Differences in padding on browsers - css

I tried to ignore it initally, but its gotten up to a point where its fairly annoying. I have quite a few forms in my webiste and im applying a css padding of 3px for the submit buttons. They all look fine on Firefox, but none of these styling are applying to my safari browser. Any ideas on how to apply padding for the submit button in safari? Thanks

In general, using a "CSS reset" will do wonders for the consistency of your web style no matter which browsers you're interested in. I have used the Yahoo YUI CSS reset in the past, but there are many others which will also do more or less the same thing. Your paragraphs, font sizes, paddings, margins, and much much more will work much more consistently with a CSS reset.
So what is it? It's a stylesheet that sets most or all of the styles in your document to nil - it makes the document completely vanilla, but more importantly, consistently vanilla. Then, all the styles you add afterwards are clean and consistent. Try it, it's a huge time and effort saver for getting things consistent across browsers.


Positioning of divs off in Firefox/Camino?

So, I have written out a site in HTML and CSS, and all looked fine and dandy in Safari, Chrome, OmniWeb... even Opera. Then I tested in Firefox and Camino (which I believe uses the same rendering engine as Firefox) and was unpleasantly surprised: some of the positioning of my divs was off - noticeably off - by at least 5 pixels. While that might not seem like a whole lot, I use divs to put borders around things that I would otherwise have difficulty with putting borders around (jquery image gallery, for example), so 5 pixels matters quite a bit.
My question is this - what other quirks does Firefox's rendering engine put in, and how can I get around them? Are there special properties I need to add to my CSS in order to make it behave the same for Firefox/Camino?
Thanks in advance for the help!
You should look into using a css reset, this will give you a blank slate and will for the most part normalize how browsers render the box model.
I recommend http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/reset/

Alignments w/ CSS, and IE CSS Conditionals

I'm building a pretty heavy J.Query website and, as always, it looks great in the modern browsers - but I am coming across all types of alignment issues in IE 6 & 7. More severely in IE 6. I'm working on building a conditional IE Style sheet for those browsers and am wondering - is there a way to align all divs with CSS? Can I permanently position everything to be, and stay center throughout all browsers and window sizes?
Ultimately; any suggestions on fixing margin issues that occur in older IE's? Stuff that looks great in modern browsers and pushed off to the right and top in IE 6 & 7. ..If the conditional is the inevitable route, what's a good way to start defining the parameters within?
are we talking horizontally or vertically?
Horizontally, the "margin:0px auto" should always center the div horizontally along the screen, so long as the width is set. This works for all browsers IE6+ i believe.
There's a pretty good forum here : http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum83/8003.htm
It sounds to me like your problem is that you have poorly written CSS. Certainly, IE6 has plenty of issues, but if you're seeing problems in other modern browsers, then your problems are with your CSS, not standards conformance.
If I were you, i'd just ignore IE6. It's down to less than 5% of the market (some surveys say as little as 2%). Just let it die.
As RCNeil says, using margin centering works with everything. If it's not working, then you have something else causing your problem and we can't possibly guess without seeing your page.
NOTE: in older versions of IE, if your document is being rendered in quirks mode, then you will have problems with auto margin. Make sure your document renders in standards mode.

How to normalize padding and margins across browsers

How do other designers normalize padding and margins across browsers. I have tried CSS Resets (currently using the YUI one), but I still run into a lot of inconsistencies.
It seems for some elements, with some browsers, setting a padding or margin to 0px will trigger the browser to use a default padding and margin determined by that browser. Is there a way to hard reset the padding or margin across all browser so there is a consistent look?
It seems from additional research and the feedback here, it's near impossible to get websites to look the same across different browsers to the letter. I think I'll stick with using a CSS Reset and just try to plan out my sites better.
I'm not sure how to overcome the default browser mechanisms that override style settings and it would probably be too much effort to do so.
This is usually solved with a CSS reset but not all of them are complete. On some browsers, the overall body has to have its border set to 0 (i.e. Opera and sometimes IE) to be truly the same. Try the following:
Since you don't say which element or give a link I can't really go too far into this. Which elements are you having trouble with?
Its not worth the extra CSS interactions and extra code to add a complete set of "normalizing" padding or margin elements.
Its best to style for what you need by explicitly stating the padding and margin for the elements you are using on your pages.
Paddings are usually 0 everywhere. It are the margins which are the most disbalanced among browsers. Just define your own margins on HTML block elements. A CSS reset is like a sledgehammer. You'd need to redefine more than only margins. But it may be helpful for beginners since they often can't at first glance distinguish between default inline and block elements in HTML. A CSS reset would force them to redefine the one and other "the right way".
Related questions:
Are margin and padding the most disbalanced among browsers?
That said, if you keep seeing inconsistencies among browsers, then it may happen that you're using a doctype which forces the browser into quirksmode. In MSIE the box model bug would then come alive. You'd like to use a strict doctype: <!DOCTYPE html>.
See also:
Activating browser modes with doctype

IE/Firefox CSS confusion: Why does my table have inside borders on Firefox, but not IE?

