asmx webservice return multiple classes wsdl -

We are developing a webservice for a client. We are not supose to throw SoapExceptions, so instead, we catch every exception server side, and return a custom Exception class.
Public Class Order
End Class
Public Class MyException
End Class
And then in my webservice a function (webmethod):
Public Function GetOrder(ByVal id As Integer) As Object
Return New Order()
Catch ex As Exception
Return New MyException(ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
The problem now is, that since my webmethod is returning the type [Object]. The wdsl that is generated does not contain the order, or the exception.
I can change the [Object] to [Order] Or [MyException], but only one of them is generated in the wsdl.
So does anybody have an idea of how i should handle this? I want both the MyException type and the Order type in my wsdl, but i just cant get it working.
Thank you all.

If your definition of MyException
Public Class MyException
inherits System.Exception
End Class
then you shouldn't need to return the Custom Exception just throw it.
then you can define
Public Function GetOrder(ByVal id As Integer) As Order
Return New Order()
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New MyException(ex.Message)
End Try
End Function
As I recall (and it's been a while) trying to return multiple objects from a web method can prove to be extremely troublesome

If you really want to return multiple objects, then maybe you should create a "wrapper" object, e.g something like this:
'please note: I don't normally use VB.NET, so there might be some errors
Public Class OrderResponse
Public Property Order() As Order
Return m_Order
End Get
m_Order = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Order As Order
Public Property Exception() As MyException
Return m_Exception
End Get
m_Exception = Value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Exception As MyException
End Class
Then change your method to return an instance of that class, with either the property Order or Exception set to the respective value:
Public Function GetOrder(ByVal id As Integer) As OrderResponse
End Function


difficulty serializing a collection in web api 2 using knockoutjs

I have a knockoutjs web page doing a post to a VB .net Web API. for some reason my collection always shows nothing on the controller.
on the web page in the post here is my data.
data: ko.toJSON({
ShpmntCntrlNbr: self.ShpmntCntrlNbr,
MstrBillNbr: self.MstrBillNbr,
accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade: self.accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade,
DB2ACTCollection: actCollection
this shows in the console (chrome developer tools) like this.
"MstrBillNbr":" ",
here is .net VB controller
Public Function Post(data As VMFreightReleaseSaveDB2ChangesInput) As IHttpActionResult
Return Ok()
End Function
unfortunately when I put a stop sign in here and inspect data. I get
DB2ACTCollection Nothing
MstrBillNbr " "
ShpmntCntrlNbr "1101983"
accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade True
no clue why my DBACTCollection is showing as nothing. any thoughts?
and here are the classes.
Public Class VMFreightReleaseSaveDB2ChangesInput
Public Property ShpmntCntrlNbr() As String
Return m_ShpmntCntrlNbr
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_ShpmntCntrlNbr = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_ShpmntCntrlNbr As String
Public Property MstrBillNbr() As String
Return m_MstrBillNbr
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_MstrBillNbr = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_MstrBillNbr As String
Public Property accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade() As Boolean
Return m_accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade
End Get
Set(value As Boolean)
m_accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade
Public Property DB2ACTCollection() As List(Of DB2_ACT2)
Return m_DB2ACTCollection
End Get
Set(value As List(Of DB2_ACT2))
value = m_DB2ACTCollection
End Set
End Property
Private m_DB2ACTCollection As List(Of DB2_ACT2)
Public Class DB2_ACT2
Public Property ShpmntCntrlNbr() As String
Return m_ShpmntCntrlNbr
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_ShpmntCntrlNbr = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_ShpmntCntrlNbr As String
End Class
Just a note here is my solution so far, not real happy with it but it seems to be working. instead of data As VMFreightReleaseSaveDB2ChangesInput I have data as JToken. then I just loop through it although I am still at a loss why the native .net web api serializer is not doing this.
Dim inner As JArray = data("DB2ACTCollection")
Dim ACTCollection = New List(Of DB2_ACT)
For Each item As JObject In inner
Dim ACT As New DB2_ACT
ACT.ShpmntCntrlNbr = item("ShpmntCntrlNbr")
Based on the JSON and seeing as the models are POCOs try using auto properties with DB2ACTCollection as an array and see if that deserializes properly
Public Class DB2_ACT2
Public Property ShpmntCntrlNbr As String
End Class
Public Class VMFreightReleaseSaveDB2ChangesInput
Public Property ShpmntCntrlNbr As String
Public Property MstrBillNbr As String
Public Property accesorialChangesHaveBeenMade As Boolean
Public Property DB2ACTCollection As DB2_ACT2()
End Class

