How do I log asynchronous thin+sinatra+rack requests? - asynchronous

I'm writing my first Sinatra-based web app as a frontend to another TCP-based service, using EventMachine and async_sinatra to process incoming HTTP requests asynchronously. When I'm testing my app, all requests to synchronous routes are logged to stdout in common log format, but asynchronous requests are not.
I've read through bits of the source code to async_sinatra, Sinatra, Thin, and Rack, and it looks like logging of synchronous requests is done through CommonLogger#call. However, I can't find anywhere in the asynchronous code in async_sinatra or Thin that seems to pass asynchronous requests through the logging middleware (I'm looking at Sinatra::Helpers#body in async_sinatra and at Thin::Connection.post_process which is written into env['.async_callback'] in Thin's connection.rb:68 and request.rb:132).
I'm experienced with C but relatively new to Ruby, so if I've used some terminology or notation incorrectly, please correct me. Thanks in advance.
Edit: this also affects error handling. If an exception is raised in an asynchronous request, the request is never finished and the error is never logged.

I eventually found that using rack-async with async_sinatra was causing problems with 404 pages, exception handling, and logging:
!! Unexpected error while processing request: undefined method `bytesize' for nil:NilClass
Instead I used the following wrapper around aroute for logging:
module Sinatra::Async
alias :oldaroute :aroute
def aroute verb, path, opts = {}, &block
# Based on aroute from async_sinatra
run_method = :"RunA#{verb} #{path} #{opts.hash}"
define_method run_method, &block
log_method = :"LogA#{verb} #{path} #{opts.hash}"
define_method(log_method) { |*a|
puts "#{request.ip} - #{status} #{verb} #{path}"
oldaroute verb, path, opts do |*a|
oldcb = request.env['async.callback']
request.env['async.callback'] = proc { |*args|
async_runner(log_method, *a)
async_runner(run_method, *a)
This is for the same versions of async_sinatra, Thin, and Rack that I was using when I asked this question last year; newer versions may allow the use of common Rack middleware for logging.

I am running on sinatra-synchrony and therefore I have a slightly different core than you.
But basically I solved the same problem.
Here is an abstract of the solution:
I am not using Rack::CommonLogger, I use my own Logger
You need to buffer log output in an async aware storage
The buffered log output must be flushed at the end of the request
In my sinatra-synchrony application I am running the following middleware for logging:
# in app.rb I register Logger::Middleware as the first middleware
use Logger::Middleware
# in logger.rb
module Logger
attr_accessor :messages
def log(message)
stack << message
def stack
# This is the important async awareness
# It stores messages for each fiber separately
messages[Fiber.current.object_id] ||= []
def flush
STDERR.puts stack.join("\n") unless stack.empty?
messages.delete Fiber.current.object_id
extend self
class Middleware
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
# before the request
Logger.log "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{env['REQUEST_URI']}"
result =
# after the request
Logger.messages = {} # initialize the message storage
Everywhere in the application I am able to use Logger.log("message") for logging.


Mocked request doing actual requests call, not mock

I am mocking a get request in my unittest code using requests-mock, but when I run the code during testing, it still tries to hit the actual URL instead of returning the mocked data.
This is my code:
response = requests.get(api_url, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))
except requests.ConnectionError as e:
raise dke.CLIError(f"Could not connect to Artifactory server to get NPM auth information: {str(e)}")
This is my test code
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
m = requests_mock.Mocker()
text=("_auth = base64string==\n"
"always-auth = true\n"
"email ="))
The api_url in my code matches the URL I pass to m.get(). However, when I run the test, I do not get the value of "text" but instead I get a 401 Client Error: Unauthorized and a response from the server indicating "Bad credentials" which tells me it actually tried to contact the server instead of returning the text I had requested in the Mock.
I'm lost. As far as I can tell, I'm using this exactly as the docs indicate. Any ideas?
So, it seems you can't use the request_mocker that way. It has to be a decorator or context manager.
I mean the context manager/decorator is just a pattern around normal code. I haven't tested it but i think you just have to call m.start()/m.stop().
It's generally used as a context manager or decorator because if you instantiate it once like that then your request history is going to include all requests across all unit tests which is very hard to make assertions about.

net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) why/what to do with this?

