What is the optimal number of nodes in a BitTorrent swarm? - math

What is the optimal number of nodes in a BitTorrent swarm? I think that there is a mathematical way to express the most efficient number of nodes. To be honest I have a problem with just having an empirical number of X, without some rigor to back it up.
According to this specification the number is 30.
"Implementer's Note: Even 30 peers
is plenty, the official client
version 3 in fact only actively forms
new connections if it has less than 30
peers and will refuse connections if
it has 55. This value is important
to performance. When a new piece has
completed download, HAVE messages (see
below) will need to be sent to most
active peers. As a result the cost of
broadcast traffic grows in direct
proportion to the number of peers.
Above 25, new peers are highly
unlikely to increase download speed.
UI designers are strongly advised to
make this obscure and hard to change
as it is very rare to be useful to do
The overhead this quote is referencing is to HAVE messages.

u mean by number of nodes in a swarm. It sounds like you're referring to the total number of participants in a swarm, but your quote is referring to the number of nodes you should connect to. Let's assume the question is the latter.
You also did not specify what performance metric to use. What does efficient mean to you?
If optimal means the lowest number of overhead bytes per payload byte, you want 1 connection (or maybe 0 connections).
Let's assume that you want to maximize your download rate. The answer to this question (how many peers should I connect to to maximize my download rate) is:
The lowest number of peers that will saturate your down-link.
Now, what does this mean? Well, it depends on the swarm, and what capacity other peers have, and it depends on how many distributed copies there are in the swarm.
The other question that also needs to be resolved is, how many peers should you upload to? The answer here is:
The largest number of peers you can divide your upload capacity among, so that they all still reciprocates, or the smallest number that will saturate your down-link
Note that the division does not need to be even, see the bittyrant paper for details.
Now, you need at least that that many connections to unchoke.
The trick in getting good download speed mostly comes down to sending fast enough to peers so that they reciprocate, but preferably not any faster than that. If there's spare upload capacity, it should be used to make another peer reciprocate. Being connected to many peers means that you can find good trading partners a bit faster, and you will be less affected by high churn in swarms.

If you are referring to the optimal number of nodes in the swarm, it is probably somewhere around infinity. Since every leecher is best matched with 1 seeder that has the same upload speed as the leechers download speed.
If you are referring to the optimal number of nodes to connect to as a leecher, this number cannot (or is extremely hard to) be found, because it depends on too much variables. Variables to consider:
number of nodes in swarm ( 1 - 1000 )
seed/leech ration of each node ( 0 - 10000% )
latency of each node ( 1ms - 1s )
max active connections of each node ( 0 - 1000)
max upload speed of each node ( 1kb/s - 1000mb/s )
max download speed of each node ( 1kb/s - 1000mb/s)
torrent size ( 1 kb - 1 tb )
tracker intelligence (hard to quantify)
torrent piece size ( 1kb - 4mb )
torrent pieces ( 1 - 10000 )
So per node there are at least a million possible configurations, then every other node also has these options. So there are 1.000.000^1000 configurations possible for a swarm with 1000 nodes.
When there are a lot of low speed nodes, you will probably want to connect to a lot of nodes.
When there are a lot of high speed nodes, you will probably want to connect to just 1 or 2 nodes.


DynamoDB DAX metrics

I want to build serverless app using lambda и dynamodb. To create a cluster I must know how particular configuration will work with the structure and the size of my table. To find out it I was going to use CloudWatch metrics, but as it turns out they do not reflect the objective reality and can't show the "needs" of the cluster at a particular moment in time. There may be someone who has encountered such a problem and can suggest how best to determine the cluster configuration with respect to the table parameters, the number and type of requests?
So much of it depends on a particular workload, your expected hit rate, distribution of key accesses, etc. There a few rules of thumb, but these may change over time due to changes in the service, so it's always best to do your own testing with your own workloads:
Within a family (t2, r3, r4) latency is pretty much constant, although bigger node types tend to be more consistent (lower p99).
Throughput scales ~linearly with node size (i.e. a 2xl is ~2x the throughput of an xl)
Throughput scales ~linearly with cluster size
TPS scales ~linearly with response sizes - if a node handles 50 000 1kB gets, it'll do about 5 000 10kB gets.
My recommendation is figure out your workload, test on a few different cluster sizes to get some baselines, and use the notes above to scale. Do note that DAX doesn't currently allow changing the node type for a cluster, and scaling a cluster out only increases throughput, not cacheable memory.
As for better CloudWatch metrics, it would be helpful to know what you're looking for - it might better to start a thread in the AWS forums for that discussion.

