Stacking Divs side by side in CSS - css

I didn't want to resort to asking here but after hours of frustration I feel I have to!
I have two (could be more) divs that I want side by side. Their parent div has a fixed width and overflow:hidden so we can see at most one div at a time. The problem being is that they will not stack side by side! I've tried float:left and display:inline to no avail.
there is a JSFiddle example I made here
Any help would be much appreciated!

Each of them divs needs display:inline-block and the parent needs: white-space:nowrap so they stay all on one line.

You needed to have div
Which then gives your floats enough space to float side by side, currently they don't have enough room and so default float behaviour forces them to the next line.

Try display:inline-block


Have you had a look e.g. here:
How to float 3 divs side by side using CSS

A boilerplate solution for this Ioff the top of my head) could be as follows:
<div class = 'container'>
<div class = 'floater'>Some text</div>
<div class = 'floater'>Some other text</div>
<div class = 'clearout'></div>
div.container {
width: 400px;
border: 1px solid blue;
div.floater {
float: left;
width: 48%;
border: 1px solid red;
margin: 2px;
div.clearout {
clear: both;
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
width: 100%;
Any margins applied to floaters could mess up the layout. Floaters could also have absolute dimensions rather than percentages, if you can predict their size.


Align two divs side by side

I have three divs.. Container, Content_1 and content_2.
What I want to do is position the two content divs inside the container, side by side. now I have half accomplished that.. But the thing is I want my container to automatically resize to the div that is highest. so the container height must be auto. With the code I have written on JSFiddle, the content_2 on the right sets the container height, but the content_1 on the left does not.. Please help I am completely stuck.
<div class="container">
<div id="content_1">
<div id="content_2">
Is this what you wanted?
jsFiddle Demo
.container {
background-color: #000;
width: 980px;
min-width: 980px;
height: auto;
position: relative;
margin: 50px auto 100px auto;
border:1px solid #000;
overflow:auto; /* <========= */
your divs closing tag is open: </div to </div>
The problem is that you forgot the clearfix. There are a couple of ways to do a clearfix on google, but the one that will fix this problem is adding overflow:hidden to your container div.
Check out my example on
overflow: hidden;

Div element not aligning in the middle of another div element

This is my relevant page markup:
<div id="header">
<div id="logo">
<div id="user_box">
And my relevant CSS:
#header {
width: 960px;
height: 110px;
#logo {
background: url('/assets/img/logo.png') no-repeat center;
width: 300px;
height: 110px;
float: left;
#user_box {
width: 300px;
height: 60px;
float: right;
vertical-align: middle;
Now, I want to position the user_box div in the vertical middle of the header div. After a lot of Google'ing and experimenting, I have learned that this isn't easy. Apparently, I can't vertical align a block element such as a div. So I'm looking for a different way to do this.
I saw the hacky display: table; method and tried using it, but it didn't change a thing. Also tried changing the element to an inline element like a span, but that didn't work either. I even tried using margin: auto 0; for some god awful reason, and that also didn't work at all.
So I'm asking for help. How do I vertically align this div inside my header div?
Set the line-height of user_box equal to the height of header
Working demo:
vertical align doesn't work with divs its for aligning elements in tables. In your case you could just use this
#user_box { margin-top:25px; } /*110-60 = 50/2 = 25*/
So I fiddled around with your code a little bit, and here's what I got:
As you can see I'm using a table as the header, and applying the same id to each element, except the two inner divs have changed to td's. I've added an inner td to compensate the space between the two divs since they were originally set to float:left/right.
(Of course the borders are just to show what's actually going on here.)

Why `float:left` doesn't work with a fixed width?

