How to disable buttons get triggered with <Enter> on aspx-pages -

I have a aspx-page with several textboxes and buttons. However, when the cursor is in a textbox, one of the buttons is still "in focus". So when I hit the Enter-key the button is pressed. What I want is to disable the ability to trigger buttons with the Enter-key, or at least when the cursor is in a textbox.

The solution for me was this:
TextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return event.keyCode!=13");
on every textboxs and radiobuttons to prevent the enter key to submit the form.

You can try Button.UseSubmitBehavior, or disable the submit of the form using Javascript.

Set of the focus on the textbox where the curson is when the page is loaded - window.onLoad() method.
If its the only submit button in you form then it will be triggered automatically when you press enter. To disable it , you have to mark its as disabled.

To stop form submission on Enter key, add next code in Page or MasterPage:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.onkeypress = function(evt) {
var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
var node = ( ? : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null);
if ((evt.keyCode == 13) && (node.type == "text")) { return false; }


ASP.NET disable double click

I have a page where the user can enter data and on submit, it shows up on a gridview right below it.
How do I prevent double click. I understand I can disable the button but that would defeat the purpose as then, the user cannot enter more information without refreshing the page.
I add a class to all elements I dont want the ability to add a double click
this question has been answered many times, just google disabling double clicking in
You could always disable the button and then use setTimeout to re-enable the button after second or two:
$("#btn").click(function () {
var button = $(this);
button.prop('disabled', true);
setTimeout(function () {
button.prop('disabled', false);
}, 1000);

Mouse middle button does not work

i have a gridview which contains a linkbutton with a ID LnkCourseName
i have requirement that on a click of Middle button of a mouse a new tab should open.
to check the which button of a mouse got clicked, i used a javascript function as :
<script type="text/javascript">
function buttonalert(event) {
var button;
if (event.which == null)
button = (event.button < 2) ? leftclickclear() :
((event.button == 4) ? middleclickclear() : rightclickclear());
button = (event.which < 2) ? leftclickclear() :
((event.which == 2) ? middleclickclear() : rightclickclear());
function leftclickclear() {
$('#<%=HdUrl.ClientID %>').val("left");
function rightclickclear() {
$('#<%=HdUrl.ClientID %>').val("right");
function middleclickclear() {
$('#<%=HdUrl.ClientID %>').val("middle");
function dont(event) {
if (event.preventDefault)
event.returnValue = false;
But on a press of a middle button i get an error
on a new tab url. Thanks for assistance.
This should be standard behaviour for any reasonable browser, and isn't really an ASP.NET or script issue - the problem is that you're using a link button, which will do a postback just like a button (i.e. <input type=submit>), and it's not a link as in an default a element.
If your links are really just that, and are not expected to post back to the server to execute some logic, and instead just specifies a URL to link to, then use a HyperLink control instead.

Disable enter key in xhtml

I have a web page that whenever your in a text-field, if you hit enter, it will hit a very undesirable button. I know there are many posts out there like this, but the solutions haven't worked for me. I am using xhtml and am just wondering how I can stop the enter button from doing this, or even make it click a different button. Thank you for your time and help.
You can use javascript on your page to stop the enter button event.
<script type="text/javascript">
function stopRKey(evt) {
var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
var node = ( ? : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null);
if ((evt.keyCode == 13) && (node.type=="text")) {return false;}
document.onkeypress = stopRKey;

Calling my own function during with onClick

How do I call a user-define function such as this one using the onClick attribute of a input button? More specifically what special steps must I take in JQuery and what would the HTML markup look like? Thanks
function simClick(keyCode) {
var e = jQuery.Event("keypress");
e.keyCode = 8;
<input type="button" ID="delBtn" class="calcBtn" value="Del" onclick="???????" />
<input type="button" ID="delBtn" class="calcBtn" value="Del" />
Javascript in separate file
// When the DOM is ready
$(function() {
// Function that is executed w keypress or button click
doThis = function() {
// Stuff to do
// To do when element with ID delBtn is clicked
$("#delBtn").click(function() {
// Stuff to do when input is clicked
// To do when key is pressed
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
// Stuff to do when key is pressed
// Can check which key was pressed here.
var code = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
if(code == 8) { //Enter keycode
There are many ways to attach a handler to when that button is clicked. Take a look at jQuery selectors.
You could also use the attribute equals selector
$("input[value='Del']")...... // For the input with a value of Del
I'm not sure what you quoted JS has to do with the input button, since it looks like you're trying to work with a keypress instead of a click in that function.... But the above jQuery is how you capture a click on that input button.
Take a look at, "Which key was pressed?"

Detect F5 being pressed and Refresh

I have a webform and i want to detect if F5 button was pressed or if the page was refreshed. I know about postback but it is not what i'm looking for. I have a gridview that loads in a modal popup when a button is clicked and a parameter's value is set for the gridview. When refresh is hit and if the modal popup button was previously clicked the modal popup is visible right after refresh. I want to detect if the page is refreshed to prevent this. any ideas? I thought to try Override but I'm not exactly sure how to use it. I tried Control.ModifierKeys but I don't have access to ModifierKeys.
Pressing F5 or physically clicking the browser refresh behaves similarly to navigating away from the page. This is captured in the event window.onunload. Try the snippet example below:
window.onbeforeunload = function (evt) {
var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave?';
if (typeof evt == 'undefined') {
evt = window.event;
if (evt) {
evt.returnValue = message;
return message;
This will capture the refresh and allow you to do something or prompt the user.
Reemember that hotkeys are processed in the client side in the browser. The easiest way to implement this is through javascript.
Look at the following link:
