Can Opencover be used with TypeMock Isolator? - typemock-isolator

I'm looking for a .NET coverage tool, and had been trying out PartCover, with mixed success.
I see that OpenCover is intended to replace PartCover, but I've so far been unable to link it with TypeMock Isolator so my mocked-out tests pass while gathering coverage info.
I tried replicating my setup for Partcover, but there's no defined profilename that works with the "link" argument for Isolator. Thinking that OpenCover was based on Partcover, I tried to tell Isolator to link with Partcover, and it didn't complain (I still had Partcover installed), but the linking didn't work - Isolator thought it wasn't present.
Am I missing a step? Is there a workaround? Or must I wait for an Isolator version that is friends with OpenCover?

Note: I work at Typemock
I poked around with the configuration a little bit and managed to get OpenCover to run nicely with Isolator. Here's what you can do to make them work together, until we add official support:
Register OpenCover profiler by running runsvr32 OpenCover.Profiler.dll (you will need an Administrator's access for this).
Locate the file typemockconfig.xml, it should be under your installation directory, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Typemock\Isolator\6.0.
Edit the file, and add the following entry towards the end of the file, above </ProfilerList>:
<Profiler Name="OpenCover" Clsid="{1542C21D-80C3-45E6-A56C-A9C1E4BEB7B8}" DirectLaunch="false">
<EnvironmentList />
Save the file, you will now have a new entry in the Typemock Configuration utility, called OpenCover. Press the Link button to link them. You will now be able to run your tests using OpenCover.Console.exe and Isolator. For example, here's how to run your tests with MSTest:
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"
There is still a minor issue running this with TMockRunner -link (that is, with late linking). I will need to look at it further at work.
Hope that helps.


how to exclude(disable) PackageReference's (transitive)dependency in MSBuild?

I'm using a package Xamanimation which has a dependency of Xamarin.Forms 4.1.0( written in its nuspec file):
<group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0">
<dependency id="Xamarin.Forms" version="" exclude="Build,Analyzers" />
but I have built the Xamarin.Froms for my own and added the output dll files into my project's reference:
<Reference Include="Xamarin.Forms.Xaml">
according to the nuget's doc, I add the ExcludeAssets attribute(and other tests) to the section of PackageReference of Xamanimation:
<PackageReference Include="Xamanimation">
<!-- <ExcludeAssets>compile</ExcludeAssets> -->
<!-- <PrivateAssets>all</PrivateAssets> -->
<!-- <ExcludeAssets>buildtransitive</ExcludeAssets> -->
but none of them work!
MSBuild will always use the trasitive dependency Xamarin.Forms.4.1.0 and ignore my own build ones( in which I have add new classes and use them in the main project so the linking failure is indicating the choosen is the old one).
so what's the correct method to exclude the transitive dependency?
I spend a whole day learning into this question and finally got a reasonable answer.
so I'd like to post my first LONG answer in stackoverflow by my poor english.
the MSBuild's nuget plugin's ResolveNuGetPackageAssets target do the evil thing, make a custom target to revert it, go to bottom for the task code.
Studying story
first, I made a similar but simpler copy of this problem for studying.
after all, building a xamarin project is too slow,
the demo source is in github,
it has four project:
ConflictLib: the library used both by another lib and main application
DirectLib: the library used by main application, and is using ConflictLib
MyAppDev: the main application, with above two library as ProjectReference
MyAppConsumer: the other application, using DirectLib by PackageReference, and ConflictLib as ProjectReference. to test this situation, I pushed the ConflictLib and DirectLib to, then made modify to local version of ConflictLib, so I can verify which one is using.
these projects and their relationship are very similar to my origin problem, the key point is : when application use a library with two different version simutanously, will(should) the local one(ProjectReference or HintPath) win?
for my origin case, xamarin project, it's No, so I come to study it.
for the test case, a dotnet core console project, it's Yes, so there must be something mysterious in the building process: MSBuild, which is a huge system, but now I'm going to dig into it.
then, I need a inspecting tool to find out what MSBuild does when building a project.
the simple tool is just invoke it in command line, it will display all the targets executed. a msbuild target is something like a target in makefile, and the tasks in target are similar to commands in makefile, the concept exist with slightly different term in many other system such as gradle, so it's easy to understand.
but, there are so many targets and tasks, and all they depend on others and interactive though Property and Items, it's hard to learn which target break my need from the text log.
fortunately, there's an advanced tool for inspecting everything in MSBuild: it's called MSBuild structured log viewer, I learn it from here.
now build the project with /bl option, it will produce a binary log file with full info, open it by the viewer mentioned above:(my origin xamarin project's build log)
obvious, the ResolveNuGetPackageAssets target changes the Reference items, which decides the final linked library assembly.
but why it doesn't make the wrong decision in the test case? let's view its log:
got the difference? -- there's no ResolveNuGetPackageAssets target!
it's same from ResolveReferences to ResolveAssemblyReferences, but diff in the nuget part.
while double clicking at ResolveAssemblyReferences, the viewer will open the targets file in which the target be defined.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets
it's still same for both case:
ResolveAssemblyReferences doesn't depend on ResolveNuGetPackageAssets, so where does the later come? just click at it, the file opens:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\NuGet\16.0\Microsoft.NuGet.targets
it overrides ResolveAssemblyReferencesDependsOn and add the ResolveNuGetPackageAssets to dependency of ResolveAssemblyReferences.
the last question: why the above NuGet.targets file not appear in the test case? it could still answered by the viewer's Evaluation section:
clearly, this file is not imported because a property SkipImportNuGetBuildTargets set to true. after a simple search, I confirmed it's the default value in test case: it's set in Microsoft.NET.Sdk.targets. but in xamarin case, it's not set and means false, so all the things happened.
finally, I have to figure out some measures to fix the problem.
first of all, I won't add the SkipImportNuGetBuildTargets property to xamarin project, because I think it's a framework design and maybe has a great impact on others, I just want to fix a little, specific problem.
I decide to add a custom target immediately after the ResolveAssemblyReferences, remove the Nuget's Xamarin.Forms and add my own ones -- just revert what ResolveNuGetPackageAssets does.
the task code is simple (only just after I have written, actually it cost me lot of time to search for grammar/builtin function/etc and test):
notice how the Remove Item(see msbuild doc) works (and not work: the commented lines), I still don't understand it exactly, but it did work!

