Is there a way to reverse the effect of atan2? - math

I have a specific question about reversing atan2, I will write my code example in PHP.
$radial = 1.12*PI();
$transformed = -atan2(cos($radial)*2, sin($radial)*1.5);
$backToRadial = ?
Is there a way to reverse the transformed value to the start radial, without knowing the start radial?
This is how code flow should be: $radial => transform($radial) => transformback(transform($radial)) => $radial.
I have searched on the web (incl. stack) but I couldn't find any correct code. Also looked on Wikipedia, but it was overwhelming. My question is more a algebra question I think ;).
Let me know what you think!
Answered by Jason S:
Answer (by radial range: -PI-PI):
$backToRadial = atan2(2*cos($transformed), -1.5*sin($transformed));
Answer (by radial range: 0-2PI):
$backToRadial = PI() + atan2(-(2*cos($transformed)), -(-1.5*sin($transformed)));

A simple answer that will work for principal angles (angles over the range θ = -π to +π) is as follows:
θ' = -atan2(2cos θ, 1.5sin θ)
θ = atan2(2cos θ', -1.5sin θ')
where the first equation is your forward transformation, and the second equation is one of many inverse transformations.
The reason for this is that what you're doing is equivalent to a reflection + scaling + unit-magnitude-normalization of the cartesian coordinate pair (x,y) = (r cos θ, r sin θ) for r =1, since atan2(y,x) = θ.
A specific transformation that will work is (x',y') = (1.5y, -2x).
θ' = atan2(y',x') = atan2(-2x, 1.5y) = atan2(-2Rcos θ, 1.5Rsin θ) = -atan2(2 cos θ, 1.5 sin θ),
with the last step true since atan2(ky,kx) = atan2(y,x) for any k > 0, and -atan2(y,x) = atan2(-y, x).
This can be reversed by solving for x and y, namely y = 1/1.5 * x' and x = -1/2 * y':
θ = atan2(y,x) = atan2(1/1.5 * x', -1/2 * y')
and we choose to multiply (x,y) by k = 3/R to leave the angle unchanged:
θ = atan2(2x'/R, -1.5y'/R) = atan2(2 cos θ', -1.5 sin θ')
edit: Jason points out, correctly, that your example angle 1.12π is not in the principal angle range -π to +π. You need to define the range of angles you wish to be able to handle, and it has to be a range of at most length 2π.
My answer can be adjusted accordingly, but it takes a bit of work to verify, and you would make it easier on yourself if you stuck to the -π to +π range, since you are using atan2() and its output is in this range.
If you want to use a modified version of atan2() that outputs angles in the 0-2π range, I'd recommend using
atan2b(y,x) = pi+atan2(-y,-x)
where atan2b now outputs between 0 and 2π, since the calculation atan2(-y,-x) differs from atan2(y,x) by an angle of π (mod 2π)
If you're going to take this approach, don't calculate -atan2b(y,x); instead calculate atan2b(-y,x), (equivalent mod 2π) so that the range of output angles is left unchanged.

First, atan2 is not the same as tan-1 or arctan as seen below from the Wiki article on atan2:
As you can see, you cannot map it back without some information regarding x and y. However, if x>0 is always true, then you just take use the inverse tangent function, etc.
You could use this representation, to compute the inverse function:
In your example, y = 2cos(r) and x = 1.5sin(r). Therefore, if you divide the above expression with y, you get it in the form of x/y which in your case is 4/3 cot(r).
If this representation is correct, some simple algebra gives you:
where r = radial and k = cot(transformed/2)
WolframAlpha gave a solution to this:
But depending on your resources, it's probably better to find the root of the function with a fixed value of k. E.g. if k = 1.35, then you need to solve:
Any decent solver (and hence the comment on the resources you have) such as MATLAB will solve this. WolframAlpha provided the following approximate real solution:


