sqlite Insert statement value contains select clause : is it possible - sqlite

I want to insert the records that time want to get the visitNo from other table & execute.only one fileds.
We can do it in separate separate query(that means getting visitNo from table & passing to other(insert) query).But I want to do it one query.without writting two query.
INSERT INTO wmVisitHeader (VisitNumber, ExecutiveCode, BusinessUnit, RouteCode, StartTime, UploadedBy, VisitDate, TerritoryCode)
VALUES(Select NextVisitNo from WMTransactionControl,'TEST001','MASS','VRT002','11:15' ,'TEST001','8/25/11 11:15' ,'0001')
like this ... i want...

Try this:
INSERT INTO wmVisitHeader (VisitNumber, ExecutiveCode, BusinessUnit, RouteCode, StartTime, UploadedBy, VisitDate, TerritoryCode)
VALUES((Select NextVisitNo from WMTransactionControl),'TEST001','MASS','VRT002','11:15' ,'TEST001','8/25/11 11:15' ,'0001')


How to save changes to SQLiteStudio (3.4.3)

I am trying to save my changes (code below) in all rows in 1 column by using the export option but my database is not affected. Date in my column is set to September and I successfully changed it to march but just in SQL editor. How do I save these changes?
select name,
DATE(datum, '-6 months')
as datum
from concerts;
If you want to update the column datum then you need an UPDATE statement:
UPDATE concerts
SET datum = date(datum, '-6 months');
If you want to insert the rows in a different table then you need an INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO other_table (name, datum)
SELECT name, date(datum, '-6 months')
FROM concerts;
If you want to create a new table:
SELECT name, date(datum, '-6 months')
FROM concerts;

To INSERT a row into table from another table

I have the 'SchoolYearTeachingDays' table with just one column, in which are dates:
CREATE TABLE SchoolYearTeachingDays (
I filled it with many dates which are unique. These dates excludes dates for Sundays and for Saturdays.
I have another, the 'TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear' table:
CREATE TABLE TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear (
aDate DATE,
TimetableForTheDay TEXT
This table holds just two dates. These two dates are for two Saturdays. On these two Saturdays we have to teach students.
When I do the following query on this table, I get these two records:
I want to INSERT these two dates from the 'TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear' table into 'SchoolYearTeachingDays' table.
I am trying with this query:
INSERT INTO SchoolYearTeachingDays
SELECT aDate FROM TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear
but I get this error:
Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: SchoolYearTeachingDays.aDate
How this query of mine works and why I get this error? How do I accomplish my goal?
Best, Pal
You are violating unique constraint by inserting duplicate values into the table SchoolYearTeachingDays.
To fix the error put a not in condition so that dates which are already inserted won't get inserted again into SchoolYearTeachingDays table.
INSERT INTO SchoolYearTeachingDays
SELECT aDate FROM TeachingSaturdaysInSchoolYear T WHERE T.aDate NOT IN (SELECT S.aDate FROM SchoolYearTeachingDays S)

bulk insert using insert...select in sqlite?

I have a list of users who should receive the message. They are in the table subscribe. Now I'd like to insert a message for every one of these users. My query is
insert into message(user, type, theId)
select (select user from subscribe_message), #type, #id
At the moment it is empty. I get the error message.user may not be NULL. Shouldn't it not insert any rows? When I have more than one row it inserts the first row only. How do I write this so it will insert 0 to many rows?
Try this
INSERT INTO message ( user, type, theId )
SELECT subscribe_message.user, #type, #id
FROM subscribe_message

