Qt notification example error - qt

I am working on Qt application on Ubuntu 10.04 with 'Qt Creator' and trying to run the example application given in the toolkit,
It is giving me an error, when i run the application.
notificationexample.cpp:34: error: ovinotificationinterface.h: No such file or directory
Please help

ovinotificationinterface.h is part of the mobile/embedded code rather than the desktop pcakage, how did you get Qt Creator installed? Or if you want to use the mobile stuff double check it's been installed.


Qt error with reMarkable tablet app

I have a reMarkable tablet , which I mostly love except for the lack of linux support (surprising given it is a linux-based OS). However, I've managed to find a version of a linux application that is now unofficial. This github is actually a Qt docker app, but if you look in the code for the 'Dockerfile' you can find where to download the app, which is apparently still on the server even though there's not a link from the main web page. Anyway, I downloaded it and got it mostly working, figuring out a few dependencies based on same Dockerfile code. But, I can't seem to get file dialogs to work, which is the main reason for using the app.
The error I get is:
ERROR: No native FileDialog implementation available.
Qt Labs Platform requires Qt Widgets on this setup.
Add 'QT += widgets' to .pro and create QApplication in main().
I'm not a Qt developer, so I'm lost. I'd love to get this to work. Thanks.
In the .pro file of you project you should add this line QT += widgets
or just add widgets to the line with QT += ...
Qt can use native file dialogs on some platforms, and will fall back to its own implementation if none is available. But that requires that the application is built including the QtWidgets module, and using a QApplication.
If you don't have the source code of the app and a possiblity to rebuild it, there's no chance to fix this from a binary

Run qt qml app on another pc

I wrote some app in Qt 5.7.1 with Qml Quick 2.6.
It does not run on another pc where Qt does not install.
In logs I see this error:
"[WRN] QQmlComponent: Component is not ready".
In Windows's Task Manager I see app is running, but there is no window of app.
All qml files I put in resourse file.
new QQmlComponent(&(this->engine),
Dirs with app looks:
When I start app on another PC, there are no any message with errors about depence of some dlls. Please help...
Getting the correct (and minimal) set of DLL binaries copied over to the target machine isn't the easiest thing. But there's standard documentation for it and a helper tool called windeployqt that you should check out.

QML Box2D Install

Following advice on a question I asked previously, I am trying to use Box2D with my QML app.
I have downloaded Box2D for QML here: https://github.com/qml-box2d/qml-box2d
I have followed the instructions :
Extracted the files to my Import folder (Qt/5.4/android_armv7/imports/)
Opened Box2D.pro in Qt and built it.
The libBox2D.so file was created as per the instructions I was following.
I have tried using Box2D in my QML project. First with my android app, then with a desktop app.
On each occasion I am getting an error:
module "Box2D" is not installed
I'm stuck with this, can someone help me?
You need to run make install (nmake install on Windows) so that the Box2D files are installed to e.g. Qt/5.4/android_armv7/qml, in your case. To use nmake, you need to have your development environment set up correctly. This is explained here, although that's specifically aimed at building Qt itself. If you're using MSVC, it is enough to open MSVC's developer command prompt and run nmake from there.

Can't start QT .exe file on Windows 7

I'm getting started with Qt and have encountered the following issue: when i compile and run my application from within QtCreator it runs all right, but when i go to the debug folder and double click .exe file to launch the app a message box pops up and it says
This application has failed to start because QtDeclaratived4.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem
Please notice - it is QtDeclaratived4.dll with letter d before 4, not QtDeclarative4.dll.
After searching in Google i found an advice to find the needed dll and put it inside project folder. But unfortunately such .dll is missing on my computer. I found QtDeclarative4.dll and tried putting it inside project folder but it didn't help. Can you propose me any other solution?
The d in the name indicates the debug version of Qt, which means that you compiled your application using the debug build.
You probably have this DLL on your computer and Qt Creator knows where it is, that's why it is able to run your application. However, you don't have the path to this library configured in your PATH environment variable, that's you are not able to executable your application manually (i.e. outside Qt Creator).
To fix this issue, you have 2 choices:
Compile your application selecting the release build;
Or add the full path to QtDeclaratived4.dll to the PATH environment variable.
QtDeclarative4.dll can be found in C:\[QT_INSTALL_DIR]\bin
You should definitely have this if you used the standard Windows installer that Qt distrubutes.

Qt creator won't run app after compiling

I checked out a Qt project hosted on google code with SVN to a local folder. When I opened it on Qt Creator, it managed to compile the project, but when it tried to run the compiled program, an error message came up on the application output:
The process could not be started!
What is wrong?
I solved this problem by going to projects>run settings and manually specifying the executable. Found this solution by googling, don't know if it's the proper way to fix this.
I assume you tried to run it manually and not from the IDE by pressing Ctrl+R, and I assume that it works when you're running it from the IDE. If that's the case, the problem is that the compiled application requires the Qt libraries and the runtime loader can't find them. When deploying the app, you need to copy the Qt libraries it links against to the application folder (on Windows), or you need to copy them to the app directory and launch it via a wrapper script which adds that directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux.)