GET calls to WebAPI

I have a problem with an XML response to a call to the Web API.
Specifically, I have a function "GetValue" call that when I should return in XML format based to the id or class "Cellulare" or class "Televisore".
The problem is that if I make a request from browser gives me the following error:
<Message>An error has occurred.</Message>
The 'ObjectContent`1' type failed to serialize the response body for content type 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'.
This is the example:
Public Class Cellulare
Public Property Colore As String
Public Property SistemaOperativo As String
End Class
Public Class Televisore
Public Property Colore As String
Public Property Marca As String
End Class
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As Integer) // ' As Cellulare
If Id = 1 Then
Dim MyTelevisore As New Televisore
MyTelevisore.Colore = "grigio"
MyTelevisore.Marca = "lg"
Return MyTelevisore
Dim MyCellulare As New Cellulare
MyCellulare.Colore = "nero"
MyCellulare.SistemaOperativo = "android"
Return MyCellulare
End If
End Function
Can anyone help me to solve this problem???
Thank in advance
I think your approach is wrong.
You have simple objects to return, that can be handled easily by the default serializers webapi has to offer.
Your returned object type should be IHttpActionResult (webapi2) or HttpResponseMessage.
I would NOT go for what #Frank Witte suggested, cause returning the object itself is bad practice. Specifically here you can just return a generic object through IHttpActionResult / HttpResponseMessage.
You should do something like:
Public Function GetValue(ByVal id As Integer) As IHttpActionResult
If Id = 1 Then
Dim MyTelevisore As New Televisore
MyTelevisore.Colore = "grigio"
MyTelevisore.Marca = "lg"
Return Ok(MyTelevisore)
Dim MyCellulare As New Cellulare
MyCellulare.Colore = "nero"
MyCellulare.SistemaOperativo = "android"
Return Ok(MyCellulare)
End If
End Function
It throws the error because you do not supply any return type to your GetValue function. You commented that out.
As I can tell from your code you are returning a different type of object depending on the id you supply to the GetValue call. I do not know the complete context of what you are trying to do, but from what I can see it would make more sense to have a different controller, or route at least, for the different types of object:
Would map to a controller CellulareController.
Would map to a controller TelevisoreController. Each with their own Get(), Post() and Delete() methods if you will.
Hope this helps.

How to make a VB.Net Function parameter a strongly-typed property instead of just a String

Here is class I reference in this question:
Public Class Enums
Public Enum Subscription As Byte
Vendor = 1
FreeTrial = 2
Standard = 3
Enterprise = 4
End Enum
End Class
In a VB.NET class I have the following property:
Private _optionSelection1 As String 'added by StackOverflow EDIT
Public Property OptionSelection() As String
Return If(IsNothing(_optionSelection1), String.Empty, _optionSelection1)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_optionSelection1 = value
End Set
End Property
The property gets set from a Request.Form variable as follows: 'added by StackOverflow EDIT
Me.OptionSelection = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("option_selection1") 'added by StackOverflow EDIT
I use this value later in a function:
Dim choiceMade As Enums.Subscription = SubscriptionOptionSelected(Me.OptionSelection)
I'm thinking the function might be stronger if its parameter could be "stronger" than String:
Private Function SubscriptionOptionSelected(ByVal value As String) As Enums.Subscription
Select Case value
Case "S10"
Return Enums.Subscription.Standard
Case "ENT"
Return Enums.Subscription.Enterprise
End Select
End Function
I've tried writing the function like the following but the compiler immediately complains:
Private Function SubscriptionOptionSelected(ByVal value As OptionSelection) As Enums.Subscription
Is there a way to use the Property as a type passed to this little function ?
What you are asking is redundant. OptionSelection is a string and the function you are calling is taking a string as an input. By saying you want the type of the parameter to be the property you are saying you want a string to be a string.
Now if that string had certain business logic that needed to be applied to it to be a valid string, then you need to create a class that can contain that business logic:
Public Class OptionSelection
Private _OptionString As String
Private _validStrings As String() = New String() {"S10", "ENT"}
Public Sub New(Optional ByVal AnOption As String = "S10")
If _validStrings.Contains(AnOption) Then
_OptionString = AnOption
Throw New Exception("Value must be in the list of acceptable strings")
End If
End Sub
Public Property OptionSelection() As String
Return _OptionString
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
If _validStrings.Contains(value) Then
_OptionString = value
Throw New Exception("Value must be in the list of acceptable strings")
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Shared Narrowing Operator CType(ByVal input As String) As OptionSelection
Return New OptionSelection(input)
End Operator
End Class
Then your property changes to:
Private _optionSelection1 As OptionSelection
Public Property OptionSelection() As OptionSelection
Return _optionSelection1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As OptionSelection)
_optionSelection1 = value
End Set
End Property
Your assignment changes to:
Me.OptionSelection = CType(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("option_selection1"),OptionSelection)
And your function is then:
Private Function SubscriptionOptionSelected(ByVal value As OptionSelection) As Enums.Subscription
Select Case value.OptionSelection
Case "S10"
Return Enums.Subscription.Standard
Case "ENT"
Return Enums.Subscription.Enterprise
End Select
End Function
What all this code does for you is allow you to enforce what kind of strings are being stored in the OptionSelection. You can extend the allowed strings by including them in the array _validStrings.
If your application where to try and assign a string that did not exist in the _validStrings array, then an exception would be generated. So you get a kind of Business logic type safety.
Define your property as Enums.Subscription instead of String. An alternative could be to use Enum.TryParse() to validate the input for SubscriptionOptionSelected and throw an exception if the parsing fails. Here's an example of the property as the enum, although if the sole purpose of SubscriptionOptionSelected is to parse a string to an enum value then it isn't really necessary anymore.
Private _optionSelection1 As Enums.Subscription
Public Property OptionSelection() As Enums.Subscription
Return _optionSelection1
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_optionSelection1 = value
End Set
End Property
Private Function SubscriptionOptionSelected(ByVal value As Enums.Subscription) As Enums.Subscription
End Function
Here's an example where you use Enum.TryParse instead...
Private Function SubscriptionOptionSelected(ByVal value As String) As Enums.Subscription
Dim retVal As Enums.Subscription
If Not System.Enum.TryParse(Of Enums.Subscription)(value, retVal) Then
' Deal with invalid value... throw Exception maybe?
End If
Return retVal
End Function
So in your code (based on your updates) you could change your property to an enum and do this:
Me.OptionSelection = Me.SubscriptionOptionSelected(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form("option_selection1"))
This assumes that the value of Form("option_selection1") will be either the string or numeric equivalent value of your Enum elements. If the form submission values don't match, then I'm afraid you are stuck doing things as they are.