TL:DR - Look at edit 2 for a C# equivalent of code http client code, resulting in ~same issue, so Go http.Client is not the real problem, but C# Web API once deployed to Azure...
I'm getting very bad performance from a C# Web API once deployed to Azure Web App [2x Standard S3]. At first I was asking re: Go's http.Client timeout, but writing a similar client in C# and NodeJs gave same results.
This is my http.Client:
func getWebClient() *http.Client {
var netTransport = &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 2000,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
var netClient = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 10,
Transport: netTransport,
return netClient
Error I'm getting:
net/http: request canceled (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
It can be on GET, POST, PUT. I'm getting those error, yet running a failing GET with curl immediately got a reply.
This is a sample Get function I'm using to call an API:
func get(path string, result interface{}) error {
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", webDALAPIURL+path, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
wc := getWebClient()
res, err := wc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode >= 400 {
return fmt.Errorf("[GET] %d - %s", res.StatusCode, webDALAPIURL+path)
decoder := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)
return decoder.Decode(result)
Fun fact, never encountered those error when the API was running locally. API is a C# ASP.NET Web API app.
I started to have lots of TLS Handshake error, so I dropped the https for the Azure app endpoint. Now I'm getting this error.
I'm tailing the logs for the app, and nothing is occurring [the API being called]. Seems like Go is unable to make multiple call to same host. I'm not event using goroutine in one cmd and using them in another, both results in same errors.
When the API is running on a Windows computer in same network, never had that error during development.
Edit 1:
Note that 80-85% of the requests are working well, the scenario is that (pseudo code):
for item in items {
http get /item/{id} => works 90% of the time, 10% timeout
change item properties
http PUT /item/{id} => works 80% of the time
I added a retry in the get() function, so if the timeout occurs it's retrying the get, and this seems to works. Although, I don't like this workaround at all.
Also note that we are talking about quick GET that are returning timeout, when I run them from curl, it's < 1sec. Same for the PUT, those are highly simplistic database SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID = {id} AND UPDATE.
The Azure Web app that runs the API is 2 instance of Standard S3.
The fact that the retry for the GET worked looks like, it's most certainly the API / Azure app not taking the load, which is impossible for the simplicity and we are talking about less than 10 requests / seconds.
Another point not negligible, when running on dev server, the same Azure SQL Database was used, so the SELECT/UPDATE perf should be the exact same on dev and on Azure Web App.
Edit 2:
The speed comparing same C# Web API from local to Azure is disturbing. I wrote a similar C# http client to test Azure vs Local Web API.
class Program
static int fails = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++)
Console.WriteLine("completed: " + fails.ToString());
static void get(int id)
id += 22700;
var c = new HttpClient();
var resp = c.GetAsync("" + id).Result;
if (!resp.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("error getting /users status code {0}", resp.StatusCode));
Running this console app against Azure I can clearly see where Go's getting time out, it's painfully slow, no error are returned, but the Console.Write("."); takes forever to print, are are periodic, can print ~fast for 3-4 than it stopped.
Changing this to localhost:1078 again same database used there's no paused, and the Console.Write(".") are printing like 20x the speed compare to Azure.
How is that possible?
Edit 3:
Just added global error handler on the web api, maybe the slovenliness could be caused by too much Exception being thrown. Added a Trace.TraceError and I azure site log tail it, again nothing was displayed.
I would go as far as saying that the local web api is running 25-30x faster than the 2x instance of Azure Standard S3. Clearly that can't be true, but the web api is so simple that I don't see what I can do to have Azure run it at full speed.
I think you might want to use thing like context, go routines and channels to not lockup your main. Similar to Task in c# which also gives you more Throughput and performance.
You can find a bunch of blog posts I wrote. I also have c# background and these blogs are some of my lessons learned. I do refer to c# vs Go approach in the blogs so that should make easy for you to compare.
Check out the go routines and the graceful webserver posts. You might find your answer there.
Also your c# implementation is blocking due to the call to .Result
You should use async await which makes code way more efficient, utilizing Task.
I expect your c# server probably also isn't using Task as a return type meaning it will not be able to cope with huge amount of connections. As soon you use Task there and spin code in New threads that will also be able to handle more concurrent request and succeed probably more often. So basically do db stuff in separate thread/task and make sure to dispose database connections to prevent memory leaks.
It is just an assumption, as I notice the client code in this post also doesn't use this properly. So forgive me if I am wrong with my assumption.

HTTP POST request in Inno Setup Script

I would like to submit some information collected from user during Inno setup installation to our server via POST.
Obvious solution would be to include an .exe file that the setup would extract into temporary location and launch with parameters. However, I'm wondering - is there is any easier/better way?
Based on jsobo advice of using WinHTTP library, I came with this very simple code that does the trick. Say, you want to send serial number for verification just before the actual installation starts. In the Code section, put:
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
WinHttpReq: Variant;
if CurStep = ssInstall then
if AutoCheckRadioButton.Checked = True then
WinHttpReq := CreateOleObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1');
WinHttpReq.Open('POST', '<your_web_server>', false);
WinHttpReq.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
{ WinHttpReq.ResponseText will hold the server response }
The Open method takes as arguments the HTTP method, the URL and whether to do async request and it seems like we need to add SetRequestHeader in order to set the Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
WinHttpReq.Status will hold the response code, so to check if the server returned successfully:
if WinHttpReq.Status <> 200 then
MsgBox('ERROR', mbError, MB_OK);
MsgBox('SUCCESS', mbInformation, MB_OK);
end; lists all methods and properties of the WinHttpRequest object.
Also, to avoid run-time errors (can happen if the host is unreachable) it is a good idea to surround the code with try/except code.
You could always have your installer use curl
to make the http post...
You could write a pascal script right in innosetup to do the call utilizing the winhttp library
Or you could just write a vbscript and execute that with the cscript engine to do the same http call via the winhttp library.
That should point you to at least 3 different options to do what you need.
I think putting the exe in there would be the least error prone but utilizing the winhttp library with the pascal script (used by innosetup) would be the most simple.
I haven't tried it but the ISXKB has an entry for an uninstall survey that uses an HTTP POST:

