Track http reference on https site using fiddler - http

I have a site which deals with various portlets, gadgets. One of the gadget must be referring to http instead of https.
I would'nt know which one just by view source I want to use fiddler. Can some one explain me how do I use it to track http reference?

Sure. Boot up Fiddler and enabled HTTPS decryption. Then visit your site and let the page load. Then look at the Protocol column in Fiddler's main session list. One of them will say HTTP instead of HTTPS.


Building URLs in Go including server scheme

I am creating a REST API in Go, and I want to build URLs to other resources in my replies.
Based on the http.Response I can get the Host and URL.
However, how would I go about getting the transport scheme used by the server? http or https?
I attemped to check if server.TLSConfig is nil and then assuming it is using http since it says this in the documentation for http.Server:
TLSConfig *tls.Config // optional TLS config, used by ListenAndServeTLS
But it turns out this exists even when I do not run the server with ListenAndServeTLS.
Or is this way of building my URLs the wrong way of doing things? Is there some other normal way of doing this?
My preferred solution when running http and https is just to run a simple listener on :80 that redirects all traffic to https. Then any real traffic can be assumed to be https.
Alternately I believe you can access a request's URL at req.URL.Scheme to see the protocol.
Or do you mean for the entire application? If you accept configuration to switch between http and https, then can't you look at that and see which they chose? I guess I'm missing some context maybe.
It is also common practice for apps to take a baseURL via flag or config to generate external urls with.

get know if request is subrequest of opening site or independent request to site

Is there any way to recognize (by process http packet or filtering tcp connections) does several requests belong to one opening url or another?
Try to explain in more detail.
When we open any page in browser it also initializes different requests to download images, resources, scripts. I d like to get know that some scope of requests was invoked by opening site (call it main site).
I can get referer property but in that case how to distinguish request to resorce from request to different site link on which was clicked on main site. In both cases referer will be the same.
I suspect that this problem could not be resolved, but I hope that I'm mistaken. Or you can offer some workaround.
If you are in control of the site, set a cookie or a URL parameter and check if it exists in subsequent requests.

Http how to identify redirect from local or remote

how to identify a request( by http redirect ) is from local site or other sites?
such as, i have a site:
and will redirect to
other sites will redirect to
how can i identify where the redirect from?
HTTP Referrer may be unbelievable
Server-side you could track IP addresses and match these across requests.
But personally I'd go for the simpler Referrer solution.
See HTTP Referrer Gotchas? for further discussion on this.
Another option you have if you're using dynamic content generation (eg ASP, PHP, etc) is to use URL rewriting rather than redirecting via the client. In this case, the client still thinks they're requesting but you return the content for
In the code which generates b you can see that the request is for so you know that they've been "rewritten".

serving images from one domain for multiple websites

we have nearly 13 domains within our company and we would like to serve images from one application in order to leverage caching.
for example, we will have and we will put all of our product images under this application. but here I have some doubts;
1- how can I force client browser's to cache the image and do not request it again?
2- when I reference those images on my application, I will use following html markup;
<img scr="" />
but this causes a problem when I run the website under https. It gives warning about the page. It should have been used https// when I run my apps under https. what should I do here? should I always use https? or is there a way to switch between auto?
I will run my apps under IIS 7.
Yes you need to serve all resources over https when the html-page is served over https. Thats the whole point of using https.
If the hrefs are hardcoded in the html one solution could be to use a Response Filter that will parse all content sent to the client and replace http with https when necessary. A simple Regular Expression should do the trick. There are plenty of articles out there about how these filters are working.
About caching you need to send the correct cache-headers and etag. There are several of questions and answers on this on SO like this one IIS7 Cache-Control
You need to use HTTP headers to tell the browser how to cache. It should work by default (assuming you have no query string in your URLs) but if not, here's a knowledge base article about the cache-control header:
I really don't know much about IIS, so I'm not sure if there are any other potential pitfalls. Note that browsers may still send HEAD requests sometimes.
I'd recommend you setup the image server so that HTTP/S is interchangeable, then just serve HTTPS Urls from HTTPS requests.

How to spoof http referer

As of current, are there still any methods to spoof HTTP referer?
The HTTP_REFERER is data passed by the client. Any data passed by the client can be spoofed/forged. This includes HTTP_USER_AGENT.
If you wrote the web browser, you're setting and sending the HTTP Referrer and User-Agent headers on the GET, POST, etc.
You can also use middleware such as a web proxy to alter these. Fiddler lets you control these values.
If you want to redirect a visitor to another website and set their browser's referrer to any value you desire, you'll need to develop a web browser-plugin or some other type of application that runs on their computer. Otherwise, you cannot set the referrer on the visitor's browser. It will show the page from your site that linked to it.
What might be a valid solution in your case would be for you to load the third party page on the visitor's behalf, using whatever referrer is necessary, then display the page to the user from your server.
Yes, the HTTP referer header can be spoofed.
A common way to play with HTTP headers is to use a tool like cURL:
Sending headers using cURL:
How to send a header using a HTTP request through a curl call?
The cURL docs:
Yes of course. Browser can avoid to send it, and it can be also "spoofed". There's an addon for firefox (I haven't tried it myself) and likely you can use also something like privoxy (but it is harder to make it dynamically changing). Using other tools like wget, is as easy as setting the proper option.