VSTS test step cannot find xUnit test adapter

I am pretty new to CI/CD and mm currently struggling with getting VSTS to find my xUnit tests. My solution is a pure experiment, to try and isolate the problem and to learn. Before getting into my setup and what's been done so far, the result is this line in the VSTS build log:
Warning: No test is available in C:\agent\_work\1\s\Quotifier.Models.xUnit.Test\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.0\Quotifier.Models.xUnit.Test.dll. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors, platform & framework version settings are appropriate and try again.
From having googled the message I interpret it as VSTS not being able to find an xUnit test adapter. Is that a correct assumption? Also, I see the terms "test adapter", "test runner" and "test explorer" alot. Are these terms the same thing? Having checked out this article it seems they are indeed the same thing. Can anyone clarify?
Now, for my setup ...
The xUnit test project is a .NET Core 2 class library referencing NUget packages xunit and xunit.runner.visualstudio (2.2.0). The test project is also referencing a shared class library called "Quotifier.Models" which contains the tested code.
To make it easier to diagnose I am running a local (on prem) build agent on my PC. This enables me to investigate the file structure.
The build step of my build definition was initially a "Visual Studio Build" that built the whole solution. I can see that the resulting binaries ends up in
Among the binaries are also xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll. Is this the xUnit test adapter VSTS can't find?
More googling tells me that the typical place for the test adapter to be found is in the $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\packages folder and, so, that's what the test step's "Path to custom test adapters" should be set to. That gave me this log entry:
Warning: The path 'C:\agent\_work\1\s\packages' specified in the 'TestAdapterPath' does not contain any test adapters, provide a valid path and try again..
I also checked that local folder and, indeed, the xunit NUget packages does not end up in there. Can anyone guess as to why?
Assuming the xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll is indeed the test adapter VSTS is looking for, I thought I should try and help it a bit. So I created a seperate MSBuild step and specified the output path via the "MSBuild arguments":
I then set the test step's "Path to custom test adapters" property to point at that same folder. With that I'm back to the original warning in the log:
Warning: No test is available in C:\agent\_work\1\b\release\test-assemblies\Quotifier.Models.xUnit.Test.dll. Make sure that installed ... bla ... bla
Now, to summarize ...
running xUnit test projects out of the box doesn't work with VSTS
The xUnit NUget packages does not end up in the /**/packages folder
I am assuming the xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll is the test adapter needed. Is this assumtion correct?
I'm out of ideas for now so any hints, links or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Use "dotnet test" to run Your NetCore-UnitTests.
The task is called ".NET Core" and has a command dropdown where you select build/restore/test etc... You also need to add "NET Core Tool Installer" if you are using a hosted agent
And your xunit-packages are not supposed to end up in "packages"-directory. The netcore2 projects handle nuget-packages differently and will reference them from the local nuget-cache

