having trouble centering table in Chrome and Safari - css

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I cannot seem to center table with two images between 2 in side the right . Works in firefox, opera, ie8. XHTML and CSS validates.

A few notes on centering.
Always provide a width to the object you are trying to center
Once a width is set then use margin:0 auto; on that element
Enjoy seeing your code centered...
Also, if your element is inline (anchor, span, etc) make sure you display the element as display:block;
If you show some code I'm sure it's a simple fix.

Try setting the width and margin explicitly to add to 100%:


CSS Challenge: INPUT going outside of DIV

I'm trying to accomplish something specific around platform constraints I'm under.
I created a somewhat self-explanatory jsfiddle of the problem at http://jsfiddle.net/MrV5M/4/
The specific problem:
On Chrome, the right border of the input box is cut off.
On Safari, the width of the content class cell exceeds the container so it spills over the border.
On IE9, the label doesn't float to the left of the content div
The main reason I care about Safari is because I'm working on a JQuery Mobile/PhoneGap app which is also a web app. I'm only supporting modern browsers, but this is driving me nuts. Normally I'd just use a table for the container, but the text-overflow: ellipsis styles on the content div don't work when inside a table. (Basically, I'm trying to keep the content to a single line and have ellipsis without enforcing a fixed width or calculating a width with Javascript)
Anyone have the l33t CSS skills to make this work? I sure don't... :)
Just add this CSS to your Stylesheet, and get peace of mind on your issue :D
* {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
You may not like this answer. I made some adjustments in the css which fixes Chrome and IE9 issues. Take a look,
There are many ways to do what you are trying to do, but if you insist on using 'flex' stuff which is largely un-supported (even in the majors see here), you'll need to add the vendor prefixes to flex.
e.g... -webkit-flex, -moz-flex
Also, I don't think you need to be setting widths on elements that have the flex property.. not positive though.
So your browser issues:
-IE doesn't support flex at all so you're label won't float unless you use a float.
-The reason your input/content is spilling over the container and getting cut off is not really anything to do with flex.. but the way css works.. setting an element to 100% width means setting it to the width of its parent. But by default, css doesn't count the padding/border-width as part of that width. So you end up getting 100% width plus the L/R padding and border. But, since you are only supporting modern browsers.. box-sizing:border-box; to the rescue. Google it for details, but putting it on your input element should do the trick.

IE Width Rendering issues

I've designed a fixed-width page which renders equally in Chromium, Firefox, Safari, but has a small issue in (from what I can tell) ALL flavours of IE. I've added some conditional styles for IE, which make things a bit better, but it's still off (by only a couple of pixels).
The site in question is here: http://www.brushesfacepainting.co.uk/brushes/home
IE and Chromium rendering side by side is shown here: http://www.brushesfacepainting.co.uk/images/renderissue.jpg
I added conditional styles for IE to fix the width of all the elements, prior to this, the banner style was much narrower than the body.
I assume I'm hitting up against an IE bug, but I can't figure out which one! Can anyone help please?
Your mainbodyie rule has a width that is different than the width in your standard css. (851px vs 848px). Fix that to match your other wrappers.
Also your page is not centered in IE - I suggest you wrap whole page in a fixed width wrapper with margin:0 auto to center whole page - so you don't keep repeating the width multiple times in your css for each layout element.
width: 848px;
padding-right: 0;
Use a div structure for enclosing all content like header,middle,footer inside it.Add following code for this div:
margin: 0 auto;