Understanding & Deriving Jacobian Determinant Scaling Factor

I have been trying to understand Jacobian Determinant.
I hope someone is able to give me a pointer.
Most material that I found on Internet didn't provide
derivation of Jacobian Determinant.
One such web site is:
(Which I find quite good, otherwise.)
I spent a lot of time trying to deepen my understanding of
Jacobian Determinant.
I played with Transformations that define uv-axes and
how integration of a function over a Region/area would work
with the Transformations.
For example, when I started with simple Transformations of:
u = ( x - y )/√2
v = ( x + y )/2√2
which is uv-axes rotated -45° from Cartesian xy-axes,
and with v-axis at 2 times the scale,
that is, v = 1 maps to 2 units length in xy-coords.
So, I say that uscale = 1, vscale = 2,
for the above transformations.
With this uv-axes, I can simplify a 10x20 rectangle Region
which is rotated at 45° from x-axis,
such that the longer dimension points at 45° from x-axis.
With such examples, I begin to develop intuition
how Jacobian Determinant works.
I understand Jacobian Determinant to be a Scaling Factor
to convert area measurement in uv-axes to xy-dimensions.
Area measurement in uv-axes is given simply by formula
Δu x Δv, where Δu = 10, Δv = 10, because vscale = 2).
Jacobian Determinant Scaling Factor = uscale x vscale
(quite intuitively).
Area in xy-dimensions = Δu x Δv x (uscale x vscale)
= 10 x 10 x 1 x 2 = 200.
Integration of volume over such a simpler uv Square,
could be easier than over the same xy Region,
appearing at an angle.
With the above initial understanding,
I am trying to work out how Jacobian Determinant is derived.
Deriving from the above Transformations formula:
dx/du = √2 / 2
dx/dv = √2
dy/du = -√2 / 2
dy/dv = √2
I can also derive from Geometry that:
dx/du = uscale cos Θ
dy/du = uscale sin Θ
dx/dv = vscale cos (90° - Θ)
dy/dv = vscale sin (90° - Θ)
I could get:
areaInXY / areaInUV = uscale x vscale
which matches my understanding.
However, Jacobian Determinant formula is:
∂(x, y) / ∂(u, v) = ∂x/∂u ∂y/∂v - ∂x/∂v ∂y/∂u
= uscale * vscale * cos 2Θ
This leaves me quite puzzled why I have the extra cos 2Θ factor
which isn't making intuitive sense -- why would the
area Scaling Factor depends on how the rectangle is rotated
and thus how uv-axes are rotated?!
Anybody can see where my reasoning went wrong above?
Let me try to explain what basically the Jacobian determinant does. This is true in general for smooth functions mapping from R^n to R^n, but for the sake of simplicity, assume we are working on R^2. Let F(x,y) a smooth R^2 to R^2 function. Then we can say that F(x,y) sends the x coordinate to f1(x,y) and the y coordiate to f2(x,y) at point (x,y). Then think about an infinitesimal rectangular area, defined by the points (x,y),(x+dx,y),(x,y+dy) and (x+dx,y+dy). Now, the area of this infinitesimal rectangle is dxdy. What happens to this rectangle when it goes through the F(x,y) transformation? We apply F(x,y) to each of the four coordinates and obtain the following points:
B:(x+dx,y) -> (f1(x+dx,y),f2(x+dx,y)) (approx.)= (f1(x,y) + (∂f1/∂x)dx,f2(x,y) + (∂f2/∂x)dx)
C:(x,y+dy) -> (f1(x,y+dy),f2(x,y+dy)) (approx.)= (f1(x,y) + (∂f1/∂y)dy,f2(x,y) + (∂f2/∂y)dy)
D:(x+dx,y+dy) -> (f1(x+dx,y+dy),f2(x+dx,y+dy)) (approx.)=(f1(x,y) + (∂f1/∂x)dx + (∂f1/∂y)dy,f2(x,y) + (∂f2/∂x)dx + (∂f2/∂y)dy)
The equalities are approximately equal and exactly hold in the limit where dx and dy goes to 0, they are the best linear approximation to the function F at new points. (We obtain these from the first order parts of the Taylor approximation of the functions f1 and f2).
If we look to the new (approximated) area under the transformation F(x,y), we see the new distance vectors between the transformed points a:
As you can see, the newly transformed infinitesimal area is a parallelogram. Let:
These vectors constitute the edges of our parallelogram. It can be shown with the help of the cross product between u and v, that the area of the parallelogram is:
area^2 = (u1v2 - u2v1)^2 = ((∂f1/∂x)(∂f2/∂y)dxdy - (∂f2/∂x)(∂f1/∂y)dxdy)^2
area^2 = ((∂f1/∂x)(∂f2/∂y) - (∂f2/∂x)(∂f1/∂y))^2 (dxdy)^2
area = |(∂f1/∂x)(∂f2/∂y) - (∂f2/∂x)(∂f1/∂y)|dxdy (dx and dy are positive)
area = |det([∂f1/∂x, ∂f1/∂y],[∂f2/∂x, ∂f2/∂y])|dxdy
So, the matrix we are going to take the determinant of is simply the Jacobian matrix. Like I said in the beginning, this derivation can be extended to arbitrary dimensions of n,given the coordinate transformation function F is smooth and the Jacobian matrix is hence invertible, with non-zero determinant.
A good visual explanation of this is given at:

