Best Practice For Mocking Repository Pattern - moq

I'm starting out with IoC / Mocking and am looking to make sure I'm using 'best practice' for my repositories.
I'm setting up interfaces for my repositories. The concrete implementations will point to SQL, whilst testing will use Moq to generate "fakes". I notice that I'm using Moq's callback feature a lot. In this article, the author states.
since Moq provides functionality in both of these areas for most of what you would want to do, there isn’t really too many different points at which you would need these tools. In fact, if you think you need to use “Callback” you should probably look a little harder to see if Moq can do what you want to do automatically.
I've had a look and can't see any other way to implement what I need - namely a 'fake' repository. Can someone please advise if there's something that I'm missing here? Is there any way to achieve this without the callback?
public class UnitTest1
public void TestMethod1()
// Arrange
var mock = ContactRepositoryFake();
// Act
mock.Object.AddContact(new Contact() { Name = "bill" });
mock.Object.AddContact(new Contact() { Name = "jane" });
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(mock.Object.AllContacts.Count() == 2);
public Mock<IContactRepository> ContactRepositoryFake()
var _allContacts = new List<Contact>();
var mock = new Mock<IContactRepository>();
.Callback((Contact c) =>
mock.Setup(x => x.AllContacts).Returns(_allContacts);
return mock;
public interface IContactRepository
void AddContact(Contact contact);
IEnumerable<Contact> AllContacts { get; }
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
Thank you very much in advance! Any other advise welcome :-)

I personally do not see an issue with the way you are doing this. What I see is that you want to Mock and not Stub you repository. Which means you want it to "record" and return data back during the test. In this case Callback is useful and really the only way to do this.
As for the comment if you are dealing with Stubbing more than mocking then Callback would be rarely be used. the article imo is a bit to general and doesn't fully see the power of the Callback.

You could just setup the following:
mock.Setup(x => x.AllContacts).Returns(GetExpectedContactList());
and have a helper function which returns a List of Contacts:
private static List<Contact> GetExpectedContactList()
And have different Helper methods to return specific data scenarios.


"Add" appears to be working in WebFlux, but seems like there must be a "more accepted way"

New to WebFlux, reactive, and handlers.
I am able to get a Mono<> from a ServerRequest and process the contained POJO to add a new tuple to a database. But, it seems like there should be a "better" or "more accepted" way to write this code.
Any help/input with the code in AccountRequestHandler would be appreciated, especially with explanations of the rationale behind the recommend change(s).
Router implementation (stripped down to only "POST")...
public class AccountRequestRouter {
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(AccountRequestHandler requestHandler) {
return nest(path("/v2"),
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.POST("/accounts"), requestHandler::addAccount)
Handler implementation...
The code where I'm actually doing the add, and then separately creating a ServerResponse, is what I'm focused on. It seems "clunky", especially since AccountService.addAccount() returns a Mono on completion.
public class AccountRequestHandler {
private accountService;
public Mono<ServerResponse> addAccount(ServerRequest request) {
return request.bodyToMono(Account.class).flatMap(account -> {
return ServerResponse.ok().build();
AccountService implementation (again, stripped down)...
class AccountService {
private AccountRepository accounts;
public AccountService() {
public Mono<Void> addAccount(Account account) {
Account proxy;
// make sure that accountId is set to support auto-generation of synthetic key value
proxy = new Account(-1, account.getShortName(), account.getLongName(), account.getDescription());;
return Mono.empty();
Appreciating all the help in ramping up on this style of programming....
well first of all, you have 2 addAccount, that can be a bit confusing.
Second of all, what kind of "repository" are you writing too? if its an sql repo you need to properly wrap it in a Mono.fromCallable() otherwise it will block the Reactive thread pool and you can have really bad performance.
Yes there are other ways of doing things. A lot of people tend to do things in flatmap or map and sure it is completely possible to do things here, but for the semantics i'd say it is less good.
map and flatmap are usually used to perform some sort of computation on the inner value of the mono and then return the same or a new value and or type inside the mono.
i would rewrite this like such.
return void here:
public void addAccount(Account account) {
Account proxy;
// make sure that accountId is set to support auto-generation of synthetic key value
proxy = new Account(-1, account.getShortName(), account.getLongName(), account.getDescription());;
And here:
public Mono<ServerResponse> addAccount(ServerRequest request) {
return request.bodyToMono(Account.class)
.doOnSuccess(account -> {
there are a number of different doOn methods that are ment to be used to consume and do "side effects" on things. Like doOnSuccess, doOnError, doOnCancel etc. etc.
you also have then and thenReturn which will just return whatever you put in them. Then returns whatever Mono you put in it. thenReturn wraps whatever value you put into it into a Mono and returns it.

Configurable Topic name with Rebus

Topic needs to configrable via config file.
Below is the code. I wonder if this is the best solution or any built-in support, or better solution?
public class TopicNameConvention : ITopicNameConvention
private readonly Config _config;
public TopicNameConvention(Config config)
_config= config;
public string GetTopic(Type eventType)
switch (eventType.Name)
case nameof(Order):
return _config.Topic.Name;
//... more
throw new Exception("Topic name not exist");
If you intention is to manually be able to configure the topic name for each of your event types, then please go for it.
My own personal opinions is that this seems pretty rigid, and I would fear that you would have to update too many things at the same time, whenever you introduce a new event type.
Why not just go with
public string GetTopic(Type eventType) => eventType.Name;
which can handle all .NET types in the world (just be sure that you do not have two event types with the same name in two different namespaces).

