invoking winforms in web application -

I have a windows control library having PictureBox and ColorDialog. How can I get it in Web Application? Will u please help me?

You can host it as ActiveX object but it will work only in IE.

Don't just invoke. Also use it under web application. Try VisualJS.NET It lets you design and develop under WinForms and run it under browser.


Is it possible to write internet browser available content by WPF?

I know that you can use ASP.NET to do that stuff but: Is it possible to write internet browser available content(website) by WPF or WCF?
Exacly I mean write CRM by WPF to which you can log by browser and use it by browser.
No, you can't write an application with WPF and then run it in a browser.
You can use XBAP to create a browser application that can use the benefits of the .NET framework and all the things you can do in a WPF application.

Windows Forms message box doesn't work in published ASP.Net application

We're developing .Net Application using and C# and .Net Framework 3.5.
We are using windows form message box in a .Net application.
This windows form works great on the debug mode but once we publish the application this message box won’t work.
We are referencing System.Windows.Form.dll in order to use the message box features.
Kindly advice if we need to register this DLL or follow some configuration steps in order to solve this problem.
Thank in advanced,
Don't use MessageBox in a web application. It will show up on the server console, there's nobody around to click the OK button. I assume that ASP.NET has some counter-measures against it, given that it is such a serious denial-of-service attack.
If you are using unreferenced classes a project/solution is usually not even compiled.
So probably the problem is in another place. Are you sure that the code that should display the MessageBox is executed?
EDIT: When you develop web applications (ASP.NET), as described by you in comments, you cannot use Winforms MessageBox.
Try showing it with javascript, if you really need it
Response.Write("<script>alert('This a message')</script>");


Am I correct in understanding that the Method LiveDataContext.SignIn can only be used in Windows Applications?
I tried to implement it in ASP.NET but get an error that I cannot use Modal Windows. So it seems to me that SignIn uses the Windows.Forms.
Thanks for your time.
It's pretty independent of mvc or webforms I think.
Windows Live Messenger Connect Developer Guide

Embed ASP.NET application in VB6

Does anybody have a clue how I might embed an ASP.NET 3.5 app inside a Visual Basic 6 application?
My other option is to provide a hyperlink inside the VB6 application that will open the ASP.NET app.....BUT I would prefer to embed the ASP.NET app within a tab control in VB6 if at all possible.
thanks in advance
For the auto-login to the .net app (assuming it's I would have the vb6 application login process write a session GUID to the database, and use it as a get or post variable when building a link to the .net application.
On the ASP.NET side, modify your MembershipProvider to honor a guid and username as evidence of successful authentication to the vb6 app.
There may be some additional security precautions you should take depending on how guarded your environment needs to be.
Realistically, your best option is probably to use the Web Browser control on a new tab, and point that at your ASP.NET application.
For auto-login, you SHOULD be able to have users login once. You'll probably need to enable a "remember me" feature in your ASP.NET application.
It'd be a two part process.
Create a .NET library to host,
Then use interopt to launch the library. Sounds like a really bad idea though.
That sounds like a terrible idea.
I think you should give more background on the situation so alternatives can be suggested.
EDIT: You say the VB6 app cannot be rewritten... but can it be edited? Depending on the complexity of the functionality in the ASP.Net app you could alter the ASP.Net app to include a web service and access that functionality from the VB6 app.

Consuming .NET Web Service with Dojo Javascript Library

How do I consume a .NET Web Service using Dojo? I believe I have the web service serializing its output as JSON but I'd like an example if anyone knows of one. Thanks!
The link in the answer has changed. It is now
