cant access wordpress directory in wamp server www folder from localhost - wordpress

I have a 32bit Win7.
I am trying to set Wordpress 4.1 up to work on Wampserver 2.5.
I copied the extracted wordpress files into my own folder within the c:wamp/www folder. But after going to the localhost page, clicking on my folder under 'Your Projects' opens to a 'This Page Is Not Available' page, which cites either non-connectivity (not the case), or misconfigured network, or unresponsive DNS network or firewall issue.
I tried looking this up but nothing. Pls let me know how to fix this.
Alternatively I tried localhost/myfoldername in my browser, and the Wordpress installation begun with language selection and then the 'lets go' button, then the form to be filled out.
Can I proceed this way or would it involve issues later

Check the URL it tries to redirect you, probably gives you just "wordpress". Not sure if it's a bug in WampServer index.php or something that needs to be configured, just type http://localhost/wordpress (or how your wp folder is named) to your browser?

I had a bit similar problem. It can be by using bad folder to enter your page.
1) You have only wordpress or anything else on your server? If the other pages are ok, i will try jylipaa's option. If it doesn't try to change localhost for or 80 - that port is standard for wamp, xampp, or vertrigo.
2) All pages doing it? This question can be rather non-relating but do you use skype? IF yes, it often happened that skype roguely take port 8080 for himself and don't let you know that. Try to configure your wamp to another port and use http://localhost:81/ for your instalation. That was option i tried and now everything is ok.
Hope this will help.


WordPress website not working with domain name but IP address This is my portfolio website and an only home page is working with the domain name. Every link is broken unless replaced by IP of my VPS which is
So usually it should work like (give me an error "The requested URL /portfolio/resume/ was not found on this server.")
but currently, it is only working if I type as URL.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions/advice or pointer that I should look into. Any help is appreciated.
Has your site been like this since you installed Wordpress? If so, then where did you install wordpress (i.e. what directory)? It looks like you did not install it in the web root directory of your web server. Also, when you installed Wordpress, are you sure you specified the correct URL of your website?
My suggestion based on the limited information you provided and the minor amount of custom content of your website is to simply delete your database and files, create a new database, and re-installation Wordpress following exactly the correct instructions. Your VPS host may have an outlined process for you.
Alternatively, if this is a new issue, do you think you caused it? If so, what did you do? If not, you should probably contact your VPS host to see if you or they need to make an update in your DNS settings.
Found the answer by myself! Yeah!
I just added "ServerAlias" to my apache2 conf file (000-default.conf) which you can probably find at /etc/apache2/sites-available directory in your VPS.
Not sure why this worked or what exactly caused the problem but I am sure that it happened because of Yoast SEO plugin.

getting 404 error on wordpress pages

I've seen some other people with the same issue on net,
but the solution that worked for them (updating the .htacess file), didn't go very well for me!
I used buddypress to migrate my wordpress site to my local pc, but after everything is setup, only the home page is working, other posts or pages are getting 404 errors, I also tried to deactivate plugins and changing the theme, but nothing worked.
I'm on windows 10 and i'm using wampserver 2.5.
I think that the issue is caused by Apache, but I don't know how to fix it!
my Apache version is 2.4.9
Thanks in advance guys :)
Your site’s permalink (WordPress Admin > Settings > Permalink) is set as Default, please change it to any of the other option available below. e.g: Day and name, Post name etc.
Then you’ll be able to access the board instead of the 404 error.
Another way is troubleshooting:
WordPress sites can complicate the 404 troubleshooting process. Why? WordPress is a content management system that processes its own internal rewrite array as a part of its permalinks feature.
The first step to troubleshooting 404s is to figure out whether the 404 is being caused by the web server or by WordPress.
Static file
If your file is static (e.g. a jpg image) open your FTP client and verify that the file exists.
As an example, let’s say that the URL is producing a 404 error. You will want to:
Open FTP Client and connect to your server (if you don’t know how to do so, read this.)
Navigate to the file’s location
Verify that the file exists
If it is does not exist, you have found the source of your 404.
However, it it does exist, yet pulling the URL up in a browser results in a 404 error, continue on to find out whether the issue is web server-based or WordPress-based.
Reference Link:

need assistance on my local wordpress

I just finished building my basic website using wordpress and wamp. installation directory is at C:\wamp64\www\wordpress and i'm currently accessing my site at localhost/wordpress
now i have 2 problems:
1. how can i trick my localhost to use instead of localhost/wordpress? I tried changing site and wordpress address but all i get is page not found.
after changing my url, i am planning to access my local wordpress (which will now be from another PC.
2a. do i need to copy all the wordpress files to pc#2?
2b. do i need to install wamp to pc#2?
edit: i can skip problem #1 if changing site url is not important. cause my main target here is to access my localhost wordpress from another PC with same LAN. I tried adding in hosts file to redirect to then in PC#2 added in hosts file (my ip) then not working tho.
I don't want to host it online because my website will only be used internally in my workplace.
This should work, haven't done it in Windows in forever.
Set your site to a different URL, this is probably a bad idea honestly since WP hardcodes a lot of urls like the images, you can get past this by using wp-cli.phar to search and replace in the db but that's not a simple procedure either.
That being said it can be done.
Right click Notepad and open as administrator.
Click Open and change the file type to all files.
open the following file: c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
Add the following line:
Question 2. Is answered here: How to access my localhost from another PC in LAN?

Wordpress redirect loop with MAMP pro on local machine

I downloaded a wordpress website to my local machine and set up a host on MAMP Pro with an export of the live database, now I keep hitting a redirect loop on the main page when I try to view the website, it doesn't matter whether I reset the .htaccess file, clear all my cookies, delete my plugins or do any other of the recommended things it keep coming back. The official error is:
This webpage has a redirect loop
I had the same issues. Somehow resetting the permalinks settings in the admin panel to plain fixed the problem.
Are you using HTTPS by any chance? If so you may want to add
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
To the top of your wp-config.php file.
You might want to also check your database to see if the site url's are correct.
As I was moving from Windows environment to Mac OS probably on the copy files i was missing the install.php file. And when i tried to install the theme it would bring me the redirect loop screen.
It was confusing to me because I was following all steps at the end I went to look for the install.php and saw it was missing there put it in the place and voila!
Maybe will help i don't know, for the next readers to come!
I was able to resolve an identical issue by doing the following:
In the wp_options table of your site's database check if the port numbers for option_name siteurl and home match those of your server. Update them if not.
Remove the port number from $root_dir in wp-config.php
This error occured on an older project running Wordpress 4.1 after changing the ports on my MAMP apache server months earlier. Hope that helps.

Wordpress site not loading

My wordpress site is not loading for some reason. It was working perfectly two days ago and now, whenever I try to access the home page, it stays loading. Same behaviour if I try to go to the admin page.
I checked my server logs and nothing.
Changed plugins forlder name and nothing
enabled debug in wp-config and nothing
Any ideas?
Console says that it fails to load css and javascript :S
My only suggestion would be to check and make sure that both your CSS and Javascript files are still in the same place as specified and to check the links to them.
I am in the development phase, so the site is on my laptop. I just changed the 'siteurl' and 'home' options in the wp_options table to 'localhost' and it started working again. I was using my IP address. So I am guessing it has to do with port forwarding?
After restarting the router, I was able to access the site again through my external IP address.
Use localhost in your site_url setting or be sure your IP doesn't change.
