Xcode incorrectly reporting missing files - xcode4

I had some files that I removed from my project. They don't show up anywhere when I grep the directory for files or the text inside of the files in my source but when I build my project it reports missing files as warnings. Cleaning and restarting the Xcode does not help.
Any ideas on where to look?

it seems like the issue was related to the files being added but not committed to my svn repository. when i removed them from being added the warning went away.

Check out this post for how to get this warning to go away: Missing file warnings showing up after upgrade to XCode 4

just check if Delete an unreferenced image from repository in Xcode can help;
try to delete the app and rebuild.

Got this error in xcode 8.0 with a git repository. Wanted to split code into a different file - so duplicated the file, added it to the project and then removed most code from the original file. At this point XCode showed an 'i' (missing file) in the project navigator but compiling the project works fine.
You can't commit with xcode however since it will show the "missing" file as non-existent in the commit-dialog (even though it is clearly there, selectable and editable in the project navigator).
Easy fix was to just commit all changes externally with sourcetree. The moment it was committed, everything worked fine again in xcode.


Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error The package Newtonsoft.Json with version 12.0.3 could not be found in

I moved a project from one PC to another and compiling the solution I get the following
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The package Newtonsoft.Json with version 12.0.3 could not be
found in C:\Users\Usuario.nuget\packages,
C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet. Run a NuGet package restore to download
the package. BusinessLogic
I have already restored it, deleted it, reinstalled it and it continues to appear, what I see is that the routes that tell me there in the error are not on the pc that I brought the project, in the previous one they are
¿but if this is how I can remove these routes or remove this error?
Please check these two options under Tools-->Options
Please enable them first. Then, click Clear Nuget Caches button.
Also, please make sure that you have enabled nuget.org nuget pakage source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json.
If not, please add it:
When you finish them all, close VS, delete .vs hidden folder under the solution folder, bin and obj folder.
After that, restart your project and then click Rebuild button.
copying and renaming the database works for me and connection string also need to be updated to the new database name.

Can't remove dotNET Runtime 2.1.17

I have a vulnerability scanner that returns a finding for an outdated dotNET build - 2.1.17. This needs to be removed.
I have confirmed the file is in the right spot (C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.All\2.1.17) and I have deployed the updated version "2.1.25".
Unfortunately, 2.1.17 refuses to be removed - the latest dotnet-core-uninstall tool does not list it as an option, and it doesn't let me just hand-jam 2.1.17 as an -aspnet-runtime option either.
Somewhere on the 'net I found a suggestion that if I remove a certain SDK installation (5xx something - naturally can't find it again) that it would also remove the files. It didn't, and 2.1.17 is still there.
I also tried simply taking ownership of the directory in Windows and then removing it with RMDIR. The directory was removed and all the files were gone, but when I rebooted it looks like it was actually restored and now I'm stuck with 2.1.17 again.
I'm no Developer, so my experience with these packages is in deploying and removing them, which I've done successfully in the past either by deleting the folder (for a very old version) or this dotnet removal tool. I've not had the Runtime simply just not be removable.
Is there a way to get rid of these Runtimes without the dotnet tool?
EDIT: I followed Ian Kemp's advice below and it did briefly remove the 2.1.17 folder that was behind my finding, but it actually restores when the machine is rebooted (causing it to be flagged again).
The solution for me was to remove the 2.1.813 SDK, then manually TAKEOWN and RMDIR the offending directories, then reinstall 2.1.813 SDK.

Why does my Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500) "Watch App" template fail?

To familiarize myself with the process, before getting real, I tried to build a Watch-only app from the Xcode 11.2.1 template. The build fails when it attempts to copy an item into a file, instead of into a directory. I can hardly believe this isn't something corrupt in my Xcode environment, but it is happening on different Macs.
I created a new project with the "Watch App" template at ~/Development/Watch and ran xcodebuild from that directory. There is quite a lot of successful work done, but the last command (failing) in the build log is (with ... representing ~/Development/):
PBXCp .../Watch/build/Release-watchos/Watch\ WatchKit\ App.app \
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch/Watch\ WatchKit\ App.app
error: make directory
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch/Watch WatchKit App.app:
Not a directory
It's failing because .../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/Watch.app/Watch is not a directory (nor should it be). Is this an Xcode bug (I've seen no reference to it from Apple or in Google searchs), or some stupidity on my part?
This is addressed in the GM Seed of Xcode 11.2.1. If you are writing a Mac Catalyst app, please also see the release notes for Xcode 11.2.1.
For any other issues you encounter while using Xcode, please file bug reports.
Found it!! A sneaky one too ..
It fails if you name the project "Watch" .. name it something else, it's OK.

Meteor app will not run due to a release error

Whenever I try to run meteor I get the following error, not sure what is causing it, I did move some files around in a meteor project, replaced old files with new files manually, not sure if that caused the problem:
Problem! This project does not have a .meteor/release file. The file should either
contain the release of Meteor that you want to use, or the word 'none' if you will only
use the project with unreleased checkouts of Meteor. Please edit the .meteor/release
file in the project and change it to a valid Meteor release or 'none'
It appears you're missing the release file. My .meteor/release file contains the following:
Try adding the version you are running to this file (yours may not be 1.2.1).

WebEssentials less support not working

I'm using VS 2013 Update 4, with Web Essentials installed (the latest version)
If I create a brand new project, and add one .less file with nothing in it but a body declaration
body {
font-size: 10px;
I get this error "Compilation Error occurred (see error list to navigate to the error location):".
The error list is completely empty however.
I've done everything I've read, like uninstall / reinstall.
Hard to believe this is so hard and doesn't work out of the box?
Is there something else I can use that will convert to .css files within Visual Studio upon save?
Thanks, this is frustrating!!
I had the same issue with the 2.5.2 update.
I ended up uninstalling version 2.5.2. and installed the stable 2.5 version https://github.com/madskristensen/WebEssentials2013/releases/tag/v2.5 (.vsix)
After this everything was working again.
Uninstall 2.5.2
Restart VS 2013
Install 2.5 (.visx)
For me the problem was a hash(#) in the folder structur where my project was in.
So C:\Develop\C#\MyProject\... failed while C:\Develop\CSharp\MyProject\... worked.
I tracked down a way to fix this with the current version of WE (the issue is due to either NodeJS not being packed right or extracted right - not sure which). So to fix this simply reinstall node and set the modules back up
Locate the path where WE is installed
Should be something like C:\Users\$username\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\VISUALSTUDIO\12.0\Extensions\$random_folder
Run the commands necessary to reinstall node & set the modules back up
I made a powershell script to do this for you open powershell and run
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/iamkrillin/e5e95f0193eef4358e09/raw/301c170e9eed302f09f0f577dc0ab26be4cc09ea/we.ps1'))
You can view the script here. https://gist.github.com/iamkrillin/e5e95f0193eef4358e09#file-we-ps1
An update has been released to address this problem