Predicting/calculating congestion in telecom network

I have an application installed at my phone which is providing below details every minute: - Bandwidth , -Packet loss ,-signal strength,- RTT for google.com every minute.
I am trying to predict congestion based on these 4 attribute , but some how it doesn't look accurate to me , previously i have only used bandwidth .
I want predict congestion at any point more appropriately , appreciate any recommendations .
I think you are saying you are trying to measure network 'responsiveness', and from these measurements get a sense of how congested the network is. You also mention you want to predict which I guess means you want to make an estimate of the future 'responsiveness' based on your measurements and observations.
The items you are measuring look sensible, although you may want to include jitter if you are interested in VoIP or other real time streamed media.
The issue you have is that there are many variables which can effect your measurements, for example:
congestion in the radio cell you are in at the time
congestion in the backhaul network
delays in the server you are using to measure the RTT
congestion or faults with the particular APN your mobile is using to access data services
network faults
As some of these can be irregularly occurring but can have a large impact, it is quite hard to build up an accurate view of the overall network 'responsiveness' with a single handset. For example your local cell may be busy or have a problem but others users of Google.com in other cells will have perfectly good response, or Google.com may be busy or delayed and other users in your cell accessing a different server may again have perfectly good response.
It would likely be useful for you to look at some of the generally available web speedtest applications to see the type of information they provide - they have the advantage of being able to gather results from many thousands of users, and also generally have access to the servers to understand any issues on that side.
Depending on what you are trying to achieve it might be that a combination of measurements from one of the general speedtest services, combined with your own measurements will give you enough data to draw some sort of meaningful conclusions.

How to improve the speed of MPI_scatter/MPI_gather?

I found that time used for MPI_scatter/MPI_gather continuously increased (somehow linearly) as the number of workers increases, especially when the workers are across different nodes.
I thought that MPI_scatter/MPI_gather is a parallel process, and wonder what leads to the above increasing? Is there any trick to make it faster, especially for workers distributing across CPU nodes?
The root rank has to push a fixed amount of data to the other ranks. As long as all ranks reside on the same compute node, the process is limited by the memory bandwidth available. Once more nodes become involved, the network bandwidth, usually much lower than the memory bandwidth, becomes the limiting factor.
Also the time to send a message is roughly divided in two parts - initial (network setup and MPI protocol handshake) latency and then the time it takes to physically transfer the actual data bits. As the amount of data is fixed, the total physical transfer time remains the same (as long as the transport type and therefore the bandwidth stays the same) but more setup/latency overhead is being added with each new rank that data is scattered to or gathered from, therefore the linear increase in the time it takes to complete the operation.
How an MPI_Scatter/Gather will work varies between implementations. Some MPI implementations may choose to use a series of MPI_Send as an underlying mechanism.
The parameters that may affect how MPI_Scatter works are:
1. Number of processes
2. Size of data
3. Interconnect
For example, an implementation may avoid using a broadcast for very small number of ranks sending/receiving very large data.

Calculating theoretical network bandwidth in topology

I'm in the process of building a discrete-event simulator, and need to be able to calculate the theoretical bandwidth available between two systems in a given network topology, so that I can "time" how long a transfer will take to occur and create an event at its expected completion time.
At the moment, for simplicity, I do not consider the switch's backplanes or likelyhood for collisions / congestion to occur within the network. I am simply interested in the maximum transfer rate between all systems communicating.
For instance, consider the following sample network topology:
We assume the following connections:
Source 1, Source 2 -> (sending to) Dest 1
Source 3, Source 4 -> (sending to) Dest 2
Given these connections, what is the maximum effective transfer rate of all sources?
If we visualize this as a graph, I can calculate this manually by starting from the sources and evaluating at each switch level the maximum amount of incoming network traffic vs the switch's uplink.
For instance, Source #1 in this scenario has 50 Mbps of effective bandwidth to Dest 1
1 Gbps * S1(1/2) * S2(1) * S3(1/10) = 50 Mbps
However, I'm curious as to what other methods can be utilized to calculate this, or if there is a more effective approach which I can utilize to "predict" network traffic.
Any feedback is appreciated -- thanks.
This is essentially a max-min fairness problem.
The progressive filling algorithm (described in the Wiki article) is a simple solution to this problem:
If resources are allocated in advance in the network nodes, max-min
fairness can be obtained by using an algorithm of progressive filling.
You start with all rates equal to 0 and grow all rates together at the
same pace, until one or several link capacity limits are hit. The
rates for the sources that use these links are not increased any more,
and you continue increasing the rates for other sources. All the
sources that are stopped have a bottleneck link. This is because they
use a saturated link, and all other sources using the saturated link
are stopped at the same time, or were stopped before, thus have a
smaller or equal rate. The algorithm continues until it is not
possible to increase. Lastly, when the algorithm terminates, all
sources have been stopped at some time and thus have a bottleneck
link. This allocation is max-min fair.

SNMP network bandwith logger-monitor

I have a switch working with SNMP protocol. I want to get/log or monitor the data of bandwith for switch and connected devices/ports. the amount of incoming or outgoing data have to be calculated periodically into a log file simply.
As another option, a simple program for monitoring the network bandwith, total data traffic etc. of SNMP network may be useful for me. But it have to be so compact and light software. many programs are not freeware and their sizes are very big. Is there a solution to do that process? Thanks..
Interfaces monitored through SNMP report their data usage in the ifInOctets and ifOutOctets counters. The numbers they report can't be used directly; you need to sample them every X minutes or seconds, where X gets smaller the faster the interface. You simply subtract the previous number from the current one to give you how much traffic went by during those X minutes. Watch out for wrapping as it gets to the 32 bit integer limit (it certainly won't send negative traffic ;-) The number X will be greatly affected by how long it takes to wrap a 32 bit number at the interfaces maximum speed.
If you have a high speed switch, ideally you should actually use the ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets if your switch supports it. These are 64-bit numbers and won't wrap frequently and thus X can become much much larger. But not all devices support them.