VB.NET: Use Class Name as Expression

I'm not sure if this is possible but I would like to associate a class name reference to a shared member method / property / variable. Consider:
Public Class UserParameters
Public Shared Reference As Object
Public Shared Function GetReference() As Object
Return Reference
End Function
End Class
In another part of the program I would like to simply call UserParameters and have it return Reference either by aliasing GetReference or the variable directly.
I am trying to emulate the Application, Request, or Session variable:
Session(0) = Session.Item(0)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You can't return an instance member from a static method directly (the static method can't access instance members because it isn't instantiated with the rest of the class, only one copy of a static method exists).
If you need to setup a class in such a way that you can return an instance from a static method you would need to do something similar to the following:
Public Class SampleClass
Private Sub New()
'Do something here
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetSample() As SampleClass
Dim SampleClass As SampleClass
SampleClass = New SampleClass
SampleClass.Sample = "Test"
Return SampleClass
End Function
Private _SampleString As String
Public Property Sample As String
Return _SampleString
End Get
Private Set(ByVal value As String)
_SampleString = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class SampleClass2
Public Sub New()
'Here you can access the sample class in the manner you expect
Dim Sample As SampleClass = SampleClass.GetSample
'This would output "Test"
End Sub
End Class
This method is used in various places in the CLR. Such as the System.Net.WebRequest class. where it is instantiated in this manner in usage:
' Create a request for the URL.
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")

