Detecting facebook logout from iframe application -

How can i found in an iframe application whether the user is already logged in or not.
I am initially authorizing the user and got the access token and store the fb profile id in Session variable. But i am not able to find out if a user logged out from facebook after that.
Can someone help me to find out how we can do this?

You would use the Facebook Javascript SDK and call FB.getLoginStatus(). Another option would be to call the Facebook graph api with the access token you are storing in session and see if that access token is still valid.


Firebase - Custom oAuth2 service - Authorization code?

There is an app that wants to authenticate with my users using oAuth2.
So they open a window, with the authorize URL, and parameters (such as redirect uri)
Now I have my own firebase-login, and when the user logs in, I get their access token from firebase. Which is what I want to respond with.
However, in oAuth2 guides/explanations like I see I am supposed to return an authorization code, and I don't understand where can I get that from?
What I can do, is generate a bullshit code, pair it in the DB to the access token, and then in the "token" request, send the correct access token. Is that what I am supposed to do?
Just to be clear, this is my first time writing an oAuth2 service myself.
OAuth is a system that provides authenticated access to resources. This resource can be for example a user page or editing rights to that user page. So your goal is to provide access to permissions to the right people.
When someone logs in, they get a token. Your part is to generate that token however you want, may it be some form of userdata into base64 or completely random. Take this token and link it against permissions, like viewing a page, editing it or even simpler things like viewing the email of a user.
OAuth2 tokens and/or permissions should be revokable without deleting a user. You should not use OAuth2 to identify someone.
If I am understanding your question correctly:
User visits some website
User wants to register or login using your websites OAuth2
You redirect back to the original page and send your generated token
The page can access content on your site with this token
Assuming you are the Host Site, given a User who wants to connect a 3rd party application, then the flow would be like this:
User lands on site - Clicks Login with Github
User is redirected to Github site where they login and click "Authorize"
Github redirects user back to your site /authorize with an auth token.
Your site then passes that token back to the 3rd party API (github in this case) in exchange for an access token and refresh token.
You can then pass that Authorization token to an API endpoint to get details about it. If the token expires, you can use the refresh token to get a new Auth token. Both Tokens should be stored in your database for your user.
However writing that all out I realize you are asking how do you generate the Authorization token, so I'm guessing you're actually the 3rd party API in this example. So you would want to generate an Authorization token using a random generator. Since you are using firebase, you'll probably wanna try out their token generator:
There's also some more up-to-date info here I believe:
And like you said, you would store that in a database associated with the user, and then when the Host Site sends that user's auth token to your server, you exchange it for the Authorization token (and refresh token if requested).
It's also worth reading through how google does it, because you'd be doing something similar:
JWT is another option of generating tokens:

facebook session with multiple users

In Paw App, I've managed to retrieve a Facebook OAuth token as described in the documentation but I can't find how to login with another Facebook user.
I had to enter my Facebook credentials the first time I retrieved the access token, and now it doesn't request it anymore. The sessions are empty (created a new one and deleted the default one).
Any suggestion?

Facebook PHP SDK, server-side login, without clicking any link (knowing password).

Can i log in to my Facebook account (Knowing user id and password), in the server using Facebook php-sdk, and without need to click any URL?
If yes, please explain.
It is against Facebook's Terms of Service to use a user's email address and password to login to their account. You should instead use the Facebook API to achieve this, but it requires manual login by a user.
There are ways of achieving automatic login using credentials, but since it's not allowed, I won't go into detail. Facebook also detects and prevents most of the common method of auto-login.

How to refresh Linkedin oauth token if the user authorized the app through oauth2 authorization?

I need to refresh the user linkedin access token without them having to go through the initial authorization process all over again. I have also looked at this documentation, but It doesn't work because my users authorize the app through regular OAuth and the article uses the JS OAuth. (Not sure, if there is a difference between two processes, and if there is a difference between access tokens received from each process). Even though, I'm already logged in another tab on the same browser,
it always prompts me to login to LinkedIn.
If I try IN.User.isAuthorized() it returns false though I'm logged in into LinkedIn and I can't seem to be able to refresh the token.
If I pass the user LinkedIn access token from my server to the JS and the user LinkedIn id IN.User.isAuthorized() always returns true even when I'm not logged in
So what I'm trying to ask is, is there a way to refresh the user linkedin oauth token thorguh JS when the user is logged in to linkedin on the same broswer like we are able do for facebook ? and what is it ?
You cannot refresh the token without the member being at your application.
If you want to refresh the token, the member needs to be there and you need to direct them through the authorization page. If they're signed in to LinkedIn, this will be a seamless refresh and we'll redirect page to your application.

Facebook login with ASP.NET

I am implementing Facebook login on my website. I am creating an user as well with the Facebook users details. This way I can control login in people to my site using .NET membership regardless of whether they are a Facebook user or not.
The problem I am facing now is security. When a user logs in with Facebook I am calling a webservice with their facebook details, if the user exists on the system (by their facebook userid) then I log them in. However as it stands anyone could call the webservice with someone elses facebook id and it would log them in (if that user existed on the system). Is there something that I can use to link the facebook user with my user that is only accessible to that user, such as an access token. It also needs to be something which does not change? Does facebook send back such a thing in the response object?
Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.
Yes, we can get that profile data from Facebook. Using that requestAccessToken Url you can get that access token.
requestAccessTokenurl="{0} redirect_uri={1};client_secret={2};code={3}"
Also we can get the Profile Data using this access token
please see this link-
you can download the source code also :)
We have implemented for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google using this framework. It is very straight forward. I can help you how to do this.