Handling specimen creation inconsistencies between AutoFixture and Moq

I am using AutoMoqCustomization in my test conventions.
Consider the code below. Everything works great until I add a constructor to one of the concrete classes. When I do, I get "could not find a parameterless constructor". We know AutoFixture doesn't have an issue with the constructor because it delivered me the test object one which proved to be assignable from IThings... no failure there. So it must be moq.
This makes some sense because I assume builder was generated by moq and passed into the GetCommands method. So I think I can see that control has been passed from AutoFixture to moq at that point.
That takes care of the why, but what should I do about it? Is there a way to instruct moq on how to deal with the ThingOne or is there a way to instruct AutoFixture to ignore moq for IThingBuilders and instead do something Fixtury?
public class TestClass
public interface IThingBuilders
T1 Build<T1>() where T1 : IThings;
public interface IThings
public class ThingOne : IThings
public ThingOne(string someparam)
public class ThingTwo : IThings
public class SomeClass
public List<IThings> GetCommands(IThingBuilders builder)
var newlist = new List<IThings>();
return newlist;
[Theory, BasicConventions]
public void WhyCannotInstantiateProxyOfClass(ThingOne one, ThingTwo two, IThingBuilders builder, SomeClass sut)
var actual = sut.GetCommands(builder);
Assert.Equal(1, actual.OfType<ThingOne>().Count());
Assert.Equal(1, actual.OfType<ThingTwo>().Count());
As there's no extensibility point in Moq that enables AutoFixture to hook in and supply a value of ThingOne, there's not a whole lot you can do.
However, you can use the SetReturnsDefault<T> method of Moq. Modifying the above test would then be like this:
[Theory, BasicConventions]
public void WhyCannotInstantiateProxyOfClass(
ThingOne one, ThingTwo two, IThingBuilders builder, SomeClass sut)
Mock.Get(builder).SetReturnsDefault(one); // Add this to make the test pass
var actual = sut.GetCommands(builder);
Assert.Equal(1, actual.OfType<ThingOne>().Count());
Assert.Equal(1, actual.OfType<ThingTwo>().Count());
This is a bit easier than having to write a specific Setup/Returns pair, but not much. You could move that code to an AutoFixture Customization, but again, since this is a generic method on a a Mock instance, you'll explicitly need to call this for e.g. ThingOne in order to set the default for that return type. Not particularly flexible.

How to setup Moq to execute some methods of a Moq

I have a test where I pass in an object like so:
var repo = new ActualRepo();
var sut = new Sut(repo);
In my test, Repo has one method that I need to actually execute, whilst another method I want to mock out and not execute.
So for example, take this pseudocode:
var repo = new Mock<IRepo>();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToCall()).WillBeExecuted();
repo.Setup(m => m.MethodIWantToMock()).Returns(false);
Using Moq, is this possible and how can it be done?
I've used TypeMock in the past and you can do something like.
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToIgnore()).WillBeIgnored();
Isolator.When(() => repo.MethodToActuallyRun()).WillBeExecuted();
Not too sure from the question if this is useful but it is possible to partially mock an object if the method that you want to mock is virtual.
public class Foo {
public string GetLive() {
return "Hello";
public virtual string GetMock() {
return "Hello";
public class Snafu {
private Foo _foo;
public Snafu(Foo foo) {
_foo = foo;
public string GetMessage() {
return string.Format("{0} {1}", _foo.GetLive(), _foo.GetMock());
public void NotMocked() {
var snafu = new Snafu(new Foo());
Assert.AreEqual("Hello Hello", snafu.GetMessage());
public void Mocked() {
var mockFoo = new Mock<Foo>();
mockFoo.Setup(mk => mk.GetMock()).Returns("World");
var snafu = new Snafu(mockFoo.Object);
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", snafu.GetMessage());
You can't do this with Moq if you use the same object unless one of the method is virtual and you are basing your mock on a type rather than an interface.
That's because when you are passing a mock object based on an interface, you aren't passing a real object so it does not have access to the real methods of the object.
You are passing a dynamic proxy which will respond to methods it has been setup to respond to.
I believe TypeMock rewrites the assemblies at runtime to achieve this, something Moq definitively doesn't do.
If you want to achieve similar results with Moq:
You could mock both methods
You would have to extract both methods to different dependencies so as to mock one dependency and not the other.
You could have the method you need mocked be virtual, which would be the solution I would prefer.
EDIT : I edited my answer for correctness after reading AlanT's answer.

Using Microsoft Unity IOC, how can you pass it an existing object to inject?

So if I have:
public class CustomerViewModel
public CustomerViewModel(ICustomer customer)
this.customer = customer
then is there a way to achieve:
ICustomerViewModel customerViewModel = container.Resolve<ICustomerViewModel>(existingCustomer);
If you want to build-up an existing instance through property and method injection, you can use the following:
var model = new CustomerViewModel(customer);
model = container.BuildUp(model);
In general I would not recommend using this feature of Unity. Sometimes you need it, but it's usually a warning sign that could be fixed by adjusting the design a bit to work more naturally with IoC as a pattern (not a framework). With more details on how you are using it, the SO community can probably offer some other options...
Since the dependency injection container is designed to provide finished objects, you'll need to use a factory pattern (which is quite common in these cases) to achieve your desired configuration:
public interface ICustomerViewModelFactory {
public ICustomerViewModel GetModelFor(ICustomer customer);
public class CustomerViewModelFactory : ICustomerViewModelFactory {
public ICustomerViewModel GetModelFor(ICustomer customer) {
return new CustomerViewModel(customer);
// elsewhere...
container.RegisterInstance<ICustomerViewModelFactory>(new CustomerViewModelFactory());
// and finally...
ICustomerViewModelFactory factory = container.Resolve<ICustomerViewModelFactory>();
ICustomerViewModel customerViewModel = factory.GetModelFor(existingCustomer);
Check the 'Can I pass constructor parameters to Unity's Resolve() method?' question (also on Stack Overflow).