Calculating Normals across a sphere with a wave-like vertex shader

I've been trying to get the correct normals for a sphere I'm messing with using a vertex shader. The algorithm can be boiled down simply to += max(0, sin(time + 0.004*vert.x))*10*
This causes a wave to roll across the sphere.
In order to make my normals correct, I need to transform them as well. I can take the tangent vector at a given x,y,z, get a perpendicular vector (0, -vert.z, vert.y), and then cross the tangent with the perp vector.
I've been having some issue with the math though, and it's become a personal vendetta at this point. I've solved for the derivative hundreds of times but I keep getting it incorrect. How can I get the tangent?
Breaking down the above line, I can make a math function
f(x,y,z) = max(0, sin(time + 0.004*x))*10*Norm(x,y,z) + (x,y,z)
where Norm(..) is Normalize((x,y,z) - CenterOfSphere)
After applying f(x,y,z), unchanged normals
What is the correct f '(x,y,z)?
I've accounted for the weirdness caused by the max in f(...), so that's not the issue.
Edit: The most successful algorithm I have right now is as follows:
Tangent vector.x = 0.004*10*cos(0.004*vert.x + time)*norm.x + 10*sin(0.004*vert.x + time) + 1
Tangent vector.y = 10*sin(0.004*vert.x + time) + 1
Tangent vector.z = 10*sin(0.004*vert.x + time) + 1
2nd Tangent vector.x = 0
2nd Tangent vector.y = -norm.z
2nd Tangent vector.z = norm.y
Normalize both, and perform Cross(Tangent2, Tangent1). Normalize again, and done (it should be Cross(Tangent1, Tangent2), but this seems to have better results... more hints of an issue in my math!).
This yields this
Get tangent/normal by derivate of function can sometimes fail if your surface points are nonlinearly distributed and or some math singularity is present or if you make a math mistake (which is the case in 99.99%). Anyway you can always use the geometric approach:
1. you can get the tangents easy by
where d is some small enough step
and f(x,y,z) is you current surface point computation
not sure why you use 3 input variables I would use just 2
but therefore if the shifted point is the same as unshifted
use this instead =f(x,y,z+d)-f(x,y,z);
at the end do not forget to normalize U,V size to unit vector
2. next step
if bullet 1 leads to correct normals
then you can simply solve the U,V algebraically
so rewrite U(x,y,z)=f(x+d,y,z)-f(x,y,z); to full equation
by substituting f(x,y,z) with the surface point equation
and simplify
sometimes well selected d can simplify normalization to multipliyng by a constant
you should add normals visualization for example like this:
to actually see what is really happening (for debug purposses)

