Multiple WEP keys which can be retrieved from the Pcap file - networking

Ok, i have this Cap file that i captured with Wireshark. There are multiple WEP keys which can be retrieved from the file.
Is there a way, using Wireshark or aircrack-ng, to know exactly how many wep keys that are available in that Pcap file ?
Edit: not the Wep passwords, just the number of Wep keys available.

Wireshark has a display/filter field named wlan.wep.key.
So: Using tshark with a display filter and wc as follows might give you the desired result (altho i haven't tried it):
tshark -R wlan.wep.key -r <filename> | wc -l
Note: I don't know if there can be more than 1 WEP key in a frame. If so then the above won't give the right count.
tshark -R wlan.wep.key -Tfields -eframe.number -r <filename> should show just the frame numbers of all the frames with WEP keys.
tshark -R wlan.wep.key -Tfields -eframe.number -ewlan.wep.key -r <filename> will print out all the keys (even if more than 1 per frame).


How to create an audio file from a Pcap file with Tshark?

I want to make audio data from a Pcap file with Tshark.
I have successfully created audio data from a Pcap file using Wireshark in RTP analysis function.
This Pcap file is created from a VoIP phone conversation.
Next time I want to do the same thing with Tshark.
What command would do that?
I read the Tshark manual to find out how.
but couldn't find it.
do i need any tools?
On Linux, extracting the RTP packets from PCAP file is possible with tshark together with shell tools tr and xxd, but then you might need other tools to convert to an audio format.
If you have a single call recording in the pcap, so all rtp packets belong to it, try with:
tshark -n -r call.pcap -2 -R rtp -T fields -e rtp.payload | tr -d '\n',':' | xxd -r -ps >call.rtp
If the pcap has the recordings from many calls, then you have to identify the calls and their RTP streams by source/destination IPs or SSRC and build the filter accordingly, for example if SSRC is 0x7f029328:
tshark -n -r call.pcap -2 -R rtp -R "rtp.ssrc == 0x7f029328" -T fields -e rtp.payload | tr -d '\n',':' | xxd -r -ps >call.rtp
Tools like sox or ffmpeg can be used to convert from call.rtp file to wav format, depending on the codec that was used in the call. If the codec was G711u (PCMU) with sample rate 8000:
sox -t ul -r 8000 -c 1 call.rtp call.wav
The audio formats supported by sox are listed by sox -h. The ffmpeg might be needed for codecs such as G729 or G722, example for G722 with sample rate 16000:
ffmpeg -f g722 -i call.rtp -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 1 call.wav
These guidelines are from some brief notes I made during the past when I had similar needs, hope they are good and still valid nowadays, or at least provide the right direction to explore further.

Is there a way to determine all base64 encoded traffic to/from a large packet capture?

I have a large (8GB) packet capture (.pcap) that has generated a number of Snort alerts.
I suspect that some data may have been exfiltrated while encoded. Is there an easy way to determine if anything has gone out as Base64 encoded without having to sift through Wireshark to find the problem, perhaps using the terminal?
My worry is that an actor could conduct lateral movement within the system and extract files to a 3rd party system which wouldn't be recognized by Snort alerts.
I've tried parsing the large .pcap into 200MB files to allow closer examination (my VM has memory limitations).
This inspired me to write pdml2flow-base64strings a plugin for pdml2flow. Using the power of pdml2flow the plugin searches in all fields known by wireshark/tshark for valid base64 encoded data. If it finds base64 strings it then decodes and prints the raw data for you. You can use the --minlength switch, if you want to limit the search only for data of a certain size. It also allows you to narrow down your search to only ascii (--ascii) or utf-8 (--utf8).
For example if you want to extract all utf-8 strings encoded in any field known by wireshark/tshark you could use pdml2flow with the plugin:
tshark -r dump.cap -Tpdml | pdml2flow +base64strings --utf8
or if you don't want flow aggregation use pdml2frame
tshark -r dump.cap -Tpdml | pdml2frame +base64strings --utf8
I hope this helps. Any input is welcome, thank you.
Disclosure: I am the author of pdml2flow and pdml2flow-base64strings
Not an easy task but you could try using tsharkon the command line.
Generated base64 payload:
echo "base64 encoded payload" | base64
Setup a listening socket:
netcat -l -p 8090
POST to it
curl -X POST -d 'YmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgcGF5bG9hZAo=' http://localhost:8090
Parsing on command line after capturing with wireshark:
tshark -r ~/tmp/base64.pcapng -T fields -e http.file_data | grep -E '^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?$'
Result (plus empty lines for non matches, not shown for simplicity's sake):

Display Network Encryption Type in Tshark?

I've been using tshark to gather some basic information on networks near where I live. I've got tshark to display the bssid, ssid, and rssi but I was wondering if there was also a way to display the networks encryption type as well. I'm using the following command:
tshark -i wlan1mon -l -T fields -e wlan.bssid -e wlan.ssid -e radiotap.dbm_antsignal -Y 'wlan.ssid' | grep -v "ff:ff:ff"
and this is and example of the output I get:
00:11:22:33:44:55 Bell Wireless -74,-74
66:77:88:99:00:22 Dlink -83,-83
33:44:55:66:77:88 NetflixNChill -68,-83
Ideally I'd want the output to look more like this:
00:11:22:33:44:55 Bell Wireless WPA -74,-74
66:77:88:99:00:22 Dlink WPA2 -83,-83
33:44:55:66:77:88 NetflixNChill Open -68,-83
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Maybe -e wlan.rsn.pcs.type and -e wlan.rsn.gcs.type are what you're looking for? Those are for the Pairwise Cipher Suite type" and "Group Cipher Suite type", respectively.
In case those aren't the fields you're interested in, or in case you want to include additional fields, you can find a complete list of display filters, including wlan filters, online at the Wireshark Display Filter Reference page.
You can also get this information from:
Wireshark itself via "View -> Internals -> Supported Protocols -> ...", but unfortunately the sorting leaves much to be desired there.
tshark using the tshark -G fields command, but this output isn't very user-friendly either.

