How can I ensure a continuous look and feel using Dynamics CRM 2011 and IFRAME - css

I am new to dynamics integration and as a learning exercise I have set up a new server and created an IFRAME in my Account form to display a page from another application (there is mapping between the CRM account and the other application).
This all works great and hats off to Microsoft for making this so simple!
My issue is I want to provide a continuous look and feel to the external application so it looks integrated as much as possible.
At the moment, I only have a grid showing a list of records but this will probably grow to having buttons and input fields too.
I toyed with the idea of just replicating all the CSS using the SDK style guide as a reference but wanted to ask if there is a best/recommended practice for doing this before I went ahead with this tedious task.

Have the same question as you. Having looked around it appears that for the moment you should replicate the styles you need from the style guide in your own resources.
Found this that makes it sound like they are working on something in the future:


Tool for Overlaying User Data on Government Form

I'm working on a project where user's submit data and then it is put onto a state form that they can print and submit. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, the form looks similar to an IRS 1040 form (
We've recently discovered that the form generated by our software isn't close enough to be accepted by some state's OCR process.
We're looking for some way to quickly create stylesheets or something similar so that the data can be overlayed on a scan of the original form and then printed. We've tested to ensure this works, however the lost time of trying to get the positioning right for every version of the form for each state has become a huge problem.
I'm looking for a tool or technique that would help me roll out each form faster.
The web application is based on Code Igniter. Our company prefers open source solutions but if a proven proprietary product exists we would certainly use it due to the critical nature of the issue.
Thank you very much for any help.
First, the obvious. Most web IDE's do this with ease (I know both Microsoft Visual Studio and Adobe Dreamweaver would allow you to visually position the elements above the image without problems).
I take it you are looking for a tool that lets you design the forms as part of the web application itself. One of the related links points to Suggestions for a JavaScript form builder?.
Other than that, if you know your Javascript and jQuery/extjs etc, it should be pretty quick to write a simple "put the textfields above the image" (absolute-positioning + drag and drop) type of web interface.

ASP.NET Timeline control

I have looked over other questions on this website, but am yet to find a solution that meets our requirements.
We need a Timeline control that makes it possible to display some HR information (distribution of consultants) over longer periods of time (months). The screenshot below illustrates the requirement.
We currently use a Windows-based component from a third party. We need this application to be visible on the web, including display on iPad devices. Are there any controls on the market that support this functionality?
I haven't explored many of the options yet, but I'm working on an application that uses DayPilot Lite (the open source version) from to display a calendar. The scheduler control looks like it could do something like what you're looking for.
maybe Telerik Scheduler
Here's one from codeplex that might work...
There's also the "viewer" approach you could take -- for example, you could put a view of Visio or MS Project, etc. in a window on your page. Not sure how interactive it would be, but if your need is just for view-only, it might work.
Have you looked at Google Charts? Specifically you could, perhaps, use their Annotated Timeline.
Google charts have some serious issues if any project is deployed in IIS.

ASP.Net: how to draw map

I am assigned a task to develop module for an already existing web application or to look for some third party plugin.
The web application is developed using and C# under .Net Framework 4.0. So if i develop by myself or i go for some 3rd party plugin then in both cases, my solutions need to work with above website specifications.
What I am Assigned:
I need to draw a figure(or map) which illustrates that how companies registered on our website are connected with each other and then their sub companies, i am sorry i don't know how to explain it exactly :(, but following image would give a better idea what i want to achieve. I never do such task before, and only need guidance.
Image Taken From:
Seems like you are in for some fun :)
Infragistics seems to have a Silverlight control (
But you also might want to check out these as starting points:
You probably don't wont to write graph code, better use some graph visualization library, look here for list :

Off the shelf Data Entry Forms for

I've got an application where each client will have their own data entry forms. I'm a bit tired of reinventing this wheel. Does anyone have any good experience with an "off the shelf" component for rapidly building such forms?
The component will need to fit within an existing site and support layout of the fields, not just "dumping" the fields on the page. The data needs to go back to a database for querying (but can use it's own schema) and some light level of workflow needs to be supported (mostly around completion status). Infopath is a non-starter due to its requirements for sharepoint etc, but if you're thinking along those lines, you have some idea of what I'm looking for. The system must be open for modification as I'm sure we won't be able to find something that does everything we need.
Doesn't matter if it is OSS or commericial.
We've used FeedBack Server here in the past and it worked out pretty good.
Microsoft lightswitch.
Telerik widgets in a web page.

Customizing GraffitiCMS

I downloaded GraffitiCMS the other day(now open source and free), and like a lot of what I see, but what I really want to use it for, is to add CMS capabilities to an existing database/application.
Without getting bogged down with all the details of my app, can someone give me the basic 'approach' that should be taken to add custom content to Graffiti; content that won't be a 'post'?
I've seen for example, how to add custom-widgets to Graffiti - basically inherit from the widget class, compile your dll and plop it into the correct directory and it becomes part of the system. Is there a way to do something similar for the main content areas?
For simplicity sake, pretend I have a non-graffiti database with gig's of data that I want to display on the website using standard grid's and forms. I realize I could just go in and hack apart the source code to integrate my existing app, but that is likely not the correct approach.
Not looking for a complete solution her, just a pointer and what areas to investigate...thanks.
If you check out the latest source of Graffiti (or the 1.3 branch that was recently created), support was added to put widgets anywhere you want on any page. There is a new chalk function - $macros.Widget - that provides you with this ability. Dan Hounshell wrote a blog post on how you can use this new functionality:
If you're looking for something different than that, just let me know - we're working to make Graffiti even better for situations just like you are currently in.
What we have done to be able to integrate Graffiti CMS with our current ASP.NET projects is to create a post in Graffiti called "hidden" and then with our standard .ASPX pages we call a class in our Render Override that pulls the "hidden" post (ie: and uses the header and footer to wrap the Graffiti theme around our custom .ASPX page. We use some HTML comments in the "hidden" post to be able to parse the header and the footer. It is kind of a hack, but has worked out really well for us.
I think you're trying to put the cart before the horse - depending on the size and amount of functionality, I would be looking to rebuild it after learning the development platform of my CMS system of choice.
I'm pretty much in the same boat right now. I have avoided Graffiti because I have to learn "Chalk" (whatever that is) and Umbraco (using XSLT for layouts is retarded). So far, this leaves me with Sitefinity at the top of my list and Telerik have just pulled the free version!
I may end up grabbing a very basic CMS which is easier to customize. I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but it may give you some food for thought :-)
