How to run clickHandlers on buttons moved from main view component to header bar - apache-flex

I've used JRab's example here to add a header menu to my app. What I'm having trouble with is executing my functions from the header mennu. For example, my firstView is appHome.mxml. It instantiates a Canvas object that has an erase(). There is a button in appHope.mxml that executes the erase() on the Canvas instance. I'm trying move the Erase button out of my appHome.mxml and into my headerMenu.mxml but don't know how to execute the erase() on the Canvas instance. The first thing I thought to try was click="{appHome.myCanvas.erase()}" but obviously that didn't work.
I asked a similar question yesterday here: Flex executing a function on another view and I accepted the answer before I tried it. The problem is that the headermenu.mxml is not a child of appHome.mxml. They are both children of the main app.mxml. Secondly, the object that has the erase() is in a separate .as class I instantiate in appHome.mxml.
I hope I described my question well enough. Thanks n advance to anyone that can help.

Based on your description, I don't understand how my comment on the previous answer doesn't answer it.
The event from headermenu dispatches up to app; which can call the method on it's child (appHome) like this:


AFrame scene reload method

i'm trying to reload the scene on AFrame, i have a scene with a robot and i need to load back to original state of the scene when users click a button.
What i already tried is:
var sceneElement = document.querySelector("a-scene");
The first one raise an error on browser console showing that reload() method is not a function but documentation on AFrame supports it. I don't know if i'm using this function right.
Uncaught TypeError: sceneElement.reload is not a function
at HTMLDocument.eval (websim.js:64)
at HTMLButtonElement.eval (editor.js:23)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.js:4953)
at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4758)
The last code from below reloads the entire page and this is not what i need.
Thank you! :)
That method was removed a while ago, I just pushed a change to remove that from the docs, thanks.
You can do window.location.reload().
Else you can just revert whatever you need reverted manually (.setAttributes, removing components). aframe-state-component can also help if it's more complex and you don't want a page reload.
I've found a solution to my problem, my robot has dynamic-body component so i'm able to use robot.body.quaternion.set with robot.body.initQuaternion x, y and z as input parameters and reload the robot.
I know is not the full scene reloaded but it works fine for this particular issue.
Thank you #ngokevin for your answers

restrict user to insert same component and template [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
In a page inside the insert component popup window. When a user is trying to Select a component and a Template then how to *restrict them to select the same combination of component and template * that is already present in the component list.
I thought of writing a javascript on insert button.Please suggest if i am going in right way.
As Bart says above your question is amazingly vague, but here is an attempt at an answer as i've just done something similar. Given the vagueness, i'm assuming that you're knee deep in JS code and what I'm putting here will make sense to you :)
In your javascript you'll likely store the selected component presentation in a property as your user clicks on a given cp in the list, for example:
// keeps stock of the current selected component presentation
to use simply:
var componentPresentation = p.selectedComponentPresentation;
and to set you can see i get the tab control first, store the component presentationTab and from there call the getSelectedComponentPresentation():
var masterTabControl = $controls.getControl($("#MasterTabControl"),
p.compPresTab = masterTabControl.getPage("ComponentPresentationsTab");
= p.compPresTab.getSelectedComponentPresentation();
Again I do hope this makes sense, I'm also assuming by now you'll know how to get the pageId
If you're in a Component popup window, you can get the ID of the Component through
This will actually work in any Item edit popup (so Pages and other item types too).
It will not work in the main Dashboard view (so where you see the tree on the left and the list on the right), since there you don't have a single "current item".
You will have to update your question with information as to where your code is running, because that is unclear to me now. As far as I know there is no place in the Web GUI where you have both a "current Component" and a "current Page".