Triangulating coordinates with an equation

Ok, I know this sounds really daft to be asking here, but it is programming related.
I'm working on a game, and I'm thinking of implementing a system that allows users to triangulate their 3D coordinates to locate something (eg for a task).
I also want to be able to let the user make the coordinates of the points they are using for triangulation have user-determined coordinates (so the location's coordinate is relative, probably by setting up a beacon or something).
I have a method in place for calculating the distance between the points, so essentially I can calculate the lengths of the sides of the triangle/pyramid as well as all but the coordinate I am after.
It has been a long time since I have done any trigonometry and I am rusty with the sin, cos and tan functions, I have a feeling they are required but have no clue how to implement them.
Can anyone give me a demonstration as to how I would go about doing this in a mathematical/programatical way?
extra info:
My function returns the exact distance between the two points, so say you set two points to 0,0,0 and 4,4,0 respectively, and those points are set to scale(the game world is divided into a very large 3d grid, with each 'block' area being represented by a 3d coordinate) then it would give back a value at around 5.6.
The key point about it varying is that the user can set the points, so say they set a point to read 0,0,0, the actual location could be something like 52, 85, 93. However, providing they then count the blocks and set their other points correctly (eg, set a point 4,4,0 at the real point 56, 89, 93) then the final result will return the relative position (eg the object they are trying to locate is at real point 152, 185, 93, it will return the relative value 100,100,0). I need to be able to calculate it knowing every point but the one it's trying to locate, as well as the distances between all points.
Also, please don't ask why I can't just calculate it by using the real coordinates, I'm hoping to show the equation up on screen as it calculates the result.7
Here is a diagram
Imagine these are points in my game on a flat plain.
I want to know the point f.
I know the values of points d and e, and the sides A,B and C.
Using only the data I know, I need to find out how to do this.
Answered Edit:
After many days of working on this, Sean Kenny has provided me with his time, patience and intellect, and thus I have now got a working implementation of a triangulation method.
I hope to place the different language equivalents of the code as I test them so that future coders may use this code and not have the same problem I have had.
I spent a bit of time working on a solution but I think the implementer, i.e you, should know what it's doing, so any errors encountered can be tackled later on. As such, I'll give my answer in the form of strong hints.
First off, we have a vector from d to e which we can work out: if we consider the coordinates as position vectors rather than absolute coordinates, how can we determine what the vector pointing from d to e is? Think about how you would determine the displacement you had moved if you only knew where you started and where you ended up? Displacement is a straight line, point A to B, no deviation, not: I had to walk around that house so I walked further. A straight line. If you started at the point (0,0) it would be easy.
Secondly, the cosine rule. Do you know what it is? If not, read up on it. How can we rearrange the form given in the link to find the angle d between vectors DE and DF? Remember you need the angle, not a function of the angle (cos is a function remember).
Next we can use a vector 'trick' called the scalar product. Notice there is a cos function in there. Now, you may be thinking, we've just found the angle, why are we doing it again?
Define DQ = [1,0]. DQ is a vector of length 1, a unit vector, along the x-axis. Which other vector do we know? Do we know of two position vectors?
Once we have two vectors (I hope you worked out the other one) we can use the scalar product to find the angle; again, just the angle, not a function of it.
Now, hopefully, we have 2 angles. Could we take one from the other to get yet another angle to our desired coordinate DF? The choice of using a unit vector earlier was not arbitrary.
The scalar product, after some cancelling, gives us this : cos(theta) = x / r
Where x is the x ordinate for F and r is the length of side A.
The end result being:
theta = arccos( xe / B ) - arccos( ( (A^2) + (B^2) - (C^2) ) / ( 2*A*B ) )
Where theta is the angle formed between a unit vector along the line y = 0 where the origin is at point d.
With this information we can find the x and y coordinates of point f relative to d. How?
Again, with the scalar product. The rest is fairly easy, so I'll give it to you.
x = r.cos(theta)
y = r.sin(theta)
From basic trigonometry.
I wouldn't advise trying to code this into one value.
Instead, try this:
//pseudo code
dx = 0
dy = 0 //initialise coordinates somehow
ex = ex
ey = ey
A = A
B = B
C = C
cosd = ex / B
cosfi = ((A^2) + (B^2) - (C^2)) / ( 2*A*B)
d = acos(cosd) //acos is a method in java.math
fi = acos(cosfi) //you will have to find an equivalent in your chosen language
//look for a method of inverse cos
theta = fi - d
x = A cos(theta)
y = A sin(theta)
Initialise all variables as those which can take decimals. e.g float or double in Java.
The green along the x-axis represents the x ordinate of f, and the purple the y ordinate.
The blue angle is the one we are trying to find because, hopefully you can see, we can then use simple trig to work out x and y, given that we know the length of the hypotenuse.
This yellow line up to 1 is the unit vector for which scalar products are taken, this runs along the x-axis.
We need to find the black and red angles so we can deduce the blue angle by simple subtraction.
Hope this helps. Extensions can be made to 3D, all the vector functions work basically the same for 3D.
If you have the displacements from an origin, regardless of whether this is another user defined coordinate or not, the coordinate for that 3D point are simply (x, y, z).
If you are defining these lengths from a point, which also has a coordinate to take into account, you can simply write (x, y, z) + (x1, y1, z1) = (x2, y2, z2) where x2, y2 and z2 are the displacements from the (0, 0, 0) origin.
If you wish to find the length of this vector, i.e if you defined the line from A to B to be the x axis, what would the x displacement be, you can use Pythagoras for 3D vectors, it works just the same as with 2D:
Length l = sqrt((x^2) + (y^2) + (z^2))
Say you have a user defined point A (x1, y1, z1) and you want to define this as the origin (0,0,0). You have another user chosen point B (x2, y2, z2) and you know the distance from A to B in the x, y and z plane. If you want to work out what this point is, in relation to the new origin, you can simply do
B relative to A = (x2, y2, z2) - (x1, y1, z1) = (x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1) = C
C is the vector A>B, a vector is a quantity which has a magnitude (the length of the lines) and a direction (the angle from A which points to B).
If you want to work out the position of B relative to the origin O, you can do the opposite:
B relative to O = (x2, y2, z2) + (x1, y1, z1) = (x1+x2, y1+y2, z1+z2) = D
D is the vector O>B.
Edit 2:
//pseudo code
userx = x;
usery = y;
userz = z;
//move origin
for (every block i){
xi = xi-x;
yi = yi - y;
zi = zi -z;

