Wordpress.com blog flexibility - wordpress

I'm pretty new to web design (but a very experienced programmer) and I'm creating a pretty simple wordpress blog for a friend. Take a look if you want: http://beachief.com/. Right now he has a domain mapped to a wordpress.com account, so I have no access to plugins or custom themes. This is what he wants me to add:
A like/dislike function for all posts
One section with 2 blog columns side by side (not supported by the theme - or any others that I could find)
The ability to let users log in and post their own content
My question is: is this stuff possible to do with a wordpress.com account? Or will he need to switch to an independently hosted wordpress.org site? Let me know what you think, thanks

Personally, I really like Wordpress. It's an incredibly flexible, stable, and strong CMS.
If you're really wanting the like/dislike functions, I found this:
But there are also some other great post rating alternatives here:
and for people logging in and posting their own content, you can manage users through the Wordpress backend (usually yoursite.com/wp-login or yoursite.com/wp-admin), and allow or deny specific permissions from them.

He will need to switch to Wordpress.org and be independantly hosted.
Wordpress.com does not let you use plugins or custom themes, unless you pay for a VIP plan.


How much can wordpress be customized? I want to create an Intranet portal but the plugins don't seem to be enough

I tried to use Wordpress plugins including Buddypress to create an intranet portal but it does not include the features that i am looking for. Are there any good free plugins for such purpose?
Start by defining all of the features you want your portal to have. Then search for plugins that offer some or all of them. You may need to use multiple plugins to achieve your goals. Since WordPress is written in PHP, you can create your own plugins and either modify existing templates or create your own templates from scratch. In short, the answer to your question: "How much can WordPress bu customized?", the answer is that it is fully customizable.

Using wordpress as external content management system

We are planning to create an asp.net website (probably mvc), that needs a cms for news items.
Our content managers and others who require to publish news have asked if they can use wordpress for content management.
Our users have different roles, and news items should be visible to certain roles, or even specific users if possible.
The reason they want wordpress is the manager's user friendliness, so if some other alternative with the same kind of user experience would be ok.
Could anyone please point me in some direction?
NOTE: I'm still doing research at the moment, so I've got nothing holding me back at this point.
There is an API plugin that has been developed to spit out information in JSON, but I have not actually implemented a site with it:
Perhaps you could have the authors work on a wordpress install and create your app to draw content via that plugin?
I too was facing the same issue, little different. We want to have WP as CMS so that our site can take the benefit of SEO which is very easy with WP. SO we installed WP under a folder in the Main ASP.net based website. Initially there were issues, I was unable to run it. Finally managed to run it. Solution is posted here - http://www.wwwlabz.com/how-to-run-a-php-based-website-from-a-subfolder-in-asp-net-website. Hope it will help someone. Actual site where we implemented this is http://www.periproperties.com/content/.
Now I want to have specific section of WP to be accessible on my site. SO I am exploring different options and will post, if found something
DotNetNuke is the most popular ASP.NET based CMS (source). I am implementing my first project in it and so far I am very happy with it.
Note the free edition will not work for you since you need customizable security roles and free has a limited set of predetermined roles. You'll need the pro edition.
I don't know how similar it is to WordPress. Overall, WordPress is much more popular but of course there are platform issues with WordPress since it is Apache based and you want to create an ASP.NET website.

