Why use Mongrel2? - nginx

I'm confused what purpose Mongrel2 serves/provides that nginx doesn't already do.
(Yes, I've read the manual but I must to be too much of a noob to understand how it's fundamentally different than nginx)
My current web application stack is:
- nginx: webserver
- Lua: programming language
- FastCGI + LuaJIT: to connect nginx to Lua
- Postgres: database

If you could only name one thing then it would be that Mongrel2 is build around ZeroMQ which means that scaling your web server has never been easier.
If a request comes in, Mongrel2 receives it (nothing unusual here, same as for NginX and any other httpd). Next thing that happens is that Mongrel2 distributes the task of compiling a response to n (ZeroMQ-enabled) backends, waits for them to do the work, receives results, compiles the response and sends it off to the client.
Now, the magic is with the fact that n can be any number and, that each of n can be written in any language as supported by ZeroMQ (20 or so) plus, all goes across the network so each n can be a dedicated box, possibly in another datacenter.
In other words: with NginX and all the rest you have to do scalability in your logic tier, Mongrel2 allows you to start (from a request/response cycle point of view) this right where the request hits your infrastructure, at the httpd rather than letting complexity penetrate down to your logic tier which blows complexity upwards by at least one order of magnitude imo.

You should look at the strengths of each and decide to use either or both depending on your use cases..
While, it seems that nginx does everything that mongrel2 provides in the surface, you'll find there are major differences in focus between the two.
Nginx shines as a front-end webserver, that can proxy requests to your backend webservers/appservers and also serve static content.
Mongrel2 is a slight change in the stack. As mentioned, it's power comes from it's use of zeromq as the transport layer between it and the backend appservers. It can serve dynamic request urls (app requests) and direct the compute portion of the task out to different backends using zeromq..
mongrel2 allows you to serve not just http, websockets etc, but other protocols (if you're inclined to do so) all from the same server. the user would never know that portions of the app are being served from different backends.
If your requirements for the functionality of your webapp keeps changing or you want to add things like streaming, the ability to code in different languages in the back end etc, then I would definitely look at mongrel2. Or even have a hybrid
where you use nginx/haproxy/varnish for static files and caching, and everything else is directed to mongrel2.


Serving two websites written in Google Go within a single VM

I have a VM from Digital Ocean. It currently has two domains linked to the VM.
I do not use any other web server but Golang's built in http module. Performance-wise I like it, and I feel like I have a full control over it.
Currently I am using a single Go program that has multiple websites built in.
http.HandleFunc("test.com/", serveTest)
http.HandleFunc("123.com/", serve123)
http.HandleFunc("/", serve123)
As they are websites, Go program is using port 80 for that.
And the problem is when I am trying to update only 1 website, I have to recompile whole thing as they are written in the same code.
1) Is there a way to make it hot-swappable only with Golang (without Nginx or Apache)
2) What would be a standard best practice?
Thank you so much!
Well, you can do hotswapping in go, but I really wouldn't want to do that unless really ncecessary as the complexity added isn't negligible (and I'm not talking about code).
You can have something close with a kind of proxy that would sit in front of the program and do a graceful swap whenever your binary change : the principle is to have the binary on one port, the proxy on another. When a new binary is ready, you run it on another port, and make the proxy redirect to the new port, then gracefully shutdown the old one.
There was a tool for that in Go that I can't remember the name of…
EDIT: not the one I had in mind, but close call https://github.com/rcrowley/goagain
Personnal advice: use a reverse proxy for that, its much more simple to do. My personnal setup is to use h2o to terminate SSL, HTTP2, etc, and send the requests to the various websites running on the background. Not only Go ones, though, but also PHP ones, a Gitlab instance, etc. Its much more flexible, and the performance penalty of the proxy is small…

Why is the TUX Web Server Dead? Does Nginx/Lighttpd/Epoll/Kqueue Replace it?