Perturb vector by some angle

I have a unit vector in 3D space whose direction I wish to perturb by some angle within the range 0 to theta, with the position of the vector remaining the same. What is a way I can accomplish this?
EDIT: After thinking about the way I posed the question, it seems to be a bit too general. I'll attempt to make it more specific: Assume that the vector originates from the surface of an object (i.e. sphere, circle, box, line, cylinder, cone). If there are different methods to finding the new direction for each of those objects, then providing help for the sphere one is fine.
EDIT 2: I was going to type this in a comment but it was too much.
So I have orig_vector, which I wish to perturb in some direction between 0 and theta. The theta can be thought of as forming a cone around my vector (with theta being the angle between the center and one side of the cone) and I wish to generate a new vector within that cone. I can generate a point lying on the plane that is tangent to my vector and thus creating a unit vector in the direction of the point, call it rand_vector. At this time, I orig_vector and trand_vector are two unit vectors perpendicular to each other.
I generate my first angle, angle1 between 0 and 2pi and I rotate rand_vector around orig_vector by angle1, forming rand_vector2. I looked up a resource online and it said that the second angle, angle2 should be between 0 and sin(theta) (where theta is the original "cone" angle). Then I rotate rand_vector2 by acos(angle2) around the vector defined by the cross product between rand_vector2 and orig_vector.
When I do this, I don't obtain the desired results. That is, when theta=0, I still get perturbed vectors, and I expect to get orig_vector. If anyone can explain the reason for the angles and why they are the way they are, I would greatly appreciate it.
EDIT 3: This is the final edit, I promise =). So I fixed my bug and everything that I described above works (it was an implementation bug, not a theory bug). However, my question about the angles (i.e. why is angle2 = sin(theta)*rand() and why is perturbed_vector = rand_vector2.Rotate(rand_vector2.Cross(orig_vector), acos(angle2)). Thanks so much!
Here's the algorithm that I've used for this kind of problem before. It was described in Ray Tracing News.
1) Make a third vector perpendicular to the other two to build an orthogonal basis:
cross_vector = unit( cross( orig_vector, rand_vector ) )
2) Pick two uniform random numbers in [0,1]:
s = rand( 0, 1 )
r = rand( 0, 1 )
3) Let h be the cosine of the cone's angle:
h = cos( theta )
4) Modify uniform sampling on a sphere to pick a random vector in the cone around +Z:
phi = 2 * pi * s
z = h + ( 1 - h ) * r
sinT = sqrt( 1 - z * z )
x = cos( phi ) * sinT
y = sin( phi ) * sinT
5) Change of basis to reorient it around the original angle:
perturbed = rand_vector * x + cross_vector * y + orig_vector * z
If you have another vector to represent an axis of rotation, there are libraries that will take the axis and the angle and give you a rotation matrix, which can then be multiplied by your starting vector to get the result you want.
However, the axis of rotation should be at right angles to your starting vector, to get the amount of rotation you expect. If the axis of rotation does not lie in the plane perpendicular to your vector, the result will be somewhat different than theta.
That being said, if you already have a vector at right angles to the one you want to perturb, and you're not picky about the direction of the perturbation, you can just as easily take a linear combination of your starting vector with the perpendicular one, adjust for magnitude as needed.
I.e., if P and Q are vectors having identical magnitude, and are perpendicular, and you want to rotate P in the direction of Q, then the vector R given by R = [Pcos(theta)+Qsin(theta)] will satisfy the constraints you've given. If P and Q have differing magnitude, then there will be some scaling involved.
You may be interested in 3D-coordinate transformations to change your vector angle.
I don't know how many directions you want to change your angle in, but transforming your Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates should allow you to make your angle change as you like.
Actually, it is very easy to do that. All you have to do is multiply your vector by the correct rotation matrix. The resulting vector will be your rotated vector. Now, how do you obtain such rotation matrix? That depends on the 3d framework/engine you are using. Any 3d framework must provide functions for obtaining rotation matrices, normally as static methods of the Matrix class.
Good luck.
Like said in other comments you can rotate your vector using a rotation matrix.
The rotation matrix has two angles you rotate your vector around. You can pick them with a random number generator, but just picking two from a flat generator is not correct. To ensure that your rotation vector is generated flat, you have to pick one random angle φ from a flat generator and the other one from a generator flat in cosθ ;this ensures that your solid angle element dcos(θ)dφ is defined correctly (φ and θ defined as usual for spherical coordinates).
Example: picking a random direction with no restriction on range, random() generates flat in [0,1]
angle1 = acos(random())
angle2 = 2*pi*random()
My code in unity - tested and working:
* this is used to perturb given vector 'direction' by changing it by angle not more than 'angle' vector from
* base direction. Used to provide errors for player playing algorithms
Vector3 perturbDirection( Vector3 direction, float angle ) {
// division by zero protection
if( Mathf.Approximately( direction.z, 0f )) {
direction.z = 0.0001f;
// 1 get some orthogonal vector to direction ( solve direction and orthogonal dot product = 0, assume x = 1, y = 1, then z = as below ))
Vector3 orthogonal = new Vector3( 1f, 1f, - ( direction.x + direction.y ) / direction.z );
// 2 get random vector from circle on flat orthogonal to direction vector. get full range to assume all cone space randomization (-180, 180 )
float orthoAngle = UnityEngine.Random.Range( -180f, 180f );
Quaternion rotateTowardsDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis( orthoAngle, direction );
Vector3 randomOrtho = rotateTowardsDirection * orthogonal;
// 3 rotate direction towards random orthogonal vector by vector from our available range
float perturbAngle = UnityEngine.Random.Range( 0f, angle ); // range from (0, angle), full cone cover guarantees previous (-180,180) range
Quaternion rotateDirection = Quaternion.AngleAxis( perturbAngle, randomOrtho );
Vector3 perturbedDirection = rotateDirection * direction;
return perturbedDirection;

