Wordpress site not loading - wordpress

My wordpress site is not loading for some reason. It was working perfectly two days ago and now, whenever I try to access the home page, it stays loading. Same behaviour if I try to go to the admin page.
I checked my server logs and nothing.
Changed plugins forlder name and nothing
enabled debug in wp-config and nothing
Any ideas?
Console says that it fails to load css and javascript :S

My only suggestion would be to check and make sure that both your CSS and Javascript files are still in the same place as specified and to check the links to them.

I am in the development phase, so the site is on my laptop. I just changed the 'siteurl' and 'home' options in the wp_options table to 'localhost' and it started working again. I was using my IP address. So I am guessing it has to do with port forwarding?
After restarting the router, I was able to access the site again through my external IP address.

Use localhost in your site_url setting or be sure your IP doesn't change.


Why is WordPress redirecting to localhost

I have a WordPress website running on a server, using a docker container (with port forwarding 8001:80), and an Apache server with proxypass to redirect "demo.travel-itineraries.com" to "localhost:8001".
My problem is that WordPress redirects to localhost instead of using the website URL I specified.
My WordPress configuration doesn't contain any "localhost" occurrence (I tried SELECT * from wp_options where option_value like '%localhost%'; and there is no occurrence of localhost)
The WordPress address is set correctly
The homepage is working fine (http://demo.travel-itineraries.com/) but the second page isn't. If you check the link in the navbar, it's a link to "http://demo.travel-itineraries.com/les-joyaux-de-ladriatique-a-bord-du-pacific" but WordPress redirects to "http://localhost/les-joyaux-de-ladriatique-a-bord-du-pacific".
I checked with curl, and the RedirectedBy header is set to "WordPress".
Do you have any idea why it keeps redirecting?
Worth a try: There is an extremely old bug in Wordpress which causes problems in permalinks (i.e. pages are not found) after moving the site to another server or directory even though everything is set correctly.
And there's the also-extremely-old fix for it to go to the backend, open the Settings > Permalinks page, change any one little detail, change it back again and click "save changes". And I've heard from others that often it's even enough to just open that Permalinks page without changing or saving anything.
I just had that again in the current version (5.8.3) – same problem, same fix. I really wonder why that bug still exisits...
I noticed Yoast is installed, the premium version of that plugin automatically creates redirects, you can check those by going to SEO > Redirects in the back-end.

Mamp Pro localhost:8888 Gets Redirected And Shows 'Site Can't Be Reached Error

I am completely baffled on what's going on...
When I click the WebStart button for the localhost from the Mamp Pro UI, it opens that just fine and I get the expected address of http://localhost:8888/MAMP/?language=English.
If I manually enter an address like http://localhost:8888/phpmyadmin/ it also goes to the correct place.
But when I try to either remove the '/MAMP/?language=English' from the WebStart page, or try to manually type http://localhost:8888 it redirects to http://some-other-website:8888/. This happens no matter what directory I point the host to.
I had set up a host of that name previously, but this morning everything just went haywire to the point where I completely uninstalled MAMP Pro and MAMP, but this is still causing me problems. This is happening with both Wordpress and NON-Wordpress local sites.
Really starting to lose it because I can't get any work done. I'm trying to make a Wordpress theme and I've even tried doing a new install of the WP in a completely different folder but now no matter what I'm doing at the moment I just can't get this thing to work :((
Well, I feel like a boob. It turned out to be the siteurl and home values in the wp_options table of the Wordpress database were pointing to the existing values I'd set up, but I had changed the host name in Mamp Pro so the pages would initially open correctly but Worpress would then rewrite the URL and... well, OOPS! I finally found this out thanks to looking at Daniel W's advice. I also had to reset Chrome because it was holding onto it on the browser end too. Thanks for the help, Daniel!

