Configurable Topic name with Rebus - rebus

Topic needs to configrable via config file.
Below is the code. I wonder if this is the best solution or any built-in support, or better solution?
public class TopicNameConvention : ITopicNameConvention
private readonly Config _config;
public TopicNameConvention(Config config)
_config= config;
public string GetTopic(Type eventType)
switch (eventType.Name)
case nameof(Order):
return _config.Topic.Name;
//... more
throw new Exception("Topic name not exist");

If you intention is to manually be able to configure the topic name for each of your event types, then please go for it.
My own personal opinions is that this seems pretty rigid, and I would fear that you would have to update too many things at the same time, whenever you introduce a new event type.
Why not just go with
public string GetTopic(Type eventType) => eventType.Name;
which can handle all .NET types in the world (just be sure that you do not have two event types with the same name in two different namespaces).


"Add" appears to be working in WebFlux, but seems like there must be a "more accepted way"

New to WebFlux, reactive, and handlers.
I am able to get a Mono<> from a ServerRequest and process the contained POJO to add a new tuple to a database. But, it seems like there should be a "better" or "more accepted" way to write this code.
Any help/input with the code in AccountRequestHandler would be appreciated, especially with explanations of the rationale behind the recommend change(s).
Router implementation (stripped down to only "POST")...
public class AccountRequestRouter {
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(AccountRequestHandler requestHandler) {
return nest(path("/v2"),
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.POST("/accounts"), requestHandler::addAccount)
Handler implementation...
The code where I'm actually doing the add, and then separately creating a ServerResponse, is what I'm focused on. It seems "clunky", especially since AccountService.addAccount() returns a Mono on completion.
public class AccountRequestHandler {
private accountService;
public Mono<ServerResponse> addAccount(ServerRequest request) {
return request.bodyToMono(Account.class).flatMap(account -> {
return ServerResponse.ok().build();
AccountService implementation (again, stripped down)...
class AccountService {
private AccountRepository accounts;
public AccountService() {
public Mono<Void> addAccount(Account account) {
Account proxy;
// make sure that accountId is set to support auto-generation of synthetic key value
proxy = new Account(-1, account.getShortName(), account.getLongName(), account.getDescription());;
return Mono.empty();
Appreciating all the help in ramping up on this style of programming....
well first of all, you have 2 addAccount, that can be a bit confusing.
Second of all, what kind of "repository" are you writing too? if its an sql repo you need to properly wrap it in a Mono.fromCallable() otherwise it will block the Reactive thread pool and you can have really bad performance.
Yes there are other ways of doing things. A lot of people tend to do things in flatmap or map and sure it is completely possible to do things here, but for the semantics i'd say it is less good.
map and flatmap are usually used to perform some sort of computation on the inner value of the mono and then return the same or a new value and or type inside the mono.
i would rewrite this like such.
return void here:
public void addAccount(Account account) {
Account proxy;
// make sure that accountId is set to support auto-generation of synthetic key value
proxy = new Account(-1, account.getShortName(), account.getLongName(), account.getDescription());;
And here:
public Mono<ServerResponse> addAccount(ServerRequest request) {
return request.bodyToMono(Account.class)
.doOnSuccess(account -> {
there are a number of different doOn methods that are ment to be used to consume and do "side effects" on things. Like doOnSuccess, doOnError, doOnCancel etc. etc.
you also have then and thenReturn which will just return whatever you put in them. Then returns whatever Mono you put in it. thenReturn wraps whatever value you put into it into a Mono and returns it.