I recall a very fast kernel module for Linux called "TUX" for static files to answer IIS's superior-to-Linux static file web-serving performance and solve the "C10K problem." Now I keep seeing:
... for "fast static file-serving." Serving static files quickly isn't difficult if your OS has the right features. Windows has since the invention of IO Completion ports, overlapped I/O, etc.
Did Tux die because of the security implications? Was it an experiment that Kqueue/Epoll combined with features like Sendfile made obsolete? What is the best solution to serve 100% static content -- say packshots of 50 or so images to simulate a "flipbook" movie.
I understand this ia "Server-related" question, but it's also theoretical. If it's purely static, is a CDN really going to be better anyway?
Mostly because Ingo Molnár stopped working on it. Why? I believe it was because kernel version 2.2 implemented the sendfile(2) call which matched (approximately) the massive performance benefits previously achieved by Tux. Note the Tux 2.0 Reference Manual is dated 2001.
serving a static file has three steps: decide which file to send, decide if to send the file, send the file. Now Tux did a really good job of sending the file, so so on deciding which file to send, and a lousy job of deciding if to send a file. The decisions are matter of policy and should be done in user space. Add sendfile and I can write a server that will be almost as good as tux in a short time, and add stuff without recompiling my kernel. maybe sql logging. just thinking about userspace sql calls being made from a kernel makes my eye twitch.
Tux isn't required anymore due to sendfile(). Nginx takes full advantage of this and IMO is one of the best web servers for static or non-static content. I've found memory problems with lighttpd, ymmv.
The whole purpose of CDN's is that it moves the 'web server' closer to the end users browser. This means less network hops and less round trip delay, without a large cost to you having to host multiple web servers around the world and using geo dns to send the user to the closest. Be aware tho as these web servers aren't in your control they could be overloaded and the benefit of less hops could be diminished if their network is overloaded. CDN's are usually targets of DDOS attacks and you might get caught up in something that has nothing to do with your content.

how to send response directly from worker to client

When Nginx is used as a reverse proxy so that the client connects to Nginx and Nginx load balances or otherwise redirects the request to a backend worker via CGI etc... what is it called and how is it implemented when the worker responds directly to the client bypassing Nginx?
The source of my question is from two places. a) erlangonxen uses Nginx and a "spawner" app to launch a huge volume of instant-on workers. However, the response still passes through the spawner (an expensive step); b) I recently scanned an article that described this solution but I can no longer find it.
You got your jargon mixed I believe, so I'm going to ignore the proxy bit and assume this is about CGI. In that case you should be looking for fast CGI solutions. Nginx has support for fast CGI built in.
This spawner as you call it, is meant to provide concurrency, so that multiple CGI requests can be handled in parallel, without having to spawn an interpreter for each request. Instead the workers get spawned and ideally live forever.
If the selection of an available worker really is a performance bottleneck, then the implementation of this fast CGI daemon is severely lacking and you should look for a better solution. Worker selection should be a fraction of the time of the workers job.
I'm not sure if it's a jargon thing. The good news (for me anyway) is that I had read the articles and seen the diagrams... I just could not remember where. So reverse proxy not withstanding... I was looking for a "direct server request" (DSR) and the spawner from the erlangonxen project.
I'm not certain whether ot not these two technologies are going to work together. The DSR seems to have fallen out of favor and I'll probably not use it al all although in the given architecture it would seem to make sense to try. a) limits the total number of trips and sockets; b) really allows for some functions like gzip to be distributed nicely
Anyway, "found it".

Secure data transfer over HTTP when HTTPS is not an option

I would like to write an application to manage files, directories and processes on hundreds of remote PCs. There are measurement programs running on these machines, which are currently managed manually using TightVNC / RealVNC. Since the number of machines is large (and increasing) there is a need for automatic management. The plan is that our operators would get a scriptable client application, from which they could send queries and commands to server applications running on each remote PC.
For the communication, I would like to use a TCP-based custom protocol, but it is administratively complicated and would take very long to open pinholes in every firewall in the way. Fortunately, there is a program with a built-in TinyWeb-based custom web server running on every remote PC, and port 80 is opened in every firewall. These web servers serve requests coming from a central server, by starting a CGI program, which loads and sends back parts of the log files of measurement programs.
So the plan is to write a CGI program, and communicate with it from the clients through HTTP (using GET and POST). Although (most of) the remote PCs are inside the corporate intranet, they are scattered all over the country, I would like to secure the communication. It would not be wise to send commands, which manipulate files and processes, in plain text. Unfortunately the program which contains the web server cannot be touched, so I cannot simply prepare it for HTTPS. I can only implement the security layer in the client and in the CGI program. What should I do?
I have read all similar questions in SO, but I am still not sure what to do in this specific situation. Thank you for your help.
There are several webshells but as far as I can see ( http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/webshell/features.html ) they run on the top of an existing SSL/TLS layer.
There is also S-HTTP.
There are several ways of authenticating to an server (username/passwort) in a protected way, without SSL. http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/secure-authentication-without-ssl-using-javascript . But these solutions are focused only on sending a username/password to the server.
Would it be possible to implement something like message-level security in SOAP/WS-Security? I realise this might be a bit heavy duty and complicated to implement, but at least it is
definitely secure
possibly supported by some libraries or frameworks you could use
suitable for HTTP