How to decrypt AES-128 encrypted m3u8 video files?

I trying to decrypt AES-128 encrypted m3u8 video files such as this one :
the m3u8 file :
I've tried with openssl :
openssl aes-128-cbc -d -kfile key.txt -iv 99b74007b6254e4bd1c6e03631cad15b -nosalt -in video_enc.ts -out video_dec.ts
key.txt contains the very long key
bad decrypt
1074529488:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:539:
What am-I doing wrong ?
This might be a bit of a hack, but given a URL to an .m3u8 file, it will download and decrypt the files that make up the stream:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl "$1" -s | awk 'BEGIN {c=0} $0 ~ "EXT-X-KEY" {urlpos=index($0,"URI=")+5; ivpos=index($0,"IV="); keyurl=substr($0, urlpos, ivpos-urlpos-2); iv=substr($0, ivpos+5); print "key=`curl -s '\''"keyurl"'\'' | hexdump -C | head -1 | sed \"s/00000000//;s/|.*//;s/ //g\"`"; print "iv="iv} $0 !~ "-KEY" && $0 ~ "http" {printf("curl -s '\''"$0"'\'' | openssl aes-128-cbc -K $key -iv $iv -d >seg%05i.ts\n", c++)}' | bash
This script generates a second script that extracts keys and initialization vectors and uses them to decrypt while downloading. It needs curl, awk, hexdump, sed, and openssl to run. It'll probably choke on an unencrypted stream, or on a stream that uses something other than AES-128 (is any other encryption supported?).
You'll get a bunch of files: seg00000.ts, seg00001.ts, etc. Use tsMuxeR ( to merge these into a single file (simple concatenation didn't work for's what I tried first):
(echo "MUXOPT --no-pcr-on-video-pid --new-audio-pes --vbr --vbv-len=500"; (echo -n "V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC, "; for i in seg*.ts; do echo -n "\"$i\"+"; done; echo ", fps=30, insertSEI, contSPS, track=258") | sed "s/+,/,/"; (echo -n "A_AAC, "; for i in seg*.ts; do echo -n "\"$i\"+"; done; echo ", track=257") | sed "s/+,/,/") >video.meta
tsMuxeR video.meta video.ts
(Track IDs and framerate may need adjustment...get the values to use by passing one of the downloaded files to tsMuxeR.)
Then use ffmpeg to remux to something a bit more widely understood:
ffmpeg -i video.ts -vcodec copy -acodec copy video.m4v
In order to decrypt encrypted video stream you need encryption key.
This key is not part of the stream. It should be obtained separately.
EXT-X-FAXS-CM header contains DRM meta-data and not the key.
This is excert from Adobe Media Server developer guide:
The Adobe Access Server protected variant playlist also needs to include the #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag. The value of #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag in variant playlist is the relative URI referring to the DRM metadata of one of the individual streams.At the client, the #EXT-X-FAXS-CM tag in variant playlist will be used to create the DRM session. The same DRM session will be used for all encrypted M3U8 files inside the variant playlist.
Full guide can be found here:
There is also mention that faxs:// URI is for local key serving.
So key obtained locally from a device.
While some of the bash scripts in the existing answers get you part (or even all) of the way, depending which site you're trying to download from, you might hit other obstacles (different auth method, custom license server mount, etc.)
I've found streamlink to be the most robust solution for this, which also lets you stream directly (rather than download), if that's what you're after, and it has all the site-specific work already done for you for a long list of sites (see plugins section, but keep in mind it's under active development and the latest release was in June, so for some of the newer ones you'll have to git clone and install from source).
In many cases, VLC will happily convert an .m3u8 video to an unencrypted .ts or .mp4. In the VLC graphical interface, go to Media > Convert/Save.
Even through this file includes AES encrypted data, openssl don't know the m3u8 format. However FFmpeg might be able to handle it.

How to save to file all the syn packets?

I need to have some statics (for test purpose ) on syn packet that was recieved.
I got lost with the available tools - ethreal. tshark.tcpdumt.
I want the simple tool that will not dump the complete packet only by pattern (in my case only ip, but some case i will also need payload) .
Which one from the above (or another) do the job?
If you have some patient i will be tankful for you to reference about the differences between them. didnt find good one.
I am running on Ubuntu.
The tool and the filter and the pattern all need to be from command line.
pattern can be - ip.src ip.payload
Thank you
The following tcpdump command will save all the packets to a file which have the SYN flag set and are sent to the IP address stored in the environmental variable MYIP:
sudo tcpdump -w /tmp/syn_packets "tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0 and dst $MYIP"
List of unique host/ports from the dump can be listed with the following command:
tcpdump -nr /tmp/syn_packets |cut -d " " -f 3 |uniq
List of packet counts per host/port can be listed with the following command:
tcpdump -nr /tmp/syn_packets |cut -d " " -f 3 |uniq -c
The packet contents will be stored in the tmp file. You can see a hex dump of the packet data with the -x option:
tcpdump -xr /tmp/syn_packets
You can dump the contents of packets from specific IPs with the following command:
tcpdump -xr /tmp/syn_packets "src $REMOTEIP"