what the best solution for user driven content on my website

i have created a website for a non profit organization. People on the site want to post stuff . i want to figure out the best way to allow them to do this.
Can i host a wordpress site and somehow embed it into my website
Do i need to install some whole CMS solution?
Other solutions for supporting user driven posts.
to clarify, the functionality of wordpress is all i need (people posting content and pictures).
It's easy to integrate Wordpress into a static html site.
Integrating WordPress with Your Website « WordPress Codex. (You do need mysql, but almost every hosting company out there offers it.)
If you want to convert an existing html site to Wordpress, look at Theme Development « WordPress Codex. Developing Wordpress themes is no more complex than other CMS's, and here are lots of tutorials out there. You divide up your html into header.php, index.php, page.php, footer.php, etc., and css into style.css. If you do a standard Wordpress theme, then plugins will work fine.
Go ahead and do a full install of Wordpress; there's no option for a minimum install. WP is small, anyway.
If you need a finer degree of working with editors, subscribers and contributors than Wordpress offers out of the box, look at different plugins that offer role managing capability, giving administrators the power to give different levels of permissions to users to write, edit and publish. WordPress › Search for roles « WordPress Plugins
You can pull other content into Wordpress via RSS, too, and either have that content appear as an RSS feed, or have it integrated into published posts. FeedWordPress | simple and flexible Atom/RSS syndication for WordPress
You can get a free account at wordpress.com and try out a limited version of Wordpress, limited in that it is hosted by wordpress.com and you have a small number of plugins and css modifications you can make. But once you selfhost Wordpress, then you can do much more with it in terms of plugins and adapting the css to an existing site.
You could use a Wiki.
There are a few popular free Wiki packages out there these days. By far the most popular would be the framework behind Wikipedia - MediaWiki. Wikis' are a proven way to let users create the content, with systems in place to prevent vandalism/spam. MediaWiki also has a whole bunch of great plug-ins for anything you would need.
Another Wiki option is to use the Wordpress-Wiki plug-in for Wordpress. It lets you use Wordpress, but with some features of a Wiki. Not as feature rich as MediaWiki, but a good option if you really like Wordpress.
You do not need to install a whole cms solution, though wordpress can host an entire site, not just blogs.
You could hack it by using a hosted weordpress and displaying it in an iframe (this one might get some flames - but it works and it's easy)
You could also install wordpress on your server. By the sounds of it this is not your expertise, and while setting up wordpress is getting easier every release, for smaller sites I would much rather recommend pivotx
wordpress has a lot of overhead and requires a mysql database. The templated, while there are more available than in pivotx are harder to create. So I'm suggesting the other solution because it does the bulk of what wordpress does, and though it has far far far fewer plugins, it is a lot easier to theme, as it uses smarty.
This problem/scenario is pretty common. And the most common solution is to install a CMS. Our compagny installs Drupal to let end user manage their website easily. They can edit menus, and change content as easily as you write a document in word processor software.
But there is a lot of CMS out there...
Have you tried blogEngine.net?
I have two sites http://www.dotnetscraps.com and http://www.abhyast.com/ that are hosted using blogEngine.net. It is free and has multi user support, and the best part for me is that it supports both XML and SQL hosting. Anything that you post automatically ends up in the App_Data folder which is what you need to backup.
There are a plenty of themes to choose from, and if you wish you can customize your own theme without much effort.

Which CMS plugins for Wordpress should I use?

I'm looking into setting up a very simple site (static pages and an image gallery) with Wordpress for a non-web-savvy client, so I'd like to simplify the Editor role's admin interface as much as possible.
Looking through Wordpress's plugin directory, I found several plugins that "CMS-ify" the admin side of things, hiding menu options and the like. Are there any "admin-cleaning" plugins you'd recommend? Are there any other plugins I should look into?
I keep preaching this plugin all over Stackoverflow, but seriously go with PodsCMS. It rocks the house with it's features, scalability, and developer support. There is good documentation and accessible Q&A from the developers via the Pods Forum, IRC Chat, and even Twitter.
To simplify the Editor role (or any role) check out Adminimize.
As far as plugins to limit user controls, I always use Capability Manager (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/capsman/). It allows you to grant or revoke any/all capabilities for any/all roles. You can also create your own role types with their own capabilities. As far as CMS-ifying your WP, you can set static pages as the front page and create galleries by default. There are also plenty of plugins to insert lightbox or thickbox, or what have you to add very nice looking UI for your galleries:
That's just a few.
I would go with Adminimize or Capability Manager as recommended by others.
PodsCMS is impressive, bit is going to be rendered more or less obsolete with WordPress 3.0, which is coming out very soon. So I would not be starting with that system right now.

Use phpBB credentials for a blog

Is there any way to setup a Wordpress blog (or any other blog system) and let users use the same credentials used in a phpBB forum...a sort of database sharing.
there's no out-of-the-box method of sharing PHPBB users with WordPress - it would involve modifying WordPress quite a bit to implement it...
there is a blogging site conversion for phpbb, which converts phpbb into a blog.. and I guess you could probably hack it a bit so that you could run forums and a blog from the same database?