fieldset legend text-align right bug in firefox

is there a way to align a fieldset legend in firefox to the right? I thought it was just my styles but apparently even with an example online the FF fieldset ignores the text-align: right:
http://www.quackit.com/html/tags/html_fieldset_tag.cfm (works in chrome)
There's no obvious way to do this in CSS (and in particular, CSS can't really describe legend/fieldset styling at all, so the fact that any of it works is a miracle), but <legend> has an attribute named align that you can set to right like so:
<legend align="right">My stuff</legend>
to get the behavior you want in Firefox. I'm surprised some people are seeing it aligned right on that testcase; there are no provisions for aligning a legend right in Gecko except for that align attribute and direction: rtl fieldsets.
The align attribute of legend has been deprecated since HTML 4.01. However aligning the legend element using float: left; and float: right; seems to work fairly well across browsers, though you might need to add some margin to the first element after the legend element.
I found out, that Firefox supports something like this
Perhaps you could try this out - it might make text-align work in older version of FF.
i am late to answer, but i found this question via google and thought that this might help someone in future
in order to position the legend anyhow you like horizontally, all you have to do is set its width property to 100% and then treat its child elements as if they were inside a one-line block
so, for example, if you want to align the contents to the right, do
of course, don't forget to be careful about label's parent width to avoid any misbehavings

Getting div to run to the right side of the screen

Basically i'm trying to get a divider to run to the right edge of the screen (without overflow).
If you look here: http://gomysites.com and scroll down to the twitter section you will see i've set the twitter panel to run off to the left edge of the screen (no matter the size).
Now i want to do exactly the same on the right side. If you notice the grey divider between the blog posts id like this to run to the right edge of the screen (no matter the size) without it adding a horizontal scroller.
I've tried setting the css for the divider exactly opposite as i did for the titter panel:
.widget_gomy_news .divider{
margin:30px -10000px 30px 0;
padding:0 10000px 0 0;
But it adds a horizontal scroller. So i did try adding overflow:hidden; to the body. Which removes the scroller but i can still scroll everything left and right with the mouse.
Anyone got any ideas how i can achieve what i'm after? or will i need to use some js to make this work?
Thanks in advance.
Just remove the -10000px right margin and the 10000px right padding and it works. What do you need that for?
Use overflow-x: hidden on the body element. This will prevent the horizontal scroll but may trip you up in older versions of IE - Tested in IE8 and Chrome.
You could also write some jQuery to grab the Window viewport height/width like: $(window).height();, and size your entire page's "container" div accordingly. This will allow you to know what numbers you're working with for setting the negative/position margins in your "divider" hack.
I think i've sorted it. I wrapped all the page content inside a div and added overflow hidden to that (rather than body). This worked in everything except IE7, but i can do a simple work around for IE7. Thanks for all the replies, Jeff sent me down the right path thanks.

IE7 CSS bug aligning <img> with text in a <ul>

I've been banging my ahead on this IE7 bug for the last few days and it's time to resort to the mind of the crowd.
I have the following HTML and CSS: http://beerpla.net/for_www/ie7_test/test.html
The goal is to have a <ul>, with each <li> containing a small icon and some text. Multiline text would be aligned to itself and not wrap under the image.
I've tried using float:left on the image and a bunch of other things, and finally I thought the position:absolute would work for sure but in IE7 I consistently see the text pop off to the next line and get misaligned with the image:
This is what I expect it to look like:
I even tried to make the div display:inline which kind of worked but then started wrapping under the image for long lines, so it was no good. zoom:1 also produced a similar effect.
I'm at a loss at the moment. This code works fine in all other browsers. IE7 is a special, very special child.
Any ideas?
Thank you.
Edit: If you have IE8, you can emulate IE7 by pressing F12 and then Alt-7.
instead of putting the image as an element, try using background property. like so
ul li { background url(path to image) 0 0 no-repeat; padding: 0 0 0 20px; }
note: you might have to adjust the padding to suit the distance you want to maintain between the image and text.
Try using padding on the li instead of margin on the div. If display:inline worked, it's probably IE choking on working out the div's box model in some arcane way: padding on the li and maybe display:inline on the div may iron it out.
Moving the <img> tag into the <div> fixes the issue. Still unknown to me why IE7 does what it does.
Go back to floating your image left, and then add overflow: hidden; to the div. The text will no longer wrap below the image, and there are no side-effects unless you are trying to position content from inside the div out (don't see that here). Completely compatible cross-browser. With IE6 you simply need to add hasLayout by any means to get the same effect.