Is there a way to add detailed remote crash reporting to a Flex Air application?

I will be releasing my Air/Flex application soon, but I am pretty sure there are a couple of bugs that may pop up on the various platforms that Air is available for. So I was wondering if there is a way to implement a mechanism, that would send an error report, logging where the error happened, to a remote server each time an app crashes? This way I might catch errors that otherwise would go unnoticed.
Global error handling is now supported in Flash 10 and AIR2. More info on that here:
Using that kind of functionality to catch uncaught exceptions; you can submit the trace to some web service set up specifically to grab them. Using Google App Engine is excellent for this purpose since it already has a logging feature which grabs all kinds of meta data from the client calling the application. Also, if your logs become huge for some reason - at least you wont have to worry about storing them. Google does that for you :)
I've set up such a service as outlined below (granted it has some flaws, in particular anyone can call it and add "traces", but you could add some shared secret and post over HTTPS to have some tiny measure of security).
App Engine Logging Service
#!/usr/bin/env python
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util
class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
import logging
if self.request.get('trace'):
logging.error(self.request.get('trace')) #Adds a row to GAE:s own logs :)
self.response.out.write('trace logged')
def get(self):
""" Kill this function when done testing """
test_form = """
<form action="/" method="POST">
<textarea name="trace"></textarea>
<input type="submit">
def main():
application = webapp.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)],
if __name__ == '__main__':
I wrote a little AIR-app containing this little test function which simply POST:ed the app engine service with the parameter "trace" specified.
Posting to the logging service (ActionScript)
private function postToLogger(event:MouseEvent):void
var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
var parameters:Object = {'trace': "omg something went wrong"};
service.method = HTTPRequestMessage.POST_METHOD;
service.resultFormat = HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_E4X;
service.addEventListener("result", onSuccess);
service.addEventListener("fault", onError);
And finally, this is how it looks in the logs, lots of metadata, and of the trace you caught in your AIR app.

ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests

Can someone help me with this problem that occurs whenever you run a TRIGGER, but works in a normal PROCEDURE?
create or replace
procedure testeHTTP(search varchar2)
req sys.utl_http.req;<BR>
resp sys.utl_http.resp;<BR>
url varchar2(500);
url := '';
-- Abrindo a conexão e iniciando uma requisição
req := sys.utl_http.begin_request(search);
-- Preparandose para obter as respostas
resp := sys.utl_http.get_response(req);
dbms_output.put_line('finalizando response');
-- Encerrando a comunicação request/response
When Others Then
close your user session and then the problem is fixed.
Internal there is a limit from 5 http requests.
Might a problem is the missing: utl_http.end_response
or an exception in the app and not a close from the resp object.
modify the code like that:
you need to close your requests once you are done with them, it does not happen automatically (unless you disconnect form the db entirely)
It used to be utl_http.end_response, but I am not sure if it is the same api any more.
Usually we need UTL_HTTP.END_RESPONSE(resp); to avoid of ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests, but I think I reproduced the problem of #Clóvis Santos in Oracle 19c.
If web-service always returns status 200 (success) then too many open HTTP requests never happens. But if persistent connections are enabled and web-service returns status 404, behavior becomes different.
Let`s call something that always return 404.
First call of utl_http.begin_request returns normally and opens new persistent connection. We can check it with select utl_http.get_persistent_conn_count() from dual;. Second call causes an exception inside utl_http.begin_request and persistent connection becomes closed. (Exception is correctly handled with end_response/end_request).
If I continue then each odd execution returns 404 normally and each even execution gives an exception (handled correctly of course).
After some iterations I get ORA-29270: too many open HTTP requests. If web-service returns status 200 everything goes normally.
I guess, it happens because of the specific web-service. Probable it drops persistent connection after 404 and doesn't after 200. Second call tries to reuse request on persistent connection but it doesn't exist and causes request leak.
If I use utl_http.set_persistent_conn_support (false, 0); once in my session the problem disappears. I can call web-service as many times as I need.
Try to switch off persistent connection support. Probable, on the http-server persistent connections work differently for different requests. Looks like a bug.
