Aptana 3 how to use a project in another project without copying files, in order to keep them in sync? - aptana

I have a javascript project that is still in development;
Then I have another rails project that will use the javascript project;
I would like to have in "my-rails-project/public/javascript/" the link to the other javascript project.
I would like to be able to make changes within the rails-project and affect the javascript-project.
Is this possible and how?
thanks (:

This is general Eclipse thing and not related to Aptana in particular.
Simply start creating a new Folder and on the wizard page click "Advanced>>>", then choose Linked Folder and Browse to location of your javascript project.
That's it.


Using a solution as a DLL to another (vb.net)

I don't know if there's a way to achieve this, but I have a solution with its references on a single form page (made with ext.net, by the way) and wanted to use it as a reference to another project.
Is this possible?
I think it was a poor question afterall. I have a solution with 3 different projects (web, entity and bals) and it's all good there. They all work together for a single form page. Now, I want all of that stuff to be inside another project, which is inside another solution, and call that page with its references from this other solution I'm trying to get it in.
To call an object (or a form) from your original solution in your new solution, you need to add references to Web, Entity and Bals.
There's 2 way to add a reference. You can add a reference to the compiled DLL / EXE or, if you have the source project, you can include the project in your solution (File -> Add -> Add Existing Project) and then add reference to that project.
If I understand your question, you would like to link an entire Solution instead of each projects individually. This can be done by changing the Add Existing Project filter from All Projects Files to Solution Files. This will allow you to import every project from the given .sln file.
However, this is a one shot deal operation that will import the projects at a given time. If you add or remove a project from your original solution after you linked them, you will have to do the same in your new solution.
When adding a reference to a project, you can select another project within the same solution or you can select a compiled DLL. If you have a library project in one solution and an application project in another solution then your only choice is to build the library project and then reference the compiled DLL in the application solution.
That said, there's nothing to stop you adding the same project to multiple solutions. You can add the library project to the same solution as the application project without removing it from its current solution and then you can work on it at the same time as the application, including debugging both at the same time. The application project can then reference the library project instead of the compiled DLL.

Is it possible to create a asp.net project from existing published files?

I am currently making changes to a site but only have access to the files on the FTP, Is it possible to build a project file and solution from these files so that i can code and then republish and deploy?
I have a list of files including a bin and App_Code file along with all the pages, How do i create a project from this?
Thanks in Advance.
as much i know only you can do in this scenario that add all the dlls to your new project and use some OOPs concepts (like overloading, overriding etc) to use all the functionality of existing project.
happy coding :D

Use script files from another project inside same solution

I'm trying to use some script files between different projects. I have one solution with four projects. In the project "A" I have some scripts like Jquery, Javascript Plugins, etc, and i want to use them on the project "B", by adding a scriptmanager, or anything that works. What can i do this?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010.
Here is a printscreen with my environment.
Hello, after doing what #CStick says, a have now the scripts in my other project, so a can't add them to a ScriptManager. The problem is path not found on Asp.net code. It cant find the script cause they're placed in the other project. What can i do to solve it?
I know this is old, but for future reader i post an answer.
You will have to use "Link project file" for this.
From the target project, right click on the folder you what the file to be
Select add -> Existing file
Browse to the file you need then click on the arrow at the right of the add button and select add as a link
After this you can modify the file in booth project, but the fille will be only in the source physical location until you publish the project.
This can cause problem for client side file, like script file, on debug because you cant view the file because it's not physically in the target project.
You can use MsBuild to copy the source file on the target directory on build.
(See this answer)
In short, you will create a .targets file then add a reference in your project file.

TortoiseSVN with ASP.net Web Projects - How to manage this?

We're a small team starting to use TortiseSVN to manage our web projects.
I was just wondering what is the best way to manage web projects into Subversion.
As you know a web solution consists of the .sln file as well as all the .aspx files.
Well we noticed when we right click the solution and we select "Add selected projects to subversion". It prompts me to tell it where to store the .sln file. So I give it some path like svn://serverName/CIS/MyWebSiteProject. Cool it just placed the .sln file...so I thought to myself how is it going to store the .aspx files as well.
Within a second I got a second prompt, I thought cool it is prompting me for the .aspx pages. So I tried giving it the path svn://serverName/CIS/MyWebSiteProject/ASPX_Files, but it comes back with an error stating I cannot place this folder within this path. I actually have to go outside of the folder MyWebSiteProject.
Not good cause now I have 2 folders one with the .sln folder and the other with all the .aspx pages and these folders are sitting on:
(sln file):
(aspx files):
This really is not ideal cause I am sitting on the root of CIS with 2 folders for really one solution. Now when I try to check the project out I have to check both folders out.
What makes this even worse is when I do check them out I try to open the .sln file and I get an error that it cannot find the corresponding .aspx files. This seems like too much work, is there an easier way or a recommended way of using tortisesvn/subversion with asp.net web projects ?
While I am sure you have TortoiseSVN installed, it sounds like you are using Ahnk or some other VS SCC plugin to add from within VS.
I would suggest not using the plugin to initally add the solution to SVN, but to use TortoiseSVN in Windows Explorer for your initial check in. This will add your solution directory in its original state.
From that point on, you should be able to use the SCC plugin from within VS without trouble.
Ok, after your commment I realize that I was not fully understanding the problem.
If you are dealing with a single project, after you create your solution and project, select the solution in Solution Explorer, go to 'file>save solution as' and save the solution inside the directory where your project file is.
Close the solution and go out to Explorer and use Tortoise to add the directory to SVN. If you have multiple projects/sites, just pick one to hold the solution.
Does that make sense? and from that point you should have no problems with ahnk
The key to successfully using Visual Studio with any source control is to put the solution file in the same path as the rest of the project files.
Usually, I will do something like the following:
\Project\MainWebSite\*.* <-- All web site files (including .??proj here).
Then, I manually put \Project\*.* into source control.
Other options exist, as for my recent projects, I have been using:
Again, I manually put \Project\*.* into source control.
I generally find that it is better to set up the repositories for my solutions and projects from within Tortoise SVN. Then use whatever VS plugin that you care for to manage the commits of your pages etc. This gives you a little more control and allows you to get your setup correct from the start.

Flex: create a template app?

Whenever I start a new project in Flex builder I always have to go and add all my project build paths, adjust the compiler settings, etc. Is there a way I can make a template with all that done and then just click new from template?
No, but I can think of a workaround or two. Try importing an existing project to a new location, then delete what you don't need.
Even better, you could make a "template" project that has all the settings you want. Then, whenever you want to create a new project, create one, then on the command-line or using Finder (or explorer), copy the project files from the template project in, making sure to update the name correctly. The files that control this are: .flexProperties, .actionScriptProperties, .settings/, and .project, I believe. They are in the root folder of any FB project.