What are the recomendation for developing .net core 2.2 web api for following bulleted points? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing a new WebApi using .NetCore2.2, Autofac4, Dapper. There are few very basic questions because this is my first WebApi project. As part of this project I have to write both unit-test and integration-test.
My questions are as follows (Sample Code is give below):
What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable >"?
Recommended object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Do I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
What are the flaws if I follow this design?
Is there any better way to design this API?
As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Doman Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
Domain Layer:
public class Movie
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public interface ICommandRepository<T> where T : class
Task CreateAsync(T entity);
Task UpdateAsync(T entity);
Task DeleteAsync(T entity);
public interface IQueryRepository<T> where T : class
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllMoviesAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title);
Task<T> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id);
Infrastructure Layer:
public class MovieCommandContext : DbContext
public MovieCommandContext(DbContextOptions<MovieCommandContext> options)
: base(options)
public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public class MovieQueryContext : IDisposable
private readonly IDbConnection connection;
public MovieQueryContext(string connectionString)
connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMovies()
// Use Dapper->QueryAsync
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
if (connection?.State == ConnectionState.Open)
public class MovieCommandRepository : ICommandRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieCommandContext context;
public MovieCommandRepository(MovieCommandContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task CreateAsync(Movie movie)
await context.AddAsync<Movie>(movie);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task UpdateAsync(Movie movie)
var entity = context.Attach<Movie>(movie);
context.Entry<Movie>(movie).State = EntityState.Modified;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task DeleteAsync(Movie movie)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public class MovieQueryRepository : IQueryRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieQueryContext context;
public MovieQueryRepository(MovieQueryContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMoviesAsync()
return await context.GetAllMovies();
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title)
return await context.GetMovieByName(title);
public async Task<Movie> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id)
return await context.GetMovieByID(id);
API Layer:
public class SampleController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICommandRepository<Movie> movieCommand;
private readonly IQueryRepository<Movie> movieQuery;
public SampleController(ICommandRepository<Movie> command, IQueryRepository<Movie> query)
movieCommand = command;
movieQuery = query;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesAsync()
var movies = await movieQuery.GetAllMoviesAsync();
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesByTitle(string movieTitle)
var movies = await movieQuery.GetMoviesByTitleAsync(movieTitle);
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMovieByID(int movieID)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(movieID);
return Ok(movie);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(id);
if (movie == null)
return BadRequest();
await movieCommand.DeleteAsync(movie);
return Ok();
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
private void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MovieCommandContext>()
.WithParameter("options", contextOptions);
Point 1:
You should return an IActionResult to return a propper Http response, instead of returning the Task<IEnumerable<Movie>>. That way you guarantee the S and the I of SOLID principles
Point 2 & 3:
see here: Entity Framework Core service default lifetime
Point 4:
IQueryRepository as some bad methods names. The names are tight coupled with domain concepts and they should not.
You are failing the Separation of concerns ( the S of SOLID).
ICommandRepository as an Add method that is being expose to some controller and not being used ( same as Update) here you are failing on the Interface segregation.
MovieQueryContext does not implement IDisposable pattern correctly please see here!
MovieQueryContext is different from MovieCommandContext on the way it initializes. Why? You should try to be coherent the way you design you types because it will give you reusability and apply the DRY principle.
Consider the effort you will need to to if the access to the database change to mongodb. Or if the access to the database changes to a remote service How many changes, and where do you do does changes to support that?
If Movie is a Domain Type it should not have attributes to any specific database access. keep it POCO as possible.
Point 5:
To design your API consider this post. The way you inject your dependencies should consider the lifetime of those objects. Keep in mind that in aspnet.core ApiControllers lifetime is per request. The way you manage your resources to access database should take that into consideration.
If you are considering CQRS, the controllers should be diferent. Keeping in mind the Separation of concerns regarding those responsabilities. One controller would have the responsability to expose some query API, and the other to process commands. There are good frameworks to support CQRS see this scott hanselman post.
Constraints exists on Route attribute not on Verbs.
Logging and Exception handling should be done on an ActionAttribute or on some Especific Middleware, because they are considered to be cross cutting concerns.
Delete Action does not comply to the Http protocol. please consider http rfc:
GetMoviesByTitle Action does not have the name parameter.
Point 6:
Unit tests should test business logic, mocking all the external dependencies with values relevant to the test in place. TDD methodology considers 3 main steps ( here for more details):
the first step consists on implementing the unit tests so it fails
Iterate on implementation of the method being test until it passes with success
Improve the implementation of the method being test
If you want to test your ApiController as being used with all the middleware integrated you need to have that environment put in place without using an actual server that open ports. To do that please consider the usage of TestServer ( see here and here )
1. What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable < Movie > >"?
Even though the API allows you yo use the interface IActionResult, I wouldn't use it at all. Why? Semantics, the only way to know what the true return is, is to see the implementation. It's clearer if the returns is Task< IEnumerable< Movie>>.
If you need to throw a BadRequest or other http code, use the pipeline to handle this for you. See Notes below.
When using whatever tool to generate some sort of documentation of this API it won't help hiding the real result.
2. object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Avoid sharing state between calls, to avoid future issues with synchronization just stick to scope dependencies per request. This may be a performance issue if you have a lot of requests, you can always change this later on. If it's an issue at all.
3. I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
4. What are the flaws if I follow this design?
5. Is there any better way to design this API?
In hope of answering the above 3 questions. The problem I see is extending the functionality around Movie model. e.g. add a fourth action on ICommandRepository.
It seams it will grow vertically. It will only be a problem if multiple classes implement this interface, because they will all need to change. (Interface Segregation Principle)
A way to solve this is to use the Mediator pattern. Your controller will receive the mediator and the mediator will deliver the message to whoever handles it. With this type of solution you could have a class per operation and therefore your system can grow horizontally as new classes are added to the system. (Open Close Principle)
In time, you'll see that a lot of functionality can be reused and adding features is just a matter of configuration.
6. As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Domain Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
The idea of Testing in general is to test behavior, when TDDing that should be your mindset. In my experience I found that testing the whole behavior is better than multiple parts of the same behavior.
In this case, the API Layer is part of the infrastructure as is the persistence layer. They should have their own tests, the business rules (Application layer) should have their own tests. The application layer is what you want to last forever. The Api will change as technologies appear (windows forms, web forms, web apis, etc.) Regarding databases as well, you don't know if you want to stick with EF forever.
If the domain layer doesn't provide any behavior then there is nothing to test.
7. What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
I would test using TestHost:
Test the if routing is correct, test failing scenarios and successful scenarios.
Some notes:
An exception in the Controller does not mean a BadRequest.
Logging is a cross cutting concern, don't just do it everywhere.
Either use the pipeline or just move this concern to
application layer.
It appears that MovieQueryRepository does nothing, so you don't need it.
This is just some remarks about your questions, there is much more to it. Just remember to keep things simple and organized.
Hope it helped, let me know!

