WhatsApp ?
I’m using react-native-firebase v6 for my react-native iOS app
I’m using Passwordless Auth/ SignInWithEmailLink to Authenticate my users but this completely depends upon dynamic links.
I had set this up successfully and and everything was working fine.
But now suddenly the authentication links provided in the email don’t open the app in iOS
What can be a possible workaround that the links always open in the app like Twitter or anything else.??
Because this is one of the most essential functionalities of my app as the user can’t sign up if the link doesn’t open in the app.
EDIT: Apple App site association
Below is the apple-app-site-association of my app automatically provided by Firebase, do I need to change something here??
{"applinks":{"apps":[],"details":[{"appID":"","paths":["NOT /_/*","/*"]}]}}
Help would be very much appreciated.
P.S could this be a problem of Safari and the Apple Mail App?

Social websites API for .NET

I wanted to integrate social websites using their API. Is there any free API which ease this work? Like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.
My intention is to give the user the opportunity to login/register through these websites to
get profile information specially from LinkedIn and Facebook.
Check out the Facebook SDK. There is a NuGet which will get you started quickly:
Source code
Facebook has a great API for that and documentation, and you can download the Facebook API if you need it.

Facebook authentication for

I researched on various articles available on the internet..
but still i'm not able to find a proper solution for integrating facebook connect authentication with my site..
Facebook C# SDK

How to use Twitter as the Login for a Website

We are developing an 2.0 web application in that user can sign-up or sign-in using twitter account.
when the user click on the twitter button, it should take you to the twitter login page.
after your login is successful twitter should able to forward me back to my page webpage.
Please let me know.
For this you use Twitter's OAuth authentication framework. It's used so that users don't have to directly enter their user + password into your site. (I assume you know how the front-end to that works already.)
You can use this little example to use OAuth from .NET - it is built for ASP.NET. (The demo the guy provides is My Tweeple.)
Twitter actually includes instructions for using OAuth to make a Facebook Connect-style system.
Twitterizer library have sample ASP.NET application that will walk you through the OAuth authorization process and attempt to explain what’s going on and how you can do the same in your application.
This article demonstrates that How to integrate Twitter into web application
using Twitterizer library.You can allow your visitors to post tweets, view their timeline and much more.
Here is an example shows how to implement Twitter OAuth with .NET and attached sample code.

How to integrate open ID Login

I want to integrate Open ID, Google and Yahoo login in my site, So please anyone can tell me the process of integration in ASP.NET.
Google and Yahoo support OpenID, so you just need to OpenID enable your website.
This is a great article which tells you step by step of what you need to do. You will still need an OpenID library for .NET in order to do that.
I have actually written a blog post on How to add OpenID authentication to your site using Janrain Engage that might help you along.
It's written with an ASP.NET MVC 3 application in mind, but there's nothing in there you cannot use in an ASP.NET app.
