R: reference iteration number in call to sfLapply(1:N, function(x)) - r

Is it possible to reference the iteration number in a sfLapply call as follows -
wrapper <- function(a) {
y.mat <- data.frame(get(foo[i,1]), get(foo[i,2]))
do other things....
results <- sfLapply(1:200000, wrapper)
Where i is the iteration number as sfLapply cycles through 1:200000.
The problem I am faced with is that I have over 200,000 cases to test, with each case requiring the construction of a data.frame to which various operations will be performed.
I have a 2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor (macbook laptop) and so I began to investigate the snowfall package to take advantage of parallel processing. This led me to sfLapply and so I started to investigate whether I could re-write my code to work with lapply(). However, I have yet to come across examples that reference the iteration number in lappy() calls.
Maybe I am heading in the wrong direction. If anyone has any suggestions I would be greatly appreciative.

You're not using parameter a in the code to wrapper. All the numbers from 1:200000 will be passed to wrapper, so it is this a that represents your iteration (instead of i).
Don't forget, though, that these will not appear in order (courtesy of sfLapply).
As far as I know, there is no way of knowing the how manyth iteration your going into, as the different processes don't know what the others are doing.


Rf_allocVector only allocates and does not zero out memory

Original motivation behind this is that I have a dynamically sized array of floats that I want to pass to R through Rcpp without either incurring the cost of a zeroing out nor the cost of a deep copy.
Originally I had thought that there might be some way to take heap allocated array, make it aware to R's gc system and then wrap it with other data to create a "Rcpp::NumericVector" but it seems like that that's not possible - or doable with my current knowledge.
However and correct me if I'm wrong it looks like simply constructing a NumericVector with a size N and then using it as an N sized allocation will call R.h's Rf_allocVector and that itself does not either zero out the allocated array - I tested it on a small C program that gets dyn.loaded into R and it looks like garbage values. I also took a peek at the assembly and there doesn't seem to be any zeroing out.
Can anyone confirm this or offer any alternate solution?
Welcome to StackOverflow.
You marked this rcpp but that is a function from the C API of R -- whereas the Rcpp API offers you its constructors which do in fact set the memory tp zero:
> Rcpp::cppFunction("NumericVector goodVec(int n) { return NumericVector(n); }")
> sum(goodVec(1e7))
[1] 0
This creates a dynamically allocated vector using R's memory functions. The vector is indistinguishable from R's own. And it has the memory set to zero
as we use R_Calloc, which is documented in Writing R Extension to setting the memory to zero. (We may also use memcpy() explicitly, you can check the sources.)
So in short, you just have yourself confused over what the C API of R, as well as Rcpp offer, and what is easiest to use when. Keep reading documentation, running and writing examples, and studying existing code. It's all out there!

