Force IIS Express to Classic Pipeline Mode -

How can I force IIS Express to run at classic mode? And I need that this configuration stays with .csproj, once that this file that say that a project should be open with IIS Express.

In Visual Studio 2010 select the Web Application project node in Solution Explorer then either:
Press F4
Navigate to View -> Properties Window or press F4
Important: Don't Right-click -> Properties from the right-click context menu for the project node in solution explorer because that will show the Property Pages for the project which is a whole different thing.
In the properties Windows you'll see the entry for Managed Pipeline Mode:
In Visual Web Developer 2010 Express it's more or less the same, again select the web project except press F4 to get that property page:
The only caveat is that if you share the project with others (say via source control), this setting isn't stored in the .csproj file but in the IIS Express applicationHost.config file specific to your user profile. So you'd need to ensure others configured this property in their own local applicationHost.config files in:
All of the above also works with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015.

In Visual Studio goto WebSite/WebApplication properties and change Managed Pipeline Mode to 'Classic'.
Open %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and locate your site in "Sites" section and change the app pool to classic (say Clr4ClassicAppPool).
If you want all the WebApplications/WebSites that you are going to create in Visual Studio to run in 'Classic' mode (by default), then in %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config file, then change the applicationDefaults app pool as shown below.
<applicationDefaults applicationPool="Clr4ClassicAppPool" />
<virtualDirectoryDefaults allowSubDirConfig="true" />


IISExpress shows up as host for browser in Visual Studio and messes up everything - how to get back to local?

All of a sudden after I installed Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 gd, Visual Studio is using IIS Express when debugging a web application and it is messing up everything.
How do I get back to normal, so that stupid IISExpress is not used anymore?
Go to the project settings and on the web tab is a drop down that allows you to choose which engine to use.
I went to Project > Properties > Startup Project and then set my start up projects to start the services I need and my project. This reverted my button back to just "Start".

How do you allow parent paths in Visual Studio 2013?

I am converting a classic ASP site to a Visual Studio 2013 MVC project. When I run the classic ASP code inside of the Visual Studio 2013 debugger I get an error message:
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0131'
Disallowed Parent Path
The question is: how can I enable parent paths in the VS2013 debugger?
FYI - This is not IISExpress and enabling parent paths is different.
I discovered the answer myself. Here is how I did it.
I opened Task Manager and saw that Visual Studio was running
processes of IISExpress for the web server functionality.
I clicked on Start and entered IISExpress to find out where it was installed. To my surprise, but an obvious choice, it was located in documents.
I opened the C:\Users\Mike\Documents\IISExpress\config folder then
opened Notepad as an administrator.
I then opened the applicationhost.config file and under the <system.webServer> element there is an <asp> element. I modified it to read. <asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true" enableParentPaths="true">
I then opened by MVC solution and ran the Classic ASP program without any
problems. Everything works!
I have Visual Studio 2015 and I had to do something else.
Right-click on the IIS Express icon in your tray while the application is running, and select Show All Applications.
Click on the application you want to manage. You'll see the location of the IIS Express server config file in the details section below.
Edit it as administrator and add enableParentPaths="true" to the asp XML element (under system.webServer), as in the Mike G's answer.
For me, the config file was located in SolutionDir\.vs\config\applicationhost.config.

Debug ASP.NET web forms in full IIS

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on a Windows 8.1 (with Update 1) laptop, and I would like to debug an ASP.NET web forms project against IIS, which is installed on the local Windows 8.1 instance.
Previous versions of Visual Studio had an option to use IIS Express or full IIS, but I cannot find that option in the Project properties anymore.
How do I deploy & debug my ASP.NET web forms project in full IIS?
EDIT: When I right-click on my project, I see this:
And then if I click on "Properties Window" I see this:
This is one way to have your project available in IIS:
Press Ctrl+X, type inetmgr
Open your IIS Manager Application.
Expand the tree on the left.
Add WebSite
Give a name to the website and port
For file location provide the same file location were your project is.
Assuming your port number is 3000 just simply type http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Now from Visual Studio go to:
file Open...
WebSite (you will see that IIS is available on the left).
Open your new web site
This will let you debug from IIS and any changes you make will be directly made on IIS as well.
I just double checked one of my local Web Forms applications locally running in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on Windows 8.1. The settings are still there. If you open the project properties for your Web Forms project, you should see the following:
After selecting Local IIS, setting a port, and saving, you should be walked through the process of configuring a Virtual Directory for your site (if one isn't already configured).
After looking at your edit, it looks like you've created a Web Site Project rather than a Web Application Project. You can read about the various differences here:
Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects in Visual Studio
If you haven't written any significant code yet, I'd suggest deleting the Web Site Project and creating a new Web Application Project. You'll then see the settings as described above.
If you really want to keep the Web Site Project, you'll have to configure the site in IIS and then open it in Visual Studio using the 'Open Web Site...' dialog (and then choosing Local IIS as the source):

How to make app run with visual studio server instead of IIS?

I have downloaded this blog engine
I cannot run it within Visual Studio because it wants IIS : how to change this ?
If your project doesn't load in Visual Studio (it is greyed out), you need to manually edit the project file (MiniBlog.csproj) in a text editor. You just need to look for the UseIIS tag, and change its value to False:
When you do the above, Visual Studio should be able to load the project. It should now default to the Visual Studio web server.
Once you are able to load the project in Visual Studio, you can choose another web server, if you wish. You just need to right-click on the project in the tree view and then select Properties. From there, if you open the Web tab, you can choose the legacy Visual Studio Web Development Server, IIS Express (you may need to install this), or the Server version of IIS.
Just a note - I was unable to actually build the project that you linked to. There appear to be missing dlls, but that is out of the scope of this question.
try to add IIS Express 7.5 for visual studio

Project running on IIS

I have a web application that configured to run using IIS , but I don't have IIS currently installed on my machine and i don't want to change it
so can any one tell me how to change the .csproj file to run on the development server
Your project in Solution Explorer -> Right-Click -> Properties -> Web
Select "Use Visual Studio Development Server" option.
Save settings. Build and run your web application.
Or you can edit your .cproj file manually:
Open it in text editor
Find <WebProjectProperties> section ( most probably at the end of file)
Change <UseIIS>True</UseIIS> option to <UseIIS>False</UseIIS>
Save your file
You haven't said which version of Visual Studio you are using, but in VS2010, you right click your project, choose properties, go to the "Web" tab and finally check the "Use Visual Studio Development Server" radio button.
Thank you All for your help , I have found it , I edit the .csproj file , and change
Thanks very much