Flex: PopUpManager giving "...null object reference" error

I have a main application calling several ViewStack states, each with popup windows. If I don't open any popup windows, I can move between states fine. If I open a popup window then try to change the state using currentState=... I get the error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at spark.components::Scroller/focusInHandler()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\]
at flash.display::Stage/set focus()
at mx.core::UIComponent/setFocus() [E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
I see others having the same problem, for example here:
But I haven't figured out how to implement the recommended solution. It sounds like I should just include:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
inside my main application and it should work, but it doesn't work for me.
My application has each view state in a different file, each defined using <views:View>. Also, all of the popups are separate files defined as <s:TitleWindow>. Each file includes this line:
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
I wonder if this means each file is using a different popup manager(?), when it's a singleton and only one should be used for the whole app (how to set that up?).
The code I use to call a popup is:
var _popupName:MyTitleWindowFileName = MyTitleWindowFileName(
PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, MyTitleWindowFileName, true));
PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_popupName); // call popup
Note that when the main application (the one defined as <s:Application>) runs, the ViewStack states have not been loaded yet (since they get loaded when they are used the first time). Not sure if that has any cause/effect here.
I've tried to follow Adobe's example code in the "Passing data to and from a Spark pop-up window" section here:
Any ideas much appreciated.
Based on your comments, it seems like the error occurs because the focus remains in the popup. I would expect the PopUpManager and FocusManager classes to handle this better.
One thing I can think of is that the FocusManager may be trying to handle this. But since the state changes, the item that originally had focus (in the view stack child, before the pop up was opened) may no longer be there when the view state changes. Just a hunch, w/out seeing your code.
Here's some things you can do to either work around the problem (or better) further debug it to understand what is happening:
Use FocusManager.setFocus() to move the focus back to an object in the view stack child before closing the pop up
Use FocusManager.getFocus() to debug and see where it thinks the focus is at various stages (before opening popup, before/after changing state, and before/after closing pop up).
It appears this is the situation I'm experiencing:
Adobe Air: scroller throws error when changes focus between different applications
It's an Adobe bug. Solution from Adobe is:
This bug is easily fixed by changing Scroller to do a null pointer check on focusManager before using it.
which is what the first link above attempts to do.
Another link:

Does an mx:Window component have it's own applicationComplete?

I'm working on an app that, from the Main.mxml, opens one or many Window.mxml instances. When it's done I want all windows to be chromeless so the custom controls need to work.
In Main I've added applicationComplete="init();" so the init function gets ran, which contains clickhandlers, which makes the buttons work.
However, this way of running an init function doesn't seem to be valid for an mx:Window.
I can cheat by not using a clickhandler for the minimize and close buttons with a click="this.minimize();", but I don't know of a way like this to make the move work because it's a MOUSE_DOWN event.
Question 1:
Is there a way to have such an init function in an mx:Window?
Question 2:
What's a good way to make the buttons on the Window instances all work?
ps. If you think question 2 needs a separate post please let me know, they're so closely related and seemingly simple I couldn't decide.
Example code:
Main.mxml -
Window.mxml -
Window doesn't have an applicationComplete event, but it does have windowComplete event. Perhaps that would work for you. There is a list if Window events here.

How to find all dialogs in JQuery

I am trying to bind an event to all dialogs that have been created on a page using the JQuery UI Dialog function (whether they have been displayed or not). I can't seem to figure out a selector that will get me there. I've tried both .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content without success.
Since I'm trying to make a generic method, I won't know the IDs of the dialogs that may have been created.
I'm using the following code to test. It works if I specify a dialog's id (#mydialog), but in production, I won't know these.
$("div.ui-dialog").bind("dialogclose", function(event, ui) {
window.alert("close fired");
Do your dialogs have a common class that you can select them with? If they all have the "ui-dialog" class then this will work:
Your example of
Is asking to select all divs with a class of ui-dialog, which should probably also work as long as the class is given to a div element.
Your problem might be that you binding the dialog elements before they exist? You might want the .live() function instead so that it binds to any dialogs created at any point and not just the ones that exist when the function is called.
Posting an HTML snippet would help.
You can use this:
"enter your code here"
