Live help call service - need to position available live helpers automatically at the top of the list when they are logged in to receive calls - positioning

I am trying to figure out how to code a list of advisors that use live call buttons. Right now, I have a static list of advisors and their individual call buttons state "Available" or "Unavailable" according to whether or not they are signed in as ready to take live calls. I want to code the list of advisors so that those that are logged in as Available automatically move to the top of the Advisor List. I do not want my site visitors to have to scroll through all the Advisors to see who is Available and who is not. I want those that are ready to take calls to automatically populate to the top.
Can anyone help?

There isn't a lot of information to help here, but if you are pulling from a database, you would do so like this:
SELECT advisor
FROM advisor_table
You may need to reverse the ORDER BY clause if that puts the unavailable ones on top.


Unable to create support case

Initially, I had created a case to report a problem with credentials assignment to Cloudant. But, after a few iterations with support, I am no longer able to view my own case via the link I get in the support e-mail.
I only get a message You do not have the right permissions to view cases.
So, I try to open a new case - but then I get You do not have the right permissions to open cases and a description telling me what to do.
Following the steps (Creating an access group for working with cases), I'm able to follow the first steps (From the menu bar, go to Manage > Access (IAM), select Access groups, and click Create), but at the Access Groups page, there is no Create button or any way to create a new access group.
So, I'm not even able to ask for support any more...
You can always open support cases via email to - if you provide your Cloudant account name (the one that ends with -bluemix) it’s easier for support to locate you.
You still have a -bluemix account - look at the URL when opening the Cloudant dashboard. Here’s an instance I just created using my internal IBM creds...

Tracking events and making sense of it

Lets say I wish to track
User action - game he played - which area he stays - his house number.
If I were to track these event actions in Tabular format, it would look like:
UserId|Game|Area|House|Timestamp so on.
Then I can always run SQL queries if I want to answer few business queries. Like
1. In a given day/week, who is the most active User
2. Which game is most-played?
3. Which area plays most events
4. Which user from which area are the most active
Whats the best way to capture this using Google analytics? Will custom dimensions be useful. Or GA is not suitable for this kind of insight?
First of all, the house number is too precise, it would be against GA's ToS.
In GA everything is captured in "hits", you can think of this as one "row" of data.
Let's look at what you wanted to find out:
Most Active User? - This depends on how you determine "Active". Is it the longest Session durations? Tried most games? Most logins? Most sessions? To track a user, you'd need a User ID tracked.
Which game is played the most? - Again, what is played the most? Longest time in game? Most "start" games? This would require you to know the Game that was played and when someone started playing
Which area is most active? -This would go back to the definition of active, the region information is needed along with the active definition
Which users are most active in an area? Same as above, the user would need to be identified and area
To determine which Custom Dimensions (CDs) you want, let's look at the example data points you want to track and try to determine the scope and if it already exists as a standard dimension:
User ID - this is obviously related to the user, makes sense to be user-scoped
Game - This is a tougher CD. I would think that in a single session, users can play multiple games, thus I'd think you'd want this to be hit-scoped.
Area - GA already provides this based on the ISP
Timestamp - GA already provides time dimensions
From above, we can determine that you need to create two CDs, one to track User ID, the other to track the Game.
You can also look into using the userid feature in GA for cross-device tracking.

Train of thought with submit data Meteor JS

My question is very specific and not for all, I want people to help me with my train of thought.
What I want to build : for example I have service where all people (not logined) can create they post with some data like news and publish it for money.
How I think it should be built (in 2 steps):
Man click on the link to page with form that create posts and router go to this page
He fills data and click submit
Server checked form and if all OK, session.set this data that he fills and route to the next step (pay money
to publish they post)
(I want to build this with stripe so) He clicked on stripe checkout button and pay some $$, if he paid then show message, all ok, we session.get data that he fills from previous step, and on server we insert his post and go it, if not show message that something wrong
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
And if someone slip through form with fills and go to payment page, how to check it ? If session.get === undefind or something like this, reroute to previous step ?
As you can see I have a lot of questions, and I cant find answers in google or some documentation tutorials and etc. maybe some have answers to it
Your question is very wide. Consider narrowing it.
Your 2 first points make sense. It's ok. The third and forth are wrong.
Technical Plan session.set session.get, it is right ?
No it is not. You plan to use the information you hold in a Session variable to publish data validated on client side. It does not ensure the validity of your data. This is a bad idea because anyone can open the console and edit the data to make it different/invalid regarding your rules of validation. All it takes is a Session.set ("yourData", "YouHaveBeenHacked");
What you need is to call a Meteor method on server side to add an entry to a dedicated collection. You add another field (e.g; status) to keep track of the post payment and publication and return the data entry _id that you store in a Session variable.
This way, your method can return an error if the data does not fit into your requirements.
Side note: you also need to add a CRON job serverside to get rid of all the old post tentatives that have not been paid for (user left his browser, he closed tab, etc.).

Google Maps Pinpoint Display

My friend has a website named as .Now the issue is that when you enter the site you will see Google maps on the navigation panel and that shows the jobs which are available, but its Pin-pointing them one by one, can't it show all of them together?
Awaiting Response..
Zain Sohail
The problem with the page is that all the locations will be gecoded when the page loads. To avoid the OVER_QUERY_LIMIT this will be done with a delay.
To show them together you must wait until all locations have been geocoded.
So your friend may either:
use the current geocoding-strategy and initialize the map when all addresses have been geocoded(I don't think that it is an option for your friend)
or store the LatLng's somewhere when they have been geocoded, so he can use them directly without a delay (Note: this is only permitted for up to 30 days)
It's also possible to use a FusionTable to store these data, the geocoding would be done automatically there.
Another option to be able to store the LatLng's permanent: give the users that offer a job a map where they can select the location manually by clicking on the map, the returned LatLng may be stored without restrictions.

want to show country flag with visitor count

in my form i want to show country flag along with current visitor count. when user visit our site from USA then USA flag count will be increase by one and when the same user close his browser or go to another site then count will be decrease. please give me the best logic to show current visitor count country wise along with country flag. need help. thanks
The biggest problem here is this - you can't rely on the event of closing the browser.
However, you can try to get at least approximate results. In the article above you see how to react on these events. I'd use ajax to communicate with the server to increment/decrement the values as needed, updating the relevant parts of the page in the process. For storage, you can use database to store these values for instance.
Look here for more info on ajax with jquery in If it isn't enough for you, use google, there are plenty resources out there waiting for you.