I'm having a problem with CSS not displaying correctly between IE and Firefox... The big problem is that we have a ridiculous number of CSS files (and this isn't something that is currently scoped to fix), and I can't seem to find what style is being applied.
Any way, here's what I'm looking at: On the shopping cart page for our site, we have a table (yes, I know) where each row is an item in the cart. On IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari, this table renders fine - everything looks good, borders are all hidden, it looks great. On Firefox, however, while the outer border on the table remains hidden, lines separating columns/rows inside the table are displayed.
I don't have direct links to show the problem, but if you go to
and click the "Add to cart" button, it brings you to the cart page (where you can see the lines showing in FFox, but not in IE).
For what it's worth, this is a third party E-Commerce package that we purchased, and on top of that we hired out our web design to a DIFFERENT third party web developer. Hence the jumbled mass of CSS files/confusion. Trying to look at the CSS for specific TD elements (in Firebug) is basically impossible to read it's so long, but I can't see anything obvious in there either.
I would be thrilled if this is just something stupid I'm missing, and there's a well known mistake that has been made in our CSS that lets it render fine in every browser but Firefox - any help would be greatly appreciated.
A bit of poking around in Firebug reveals that removing the border-collapse:collapse style from the ctl00_wpm_Basket_ctl04_BasketGrid table removes the borders. I'm not even going to try to explain this - the style should be completely unnecessary, as like many of the other applicable styles it's set and reset multiple times at multiple levels... I suspect you're encountering some subtle difference between how styles are applied in Gecko and other browsers; it's probably a bug, but I would encourage you to slim down the test case if you decide to report it...
this isn't something that is currently scoped to fix
It probably should be... Otherwise, you'd better get comfortable using Firebug.
"We fully recognize that IE is behind the game today in CSS support."

Poor Safari Rendering

I'm having major rendering issues in Safari with the web application I'm working on. Most of the design is done with divs using absolute positioning. This renders fine on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Netscape, and konqueror. In Safari, it's just a jumbled mess.
Does Safari lack support for absolute positioning of div elements?
What is the best way to trouble shoot and find out what is going on with the safari browser?
UPDATE: I'd like to note I did find the issue, and I would like to thank everyone that gave suggestions. It was the WebKit's "Inspect Element" that gave the most useful information. It appears that their were conflicts with inline styles and styles from the CSS. While safari grabed the styles from the .css file, the rest of the browsers were using the inline styles. i was able to see those conflicts with the information in the tool that was suggested.
The problem may lie somewhere in your JavaScript; one of the most noticeable things about Safari is that it likes to stop executing JavaScript after any errors.
CSS is likely not the issue, since Safari has better standards and CSS support than any other browser out there (alright, I said it.)
Use the built-in Web Inspector in a recent nightly build of WebKit to track down your issues.
1. Safari's support?
Safari is actually a decent browser. If it has its flaws, they aren't any worse than those of any other browser, and they aren't of the class of the old IE browsers, which had very serious problems and lacked even basic support for web standards. To answer you question specifically, yes, it does support absolute positioning.
Safari can certainly render modern X/HTML CSS designs, and since your audience is largely using Safari anyway, you may as well forget the notion of dismissing the browser. It's a good browser, and in any case we're powerless to change it. We simply need to take care of these bugs, whatever they are.
2. How to go about debugging?
Without having a specific example, it's not something anyone can really help you to do. It seems fair to say that you're having some issues controlling css-based layouts. You may have some invalid markup, which in some cases could produce the kind of extreme browser-specific abnormalities you've described.
Start with the basics. Validate your markup and CSS.
Markup Validator
CSS Validator
Make sure you're rendering in standards mode.
Seek out answers to specific questions
If everything validates and you're still having problems, you'll have to track them down one by one. Even if you rebuild the page, piece by piece in Safari in order to see where things begin to unwind, it will be worth it to do. If during this process you really don't understand why a certain behavior exists, you'll at least have a specific question that you can use to poke around for answers. It may be answered already on SO, and if it isn't, you can ask it.
