Internet Explorer Div Issue - css

I am having problems with my webpage. On all browsers the div aligns perfectly. However, on all versions of Internet Explorer the Div shows out of line. Here is an image of the difference:
Here is the page so that you can view the source:
Contact Page
I would really love the help, IE has done this to me several times. I would love to learn what to do in these types of situations. I read somewhere about an IE specific CSS file that would fix this but I did not fully understand what needed to be changed in this new CSS file. All help appreciated.

Try fixing the issues presented by the W3 validator.

You can add this and it should work (at least it did just through in-browser modifications)
after your normal css
<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
That aside, you're also missing some closing tags it would seem and probably the reason for the weirdness.

Issues I detected on your page structure so far (which are causing the display issue):
#main-container should not have width
you are using table for your form layout which is a big mistake (it's pushing the whole content together down)
as a workaround removing width in (1) and width=100% in (2) will fix your problem butI highly recommend to follow good practices for your page layout. (i.e. using div instead of table).


How can I get a IE8-compliant css theme for JSTree?

I have researched a lot regarding why my JSTree is renderering really badly in IE8, while working perfectly in Chrome. At least one of the problems is IE8's lack of support for the css-property background-size. I am using custom icons to represent folders and files. Each line in the tree structure has a height of 24px in IE8 , when it is 40 in chrome. The latter browser calculates the line height, by automatically wrapping around the icon size, using background-size: auto;. IE8 does not.
I've tried to implement lots of different solutions to make up for IE8's lacking functionality, like:
How do I make background-size work in IE?
IE 8: background-size fix
and the linked-to
However, due to the complexity of the jstree, and it's default css-files, I am having a really hard time implementing any of these solutions into the existing code, as I am lacking the experience to fully understand the structure of the default.css.
What would be the correct course of action to make this work? I've also searched for compatible .css files for IE8, but found nothing.
An answer which confirms my fears of having to create my own .css from scratch, and understanding it completely, would also be very welcome. However, I would love a second opinion, before I invest the time to do that.
These are screenshots from my current situation:
Chrome has nice spacing, and visible chevron/arrows/expanding icons. Also, the font works.
IE8 has no auto-size, which makes the height 24px instead of 40px. Ive tried manually setting them to 40, but no luck. The lack of visual finesse does not bother me too much, but the lack of the arrow expanding icons are vital to my application's usability.
Working edits of the current theme, will be accepted as an answer. So will link to alternative themes that are compliant with IE8. Or anything that helps me understand how to fix the problem myself.
The best way is create a separate style sheet for IE8
<!--[if IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie8.css">
there are many other things like in page like you need to add meta tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
and one more thing please post some of your code in a fiddle so that we can better trace the actual cause of problem.
also check after adding this fix..
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<script src=""></script>
I hope this will add something positive.
After checking jsTree Demo I can conclude one more problem the jQuery Version.
If you are using jQuery v1.10.1 or later. that jQuery does not have support from older browsers like IE8 for that one must use v.1.9.1 which is the last version which supports IE8.
Try respond.js which made your ie8 browser to compatible for css3 pseudo elements and other stuff.

CSS rendered differently in different browsers

I have a problem with css rendered differently in browsers, in IE to be specific, thought I could ask here for help, hopefully you can help me out with this : ))
my website is if you go to the link, on homepage, below the slideshow there are five images linking to different categories of website.
I tested in Firefox & safari and they look ok, in Internet Explorer they are not aligned, fifth image comes down in IE. When I tested it with IE with compatibility view turned on, the images are aligned but other parts of website are messed up (image galleries for example)
Can anyone help me with this please? what to do? I dont know if this is padding or what is causing it. I know I have to implement some kind of IE hack but I dont know what and how : (
help is much appreciated : ))
Thank you
Before going down the crazy path of writing custom CSS per browser (and potentially version): get rid of the XHTML 1.0 Transitional doctype and move to one of the strict types. Preferably html 4.01 strict.
This alone will fix the vast majority of your boxing issues.
Some more info on Doctypes:
Read both pages of the following site. Great links on page 2.
And, for "light" reading:
Basically, all browsers have various degrees of "standards" compliance. Anything that kicks off "quirks" mode or is "transitional" should be viewed with suspicion. However, once you understand what a doctype is and your choices around them, then you'll completely understand what's going on for any display differences you do run across.
For me, one of the best ways to learn was to create a simple floating div layout controlled by CSS. Some div's held images, others had extra long text, all of them had a border so I could see where things were breaking. I then tried various doctypes and viewed the page in the major browsers. Sometimes the differences were minor like slighly different default padding or margins; sometimes they were outrageous such as one browser allowing styles to be inherited that another didn't.
We have a decent sized web app (200+ pages) with fairly complicated layout requirements and the ONLY "hack" I've had to implement was to force the image tag (img) to be display:block; it looks pixel perfect identical in every browser and we are not using conditional style sheets or performing any type of browser sniffing.
After your link to pull in the CSS, put this:
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie.css" />
Make a second style sheet called ie.css and just change the parts that need to for IE.
You also have the ability to add versions:
<!--[if IE 7]>
for example.
you need to target versions of ie with conditional comments; using them you can set specific styles for any and all versions of ie to make them look how they should.
Check you padding and margin attributes for the list elements. Perhaps your size arrangements are right, but since every browser renders styles differently, IE is responding differently.

