MVC Change in URL of the application -

the current application on MVC can be accessed through URL Like:
Now there is a request to change it to a new URL:
so my question is how will the MVC behave, will I have to make any routing changes ?
Thanks !

If your links are application-relative, for instance
My Area
then you shouldn't have any problems.
If you've used site-relative links,
My Area
They'll break.

#David has the correct solution. I also keep the URL in the config file as an app setting for use in certain situations.
<%: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebsiteURL"] %>/Content/Images/a.png

You shouldn't as long as your application root moves (i.e. in IIS) and your URLs all properly specified in helper methods, prefixed with "~" where appropriate.
For example, a URL in an MVC app that is specified like "~/images/foo.jpg" will resolve to "" in your current scheme. Under the new scheme, if properly re-rooted in IIS, it will resolve to "".
If you've used absolute or strictly relative URLs, however, you may be out of luck.


Single page app in AngularJS and ASP.Net works fine, but when I refresh my page in the browser I get 404 errors

So I've set up an HTML5 single page application, and it's working well. The page is at /App/ and when some one goes to content it looks like /App/Content/1234.
One problem: If the user refreshes the page the server can't find that URL because it doesn't actually exist. If I send them to /App/#/Content/1234, they're golden, but what is the best way to do this? I have a LOT of different styles of URL under /App.
What is the best way to globally catch any request under ~/App/(.*) and redirect it to ~/App/#/$1?
The only route registered in MVC is the standard OOTB route.
Sounds like your server is not re-writing the urls to the app's base URL.
The URL re-writing needed on the web server is server-dependent. For Apache, you'd use mod_rewrite.
Instead, switch Angular to the "Hashbang mode" (the default) so the urls will all store the local state after the # in the url.
I don't want my apps to require server configuration changes, so I recommend hashbang mode.
See AngularJS docs. See section "Hashbang and HTML5 Modes" The HTML5 mode section describes all the configuration issues needed to support HTML5 mode for the urls.
This awesome dude describes how to fix this here.
In brief:
Remove MVC nugets (unless you use MVC controllers for anything) -
you can keep the Web API nugets. Keep WebPages and Razor packages.
Also delete MVC controllers and views.
You can keep using .cshtml
files with some web.config modifications. You'll need this for
Finally you add a rewrite rule on web.config to point all urls (excluding content, images, scripts etc) to index.html

Can MVC handle regular URL path requests, too?

ASP.NET MVC newbie question:
I've set up a MVC site, with a few controllers. Now my site also has a lot of content files, which are stored in a network of subfolders within my web site, and I need to be able to access them directly, e.g.
Is there a way to make this a direct pass-through to the content folder, as specified by the path, or do I have to make a Content controller that interprets the rest of the URL and returns the file as some kind of ActionResult? Bear in mind, of course, that there will be lots of different content types, not just JPEGs.
Thanks for your help!
This should work without you doing anything - static files are not processed by the routing engine.
You want to look into Routing, and IgnoreRoute specifically. Here are a couple of places to start.
Asp.Net Routing: How do I ignore multiple wildcard routes?
Take a look at the #Url.Content() helper method.
The IRouteHandler and the route registration in your global.asax is your extensibility point for configuring how MVC handles url paths.
However, by default ASP.NET MVC will allow you to access image files directly, without any additional configuration.

Error When running Application in IIS

I have an application in configured it in IIS.When i running this application in IIS i getting an error;
Server "/" error:
Resource Cannot be Found
Some of pages only produce this issues.Other forms are working perfectly.Without running application in IIS Its working perfectly.
If any one can answer plz send the answer immediatly.
Thank you
I assume that the urls for some of your pages are malformed.
Check in your app how you are building the paths.
Personally, i use to have a class like PathsUtil, where i build all of my paths for the pages,
so when i'm moving to IIS, it's extremely easy just to correct something (for instance add a virtual dir etc).
- for the PathsUtil i use Paths.resx where i have defined all of my paths like
Name Value
index /Site/index.aspx
add.user /Site/addUser.aspx
and so on.
And in PathsUtil i only take the value from the Paths.resx and i build the url:
string baseUrl = getBaseUrl() + (String)HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Paths", "index");
I've just moved to an IIS7 server, and there i've created a virtual dir "gramma"
You can note that was a piece of cake only to add "/gramma" in Paths.resx, in front of each url :)
Look for the Response.Redirect() calls in the page previous to the form you are getting the error. Just make sure that any harcoded URL for the form supplied to the Response.Redirect() call is correct.
Also, look for If you are navigating to a form which is in a different directory than the current one. For example:-
will redirect to an ASPX page just one level up of the current one. Each pair of dots implies one directory level up.
In thses cases, I think, you are better off using ~ (tilde) character which will always take the path from the root. So the mistakes happening because of incorrect number of dots can be minimised.Try something like this:-
Response.Redirect( this.ResolveUrl("~/Myfolder/SomeForm.aspx") );
More details for the ~ and ResolveUrl here.
This can also happen If you have window.location calls in javascript if you assign an incorrect URL to the same.

ASP.Net MVC Application points to localhost instead of application directory

Hi I am deploying an MVC application on IIS on Win7. I have deployed it on localhost/appPortal. appPortal is configured as application rather than virtual directory. Unfortunately the application root in MVC gets mapped to localhost instead of localhost/appPortal. This is breaking all my links to scripts, css, images etc. Can anyone help me in understanding why this happens and how to fix it?
More information would be interesting on how you are creating the links.
The first thing to check is that the application is correctly created in IIS, which I suppose it is. (If not you'll probably get errors from nested web.config files)
The second thing, urls should be created like this and not directly:
<%= Url.Content("~/yourpath/yourfile.css") %>
Maybe this question about Url.Content shows you more options. Check as well MSDN documentation on UrlHelper and HtmlHelper.
The best solution is not to use rooted links in your application (ones which start with /). You can use ~/ as a reference to the root of the application. I use things like this
<script src="<%=ResolveClientUrl("~/script/something.js") %>"
to resolve to /scripts. Doing this makes your application more portable.
You could also just use the HTML 5 doc type and the <base> tag.
Yep, I just did that.
Thats probably not an option though so you should use the URL helper as Marc stated.

ASP.NET URL rewriting not working with folder URLs

I wrote a custom URL rewriting module, to take certain paths and map them to our catalog out of the database.
I am using the technique outlined in the link at the bottom of my post.
I'm using .NET 3.5. The problem is that it only works when there is a page name on the end of the original URL, but if the page name is left off, then it never even calls my handler.
So for example, the URL works but does not.
The one with just the folder never gets into my handler class at all. Is there something you need to do to enable folders to work properly?
Is a know issue when using .NET rewriting. You need to correctly configure the wildcard mapping. Here is a good link:
Another option will be rewriting by IIS ISAPI with regular expressions.
In my company we actually use both.
Check out this link for references:
I'm not sure how to solve it but the reason is becaus IIS is treating it as a directory (which it is) and doesn't have any knowledge about how to pass the folder to the ASP.NET isapi filter and trigger the .Net handler.
You could try doing it with IIS7 and inserting the handler in the actuall IIS pipeline. Or check the bottom of the article you referenced below the heading "Using RewriteModule".