Difficult situation with domain under VestaCP

Let's say I have domain sxz.me.
Hostname is sxz.me, server is up and running. Unfortunately when I was typing in address sxz.me, it automatically redirected me to IP address 141.xxx.xx.xxx.
My point was to make it as domain name, not IP address. So I changed something in VestaCP that didn't work.
As a next idea, I have installed a plugin, which was redirecting IP address into sxz.me .. It worked! It started redirecting 141.xxx.xx.xxx into sxz.me. The problem was that sxz.me still didn't work e.g. didn't read files uploaded through ftp.
Then I've got genius idea of resetting the server from hosting support. I did it and then for whatever reason WordPress admin panel from 141.xxx.xx.xxx stopped working. I couldn't access it.
I've changed everything in VestaCP in the way described in this video.
Before it was also changed similar, but some parts were missing. We were waiting for DNS propagation and unexpectedly sxz.me started working! Almost there, but problem was that I still couldn't copy files from 141.xxx.xx.xxx by plugin, because of no access to WP admin.
I know there are also different ways, but that was my first idea. In the meantime I've started installing WordPress according to config.php from zero on 141.xxx.xx.xxx and website gone again! It just crashed somehow and started redirecting me once again to 141.xxx.xx.xxx so I'm completely confused and don't know what to do.
Domain doesn't work at all.

Wordpress redirect loop with MAMP pro on local machine

I downloaded a wordpress website to my local machine and set up a host on MAMP Pro with an export of the live database, now I keep hitting a redirect loop on the main page when I try to view the website, it doesn't matter whether I reset the .htaccess file, clear all my cookies, delete my plugins or do any other of the recommended things it keep coming back. The official error is:
This webpage has a redirect loop
I had the same issues. Somehow resetting the permalinks settings in the admin panel to plain fixed the problem.
Are you using HTTPS by any chance? If so you may want to add
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
To the top of your wp-config.php file.
You might want to also check your database to see if the site url's are correct.
As I was moving from Windows environment to Mac OS probably on the copy files i was missing the install.php file. And when i tried to install the theme it would bring me the redirect loop screen.
It was confusing to me because I was following all steps at the end I went to look for the install.php and saw it was missing there put it in the place and voila!
Maybe will help i don't know, for the next readers to come!
I was able to resolve an identical issue by doing the following:
In the wp_options table of your site's database check if the port numbers for option_name siteurl and home match those of your server. Update them if not.
Remove the port number from $root_dir in wp-config.php
This error occured on an older project running Wordpress 4.1 after changing the ports on my MAMP apache server months earlier. Hope that helps.

cant access wordpress directory in wamp server www folder from localhost

I have a 32bit Win7.
I am trying to set Wordpress 4.1 up to work on Wampserver 2.5.
I copied the extracted wordpress files into my own folder within the c:wamp/www folder. But after going to the localhost page, clicking on my folder under 'Your Projects' opens to a 'This Page Is Not Available' page, which cites either non-connectivity (not the case), or misconfigured network, or unresponsive DNS network or firewall issue.
I tried looking this up but nothing. Pls let me know how to fix this.
Alternatively I tried localhost/myfoldername in my browser, and the Wordpress installation begun with language selection and then the 'lets go' button, then the form to be filled out.
Can I proceed this way or would it involve issues later
Check the URL it tries to redirect you, probably gives you just "wordpress". Not sure if it's a bug in WampServer index.php or something that needs to be configured, just type http://localhost/wordpress (or how your wp folder is named) to your browser?
I had a bit similar problem. It can be by using bad folder to enter your page.
1) You have only wordpress or anything else on your server? If the other pages are ok, i will try jylipaa's option. If it doesn't try to change localhost for or 80 - that port is standard for wamp, xampp, or vertrigo.
2) All pages doing it? This question can be rather non-relating but do you use skype? IF yes, it often happened that skype roguely take port 8080 for himself and don't let you know that. Try to configure your wamp to another port and use http://localhost:81/ for your instalation. That was option i tried and now everything is ok.
Hope this will help.