CSS Layout Problem

Here's my page
It looks correct in Firefox, but of course in Internet Explorer, there's an issue.
The main body of the page is not displaying correctly. The left and right divs are not showing the white background that I'm trying to get them to.
Your HTML appears to be broken. For example <div id="mainbody" is not closed. Run it through a validator and fix all the markup problems.
Try separating your shortcut for background in your #left id in css. IE may not be parsing it correctly.
The #right div looks OK (I'm using IE7).
You need to change <div id="mainbody" to <div id="mainbody"> as i told you earlier.
Use the W3C validator: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator.
You've got a bad doctype that will throw IE into quirks mode, as well as missing tags, double charset calls (that should be UTF instead of 8859), duplicated meta tags, etc.....
You're also nesting tables and lists inside of paragraph tags which is invalid markup for the doctype you're using. A handful of the meta tags are not closed correctly along with capitalization of attributes which are also not allowed with the selected doctype. The stylesheet link tag is not closed correctly. The images tags in the table are not close correctly nor are the break tags.
Fix the html errors first and then see where you're at with your layout.
Good luck and hope this helps some.
Maybe not really an answer to your question, but since you seem to develop in Firefox, you might want to try the HTML Validator extension. Makes this kind of development a lot easier.

Does IE print [table]header and footer properly (css settings)?

I need to prepare print css style for some page. It's possible to have footer on every printed page?
I tried the code, I've found on the web:
display:block;position:fixed; bottom:0px;
but it works only in Firefox.
I can try to fix it with table, but in Q. here: CSS: Repeat table headers in print mode is info, that it doesn't work in IE5 (maybe I made some error, but it seems, that it doesn't work even in IE7).
Does anybody fixed problem with printing footer on every page in IE? Doesn't matter if with tables or without them.
Thanks for help.
I do not think it is possible to print headers and footer using IE current, since Even in IE8 it is compliance to CSS 2.1. But there are other tweaks to get around the problem. Hope this URL will help:
PS: The URL you referenced, on the bottom of the page specifically said works only on safari.

What is the best way to determine the source of a CSS issue

I have been working on a webpage. It is the first I have actually tried to design using an image and then use proper CSS layout rather than tables.
I have been having issues with the shadows on either side of the main content area. Of course these are only an issue in IE. As you can see the shadow has been cut down to about 10% of its actual height.
With my relative inexperience how do I look for relevant fixes to this issue.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
FireBug, the most crucial tool for debugging CSS, amongst other things.
get it here
IE Web Developer Toolbar
It's not as good as firebug in general, but it helps when you have an IE-specific problem.
In addition to Firebug, making sure your HTML is valid is an invaluable tool and can minimize CSS headaches. Sometimes your CSS may not work right because there are mistakes in the HTML. The different browsers have different ways of dealing with improperly written HTML which can sometimes make it seem like there's a cross-browser CSS issue. The validator can help you find mistakes in your markup.
+1 for FireBug
In this particular case, I'd just suggest a new approach for your shadows. Currently, you have them as items. You typically want to use CSS background images for things like this.
.mainShadowRight {
*/ your other stuff */
Your .mainShadowRight CSS class specifies a min-height (which IE6 doesn't understand, and IE7 doesn't always 100% get correctly)
and as DLarsen pointed out, it appears you are missing the background-image: url(); bit.
Thanks for all your answers, seems to have done the trick.
I think I spazzed out with the upload as I should definitley have had the bg-image stuff there.
That IE web developer toolbar looks pretty good too as I have firebug and web developer bar for FF.
Another hot recommendation for debugging CSS - CSS Viewer.
It's a Firefox add-on that allows you to hover over elements in a web page and see their exact style. Often you figure out that the final style was not what you meant, possibly due to some inheritance of styles.