Is Feign threadsafe...?

Is instance of Feign thread safe...? I couldn't find any documentation that supports this. Do anyone out there think otherwise?
Here is the standard example posted on github repo for Feign...
interface GitHub {
#RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(#Param("owner") String owner, #Param("repo") String repo);
static class Contributor {
String login;
int contributions;
public static void main(String... args) {
GitHub github = Feign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(GitHub.class, "");
// Fetch and print a list of the contributors to this library.
List<Contributor> contributors = github.contributors("netflix", "feign");
for (Contributor contributor : contributors) {
System.out.println(contributor.login + " (" + contributor.contributions + ")");
Should I change this to following... Is it thread safe...?
interface GitHub {
#RequestLine("GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contributors")
List<Contributor> contributors(#Param("owner") String owner, #Param("repo") String repo);
static class Contributor {
String login;
int contributions;
public class GithubService {
GitHub github = null;
public void postConstruct() {
github = Feign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(GitHub.class, "");
public void callMeForEveryRequest() {
github.contributors... // Is this thread-safe...?
For the example above... I've used spring based components to highlight a singleton. Thanks in advance...
This discussion seems to suggest that it is thread safe. (Talks about creating a new object being inefficient)
Had a look at the source and there doesn't seem to be any state that would make it unsafe. This is expected as it is modelled on the jersey Target. But you should get a confirmation from the Feign devs or do your own tests and review before using it in an unsafe way.
I was also looking, but unfortunately found nothing. The only signs provides in Spring configuration. The builder is defined as bean in scope prototype, so should not be thread safe.
public class FooConfiguration {
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return Feign.builder();
After a deep dive into the feign-core code and a couple other feign modules (we needed additional support for things that weren't there so I had to modify some stuff -- plus, this question made me curious so I took another look), it looks like you should be safe re-using Feign clients in a multi-threaded environment as long as all of your local code (such as any custom Encoder, Expander, or RequestInterceptor classes, etc) has no mutable state.
The Feign internals don't store much in the way of mutable state, but some things are cached and re-used (thus may be called from multiple threads at the same time, if you are calling your Feign target's methods from multiple threads at the same time), so your plugins should be stateless.
It looks to me like all the main Feign modules were written with immutability and statelessness in mind as a goal.
In feign/core/src/main/java/feign/, there is a comment
* Submits HTTP {#link Request requests}. Implementations are expected to be thread-safe.
public interface Client {
So, from the designer's point of view, it should be thread-safety.