How to use Migration Commands for Entity Framework through User Defined Code

I need to be able to perform all of the available functions that the Package Manager Console performs for code first DB migrations. Does anyone know how I could accomplish these commands strictly through user defined code? I am trying to automate this whole migration process and my team has hit the dreaded issue of getting the migrations out of sync due to the number of developers on this project. I want to write a project that the developer can interact with that will create and if need be rescaffold their migrations for them automatically.
PM is invoking through PowerShell and PS cmdlets (like for active directory etc.)
The Package Manager Console is a PowerShell console within Visual
...there is essentially very little info about this - I've tried that before on couple occasions and it gets down to doing some 'dirty work' if you really need it (not really sure, it might not be that difficult - providing you have some PS experience)
Here are similar questions / answers - working out the PS comdlets is pretty involving - in this case it has some additional steps involved. And PS tends to get very version dependent - so you need to check this for the specific EF/CF you're using.
Run entityframework cmdlets from my code
Possible to add migration using EF DbMigrator
And you may want to look at the source code for EF that does Add-Migration
(correction: this is the link to official repository - thanks to #Brice for that)
(PM errors also suggest the origins of the code doing the Add-Migrations to be the 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.ToolingFacade')
If you need 'just' an Update - you could try using the DbMigrator.Update (this guy gave it a try - but I'm not sure how relevant is that to you, I doubt it.
The scaffolding is the real problem (Add-Migration) which to my knowledge isn't accessible from C# directly via EF/CF framework.
Note: - based on the code in ( - and as the EF guru mentioned himself - that part of the code is calling into the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design library - which does most of the stuff. If it's possible to reference that one and actually repeat what AddMigrationCommand is doing - then there might not be a need for PowerShell at all. But I'm suspecting it's not that straight-forward, with possible 'internal' calls invisible to outside callers etc.
At least as of this post, you can directly access the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.MigrationScaffolder class and directly call the Scaffold() methods on it, which will return you an object that contains the contents of the "regular" .cs file, the "Designer.cs" file and the .resx file.
What you do with those files is up to you!
Personally, I'm attempting to turn this into a tool that will be able to create EF6 migrations on a new ASPNET5/DNX project, which is not supported by the powershell commands.

Problem with Team Build 2010 and web.config transformation

I'm struggling to get web.config transformations working with automated builds.
We have a reasonably large solution, containing one ASP.NET web application and eight class libraries. We have three developers working on the project and, up to now, each has "published" the solution to a local folder then used file copy to deploy to a test server. I'm trying to put an automated build/deploy solution in place using TFS 2010.
I created a build definition and added a call to msdeploy.exe in the build process template, to get the application deployed to the test server. So far, so good!
I then tried to implement web.config transforms and I just can't get them to work. If I build and publish locally on my PC, the "publish" folder has the correct, transformed web.config file.
Using team build, the transformation just does not happen, and I just have the base web.config file.
I tried adding a post-build step in the web application's project file, as others have suggested, similar to:
<target name="AfterBuild">
<TransformXml Source="Web.generic.config"
Destination="Web.Config" />
but this fails beacuse the source web.config file has an "applicationSettings" section. I get the error
Could not find schema information for the element 'applicationSettings'.
I've seen suggstions around adding arguments to the MSBuild task in the build definition like
/t:TransformWebConfig /p:Configuration=Debug
But this falls over when the class library projects are built, presumably because they don't have a web.config file.
Any ideas? Like others, I thought this would "just work", but apparently not. This is the last part I need to get working and it's driving me mad. I'm not an msbuild expert, so plain and simple please!
Thanks in advance.
I just went through this. Our build was a bit more complicated in that we have 8 class libraries and 9 web applications in one solution. But the flow is the same.
First off get rid of your after build target. You won't need that.
You need to use the MSDeployPublish service. This will require that it be installed and configured properly on the destination server. Check the following links for info on this part:
Note that the server in question MUST be configured properly with the correct user rights. The following sites helped me get that properly set up.
How can I get TFS2010 to run MSDEPLOY for me through MSBUILD?
The next part requires that your build definition have the correct MSBuild parameters set up to do the publish. Those parameters are entered in the Process > 3.Advanced > MS Build Arguments line of the build definition. Here's a hint:
(don't change the following for any reason)
(These control where it's going)
/p:DeployIisAppPath="MyApp - TESTING"
Obviously the user will have to be configured in IIS on the target server to be allowed access to that axd (see previous links). And the IisAppPath is the name of the website on the target server.
You won't have to do anything special for the config transformations as the build itself will take care of that for you. Just have the correct setting in the line at Process > 1. Required > Items to Build > Configurations To Build.
Instead of trying to do the deploy by adding tasks myself into the build process template, I followed advice in Vishal Joshi's blog post here.
Now the entire project is built and deployed and the web.config transformations work also. Brilliant!
I now have another problem to solve! The web application references web services and the build process results in an XmlSerializers dll. However, although this is built OK, it does not get deployed to the web host. I think this needs a new post!

Selenium-Flex API sample problem

I'm trying the sample demo of selenium flex API. After following the instructions on the main page for compiling the project with sfpi.swc and taking the generated selben.swf in bin directory and trying to run some test(assertFlexText) using Selenium IDE, I get the following error:
[error] Function getFlexText not found on the External Interface for
the flash object selben
I have tried several other flex tests and got error messages similar to the one mentioned above.
For some reason I believe that the generated selben.swf through the automatic build of project in flex builder is not the desired one, though it didn't indicate any build problem after including sfpi.swc.
Any idea?
I use SeleniumFlex Api and SeleniumIde for my projecy with excellent result BUT using my own version of each of one. Your error maybe is for not include the lib of SeleniumFlexApi in the compile time( -include-libraries "libs\SeleniumFlexAPI.swc" ).
After that u can enable capture and replay with SeleniumIde change the main source (read this post) and use the user-extensions.js (in the SeleniumFlexApi project) with the SeleniumIde user option. Its really easy.
With these change u can capture and replay in firefox (v 3.06 or minor) and after that, if u use java, u can use Flex-UI-Selenium, Flash-Selenium for ur integration test with SeleniumRC.
I hope this information be usefull. I u have any question let me know.