ASP.NET SQL Server insert error

So I've these two statements:
string insertUserData = "INSERT INTO W711_User_Data(Network_ID, F_Name, M_Name, L_NAME, Badge, Telephone, Org_Code, Org_Name, Req_Head_Network_ID)Values(#networkID1, #firstName1, #middleName1, #lastName1, #badgeNumber1, #telephone1, #orgCode1, #orgName1, #myUserName1)";
string insertReservationData = "INSERT INTO W711_Reservation_Data(ID, Network_ID, EventTitle, StartDate, EndDate, Justification) Values(null, #networkID2, #eventTitle1, #startDate1, #endDate1, #justification1)";
The network id in second string is foreign key relation with network id in first table.
The problem is: When I run the application in VS2010, it gives the error:
Can't insert explicit value for identity columnin table 'W711_Reservation_Data' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
Then I read to do this somewhere:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT W711_Reservation_Data ON
But it also fails and gives the same error again!
Please help
p.s. sql server
if your id is an identity (aka auto generated from the database), just do not list the ID field in any place in the INSERT Statement, not as column name and not in the values list:
to get the ID generated by SQL Server you call SCOPE_IDENTITY in this way:
INSERT INTO W711_Reservation_Data(Network_ID, EventTitle, StartDate, EndDate, Justification) Values(#networkID2, #eventTitle1, #startDate1, #endDate1, #justification1)";
Edit: this is the second of your two statements, I have removed the ID and the NULL...
Why are you trying to insert null as the value for the ID column anyway? Assuming that this is the IDENTITY column that is the source of the complaint then it seems more likely you need to just leave it out of the column list and don't pass any explicit value in. i.e.
INSERT INTO W711_Reservation_Data
(Network_ID, EventTitle, StartDate, EndDate, Justification)
(#networkID2, #eventTitle1, #startDate1, #endDate1, #justification1)
There might be two possibility.
if Network_ID in first table is primary key auto generated then
insert data in first table.
then get latest network id from that table and
pass that network id with second query.
If ID column in second table is primary key then
Do not pass null in second query.
either make auto generated or pass uniquer value in query.

MySQL Changing Order Depending On Contents of a Column

I have a MySQL table Page with 2 columns: PageID and OrderByMethod.
I also then have a Data table with lots of columns including PageID (the Page the data is on), DataName, and DataDate.
I want OrderByMethod to have one of three entries: Most Recent Data First, Most Recent Data Last, and Alphabetically.
Is there a way for me to tack an "ORDER BY" clause to the end of this query that will vary its ordering method based on the contents of the "OrderByMethod" column? For example, in this query, I would want to have the ORDER BY clause contain whatever ordering rule is stored in Page 1's OrderByMethod column.
GET * FROM `Data` WHERE `Data`.`PageID`=1 ORDER BY xxxxxx;
Maybe a SELECT clause in the ORDER BY clause? I'm not sure how that would work though.
select Data.*
from Data
inner join Page on (Data.PageID=Page.PageID)
where Data.PageID=1
order by
if(Page.OrderByMethod='Most Recent Data First', now()-DataDate,
if(Page.OrderByMethod='Most Recent Data Last', DataDate-now(), DataName)
You can probably do this with the IF syntax to generate a column that you can then order by.
SELECT *, IF(Page.OrderBy = 'Alphabetically', Data.DataName, IF(Page.OrderBy = 'Most Recent Data First', NOW() - Data.DataDate, Data.DataDate - NOW())) AS OrderColumn
INNER JOIN Page ON Data.PageID = Page.PageID
WHERE Page.PageID = 1
ORDER BY OrderColumn
The direction of the ordering is determined in the calculation of the data instead of specifying a direction in the ORDER BY
Can you just append the order by clause to the select statement and rebind the table on postback?
If you want to use the content of the column in Page table as an expression in ORDER BY you have to do it using prepared statements. Let say, you store in OrderByMethod something like "field1 DESC, field2 ASC" and you want this string to be used as it is:
SET #order_by =(SELECT OrderByMethod FROM Page WHERE id = [value]);
SET #qr = CONCAT(your original query,' ORDER BY ', #order_by);
PREPARE stmt FROM #qr;
If you want the result set to be sorted based on the value of OrderByMethod , you can use IF as it was already mentioned by others, or CASE :
CASE OrderByMethod
WHEN 'val1' THEN field_name1
WHEN 'val2' THEN field_name2
