Set Flex Titlewindow background to transparent - apache-flex

I have a modal Flex dialog and want to make the background not of the window itself, but the semitransparent modal indicator transparent. (Yes I tried to convince the client they don't want to do this, but apparently they really want to do it). Is this even possible?
(prefer a solution using Flex 3's TitleWindow, but Spark/Flex 4 TitleWindow is acceptable)

Yeah, I think I phrased the question wrong, but this is the answer I was looking for:
to paraphrase add:
modalTransparencyBlur: 0;
to the flex CSS and you're good; You can also make the modalTransparency 0 which will actually do what I said I wanted, but I think I'm going to try to convince my client that disabling the blur is all they needed (they want to be able to read the text under the popups)
(I wanted to disable the background of the PopUpManager not the TitleWindow)
Thanks for the help though.

Sorry not to have a definite answer, but have you tried setting the property

For flex 3; have you tried specifying the alpha on the TitleWindow? Based on a quick review of the code; it does not appear to pass the alpha down to the children (such as the close button, title bar, or title bar background.
Using the Spark Architecture; you should be able to do this easily with a custom skin.


Ion-select UI for checkbox

I’m stuck on a quick change of the ion-select component.
I’m trying to keep a persistent way to display the alert, but checkbox are for sure doing what they want.
To explain, I need to put the checkbox on the right side of the alert. After investigations, I notice that on Android, it’s on the left by default, but in iOS, for a simple ion-select, squares are on the right, and when I use “multiple” property on ion-select, squares are going to be align on the left.
Does anybody knows how it’s possible to put these checkbox on right on all cases ?
N.B: There’s also something weird in iOS, when it’s an simple ion-select, it displays simple check without any circle. (Compares to multiple, that have circles with check on the left.)
Also, sorry for my english, improving it.
Thanks to all.
If you're using ionic 4/5, try using display:flex (Check this out for the details: Plus, the css for popup component(alert,toast,loader, etc) wont work if you do it on the page.css file, thus I recommend to overwrite the CSS on the global.css file.

QTableWidget colors, styles

I'm quite new to Qt and I'd appreciate the ability to customize a QTableWidget. I found a nice CSS-like interface using the stylesheets as shown here
However, I need to change some more specific styles (like grid color, items background color and so on).
I couldn't find any documentation describing the properties that might be changed via stylesheets.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks, it helped a bit...however i still missed some other properties as grid thickness, but i "solved" it by inserting a row/column with 1px height/width to double the gridline :) And the QTableWidgetItem::setBackgroundColor() was also helpful.
However, I'm still facing some issues with QTableWidgetItem, the text keeps hiding if the column is too slim...only 3 dots appear. Dont you have an idea? I need the text to be visible, even if a bit clipped, but from the problem definition I cannot resize the column.
the list you are looking for?

Flex Spark TitleWindow bad redraw on dragging

I have a problem with redrawing in flex 4. I have a spark titleWindow, and if i drag it faster, it looks like it's mask is one frame late after the component.
it's easily visible with 1pixel thin border, because it becomes invisible even with slower movement.
You can try it here (what is not my page, but it's easier to show you here than uploading example):
If you move in direction up, you see disappearing top border. in another directions it's not that sensitive as it has wide shadow, and it's not very visible on shadow.
On my computer i see it on every spark TitleWindow i have found on google, although it's much less visible with less contrast skins, without borders or with shadows.
Do you see it there? i had never this problem with halo components. It's doing the same thing with different skins. I tried to delete masks from skin, cache component, skin even an application as bitmap with no success.
I also turned on redraw regions in flash player, and it looks like it's one frame late after titlewindow too.
Does anyone know why is it doing this or how can i prevent it?
Thank you
no answers? really?
I have been facing the same problem and I was really pissed that I couldn't find any answer.
The problem with me was, that I tried to center the component "component.x = (parent.width - component.width) / 2" and then draw that component programatically. The problem was, that component.x is a Number which can lead to floating values like 10.5 or similar. And it looks like that bitmapFill function rounds floats DIFFERENTLY than drawRect function, which makes exactly the 1px line around the objects (but ONLY when parent.width is an odd number). Strange thing for me was, that I only called the Draw function once, but still this line keep recurring ...
Doing Math.floor(component.x) solved the issue.
P.S.: I think that you can also help your issue by setting cacheAsbitmap=true on the dragged object ...
Jan Prazma

Why do DragOver/Enter events require a background on Canvas?

I have a canvas which I want to accept drags on.
I have added a dragOver and dragEnter event listeners to the canvas, but they only work if I drag over something inside the canvas (another child element).
I realised that if I set the canvas' background colour to black it works. So I have set it's background transparency to 0, which works... buy is there a better way to work around this apparent need for the canvas to have something inside it to accept dragEvents.
According to one of the Flex developers, "In Flash there is a difference between a transparent pixel and an area in a Sprite that hasn't been drawn on at all." (
I'm guessing this is the reason why you need to have the transparent background. For what it's worth, this is always the way I've seen this problem solved. There is also this question which talks about this problem.
Hope this helps!

Flex Button with one color on left & another on right

I have a Flex button. I need one color on the left and another on the right. I don't need it to be a gradient. Just solid colors. Like green on left & red on right. I really don't want to use an image -- just because it'll probably take me a long time to do it.
The gradients via Flex Properties in Flex Builder seems to apply only vertically, not horizontally.
I also tried to make 2 button, each half width (of original), and putting it into a HBox & really packing them close so they'll look like a single button with 2 colors. It works OK, but I was thinking if there was a better way.
I think the proper way to do something like this is to create a custom component and then override the drawing method and draw in two colors, with the associated properties and such.
The solution you used is the simplest, so you should keep it like that unless you want to go through the trouble of creating the custom component (It's not THAT bad since Flex is open source and you can see how the original button is coded, and modify from there).
you could use degrafa to skin the button
This link provides a nice way to do exactly what I wanted above. It needs 2 classes: one subclasses ButtonSkin & the other Button. Link them both via CSS and use them in mxml. Simple & easy.
