Biztalk Map Destination Schema Imports Multiple Schemas - biztalk

I have a target schema that imports 2 more scehmas. When the schema files are in the same project as the map then I have no problem. However, if the schemas are in a separate Schemas project (as per good practice) then on building the map I get the error:
*Cannot load source/destination schema: xxx.BS.CardPayments.Schemas.Projx.Service1_tempuri_org. Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project is not built.*
I have tried copying schemas dll to GAC before building map but this didn't help.
Any suggestions gratefully received!
Thanks*emphasized text*

When your schemas are in the same project as your map, the map will reference them by file name. If you move the map to another project and try to open it, the BizTalk map editor won't find those files anymore. You can see this clearly if you open the map using notepad or an XML editor (search for the Location attribute near the top of the file).
The solution is to reference the schemas using their fully qualified .NET type name - i.e. namespace + type name. You can get these values from the properties window when the schema file is selected in Solution Explorer.
Hope it's clear, let me know if you require any clarification.


Schema reference "assembly.type" is not a valid reference or does not exist in the current project

This is a question to gather possible causes of the compile error "Schema reference [assembly].[type] is not a valid reference or does not exist in the current project".
In a BizTalk solution, I have a common schemas assembly with a KiTH MsgHead schema that I have to reference as an import in another schema in another project. This is perfectly possible, even though search results on the web made me believe it might not.
An import statement like this is correct, without a doubt:
<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="HP.BizTalk.KiTH.Schema.MsgHead_v12.MsgHead_v1_2"/>
Here the schema has type name MsgHead_v1_2 and exists in an assembly HP.BizTalk.KiTH.Schema.MsgHead_v12. When building the solution, I get the following compile error:
I will answer my own question with the solution that I couldn't find in any of the search results on the web.
When I created the common schemas project, I imported it from another repository and had to change project name, namespaces etc. Also the AssemblyInfo.cs file was recreated because of issues related to renaming.
If the assembly attribute BizTalkAssembly is missing, the compiler doesn't complain at all. But since it's no longer a BizTalk assembly, it leads to issues that can be very confusing and impossible to understand. I couldn't use the schema from the common assembly in a BizTalk Map, and I couldn't import it into another schema, as the question says. So by adding in the following line to AssemblyInfo.cs, the misleading compile error disappeared:
[assembly: Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.BizTalkAssembly(typeof(Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine.BTXService))]

Cannot load source/destination schema; Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project is not built

We are updating a BizTalk 2009 application that I inherited. I'm converting them into BizTalk 2013 R2.
I get the following reasonably famous error, when I try to re-compile
Exception Caught: Cannot load source/destination schema: MyCompany.Schema.AppConfig.
Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project is not built.
There are only two posts in SOF related to this error:
Biztalk Map Destination Schema Imports Multiple Schemas
Reference trouble with BizTalk schema project in Visual Studio 2008
and only a few meaningful posts in elsewhere.
The solution has 4 projects organized as follows:
Common (contains an 1 schema AppConfig.xsd file)
Orchestration (1 Orchestration file)
Schema (references an ASMX web service)
Map (1 map file, references Schema and Common Projects)
The Map project attempts to translate an source message of type AppConfig to the type AppConfigBE which is one of the Complex Types in the Web Service.
I keep getting the compile time error above.
Tried all of the following, as recommended in the two SOF posts, and a few other posts on MSDN forums, but none of it worked.
Tried alternating Copy Local on the Maps project (From true to false, and vice-versa)
Tried Replacing schema on source and destination on the map file
Schemas are referenced using fully qualified .Net type name
Tried referencing the .dll as opposed to the Schema and Common projects.
Updated the web reference; also removed and re-added the web references
Is there a solution/hot fix etc for this? Any other suggestions I can try?
We had to call Microsoft for help; the engineer took my project file to try on their computers; he said they too had the same problem and as a fix, recommended to set the Build Action property of the .BTM map file to None instead of BTSCompile. After this, the project builds successfully. He said to test the project with this build and let them know. What I'm not sure is, what are consequences of this? Many topics on Build Action refers to the schema files, not the map files in a BTS project. What is the standard Build Action for Map files?
One more item is to clear any Assemblies from the GAC or re-GAC them with a Post-Build script.
I ran into the same problem. I needed to add
using Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine;
[assembly: Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.BizTalkAssemblyAttribute(typeof(BTXService))]
to the AssemblyInfo.cs into the project.

Access Resource File

Can anyone tell how to access resource file in class library mvc4? I'm building a generic Class Library that I will use it in all my projects. I tried with following code:
Can anyone tell any other method is there to access the resource file in class library?
Edit based on the comments, including best practices :
To create a Resource file in MVC4 :
In the solution explorer, right click on your project.
Then, you click on "Add", then on "Add ASP.Net folder", and then click on App_GlobalResources.
On the new folder, you right click. Then you add a new Resource File.
You open then this Resource file and can add new resources.
The lefter column is where you set the keys, and the righter one is for the values you have to insert inside it.
Then; it is really easy, you just have to write the following parts of code to access the values you want.
On the c# side, it is :
On the ASP side, assuming that you're using razor, it is :
Example :
If you have created a a file named "Global.resx", and created the key "ApplicationTitle", which has "My super website" as value, you just have to write the following line of code to put it for example into a string :
string siteTitle = Resources.Global.ApplicationTitle;
and that's it
When you create your resource you have to set the access level from internal (by default) to public. After this you simply can access your resources (if you reference the assembly) by the name of the resource and the static properties generated into them.
I would suggest you to create a new library for Resources
Once you are done making resources key value pairs then add the reference of your Resource Library in to your project. and then you are able to access the resource library in this way
just include System.Web.dll in your class library project and access the resource file just like you would have accessed in the MVC project
when you add a refrence to this class library project inside your MVC project and run the project this code will be executed in the context of the MVC project and you will get the correct instance of HttpContext.
Note:- directly using HttpContext like this would create problems when you will try to test this application
You can add your resource file any where in your class library, but I think your question is how to use it, If your resource files name is Res1.resx and there is a key in it called message then you can call
from your classes in that library. But you I am sure you would like to use it event from out side the library for that you need to make your resource file public, please refer Visual Studio - Resx File default 'internal' to 'public'
please do let me know if it is the one you need or some thing else?

