What is System.Web.Razor.xml used for? - asp.net

When you add MVC and Razor deployment dependencies I got a lot more assemblies than I expected. But I also get a load of XML files too. Namely:
What are these for? They don't seem to be necessary for a deployed ASP.NET MVC and Razor site to work but I'd like to know what they're for and why or if I actually do need them before I start telling people, "No, you definitely don't need them to run MVC 3 apps." Plus, I'm just interested.

These .xml files contain additional documentation metadata (such as class / method descriptions) that Visual Studio uses when displaying intellisense prompts.
They are not needed at all during build or runtime, and are only used when coding using the Visual Studio IDE.

Namespace.xml files are documentation files. It contains whichever three slash comments you have on classes, methods, properties, ...
You can create from your files, for that go on Project Settings > Build > XML Documentation File. It will extract /// comments from your code to generate the documentation.
/// <summary>
/// Crops image on the given Point and Size
/// </summary>
/// <param name="img">Current Image</param>
/// <param name="xy">Point X, Y</param>
/// <param name="wh">Size Width, Height</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Image Crop(this Image img, Point xy, Size wh)
return img.Crop(new Rectangle(xy, wh));
Then if you send the DLL to someone they will not necessarily have the code, so they will not have this documentation and VS intelisense will not find any information about the method. With the XML file they can see the method information even without the code.
From MSDN:
Documentation tags
Processing the XML File
Delimiters for Documentation Tags
How to: Use the XML Documentation Features
To clarify these are not needed when deployed to you production servers.

It tells VS what to display in IntelliSense descriptions of things in the corresponding dll

They are supporting files for visual studio internal development. It helps in faster development by providing inline help during coding and referencing as required. They are an aid for Visual Studio.
You can remove them once development phase is over. They will not be needed on deployment!!!


.Net Core Data Annotations - localization with shared resources

I would like to use shared resx file to specify all the translatable strings (both for translator convenience, and more importantly to avoid having dozens of separate resx files that clash with DRY principle). I got it working with IStringLocalizer for controllers and views, but I just can't figure out how to implement it for model's data annotations.
It works by using separate files like Models.AccountViewModels.LoginViewModel.en.resx, but how would I go and use shared resource file for data annotations instead of specific ones? Can anyone share example of implementation?
P.S. Environment is .NET Core 1.1 so both validation and display annotations should be in that version available for localization
Step 1: Create a simple class, named ValidationMessages.cs and leave it empty. I will assume that your class is located in /Validation folder.
Step 2: Modify provider for data annotations localizer in your Startup.cs file to be like this:
mvcBuilder.AddDataAnnotationsLocalization(options =>
options.DataAnnotationLocalizerProvider = (type, factory) =>
return factory.Create(typeof(ValidationMessages));
Step 3: Create folder /Validation in /Resources (I assume that you are keeping all resource files in that folder) and then add ValidationMessages.fr-FR.resx file there (for French culture i.e.).
Step 4: Add entries to the resource files with keys of your liking. I assume that you will have keys like RequiredError, MaxLengthError, etc.
Step 5: Decorate properties on your model class with [Required(ErrorMessage="RequiredError")].
Next time property validation fails, validation messages will be pulled from ValidationMessages.{culture}.resx files.
Keep in mind though, that not only validation messages will be searched there, but also property names if you use DisplayAttribute.

IKVM system properties not found

How do I set system properties for raw Java classes used from C# code through IKVM?
I am dealing with some Java code that has been ported to C# using IKVM. Some of the classes have been wrapped in C# classes, but not all of the Java API yet. So I have two versions of some classes, and because only a small part of the API has been wrapped, I have to use the raw Java classes directly in my C# code.
When I use the C# wrapped version, I can parse UTF-8 encoded XML files correctly. When I try to use the underlying Java class directly, I get parsing errors ("content not allowed in prolog") which indicate the wrong charset is being used to parse.
In Java we solve encoding issues by setting -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, and I am trying to do the same in C# as follows:
static FeedSample()
java.lang.System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8");
This setting is picked up when I use the C# wrapper class. When I use the underlying Java class directly, the system property is not picked up. I think I am missing something obvious here. I also tried putting -Dfile.encoding as a command line argument but that did not help.

What does DotLess' "web" attribute do exactly?

