I have two questions:
What is the command for a superfunction in Mathematica?
What is the difference between above superfunction and function in superspace which is odd variables times ordinary function? Are they the same thing?
In wikipedia, a superfunction S(z) of f is defined as S(z)=f(f(f(...f(t)))) (z total f's).
At 1: The command you're probably looking for is Nest:
In[1]:= Nest[f, x, 3]
Out[1]= f[f[f[x]]]
At 2: This doesn't look like a question for the Mathematica tag. It seems more physics/math related. I have added tags accordingly.
To address part 2 of your question:
Besides the prefix super-, there is no relation between superfunction (meaning an iterated function) and functions in super vector spaces.
Also, a superfunction is normally defined to be a map from a superspace to a supernumber, it does not have to be an odd element as stated in your question. See, e.g., section 1.10 of Ideas and methods of supersymmetry and supergravity.
I have very basic question. I am new to Julia and used to code in R a lot. I need to take a scalar to the multiple powers, represented by a vector: 3^[2,3]. I got an error "Method error: no method matching ^...". I tried 3^Array([2,3]), but got the error again. At the same time, 3*[2,3] works as expected. Is there any way to do it in Julia without using for loop?
I think you are looking for the . or broadcast functions that allow you to apply any other functions elementwise!
3 .^ [2,3] or broadcast(^, 3, [2,3])
Small edit: you'll need a space after the number to be exponentiated, e.g. 3 .^[2,3].
I like solving my math problems(high school) using R as it is faster than writing on a piece of paper. One problem I'm having is that I have to keep writing the multiplication sign, example:
9x^2 + 24x + 16 yields = Error: unexpected symbol in "9x"
Is there any way in R to multiply 4x, without having to write 4*x but only 4x?
Would save me some time in having to write one extra character the whole time! Thanks
No. Having a number in front of a character without any space simply isn't valid syntax in R.
Take a step back and look at the syntax rules for, say, Excel, Matlab, Python, Mathematica. Every language has its rules, generally (:-) ) with good reason. For example, in R, the following are legal object names:
But 39foo is not legal. So if you wanted any sequence [0-9][Letters] or the reverse to indicate multiplication, you'd have a conflict with naming rules.
I have a function f(x,y) whose outcome is random (I take mean from 20 random numbers depending on x and y). I see no way to modify this function to make it symbolic.
And when I run
x,y = var('x,y')
d = plot_vector_field((f(x),x), (x,0,1), (y,0,1))
it says it can't cast symbolic expression to real or rationa number. In fact it stops when I write:
What is the way to change this variable to real numbers in the beginning, compute f(x) and draw a vector field? Or just draw a lot of arrows with slope (f(x),x)?
I can create something sort of like yours, though with no errors. At least it doesn't do what you want.
def f(m,n):
return m*randint(100,200)-n*randint(100,200)
The reason is because Python functions immediately evaluate - in this case, f(x,y) was 161*x - 114*y, though that will change with each invocation.
My suspicion is that your problem is similar, the immediate evaluation of the Python function once and for all. Instead, try lambda functions. They are annoying but very useful in this case.
plot_vector_field((lambda x,y: f(x,y), lambda x,y: f(y,x)),(x,0,1),(y,0,1))
Wow, I now I have to find an excuse to show off this picture, cool stuff. I hope your error ends up being very similar.
Working through the first edition of "Introduction to Functional Programming", by Bird & Wadler, which uses a theoretical lazy language with Haskell-ish syntax.
Exercise 3.2.3 asks:
Using a list comprehension, define a function for counting the number
of negative numbers in a list
Now, at this point we're still scratching the surface of lists. I would assume the intention is that only concepts that have been introduced at that point should be used, and the following have not been introduced yet:
A function for computing list length
List indexing
Pattern matching i.e. f (x:xs) = ...
Infinite lists
All the functions and operators that act on lists - with one exception - e.g. ++, head, tail, map, filter, zip, foldr, etc
What tools are available?
A maximum function that returns the maximal element of a numeric list
List comprehensions, with possibly multiple generator expressions and predicates
The notion that the output of the comprehension need not depend on the generator expression, implying the generator expression can be used for controlling the size of the generated list
Finite arithmetic sequence lists i.e. [a..b] or [a, a + step..b]
I'll admit, I'm stumped. Obviously one can extract the negative numbers from the original list fairly easily with a comprehension, but how does one then count them, with no notion of length or indexing?
The availability of the maximum function would suggest the end game is to construct a list whose maximal element is the number of negative numbers, with the final result of the function being the application of maximum to said list.
I'm either missing something blindingly obvious, or a smart trick, with a horrible feeling it may be the former. Tell me SO, how do you solve this?
My old -- and very yellowed copy of the first edition has a note attached to Exercise 3.2.3: "This question needs # (length), which appears only later". The moral of the story is to be more careful when setting exercises. I am currently finishing a third edition, which contains answers to every question.
By the way, did you answer Exercise 1.2.1 which asks for you to write down all the ways that
square (square (3 + 7)) can be reduced to normal form. It turns out that there are 547 ways!
I think you may be assuming too many restrictions - taking the length of the filtered list seems like the blindingly obvious solution to me.
An couple of alternatives but both involve using some other function that you say wasn't introduced:
sum [1 | x <- xs, x < 0]
maximum (0:[index | (index, ()) <- zip [1..] [() | x <- xs, x < 0]])
Being unable to reproduce a given result. (either because it's wrong or because I was doing something wrong) I was asking myself if it would be easy to just write a small program which takes all the constants and given number and permutes it with a possible operators (* / - + exp(..)) etc) until the result is found.
Permutations of n distinct objects with repetition allowed is n^r. At least as long as r is small I think you should be able to do this. I wonder if anybody did something similar here..
Yes, it has been done here: Code Golf: All +-*/ Combinations for 3 integers
However, because a formula gives the desired result doesn't guarantee that it's the correct formula. Also, you don't learn anything by just guessing what to do to get to the desired result.
If you're trying to fit some data with a function whose form is uncertain, you can try using Eureqa.