Minimizing a function containing an integral

Does anyone know how to minimize a function containing an integral in MATLAB? The function looks like this:
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(AR-x)dt], A is a system parameter and R and x are related through:
dR/dt = axRY - bR, where a and b are constants.
dY/dt = -xRY
I read somewhere that I can use fminbnd and quad in combination but I am not able to make it work. Any suggestions?
Perhaps you could give more details of your integral, e.g. where is the missing bracket in [AR-x)dt]? Is there any dependence of x on t, or can we integrate dR/dt = axR - bR to give R=C*exp((a*x-b)*t)? In any case, to answer your question on fminbnd and quad, you could set A,C,T,a,b,xmin and xmax (the last two are the range you want to look for the min over) and use:
[x fval] = fminbnd(#(x) quad(#(t)A*C*exp((a*x-b)*t)-x,0,T),xmin,xmax)
This finds x that minimizes the integral.
If i didn't get it wrong you are trying to minimize respect to t:
\int_0^t{(AR-x) dt}
well then you just need to find the zeros of:
This is just math, not matlab ;)
Here's some manipulation of your equations that might help.
Combining the second and third equations you gave gives
dR/dt = -a*(dY/dt)-bR
Now if we solve for R on the righthand side and plug it into the first equation you gave we get
L = Int(t=0,t=T)[(-A/b*(dR/dt + a*dY/dt) - x)dt]
Now we can integrate the first term to get:
L = -A/b*[R(T) - R(0) + Y(T) - Y(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
So now all that matters with regards to R and Y are the endpoints. In fact, you may as well define a new function, Z which equals Y + R. Then you get
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - Int(t=0,t=T)[(x)dt]
This next part I'm not as confident in. The integral of x with respect to t will give some function which is evaluated at t = 0 and t = T. This function we will call X to give:
L = -A/b*[Z(T) - Z(0)] - X(T) + X(0)
This equation holds true for all T, so we can set T to t if we want to.
L = -A/b*[Z(t) - Z(0)] - X(t) + X(0)
Also, we can group a lot of the constants together and call them C to give
X(t) = -A/b*Z(t) + C
C = A/b*Z(0) + X(0) - L
So I'm not sure what else to do with this, but I've shown that the integral of x(t) is linearly related to Z(t) = R(t) + Y(t). It seems to me that there are many equations that solve this. Anyone else see where to go from here? Any problems with my math?