Parallel code terribly slow when inside function, working fine standalone

I am struggling with the parallel package. Part of the problem is that I am quite new to parallel computing and I lack a general understanding of what works and what doesn't (and why). So, apologies if what I am about to ask doesn't make sense from the outset or simply can't work in principle (that might well be).
I am trying to optimize a portfolio of securities that consists of individual sub portfolios. The sub portfolios are created independent from one-another, so this task should be suitable for a parallel approach (the portfolios are combined only at a later stage).
Currently I am using a serial approach, lapply takes care if it and it works just fine. The whole thing is wrapped in a function, whilst the wrapper doesn't really have a purpose beyond preparing the list upon which lapply will iterate, applying FUN.
The (serial) code looks as follows:
assemble_buckets <-function(bucket_categories, ...) {
optimize_bucket<-function(bucket_category, ...) {}
SAA_results<-lapply(bucket_categories, FUN=optimize_bucket, ...)
I am testing the performance using a simple loop.
for (n in 1:a) {
if (n==1) {start_time<-Sys.time()}
x<-assemble_buckets(bucket_categories, ...)
if (n==a) {print(Sys.time()-start_time)}
Time for 1000 replications is ~19.78 mins - no too bad, but I need a quicker approach, because I want to let this run using a growing selection of securities.
So naturally, I d like to use a parallel approach. The (naïve) parallelized code using parLapply looks as follows (it really is my first attempt…):
assemble_buckets_p <-function(cluster_nr, bucket_categories, ...) {
f1 <-function(...)
f2 <-function(...)
optimize_bucket_p <-function(cluster_nr, bucket_categories, ...) {}
clusterExport(cluster_nr, varlist=list("optimize_bucket", "f1", "f2), envir=environment())
clusterCall(cluster_nr, function() library(...))
SAA_results<-parLapply(cluster_nr, bucket_categories, ...)
f1 and f2 were previously wrapped inside the optimizer function, they are now outside because the whole thing runs significantly faster with them being separate (would also be interesting to know why that is).
I am again testing the performance using a similar loop structure.
cluster_nr<-makeCluster(min(detectCores(), length(bucket_categories)))
for (n in 1:b) {
if (n==1) {start_time<-Sys.time()}
x<-assemble_buckets2(cluster_nr, bucket_categories, ...)
if (n==b) {print(Sys.time()-start_time)}
Runtime here is significantly faster, 5.97 mins, so there is some improvement. As the portfolios grow larger, the benefits should increase further, so I conclude parallelization is worthwhile.
Now, I am trying to use the parallelized version of the function inside a wrapper. The wrapper function has multiple layers and basically is, at its top-level, a loop, rebalancing the whole portfolio (multiple assets classes) for a given point in time.
Here comes the problem: When I let this run, something weird happens. Whilst the parallelized version actually does seem to be working (execution doesn’t stop), it takes much much longer than the serial one, like a factor of 100 longer.
In fact, the parallel version takes so much longer, that it certainly takes way too long to be of any use. What puzzles me, is that - as said above - when I am using the optimizer function on a standalone basis, it actually seems to be working, and it keeps getting more enigmatic...
I have been trying to further isolate the issue since an earlier version of this question and I think I've made some progress. I wrapped my optimizer function into a self sufficient test function, called test_p().
test_p<-function() {
for (n in 1:a) {
if (n==1) {start_time<-Sys.time()}
if (n==a) {print(Sys.time()-start_time)}
test_p() returns its runtime using print() and I can put it anywhere in the multi-layered wrapper I want, the wrapper structure is as follows:
optimize_SAA(...) <-function() { [1]
construct_portfolio(...) <-function() { [2]
construct_assetclass(...)<-function() { [3]
assemble_buckets(...) <-function() { #note that this is were I initially wanted to put the parallel part
So now here's the thing: when I add test_p() to the [1] and [2] layers, it will work just as if it were standalone, it can't do anything useful there because it's in the wrong place, but it yields a result using multiple CPU cores within 0.636 secs.
As soon as I put it down to the [3] layer and below, executing the very same function takes 40 seconds. I really have tried everything that I could think of, but I have no idea why that is??
To sum it up, those would be my questions:
So has anyone an idea what might be the rootcause of this problem?
Why does the runtime of parallel code seem to depend on where the
code sits?
Was there anything obvious that I could/should try to fix this?
Many thanks in advance!

R: clarification on memory management

Suppose I have a matrix bigm. I need to use a random subset of this matrix and give it to a machine learning algorithm such as say svm. The random subset of the matrix will only be known at runtime. Additionally there are other parameters that are also chosen from a grid.
So, I have code that looks something like this:
foo = function (bigm, inTrain, moreParamsList) {
parsList = c(list(data=bigm[inTrain, ]), moreParamsList)
do.call(svm, parsList)
What I am seeking to know is whether R uses new memory to save that bigm[inTrain, ] object in parsList. (My guess is that it does.) What commands can I use to test such hypotheses myself? Additionally, is there a way of using a sub-matrix in R without using new memory?
Also, assume I am calling foo using mclapply (on Linux) where bigm resides in the parent process. Does that mean I am making mc.cores number of copies of bigm or do all cores just use the object from the parent?
Any functions and heuristics of tracking memory location and consumption of objects being made in different cores?
I am just going to put in here what I find from my research on this topic:
I don't think using mclapply makes mc.cores copies of bigm based on this from the manual for multicore:
In a nutshell fork spawns a copy (child) of the current process, that can work in parallel
to the master (parent) process. At the point of forking both processes share exactly the
same state including the workspace, global options, loaded packages etc. Forking is
relatively cheap in modern operating systems and no real copy of the used memory is
created, instead both processes share the same memory and only modified parts are copied.
This makes fork an ideal tool for parallel processing since there is no need to setup the
parallel working environment, data and code is shared automatically from the start.
For your first part of the question, you can use tracemem :
This function marks an object so that a message is printed whenever the internal code copies the object
Here an example:
a <- 1:10
## [1] "<0x000000001669cf00"
b <- a ## b and a share memory (no message)
d <- stats::rnorm(10)
invisible(lm(d ~ a+log(b)))
## tracemem[0x000000001669cf00 -> 0x000000001669e298] ## object a is copied twice
## tracemem[0x000000001669cf00 -> 0x0000000016698a38]
You already found from the manual that mclapply isn't supposed to make copies of bigm.
But each thread needs to make its own copy of the smaller training matrix as it varies across the threads.
If you'd parallelize with e.g. snow, you'd need to have a copy of the data in each of the cluster nodes. However, in that case you could rewrite your problem in a way that only the smaller training matrices are handed over.
The search term for the general investigation of memory consumption behaviour is memory profiling. Unfortunately, AFAIK the available tools are not (yet) very comfortable, see e.g.
Monitor memory usage in R
Memory profiling in R - tools for summarizing

