Drupal Theme editing - css

Hey I accepted a drupal project, I am experience with PHP, HTML, but not so much Drupal. I am editing the look of the page. So not to much php is needed. However I was provided the ftp and site drupal admin. How do I go about editing css, as of now the ftp file are read-only, and I cannot edit them. Thank you.

Drupal works from themes.
ftp into your site
find the "themes" folder where you installed Drupal
each theme will be in it's own folder ie: garland, bluemarine etc.
open appropriate theme
depending on the theme you should see a style.css file
drag the file down, edit and put back online!
Edit: also I should note, that if you are wanting to edit the CSS from the Drupal Admin it's really only supported on a per theme basis. So if that theme has this built in. I know some themes do, Fusion and Zen.

You should have an FTP write access. At least for sites/all/themes folder, where You should put Your custom theme.


Theme in WordPress

I'm trying to modify a theme in Wordpress, I'm using it in a local server, but when I modified the style page of the theme, I don't see the result in the page.
My question is if someone knows How to fix the problem or well, How to modify the theme, but with really changes.
Make sure that no caching plugin like WP super cache or WP Rocket is enabled. Finally, make sure the style.css file is writeable by the server with permission like chmod 755.
If the above does not help, you can use a custom CSS plugin (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/) and add your CSS code using its interface (cleaner and less hassle for everyday users).

How can I check the wordpress theme on my system?

I have doubt in using the wordpress theme. I had downloaded a wordpress theme for my website from wordpress.org. I need to know how do i test it. The theme name is "pagelines". When i run it on my server it shows me webpage not found. How will i be able to test it out.
Please help....
First of all you need to unzip the theme file you have downloaded and place in your themes folder then go to admin panel
admin ->appearance -> Themes
there the themes will be displayed
you can view the new theme here and activate the theme
now your theme will be enabled on your wordpress, you can check your home page
Have you read the Wordpress' Using Themes guide? Read this guide first http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes. It will clarify a lot of your questions.

drupal based menu

I built a website with a menu using drupal.
My question is how do I change slightly the design?
Do I have access to the css files? where?
Can I change the design using drupal?
If you used the default Drupal menu, you'd need access to the file system, specifically your site's theme files, to update the design. If you used a core theme, the theme would be in a subdirectory of your site's /theme directory. If you used a contributed theme, your theme should probably be located in a subdirectory of /sites/all/themes.
If you're unable to access the files but can somehow install modules, the following modules may help somewhat:
Live Themer

Magento CSS not Loading in New Template

I have posted on the template creator's site, as well as Magento support, but no one has responded.
The CSS is not loading at all on the custom theme I have installed, which is supposedly compatible with the current version of Magento.
You can view the page here: shop.dearearth.net
This is a fresh installation of Magento and the theme, with a fresh database.
I have a feeling it should be a relatively quick fix.
Thanks for looking.
All the links in your page referring to the
directory on your site returns 404. Make sure your css files are in fact in there. Also make sure your links aren't being broken by a .htaccess file.
Make sure your CSS is 777 rights by admin.
Please copy the whole code from latest css and take it as a backup and create a new css file as same name and past the code.
Check in admin back-end, System > Configuration > General/Design if your theme is right specified. Also check if after you installed the new theme, the files have the proper rights (normally, they must be accessible by the web server with Write permissions)
For more info please also take a look at Magento Designers Guide for understanding of how Magento read and split template information. Maybe you have put the CSS and images in a wrong directory :)
Solved.. sort of. The version of the template turned out to be quite outdated, and the incompatible with the current version of Magento, which handles things differently in terms of calling styles in the page.xml file.
Thanks for your inputs.

Issue with Drupal "sites" folder

I have a Drupal install on the MediaTemple gs hosting plan. The site is up and working fine but I've had some issues with the "sites" folder.
If I put themes in the "sites/default/themes" folder, they show up on the "Themes" folder but none of the icons show up for each theme. Enabling a theme removes all the styling from the site like it can't get to the CSS. Moving the themes from "sites/default/themes" to "/themes" fixed the problem but I don't think this is the best way to handle it.
I've checked my permissions and they seem good - am I missing something here?
Doh! Permissions was the issue. I forgot to enable "execute" for everyone.
The proper place for themes is as follows.
Themes included in the core Drupal distribution:
Themes downloaded from the web, but not included with core:
Themes you wrote yourself:
You would use the locations with example.com in the path if you are using Drupal's multisite capability to run multiple Drupal sites on a single codebase. (Things under sites/all are available to all sites; things under sites/example.com are available only to the example.com site.)
