Div element not aligning in the middle of another div element - css

This is my relevant page markup:
<div id="header">
<div id="logo">
<div id="user_box">
And my relevant CSS:
#header {
width: 960px;
height: 110px;
#logo {
background: url('/assets/img/logo.png') no-repeat center;
width: 300px;
height: 110px;
float: left;
#user_box {
width: 300px;
height: 60px;
float: right;
vertical-align: middle;
Now, I want to position the user_box div in the vertical middle of the header div. After a lot of Google'ing and experimenting, I have learned that this isn't easy. Apparently, I can't vertical align a block element such as a div. So I'm looking for a different way to do this.
I saw the hacky display: table; method and tried using it, but it didn't change a thing. Also tried changing the element to an inline element like a span, but that didn't work either. I even tried using margin: auto 0; for some god awful reason, and that also didn't work at all.
So I'm asking for help. How do I vertically align this div inside my header div?

Set the line-height of user_box equal to the height of header
Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/AlienWebguy/pyppD/

vertical align doesn't work with divs its for aligning elements in tables. In your case you could just use this
#user_box { margin-top:25px; } /*110-60 = 50/2 = 25*/

So I fiddled around with your code a little bit, and here's what I got: http://jsfiddle.net/3k8XE/
As you can see I'm using a table as the header, and applying the same id to each element, except the two inner divs have changed to td's. I've added an inner td to compensate the space between the two divs since they were originally set to float:left/right.
(Of course the borders are just to show what's actually going on here.)


How do I make proper vertical margin between 2 inline blocks?

I have two divs with display:inline block next to each other, however the 2nd one's width can change to be so long that it will fall under the first div. That is fine, but the problem is that there is no vertical space between the 2 divs when this happens. I can solve this by adding margin-bottom to the first div, but then this causes the 2nd div to be a bit lower even when it is sitting to the right of the first div.
What browser are you using? As you can see below, two inline-block divs retain a margin when one slips below the other. (In fact, getting rid of the margin between inline-block elements is a bit tricky, but that's another question.)
#container {
width: 200px;
#top {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: red;
#right {
display: inline-block;
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
background: blue;
<div id="container">
<div id="top"></div><div id="right"></div>
What you want is "vertical-align:top;".

CSS - aligning wrapped floating divs to the center

I am trying to create something like a gallery that shows different number of images per row based on the width of the browser. This has already been achieved using overflow: hidden in the outer div and float: left in the inner div.
However, what happens with this is that my images are always aligned to the left, leaving alot of whitespace on the right. How do I make it such that the gallery is always centered in the screen no matter how many images there are per row.
My code is on http://codepen.io/anon/pen/KzqAs
Thank you very much. :)
How about this: http://codepen.io/anon/full/mtBbF
<div class="container">
<div class="red box">red</div>
<div class="blue box">blue</div>
<div class="black box">black</div>
text-align:center; /*You would need to define this in a parent of .container*/
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: left;
.box {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
float: left;
You need to use an id(or class) on the main div. Set width: 300+px and margin: auto
Also your boxes should be with display: inline-block to allow them to begave "inline"
I have changed colors of the boxes a bit for better visibility.

Stacking Divs side by side in CSS

I didn't want to resort to asking here but after hours of frustration I feel I have to!
I have two (could be more) divs that I want side by side. Their parent div has a fixed width and overflow:hidden so we can see at most one div at a time. The problem being is that they will not stack side by side! I've tried float:left and display:inline to no avail.
there is a JSFiddle example I made here
Any help would be much appreciated!
Each of them divs needs display:inline-block and the parent needs: white-space:nowrap so they stay all on one line.
You needed to have div
Which then gives your floats enough space to float side by side, currently they don't have enough room and so default float behaviour forces them to the next line.
Try display:inline-block
Have you had a look e.g. here:
How to float 3 divs side by side using CSS
A boilerplate solution for this Ioff the top of my head) could be as follows:
<div class = 'container'>
<div class = 'floater'>Some text</div>
<div class = 'floater'>Some other text</div>
<div class = 'clearout'></div>
div.container {
width: 400px;
border: 1px solid blue;
div.floater {
float: left;
width: 48%;
border: 1px solid red;
margin: 2px;
div.clearout {
clear: both;
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
width: 100%;
Any margins applied to floaters could mess up the layout. Floaters could also have absolute dimensions rather than percentages, if you can predict their size.

css Suggestion for 3 columns

I'm looking to create a header like:
<div id="header>
<span class="left></span>
<span class="center"></span>
<span class="right></span>
So have a header that's all inline. the left to all the way to the left, the right is all the way to the right, and the center is in the center of the header.
The challenge is #header is fluid. Any CSS suggestions. right now the best way I can think to get this done is with a table with 3 rows.
Try this:
If you adjust the spacer bar in the middle of the page, you will see that all of your "columns" stay appropriately aligned.
The key is that all of the columns' widths add up to 100% and you float them all to the left (or right, it doesn't really matter). When your widths are percentage-based, they will adjust appropriately as the parent changes size.
If you only care about the text being right/center/left (and not images, etc), you could also make all of the columns 100% width and absolutely positioned, and then just use text-alignment:
Is there a reason that floating the left and right spans won't work for you?
Can you re-order the HTML to be left/right/center (or right/left/center)? If so, float the columns and use margins or borders on the center to hold it off the side bars.
This would be a good start:
<div id="header" style="position:relative;width:100%;">
<div class="left" style="position:relative;width:200px;float:left;"></div>
<div class="center" style="position:relative;float:left;text-align:center;"></div>
<div class="right" style="position:relative;width:100px;float:right;"></div>
This will center everything in the middle div and keep the other 2 divs to the side. Make sure the element containing the header div is set to position:relative;width:100%; as well.
You can also use display: inline-block on the inner elements, on the outer container do a text align center, and then on .left float: left; .right float: right. This would allow you to set a width on the spans, but keep them evenly spaced from the center. See:
#header {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.left, .center, .right {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
border: 1px solid green;
.center {
text-align: center;
.left {
float: left;
.right {
float: right;
You don't mention it in your question but have it in your tag - if you're able to use CSS3 then the possibilities open up more. You can use the flex box layout: http://www.the-haystack.com/2010/01/23/css3-flexbox-part-1/ or css3 columns: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS3_Columns

How do you set a floating div's width to take up remaining space without pushing other divs down?

For part of a layout I want to make, I want to use three divs, all floating next to each other. The Left and Right have a max-width set, which works fine, but I want the middle div to expand its width to fill the remaining space. To clarify, the left and right divs may have a width of anywhere from 0px to the max-width, depending on what is in each, and I want the middle div to expand its width so that it takes up the rest of the space not used by the divs on either side.
The problem it's having now is that if there is a lot of content in the middle div, it's expanding and pushing the right div off to the next line instead of keeping it up with the other two.
Here's the css I have so far:
#left-column {
width: auto;
max-width: 200px;
height: auto;
float: left;
#middle-column {
float: left;
width: auto;
#right-column {
width: auto;
max-width: 200px;
height: auto;
float: right;
...and the HTML:
<div id="left-column">...</div>
<div id="middle-column">...</div>
<div id="right-column">...</div>
I think that this can be accomplished using a three-column, single-row table, but I absolutely do NOT want to use tables - I want to accomplish as much as possible by using pure css.
Classic Floats
If you order it:
<div id="left-column"></div>
<div id="right-column"></div>
<div id="middle-column"></div>
and you float the left column left, and the right column right, the middle column should fill in the remaining space. You will have some issues with margins, borders and paddings though.
If you don't need to support older browsers, you can use flexbox. With flexbox, this sort of structure becomes much simpler, and the markup doesn't need to change.
You will need to be able to select the parent element, so for the purposes of this demo, the code will be wrapped by <div class="wrapper">.
.wrapper {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
height: 200px;
.left {
background-color: red;
width: 100px;
.middle {
background-color: green;
flex: 1;
.right {
background-color: blue;
width: 100px;
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="left"></div>
<div class="middle"></div>
<div class="right"></div>
The height and widths are added explicitly so that the <div>s are visible. With actual content, the columns would automatically adjust.
I don't want to dredge up an old thread here but I was looking for a solution to my own problem and came across this and I thought I'd better share with Francisco...
Tables are a terrible idea for positioning layout, the main problem is that before a table will show/render in the browser it has to render it's </table> tag.
Could you imagine if Facebook's column content used a table for it's layout, it would take ages for it to render anything to the screen when checking your timeline for instance!
Another issue is that tables behave extremely differently in each browser.
Basically: <table> for layout = NO!, <table> for listing out rows of data or information = YES!