ASP.NET: Unfamiliar with Interfaces

I'm building a decent sized application in ASP.NET/VB.NET with various objects... I've never used interfaces before, and a fellow programmer balked when I mentioned this to him. Can anyone give me a quick overview on how they're used, what they're used for, and why I would use them? Maybe I don't need to use them for this project, but if they would help, I surely would love to try.
Thanks so much!
Once you "get" interfaces, OOP really falls into place. To put it simply, an interface defines a set of public method signatures, you create a class which implements those methods. This allows you generalize functions for any class which implements a particular interface (i.e. classes which have the same methods), even if those classes don't necessarily descend from one another.
Module Module1
Interface ILifeform
ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Sub Speak()
Sub Eat()
End Interface
Class Dog
Implements ILifeform
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements ILifeform.Name
Return "Doggy!"
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Speak() Implements ILifeform.Speak
End Sub
Public Sub Eat() Implements ILifeform.Eat
Console.WriteLine("Yum, doggy biscuits!")
End Sub
End Class
Class Ninja
Implements ILifeform
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements ILifeform.Name
Return "Ninja!!"
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Speak() Implements ILifeform.Speak
Console.WriteLine("Ninjas are silent, deadly killers")
End Sub
Public Sub Eat() Implements ILifeform.Eat
Console.WriteLine("Ninjas don't eat, they wail on guitars and kick ass")
End Sub
End Class
Class Monkey
Implements ILifeform
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements ILifeform.Name
Return "Monkey!!!"
End Get
End Property
Public Sub Speak() Implements ILifeform.Speak
Console.WriteLine("Ook ook")
End Sub
Public Sub Eat() Implements ILifeform.Eat
End Sub
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim lifeforms As ILifeform() = New ILifeform() {New Dog(), New Ninja(), New Monkey()}
For Each x As ILifeform In lifeforms
End Sub
Sub HandleLifeform(ByVal x As ILifeform)
Console.WriteLine("Handling lifeform '{0}'", x.Name)
End Sub
End Module
None of the classes above descend from one another, but my HandleLifeform method is generalized to operate on all of them -- or really any class which implements the ILifeform interface.
Since the basics have already been covered, lets move on to practical examples.
Say I'm going to have a Dictionary that stores String keys and Person objects and I'm going to pass this dictionary (actually, the reference to it) to some methods I have.
Now, my receiving method would look something like
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal myDict As Dictionary(Of String, Person))
' Do something with myDict here
End Sub
But what if someone invents some new high performance dictionary class? I have to turn around and change every reference to Dictionary to FastDictionary!
However, if I had coded to the interface in the first place, I wouldn't have this problem:
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal myDict As IDictionary(Of String, Person))
' Do something with myDict here
End Sub
Now it takes any dictionary!
Interfaces basically allow you to define a type's contract without specifying its implementation.
The idea is that if you know that a given type implements a certain interface it is guaranteeing that certain methods and properties are members of that type.
So any type that implements the following interface:
Interface ISpinnable
Sub Spin()
End Interface
Would have to implement the Spin method. But the caller of this type that implements ISpinnable does not care about how it is implemented, it just cares that the method is there. Here is a type that implements ISpinnable:
Class Top Implements ISpinnable
Sub Spin()
' do spinning stuff
End Sub
End Class
The benefit to this is that you can create method arguments of type ISpinner and allow the caller of these methods to pass any type to you as long as it implements the interface. Your method is no longer tightly coupled to the concrete type that the caller is using.
An interface is a contract without an implementation. It allows you to define what a type will look like without indicating what the implementation of that type is.
This allows you to have various implementations of an interface, which would suit your particular needs.
A good example is the IComparer(Of T) interface. You can have one implementation that will compare two items based on which is greater, and then another which will return a value based on which is lesser.
Then, you could pass one or the other to the static Sort method on the Array class to sort your items in ascending, or descending order, respectively.
One of the things interfaces can be useful is browsing through the array of objects of different types but which share the same interface.
Can't say for VB, but in C# you can use the handy "is" operator to determine if object's type implements the given interface and it's safe to access methods of that interface by casting. Sorry for C#, but i'll try to put some comments in =))
//we declare 3 different interfaces each requiring to implement one method
interface IProgrammer
void WriteCode();
interface ITester
void FindBugs();
interface IWorker
void StartShift();
// each programmer will be able to start his shift and write code
class Programmer : IWorker, IProgrammer
public void StartShift()
// ...
public void WriteCode()
// ...
// each tester will be able to start his shift and find bugs
class Tester : IWorker, ITester
public void StartShift()
// ...
public void FindBugs()
// ...
//then in code you can rely on objects implementing the interface to
// be able to do tasks interface requires to do
static void Main()
IWorker[] workers = new IWorker[3];
workers[0] = new Programmer();
workers[1] = new Tester();
workers[2] = new Tester();
// now we can browse through array of different workers because they all share
// the IWorker interface
foreach(IWorker worker in workers)
// All IWorkers can StartShift so we access its methods without casts
if(worker is IProgrammer)
// Since that worker also implements IProgrammer
// we cast worker as IProgrammer and access IProgrammer method(s)
(worker as IProgrammer).WriteCode();
if(worker is ITester)
// Same,
// we cast worker as ITester and access ITester method(s)
// handy! =)
(worker as ITester).FindBugs();
A classic example is the Data Layer where you use it to support multiple database format. This was actually very useful before ORMappers came into the picture in mainstream programming.
Your interface just tells what type of method and properties your object has, the object itself then has to implement these methods.
IMyDatabase myDb;
switch case myDbFormat {
case "mysql":
myDb = new MyDbMySql();
case "mssql" :
myDb = new MyDbMsSql();
myDb.SaveToDatabase(some data)
Ofcourse the myDb classes have to implement the ImyDatabase Interface. I assume you can see how useful this is :).
