Use phpBB credentials for a blog - wordpress

Is there any way to setup a Wordpress blog (or any other blog system) and let users use the same credentials used in a phpBB forum...a sort of database sharing.

there's no out-of-the-box method of sharing PHPBB users with WordPress - it would involve modifying WordPress quite a bit to implement it...
there is a blogging site conversion for phpbb, which converts phpbb into a blog.. and I guess you could probably hack it a bit so that you could run forums and a blog from the same database?


How do i achieve Wordpress to moodle SSO

I would like to achieve wordpress to moodle sso. If a user logs into wordpress i want the user to also be automatically logged into moodle.
I have already intergrated the courses from moodle into wordpress.
Any ideas on how to achieve this, i would rather not use plugins. Any leads will be appreciated.
I think you're going to be better off using a plugin. As you will need to use wordpress Oauth to authenticate a moodle user againist your wordpress database.
So in short If a user logs into moodle their password will be stored and authenticated in wordpress.
This tutorial on moodle explains how best to handle it in the most efficient way.

No Wordpress Admin Login or FTP access?

I have a client wanting me to create a whole new WP site for them but with most of the same content as their current WP site. The issue is they don't know their current WP admin login or their ftp login (via DreamHost), and their previous web guy is MIA. Is their any other way to gain access to their site to export their WP data? I figured no, but I thought I'd at least ask.
Contact the hosting company. They can give you access. They're usually pretty cooperative about that kind of thing. As long as you can prove you own the site. blog flexibility

I'm pretty new to web design (but a very experienced programmer) and I'm creating a pretty simple wordpress blog for a friend. Take a look if you want: Right now he has a domain mapped to a account, so I have no access to plugins or custom themes. This is what he wants me to add:
A like/dislike function for all posts
One section with 2 blog columns side by side (not supported by the theme - or any others that I could find)
The ability to let users log in and post their own content
My question is: is this stuff possible to do with a account? Or will he need to switch to an independently hosted site? Let me know what you think, thanks
Personally, I really like Wordpress. It's an incredibly flexible, stable, and strong CMS.
If you're really wanting the like/dislike functions, I found this:
But there are also some other great post rating alternatives here:
and for people logging in and posting their own content, you can manage users through the Wordpress backend (usually or, and allow or deny specific permissions from them.
He will need to switch to and be independantly hosted. does not let you use plugins or custom themes, unless you pay for a VIP plan.

What is the use of Wordpress APIs?

I saw in wordpress some APIs being published for developers. What could a developer gain by using those APIs?
I think you've taken API to mean something similar to what Flickr and Vimeo do, which they are not. They are simply ways for you to access and ammend core functionality of the Wordpress platform, so as to bend it to do what ever it is you need it to do.
There are ways to pull data from your blog to a mobile devise, but that is a very different question.
Wordpress API are for those that want to develop a theme, or writing custom plugins for Wordpress.
Either way, you can use to integrate Wordpress in your exisiting php site, using the powerful backend as an administration tool and the using the API to retrieve the content and present it in your (already) website.

localization in joomla and wordpress

I want to write site like this but on CMS Joomla or Wordpress. So I need to implement login users, upload files on server, menu, registration, localization of all information on site (articles, titles while registering - all info). What CMS better to choose for these purposes? Thanx!
Wordpress have better performance and for me is easier in development. Look for the tutorials and figure out witch solution is better for You.
I recommend wordpress
