When call GetDIBBits?
Does in return reverse ordered lines of a bitmap in buffer or direct?
DIBs are always in reverse order unless you create them with negative height
How to get the sill height (height above the floor) of a Ifcwindow in ifc file
There is no solution to get the height above the floor directly. This is because the height above for depends on several factors, like how the wall is created in which the window resides, etc.
It could be that the sillHeight is exported by the original modelling software to a custom IFC property. You could check for that, but since there is no common standard for it, it's risky.
Your best bet is to look into the ObjectPlacement property which IfcWindow inherits from IfcProduct. The ObjectPlacement defines how a product is placed either in world space or relative to its host. See https://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/ADD2/HTML/schema/templates/product-local-placement.htm for details.
You need to read the ObjectPlacement property, and check if there is a RelativeTo property, if so, you need to fill into that property as well, and check if it's the placement of a floor. If so, you can stop the looping, and perform a matrix calculation on all the placements you harvested to calculate the placement of window relative to floor.
(Maybe even more simple: calculate world placement of window and floor separately, than subtract the two vector z values to get the height of window from floor)
A simple question as i am developing a java application based on dcm4che ...
I want to calculate/find the "position" of a dicom image into its sequence (series). By position i mean to find if this image is first, second etc. in its series. More specifically i would like to calculate/find:
Number of slices into a Sequence
Position of each slice (dicom image) into the Sequence
For the first question i know i can use tag 0020,1002 (however it is not always populated) ... For the second one?
If you are dealing with volumetric image series, best way to order your series is to use the Image Position (Patient) (0020, 0032). This is a required Type 1 tag (should always have value) and it is part of the image plane module. It will contain the X, Y and Z values coordinates representing the upper left corner of the image in mm. If the slices are parallel to each other, only one value should change between the slices.
Please note that the Slice Location (0020, 1041) is an optional (Type 3) element and it may not exist in the DICOM file.
We use the InstanceNumber tag (0x0020, 0x0013) as our first choice for the slice position. If there is no InstanceNumber, or if they are all the same, then we use the SliceLocation tag (0x0020, 0x1041). If neither tag is available, then we give up.
We check the InstanceNumber tag such that the Max(InstanceNumber) - Min(InstanceNumber) + 1 is equal to the number of slices we have in the sequence (just in case some manufacturers start counting at 0 or 1, or even some other number). We check the SliceLocation the same way.
This max - min + 1 is then the number of slices in the sequence (substitute for tag ImagesInAcquisition 0x0020, 0x1002).
Without the ImagesInAcquisition tag, we have no way of knowing in advance how many slices to expect...
I would argue that if the slice location is available, use that. It will be more consistent with the image acquisition. If it is not available, then you'll have to use or compute from the image position (patient) attribute. Part 3 section C. has details on these attributes.
The main issue comes when you have a series that is oblique. If you just use the z-value of the image position (patient), it may not change by the slice thickenss/spacing between slices attributes, while the slice location typically will. That can cause confusion to end users.
Two.js seems to only support a single value for a scale, not x,y components. Is it possible to just stretch something horizontally?
Yes, under the hood every Two.Group and Two.Polygon has a _matrix object. You can set _matrix.manual and then do a number of other transformations that you can't do with the typical two.js API. Check out this example for a demonstration.
Is there anyway to calculate the text's length when TextWidth = -1?.
I have a rectangle that has a QGraphicsTextItem in it, and I want to change the rectangle's width when characters exceed the rectangle.
I found this post by stopping on the same problem.
i'm using text->boundingRect().width()to get the width.
Perhaps it helps anybody
textWidth = -1 means, that
"[...] the text will not be broken into
multiple lines unless it is enforced
through an explicit line break or a
new paragraph."
So, if you want to get the length of your QGraphicsTextItem you can't use textWidth, but instead you need the actual length of the String within this QGraphicsTextItem. Have a look at QGraphicsTextItem::toPlainText(), which returns a QString. Call size() on that string.
int length = my_graphics_text_item.toPlainText().size()
Now you have the number of characters in this string and can implement a resize function to make your rectangle grow, when there are too many characters. It's a kind of workaround, but I hope it helps solving your problem.
You could also create a QFontMetrics([font of your QGraphicsTextItem]) instance and call its width(QString) function to obtain the width of the passed string in pixels, were it drawn in the specified fontfamily/-size/-weight.
Just obtaining the character count is only reasonable when using a monospaced font. In all other cases it's not a good idea.
I am looking for a fairly simple image comparison method in AS3. I have taken an image from a web cam (with no subject) passed it in to bitmap data, then a second image is taken (this time with a subject) to compare this data, from these two images I would like to create a mask from the pixels that match on both bitmaps. I have been scratching my head for a while, and I am not really making any progress. Could any one point me in the right direction for pixel comparison method, something like getPixel32()
use compare to create a difference between the two and then use treshold to extract the parts that interest you.
edit: actually it is pretty straight forward. the trick is to apply the threshold multiple times per channel using the mask parameter (otherwise the comparison only makes little sense, since 0x010000 (which is almost black) is consider greater than 0x0000FF (which is anything but black)). here's how:
var dif:BitmapData;//your original bitmapdata
var mask:BitmapData = new BitmapData(dif.width, dif.height, true, 0);
const threshold:uint = 0x20;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
mask.threshold(dif, dif.rect, new Point(), ">", threshold << (i * 8), 0xFF000000, 0xFF << (i * 8));
this creates a transparent mask. then the threshold is applied for all three channels, setting the alpha channel to fully opaque where the channels value exceeds the threshold value (you might wanna decrease it).
you can isolate the foreground object ("the guy in front of the webcam") by copying the alpha channel from the mask to the current video image.
one of the problems here is that you want to find if a pixel has ANY change to it, and if it does then to convert that pixel to another color (for masking). Unfortunately, a webcam's quality isn't great so even if your scene does not change at all the bitmapdata coming from the webcam will change slightly. Therefor, when your subject steps into frame...you will get pixel changes for the subject...but also noise in other areas due to lighting changes or camera quality. What you'll need to do is write a function that analyzes the result of a bitmapdaya.compare() for change in area's larger than _____ to determine if there is enough change to warrant an actual object being there. That will help remove noise and make your mask more accurate.