I have two divs on a webpage and I would like both of them to have a fixed width and would like the first div to be floated to the left of the second div.
This sounds so simple that I though the following Markup and CSS would give me the desired result:
<div class="left">Content</div>
<div class="right">Content</div>
div.left {
float: left;
width: 200px;
div.right {
width: 200px;
This doesn't work as expected, instead the right div appears on the next line as though it wasn't floated. This is best explained in this example webpage:
Example of the Problem
My question is WHY this doesn't work as expected? Not how to fix it.
Please make sure you fully understand how floats work before answering this question.
Please make sure you view and understand the examples.
Both elements must be block, not inline.
I understand all fixes/hacks to make this work. I want to know why it doesn't work.
This appears to only work correctly in Opera.
Backing up your answer with documentation is required.
It seems to me that it is the simple rule that blocks, unless floated, always start a new line. section 9.4.1 –
div.left {
float: left;
width: 200px;
div.right {
width: 200px;
Alternatively, if you want them side by side then you can float:left on both
Floating elements can flow "into" block elements, occupying the same line but pushing the contents (not the element itself) over. In this case, left is "inside" right, but there isn't any space left for the text on the right, so it goes underneath. To see what I mean, try setting the width of right to 300px instead of 200px - you should see the blue border "around" left, with the text flowing around it. To "fix" this, I'd suggest giving right a float of left or a display of block-inline.
Float both divs left.
Apply a positive left margin of width(div.right), in your case 200px.
Apply a negative left margin of width(div.left) + width(div.right), in your case, 200px + 200px = 400px.
div.left { float: left; width: 200px; margin-left: 200px; }
div.right { float: left; width: 200px; margin-left: -400px; }
The second element should be inline element.
div.right {
width: 200px;
display: inline;
If you do not want to make second element inline, just float it to the left too. But your container will collapse. You can fix it using clear:
<div id="container">
<div class="left">Content</div>
<div class="right">Content</div>
<br style="clear:both"/>
div.left {
float: left;
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid red;
div.right {
width: 200px;
border: 1px solid green;
border: 1px solid black;
See example
You could add clear:both; your <p> tags. That would solve the problem. Without breaking the rest of the (example) page.
in case you want both containers to float besides each other, you can rather use a span instead of a div. That might bring the problem to an end.

Padding on div border

I want to put padding on a css border. Pull it inside a div, away from the edge. Is this possible using css (css3 is fine, webkit).
Here is the design.
I did this by placing a div inside a div, then give a border to the inner div. I want to make the markup slim as posible so I want to use only one div if posible.
Thank you.
You should be able to do this with the CSS outline property:
.outer {
outline: 2px solid #CCC;
border: 1px solid #999;
background-color: #999;
<div class="outer">
Instead of borders, you may use outline property:
Padding around the border (which would separate it from the edge) is called the 'margin': for further details, see Box model.
Unfortunately, without adding another div, I don't think you can do this with just CSS.
The more complicated your design gets, the more likely you will need extraneous html tags.
Your other (also not great) option is an image background, or if it somehow makes you feel better, you can add elements client side with JQuery, thereby maintaining the "purity" of your server side files.
Best of luck.
You could do that by creating a inner div with the borders you want and a outer div with a display: table. Something like this:
.outer {
background: #ccc;
display: table;
width: 400px;
.inner {
border: 2px dashed #999;
height: 50px;
margin: 5px;
<div class="outer">
<div class="inner">
you can define a margin for the first child element based on the parent element selector. e.g.
.outer:first-child {
margin : 10px;
This way any element put inside the .outer will automatically have 10px margin.
If you want this to be applied to any direct child of the outer element use "> *" instead. e.g.
.outer > * {
margin : 10px;
No, that's not possible. Padding, margin and border are all parts of elements, you can't give a border padding or a margin a border.
Maybe if you post an example of what you're trying to do we can come up with alternate solutions?
Looking at your example I'm afraid it's still not possible, at least not with just one div. Im not a fan of divitis either, but the extra div probably is the best option in this case.

HTML/CSS Div placing

Yo. There's a tendency in placing divs to follow each other vertically, but what i'm trying to accomplish right now is to is basically to place a number of divs (two) inside a parent div like so:
<div id='parent'><div id='onediv'></div> <div id='anotherone'></div> </div>
And i'd like to place 'anotherone' just to the right of 'onediv'. Sadly, float:right is pretty much ruining the layout with the divs popping out of their parent divs and whatnot. Any suggestions are welcome.
Edit: It might be worth noting that the parent div and 'anotherone' has no height elements at all, with 'onediv' planned to be thought as the "height support" div, allowing the contents of 'anotherone' to make the parent div larger at will.
Edit again: Here's the CSS for the specified stuff:
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
border:solid black 1px;
width: 20%;
margin: 5px;
border: solid black 1px;
height: 180px;
width: 60%;
border:solid black 1px;
margin: 5px;
You can float both inner divs and give the outer div an overflow so that it grows with the inner divs.
#parent {
overflow: hidden;
#parent div {
width: 50%;
float: left;
Try this:
<div id="parent">
<div id="onediv" style="float:left;"></div>
<div id="anotherone" style="float:left;"></div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
I think this is what you want (note the re-ordering of DOM elements):
<div id="parent">
<div id="anotherone"></div>
<div id="onediv"></div>
Note, if this is what you want, IE6 will still mess it up. ;-)
You certainly need to specify a width as indicated in #Kevin's answer to get the layout you described, simply specifying float left/right will not have the desired effect. Try specifying the width in pixels rather than a percentage. Failing that or if that's not appropriate for you, I think you possibly need to specify the width of the outer div (through css if you like).
#onediv { float: left; width: 50%; } #anotherone { float: right; width: 50%; }
Just use the <span> tag. Its the equivalent of except it doesn't start a new row.