TCP Vs. Http Benchmark

I am having a Web application sitting on IIS, and talking with [remote]Service-Machine.
I am not sure whether to choose TCP or Http, as the main protocol.
more details:
i will have more than one service\endpoint
some of them will be one-way
the other will be two-ways
the web pages will work infront of the services
we are talking about hi-scale web-site
I know the difference pretty well, but I am looking for a good benchmark, that shows how much faster is the TCP?
HTTP is a layer built ontop of the TCP layer to some what standardize data transmission. So naturally using TCP sockets will be less heavy than using HTTP. If performance is the only thing you care about then plain TCP is the best solution for you.
You may want to consider HTTP because of its ease of use and simplicity which ultimately reduces development time. If you are doing something that might be directly consumed by a browser (through an AJAX call) then you should use HTTP. For a non-modern browser to directly consume TCP connections without HTTP you would have to use Flash or Silverlight and this normally happens for rich content such as video and/or audio. However, many modern browsers now (as of 2013) support API's to access network, audio, and video resources directly via JavaScript. The only thing to consider is the usage rate of modern web browsers among your users; see caniuse.com for the latest info regarding browser compatibility.
As for benchmarks, this is the only thing I found. See page 5, it has the performance graph. Note that it doesn't really compare apples to apples since it compares the TCP/Binary data option with the HTTP/XML data option. Which begs the question: what kind of data are your services outputting? binary (video, audio, files) or text (JSON, XML, HTML)?
In general performance oriented system like those in the military or financial sectors will probably use plain TCP connections. Where as general web focused companies will opt to use HTTP and use IIS or Apache to host their services.
The question you really need an answer for is "will TCP or HTTP be faster for my application". The answer is that it depends on the nature of your application, and on the way that you use TCP and/or HTTP in your application. A generic HTTP vs TCP benchmark won't answer your question, because the chances are that the benchmark won't match your application behaviour.
In theory, an optimally designed / implemented solution using TCP will be faster than one that uses HTTP. But it may also be considerably more work to implement ... depending on the details of your application.
There are other issues that might affect your choice. For example, you are less likely to run into firewall issues if you use HTTP than if you use TCP on some random port. Another is that HTTP would make it easier to implement a load balancer between the IIS server and the backend systems.
Finally, at the end of the day it is probably more important that your system is secure, reliable, maintainable and (maybe) scalable than it is fast. A sensible strategy is to implement the simple version first, but have plans in your head for how to make it faster ... if the simple solution is too slow.
You could always benchmark it.
In general, if what you want to accomplish can be easily done over HTTP (i.e. the only reason you would otherwise think about using raw TCP is for a possible performance boost) you should probably just use HTTP. Sure, you can do socket programming, but why bother? Lots of people have spent a lot of time and effort building HTTP client libraries and servers, and they have spent waaaaaay more time optimizing and testing that code than you will ever be able to possibly spend on your TCP sockets. There are simply so many possible errors that you would have to handle, edge cases, and optimizations that can be done, that it is usually easier and safer to use a library function for HTTP.
Plus, the HTTP specs define all kinds of features (and clients/servers implement, which you get to use "for free", i.e. no extra implementation work) which makes any third-party interoperability that much easier. "Here is my URL, here are the rules for what you send, here are the rules for what I return..."
I have a Self Hosted Windows native C++ server application that I use the Casablanca C++ REST SDK code in. I can use any client C#, JavaScript, C++, cURL, basically anything that can send a POST, GET, PUT, DEL message can be used to send request messages to this self hosted windows app. Also I can use a plain browser address bar to do GET related requests using various parameters. Currently I only run this system on a private intranet so it is very fast - I haven't benchmark it against just doing raw TCP, but on a private intranet I doubt there would be even a few microseconds difference? For the convenience and ease of development and ability to expand to full blown internet app it's a dream come true. It is a dedicated system with a private protocol using small JSON packets so not certain if that fits your application needs or not? Another nice thing is this Windows application native C++ code could be ported fairly easily to run on Linux/MacOS as the Casablanca REST SDK is portable to those OSes.
