Project running on IIS -

I have a web application that configured to run using IIS , but I don't have IIS currently installed on my machine and i don't want to change it
so can any one tell me how to change the .csproj file to run on the development server

Your project in Solution Explorer -> Right-Click -> Properties -> Web
Select "Use Visual Studio Development Server" option.
Save settings. Build and run your web application.
Or you can edit your .cproj file manually:
Open it in text editor
Find <WebProjectProperties> section ( most probably at the end of file)
Change <UseIIS>True</UseIIS> option to <UseIIS>False</UseIIS>
Save your file

You haven't said which version of Visual Studio you are using, but in VS2010, you right click your project, choose properties, go to the "Web" tab and finally check the "Use Visual Studio Development Server" radio button.

Thank you All for your help , I have found it , I edit the .csproj file , and change
Thanks very much


Not able to run Visual Studio Project

Hi I don't know what I did, when I try to run visual studio project by pressing F5, I can see only loading symbol in browser but not displaying anything. When I checked whats going on, I got to know it is running on IIS Express and not on development server.
What changes I should do to make my project to run on ASP.NET development server?
In the properties of your web project you can see the start options which has a server option.
Also if you right click your web project you can see option to use IIS express or dvelopment server.
Don't worry , this is not big issue .
Just open your csproject file into notepad.
And find this line in your csproject
Then change True to false
And save that ,then you can run your project .

How to make app run with visual studio server instead of IIS?

I have downloaded this blog engine
I cannot run it within Visual Studio because it wants IIS : how to change this ?
If your project doesn't load in Visual Studio (it is greyed out), you need to manually edit the project file (MiniBlog.csproj) in a text editor. You just need to look for the UseIIS tag, and change its value to False:
When you do the above, Visual Studio should be able to load the project. It should now default to the Visual Studio web server.
Once you are able to load the project in Visual Studio, you can choose another web server, if you wish. You just need to right-click on the project in the tree view and then select Properties. From there, if you open the Web tab, you can choose the legacy Visual Studio Web Development Server, IIS Express (you may need to install this), or the Server version of IIS.
Just a note - I was unable to actually build the project that you linked to. There appear to be missing dlls, but that is out of the scope of this question.
try to add IIS Express 7.5 for visual studio

Force IIS Express to Classic Pipeline Mode

How can I force IIS Express to run at classic mode? And I need that this configuration stays with .csproj, once that this file that say that a project should be open with IIS Express.
In Visual Studio 2010 select the Web Application project node in Solution Explorer then either:
Press F4
Navigate to View -> Properties Window or press F4
Important: Don't Right-click -> Properties from the right-click context menu for the project node in solution explorer because that will show the Property Pages for the project which is a whole different thing.
In the properties Windows you'll see the entry for Managed Pipeline Mode:
In Visual Web Developer 2010 Express it's more or less the same, again select the web project except press F4 to get that property page:
The only caveat is that if you share the project with others (say via source control), this setting isn't stored in the .csproj file but in the IIS Express applicationHost.config file specific to your user profile. So you'd need to ensure others configured this property in their own local applicationHost.config files in:
All of the above also works with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015.
In Visual Studio goto WebSite/WebApplication properties and change Managed Pipeline Mode to 'Classic'.
Open %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config and locate your site in "Sites" section and change the app pool to classic (say Clr4ClassicAppPool).
If you want all the WebApplications/WebSites that you are going to create in Visual Studio to run in 'Classic' mode (by default), then in %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config file, then change the applicationDefaults app pool as shown below.
<applicationDefaults applicationPool="Clr4ClassicAppPool" />
<virtualDirectoryDefaults allowSubDirConfig="true" />

Convert Visual Studio 7.1 project to Visual Studio 9 project?

I have an Asp.Net project in Visual Studio 7.1 , Now when I open it in Visual Studio 2008 , I can't access to project files :
How can I open the project with VS2008 or VS2010 ?
Open the sln file with a simple text editor (make backup)
and search for your project that did not find, and correct the directory path.
You have probably a line like that... you need to fix the dir, saved it and open it again.
Project("{XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX}") = "PECeShopSame",
"Dir1\PECeShopSame\PECeShopSame.csproj", "{XXXX-XXXXX-XXXX}"
I see this is old post but I learned that you can also accomplish converting the .csproj file by browsing to the .csproj file and double-clicking on it. Visual Studio will open and offer to convert it for you - follow the wizard. As a final step in the wizard, it will prompt you to select the project in solution explorer and convert to web application.
I had situation where the files didn't appear in solution explorer after converting .csproj file therefore I couldn't select "convert to web application". I closed the (empty) solution then opened as web site (instead of project/solution) and all was well!

Unable to modify machine.config file

I want to improve performance of my ASP.NET web application and want to change "processModel" tag in machine.config. But I am unable to modify "machine.config" file located at framework directory. Though I have disabled "readonly" permission for the file, still it is not working.
You need to run the text editor that you are using to edit the machine.config file as Administrator.
Open it using NotePad++ (or) NotePad. You have to run Notepad first in Administrator more (right click, select Run as administrator), then open machine.config
Ramkumar Thangavel.
For Visual Studio:
Right click on Visual Studio icon
(If you are right clicking on a taskbar icon, then you'll need to right click on the Visual Studio icon in the list as well)
Click Run as administrator
Within Visual Studio, click File->Open->File... (shortcut is Ctrl + O)
From here, navigate to your machine.config. For .net 4, it's probably here: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config