The dotless documentation is quite limited. I can't find much information at all about the configsection options - especially what the "web" attribute does.
Can anyone enlighten me?
The code is normally pretty good documentation for open source projects ;)
Grab a copy of the code and look in dotless.Core > configuration > DotlessConfiguration.cs you will see some handy comments about all the config elements - this is the Web one
/// <summary>
/// Whether this is used in a web context or not
/// </summary>
public bool Web { get; set; }
Admittedly it doesn't tell you a great deal but find the references to that property and you come across only one place in the code where it is used -
if (!configuration.Web)
Which starts to give you a better clue as to what it does which is this
protected virtual void RegisterLocalServices(FluentRegistration pandora)
So it sets up in memory caching, logging to the console etc (i.e services it uses if not in a web context)

Using embedded WebResources throughout Webresource.axd

The question's simple: how could one use embedded resources in asp.net applications? What are the steps to include a resource in the assembly, and how to reference it? What are the gotchas that could be encountered?
Edit: For a version without referencing Page and ClientScript, see What is the right way to handle Embedded Resources on a Razor View?
After spending a half of a day I've learned these:
to embed a resource one needs to set it's Build Action to Embedded Resource (in VS Solution Explorer rightclick the file -> Properties)
next AsssemblyInfo.vb must be modified to make this resources available for WebResource queries. Add [Assembly: System.Web.UI.WebResource("MyWebResourceProj.Test.css", "text/css")] to AssemblyInfo.vb located in MyProject folder of the project.
The name consists of root namespace/assembly name +'.'+filename. To be 100% sure of the name, use the following code snippet to look it up:
Dim resNames = Assembly.LoadFile("YourDll.dll").GetManifestResourceNames()
Note that the assembly's Root Namespace must be the same as the Assembly Name (this took me about 4 hours to realize. At least with .Net v4 that is the case)
If there are references inside the css ( <%=WebResource("NS.image.jpg")%> ) than pass PerformSubstitution:=true for that css's WebResource attribute.
Referencing the resource can be done with Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(GetType(MyWebResourceProj.ConssumingPage), "MyWebResourceProj.Test.css")
Note that instead of GetType(Typename) one could use Me.GetType(), but again, that won't work if the class is inherited, so beware!
Debugging ASP.NET 2.0 Web Resources: Decrypting the URL and Getting the Resource Name
Using embedded resources through WebResource.axd is a pain in the neck, as you can see from your own answer. You have to keep assemblyinfo.vb|cs in sync, and it always seems damn near impossible to get all the namespace & assembly names right in all the right places.
When you finally get it to work, your reward is an include script line that that looks like a core memory dump.
I suggest an alternative. Write yourself a very simple web handler (e.g. MyResourceLoader.ashx. Then add a method to your class that simply serves it's own embedded resources, in whatever way you think is meaningful. You can use reflection to get the classes, like WebResource does, or just hardcode whatever you need into your loader, if it's just for a specific purpose. A public method in your class might look like:
public static Stream GetResource(string resourceName) {
// get the resource from myself, which is easy and doesn't require
// anything in assemblyinfo, and return it as a stream. As a bonus,
// you can parse it dynamically or even return things that aren't
// just embedded, but generated completely in code!
Or if you decide to make something more general purpose, you can get all fancy and return more data using a class, e.g.
class ResourceInfo
public Stream Data;
public string MimeType;
public string FileName;
Now you have the ability to serve up your embedded resources any way you want, e.g.
<script language="javascript" src="/MyResourceLoader.ashx/MyControlScript.js">
I think MS made a mess of that WebResource business. Luckily its' pretty straightforward to do your own thing.

Entity Container and Model generation in different assemblies

I'm doing some refactoring and am trying to reuse my genertated entity models. My application has a few assemblies, one being my outward facing public types (API) and one containing implementations of providers (such as the log).
I'd like to split the generation of the entities and models so that the entities will be in the API assembly and the container will be in the implementation assembly. Is this possible?
Is possible. This is how I did it.
Assembly A
Assembly B
Database.EDMX (Added as a Link to the real file in Assembly A)
That's how everything is laid out. These are the rough steps:
Right click on the EDMX in A (public API assembly) and Add Code Generation File
Adds a TT to the project. Called it Models, as it will contain the models only.
Edited the TT and removed code generation for entity containers
In assembly B (internal implementations) added Database.EDMA as a link
Opened in assembly B, right click and Add Code Generation File
Adds a TT to project B. Called it EntityContainer as it will contain that only.
Edited TT to do the following
Removed entity creation steps
Changed the path to Database.EDMX to a relative path pointing at the original copy in A
Added a using for my models
Hopefully this will all compile and work correctly (I'm still far from getting everything compiled and tested). Looks good so far.
Additional change:
In my entity container TT, I had to modify the definition of the EscapeEndTypeName to the following:
string EscapeEndTypeName(AssociationType association, int index,
CodeGenerationTools code)
EntityType entity = association.AssociationEndMembers[index]
return code.CreateFullName(
code.EscapeNamespace(association.NamespaceName), code.Escape(entity));
I'm using association.NamespaceName as it contains the correct namespace from the other assembly.
I don't know the answer, but I think that your question is essentially equivalent to "Is it possible to cause a T4 template in one project to emit code into a different project?" If you can do that, then you can do what you want. Note, though, that this is substantially easier in EF 4.
So I think you might get useful feedback if you asked that question directly.