Testing a class library that is using different databases based on Session

I have an ASP.NET website project that until recent had all code in App_Code folder. It uses Entity Framework 4 as ORM. Application is divided into three "sections" (let's say one for each customer). Each section has it's own database (but same schema). This is due to performance reasons, databases are over 10GB each with millions of rows.
Each time a context object is created a Session variable which holds section ID is called and proprietary connection string is chosen for this context.
It looks like this (following are members of static Connection class):
public static MyEntities GetEntityContext()
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["section"] == null)
var context = new MyEntities(GetEntityConnectionStringForSection((int)HttpContext.Current.Session["section"]);
return context;
private static string GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(int section)
switch (section)
case 1: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
case 2: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_2"].ConnectionString;
case 3: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_3"].ConnectionString;
default: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
It works very good and also handles situation when session timed out everytime any data access is performed.
Recently as I needed to share DB classes among two websites I moved all DB classes to separate class library and referenced System.Web library which I know is bad practice, but it's working.
Now the next step is to include unit and module tests which as I read is very difficult or impossible when using HttpContext in library, so I want to get rid of System.Web references. What is the best practice for this situation?
I think I can't just pass HttpContext to GetEntityContext() as it is also called from within my entity classes. Although this probably can be refactored. So maybe this is where I should go?
I also wondered if is it possible to somehow pass current section ID to this whole library? It cannot be just static property because as far as I understand it would be common for all users using the application. This should be user-specific.
Reassuming the objective is to make automated testing possible without loosing transparent Connection String choosing and session timeouts handling.
If I do something fundamentally wrong at this stage please also let me know. I can look again at this question tomorrow morning (8.00 am UTC) so please don't be discouraged by my silence till then.
Example of usage of Connection class in the library:
public partial class Store
public static List<Store> GetSpecialStores()
using (var context = Connection.GetEntityContext())
return context.Stores.Where(qq => qq.Type > 0).OrderBy(qq => qq.Code).ToList();
You can declare interface IContextProvider inside your library ans use it to retrieve context. Something like:
public interface IContextProvider
MyEntities GetEntityContext();
This will make your library testable. In your web project you can inject IContextProvider implementation into your library.
public class WebContextProvider : IContextProvider
public MyEntities GetEntityContext()
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["section"] == null)
int sectionId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["section"];
string connectionString = GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(sectionId);
var context = new MyEntities(connectionString);
return context;
private static string GetEntityConnectionStringForSection(int section)
switch (section)
case 1: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
case 2: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_2"].ConnectionString;
case 3: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_3"].ConnectionString;
default: return ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["entity_1"].ConnectionString;
Inject this interface to repositories or other data access classes.
public partial class Store
private IContextProvider contextProvider;
public Store(IContextProvider contextProvider)
this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
public List<Store> GetSpecialStores()
using (var context = contextProvider.GetEntityContext())
return context.Stores.Where(qq => qq.Type > 0).OrderBy(qq => qq.Code).ToList();

Best Practice For Mocking Repository Pattern

I'm starting out with IoC / Mocking and am looking to make sure I'm using 'best practice' for my repositories.
I'm setting up interfaces for my repositories. The concrete implementations will point to SQL, whilst testing will use Moq to generate "fakes". I notice that I'm using Moq's callback feature a lot. In this article, the author states.
since Moq provides functionality in both of these areas for most of what you would want to do, there isn’t really too many different points at which you would need these tools. In fact, if you think you need to use “Callback” you should probably look a little harder to see if Moq can do what you want to do automatically.
I've had a look and can't see any other way to implement what I need - namely a 'fake' repository. Can someone please advise if there's something that I'm missing here? Is there any way to achieve this without the callback?
public class UnitTest1
public void TestMethod1()
// Arrange
var mock = ContactRepositoryFake();
// Act
mock.Object.AddContact(new Contact() { Name = "bill" });
mock.Object.AddContact(new Contact() { Name = "jane" });
// Assert
Assert.IsTrue(mock.Object.AllContacts.Count() == 2);
public Mock<IContactRepository> ContactRepositoryFake()
var _allContacts = new List<Contact>();
var mock = new Mock<IContactRepository>();
.Callback((Contact c) =>
mock.Setup(x => x.AllContacts).Returns(_allContacts);
return mock;
public interface IContactRepository
void AddContact(Contact contact);
IEnumerable<Contact> AllContacts { get; }
public class Contact
public string Name { get; set; }
Thank you very much in advance! Any other advise welcome :-)
I personally do not see an issue with the way you are doing this. What I see is that you want to Mock and not Stub you repository. Which means you want it to "record" and return data back during the test. In this case Callback is useful and really the only way to do this.
As for the comment if you are dealing with Stubbing more than mocking then Callback would be rarely be used. the article imo is a bit to general and doesn't fully see the power of the Callback.
You could just setup the following:
mock.Setup(x => x.AllContacts).Returns(GetExpectedContactList());
and have a helper function which returns a List of Contacts:
private static List<Contact> GetExpectedContactList()
And have different Helper methods to return specific data scenarios.
