drupal based menu - drupal

I built a website with a menu using drupal.
My question is how do I change slightly the design?
Do I have access to the css files? where?
Can I change the design using drupal?

If you used the default Drupal menu, you'd need access to the file system, specifically your site's theme files, to update the design. If you used a core theme, the theme would be in a subdirectory of your site's /theme directory. If you used a contributed theme, your theme should probably be located in a subdirectory of /sites/all/themes.
If you're unable to access the files but can somehow install modules, the following modules may help somewhat:
Live Themer


Transfer the code of a custom plugin into a theme

I am working on a new project on WordPress.
I am developing a new website for a client based on their actual site (developed by an other team).
So, I decided to create a new WordPress theme and to use the existing content (client's request).
However, this supposes to reuse the custom plugins, in order to not re upload the pictures and the articles by hand.
I would like to include the custom plugins into the new theme. However, the plugins folder is outside the theme folder. So I was wondering if you have an idea on how I could transfer the code of a custom plugin into the new theme.
Thank you in advance.
What custom plugins are being used to handle pictures and articles? Uploaded files should go to /wp-content/uploads and all data is stored in the database. Removing the plugins might make the data inaccessible, but it shouldn't disappear.
Why are you moving functions from plugins to a theme? Or are these plugins inside of the /wp-content/themes/ folder? The way you handle the two cases is very different.
If you need to copy certain functions into a theme, you can move them into a functions.php file (or a functions.php file that calls to other files in that directory) in a child theme. The WordPress Codex has much better documentation on child themes than I could ever outline here. Placing the functions into your main theme is a permanent change and is not recommended when you're dealing with functions that are better-suited to plugins.
If you're copying plugins from one theme into another, you might want to look at plugin dependencies using TGM Plugin Activation.

How to use drupal modules Properly

Recently my website redesigned and after redesigning it is on Drupal before it was on WordPress and have i good command over the wordpress but now i am facing the problem with Drupal Modules .so can anybody tell me how to use Drupal Modules Properly.
In case you are using a custom installation profile you should place all modules under /prodofile/your_profile/moduels.
If you don't using a custom installation profile, the most common place to put the modules in is /sites/all/modules
How to use them:
Download the module from drupal.org
Put it in the module folder (see above)
Go to /admin/modules and enable the module.

Installing different theme and modules using Drupal domain module

I am trying to use drupal Domain module and I have domain_A and domain_B right now. Domain_A is my primary domain and B is the second one that I am trying to add.
Domain B will have its own theme and some additional functionalists. Everything else is pretty much same.Also the database is same..
My question is where should I put my theme and my new modules for domain B. Is it inside sites/domain_b/themes and sites/domain_b/modules? I have the theme currently inside the domain_b folder but every time i try to build the theme in domain A, its overwriting the theme for domain_B since it cannot see it.
So is the correct way is to keep the new theme and even the new modules for domain_B inside sites/all/themes and sites/all/modules folder and use domain_theme module to choose the new theme for domain_B?
Any suggestions?
When using the domain access module it is fine to add all themes to the sites/all/themes folder. What controls which theme is used is the domain_theme module, not which folder the theme is in (which would be the case in a multisite install).
When you are using the domain access module you really organize everything as if it was a single site, then left the different domain modules do the rest.

Drupal Theme editing

Hey I accepted a drupal project, I am experience with PHP, HTML, but not so much Drupal. I am editing the look of the page. So not to much php is needed. However I was provided the ftp and site drupal admin. How do I go about editing css, as of now the ftp file are read-only, and I cannot edit them. Thank you.
Drupal works from themes.
ftp into your site
find the "themes" folder where you installed Drupal
each theme will be in it's own folder ie: garland, bluemarine etc.
open appropriate theme
depending on the theme you should see a style.css file
drag the file down, edit and put back online!
Edit: also I should note, that if you are wanting to edit the CSS from the Drupal Admin it's really only supported on a per theme basis. So if that theme has this built in. I know some themes do, Fusion and Zen.
You should have an FTP write access. At least for sites/all/themes folder, where You should put Your custom theme.

Issue with Drupal "sites" folder

I have a Drupal install on the MediaTemple gs hosting plan. The site is up and working fine but I've had some issues with the "sites" folder.
If I put themes in the "sites/default/themes" folder, they show up on the "Themes" folder but none of the icons show up for each theme. Enabling a theme removes all the styling from the site like it can't get to the CSS. Moving the themes from "sites/default/themes" to "/themes" fixed the problem but I don't think this is the best way to handle it.
I've checked my permissions and they seem good - am I missing something here?
Doh! Permissions was the issue. I forgot to enable "execute" for everyone.
The proper place for themes is as follows.
Themes included in the core Drupal distribution:
Themes downloaded from the web, but not included with core:
Themes you wrote yourself:
You would use the locations with example.com in the path if you are using Drupal's multisite capability to run multiple Drupal sites on a single codebase. (Things under sites/all are available to all sites; things under sites/example.com are available only to the example.com site.)