Add Project Reference vs Add DLL Reference

I am newbie in .net.Today I have created a sample. In that sample, I have stored data in database using N Tier architecture. If I want to use to Use BL or DAL method in other project(I mean BL method in UI or DAL method in BL), I found two ways.
First one is - Right click on project << Add Reference << Select Project in Project tab
Second one is - Right click on project << Add Reference << Select DLL in Browse tab
Could anyone tell me that is there any difference between both of them as both works same.Is DLL way better then Project Reference.If yes, then what is the benefits?
Thanks in advance.
Mohit Kumar.
The correct way to do it is to add a project reference.
one of the most important differences is that a project reference is updated automatically when you change the referenced project.
for example- If you change your DAL method from GetEmployees() to GetAllEmployees() then you can use GetAllEmployees() immediately in your BL class, without compiling your DAL first.
You typically use the project reference when the reference is part of your solution. In this way the relevant latest code is always used.
You will reference an assembly when it is a third party component or not part of your solution. This is somewhat more static as you will be using the code at the version represented by the assembly. So any changes to the assembly will require you to physically overwrite the referenced assembly with the updated dll.
The differences between the 2 have already been answered, however just to add to that, I think the only difference between the 2 in VS is that if you add project reference it still adds a normal dll reference, except the reference is to the Debug location of the projects binaries (i.e. bin\debug\project.dll), so in essence you could probably just Add Reference in the same way and point straight to the latest compiled dll.
I have came across a very interesting difference between the two approaches, but in the context of having 2 projects, one shared among multiple developers and one private to each developer.
Let us say that the shared VS project is called projectS, and the private project is called projectP
Now if the objective is to have a centralized development, and the developer needs to access source definitions from both projectP and projectS so that pressing "F12" or "Go To Definition" in VS would bring complete definition, then we have to use the Project Reference and not the DLL reference, otherwise pressing F12 would bring the definition from the compiled "metadata" excluding all developer comments and other relevant data.
When adding a Project Reference to projectS from within projectP, VS will resolve references to the files included in projectS and referred to from projectP using the source definition in projectS, and not from "metadata" of the DLL associated with the referenced project (ProjectS.dll). Still, the projectS.dll will be included in the References folder and Development time, Execution time will be OK.
When adding a DLL reference, VS will resolve references from "metadata" stored in ProjectS.dll, even if the Referenced Project was added to the Solution of projectP as an "Existing Project". This would allow Execution time to be OK, however, Developer will not be able to press F12 and go to Source definition in projectS, he/she will have to do this manually from the solution search area.

Satellite assembly is not picked up by ASP.NET app

I have a web project called "TestResourceApp" with Labels.resx in App_GlobalResources folder. I want to add another language by creating a satellite assembly.
Here are the steps I took to create the satellite assembly. The default text always get displayed. What did I do wrong ?
1) Create in a different folder.
2) Generate resource file:
3) Generate satellite assembly:
AL /t:lib / /out:french.dll /c:fr
4) Copy french.dll to TestResourceApp/bin/fr
I have uiculture set to auto in web.config and I have change the language on the browser.
I was able to use this page to solve some satellite assembly issues I was having. I'll throw in a few more things to check.
It's helpful to decompile the "neutral" assembly and see how it's put together. A tool like ILDASM.exe is helpful for this purpose. Once you get it decompiled, look through the text output for ".mresource", and you should see one with your naming. For example, if you add a resource to a Visual Studio project, they're named MyAssemblyName + ".Properties.Resources" + a language (if any) + ".resources" Examples:
MyAssembly.Properties.Resources.resources (neutral language)
MyAssembly.Properties.Resources.en-US.resources (English (US))
In my case, I had the file named properly, and in the appropriate folder (such as Bin\en-US). I was able to verify that much by using ProcMon.exe (by the SysInternals guys) and could see the worker process finding and reading in my DLL file (instead of just saying "PATH NOT FOUND"). However, it was not finding the resource by the name that it expected it to. That's when some disassembly helped to get to the bottom of the naming problem.
So, use ProcMon.exe to narrow down the kind of problem you might have. Hopefully that's helpful to someone.
It's complicated but here are a few tips for those who run into this problem:
Try to include the resx in the web project and let VS do the job for you.
Reflector is your friend. Compare satellite assemblies you created and those created by VS.
If you web app is targetting ASP.NET 2.0, you should use Resgex and AL that come with .net 2.0. Open the assemblies in Reflector and check the "references". It should reference mscorlib version 2.0.
If you deploy your web app using web deployment project, make sure the namespace for the resources in your satellite assemblies is correct. Again, compare with what VS creates. In my case, I used the wrong tool to generate the designer.cs file because I wanted them to be accessible from a different assembly. Make sure you are using GlobalResourceProxyGenerator. Otherwise, the namespaces won't match and the deployment code will not be able to find your resource. The namespace in the designer.cs should simply be "Resources", not "XXXX.App_GlobalResources"
Did you have set enableClientBasedCulture to true in globalization ?