Is it possible, in R parallel::mcparallel, to limit the number of cores used at any one time?

In R, the mcparallel() function in the parallel package forks off a new task to a worker each time it is called. If my machine has N (physical) cores, and I fork off 2N tasks, for example, then each core starts off running two tasks, which is not desirable. I would rather like to be able to start running N tasks on N workers, and then, as each tasks finishes, submit the next task to the now-available core. Is there an easy way to do this?
My tasks take different amounts of time, so it is not an option to fork off the tasks serial in batches of N. There might be some workarounds, such as checking the number of active cores and then submitting new tasks when they become free, but does anyone know of a simple solution?
I have tried setting cl <- makeForkCluster(nnodes=N), which does indeed set N cores going, but these are not then used by mcparallel(). Indeed, there appears to be no way to feed cl into mcparallel(). The latter has an option mc.affinity, but it's unclear how to use this and it doesn't seem to do what I want anyway (and according to the documentation its functionality is machine dependent).
you have at least 2 possibilities:
As mentioned above you can use mcparallel's parameters "mc.cores" or "mc.affinity".
On AMD platforms "mc.affinity" is preferred since two cores share same clock.
For example an FX-8350 has 8 cores, but core 0 has same clock as core 1. If you start a task for 2 cores only it is better to assign it to cores 0 and 1 rather than 0 and 2. "mc.affinity" makes that. The price is loosing load balancing.
"mc.affinity" is present in recent versions of the package. See changelog to find when introduced.
Also you can use OS's tool for setting affinity, e.g. "taskset":
/usr/bin/taskset -c 0-1 /usr/bin/R ...
Here you make your script to run on cores 0 and 1 only.
Keep in mind Linux numbers its cores starting from "0". Package parallel conforms to R's indexing and first core is core number 1.
I'd suggest taking advantage of the higher level functions in parallel that include this functionality instead of trying to force low level functions to do what you want.
In this case, try writing your tasks as different arguments of a single function. Then you can use mclapply() with the mc.preschedule parameter set to TRUE and the mc.cores parameter set to the number of threads you want to use at a time. Each time a task finishes and a thread closes, a new thread will be created, operating on the next available task.
Even if each task uses a completely different bit of code, you can create a list of functions and pass that to a wrapper function. For example, the following code executes two functions at a time.
f1 <- function(x) {x^2}
f2 <- function(x) {2*x}
f3 <- function(x) {3*x}
f4 <- function(x) {x*3}
params <- list(f1,f2,f3,f4)
wrapper <- function(f,inx){f(inx)}
output <- mclapply(params,FUN=calling,mc.preschedule=TRUE,mc.cores=2,inx=5)
If need be you could make params a list of lists including various parameters to be passed to each function as well as the function definition. I've used this approach frequently with various tasks of different lengths and it works well.
Of course, it may be that your various tasks are just different calls to the same function, in which case you can use mclapply directly without having to write a wrapper function.

How can I label my sub-processes for logging when using multicore and doMC in R

I have started using the doMC package for R as the parallel backend for parallelised plyr routines.
The parallelisation itself seems to be working fine (though I have yet to properly benchmark the speedup), my problem is that the logging is now asynchronous and messages from different cores are getting mixed in together. I could created different logfiles for each core, but I think I neater solution is to simply add a different label for each core. I am currently using the log4r package for my logging needs.
I remember when using MPI that each processor got a rank, which was a way of distinguishing each process from one another, so is there a way to do this with doMC? I did have the idea of extracting the PID, but this does seem messy and will change for every iteration.
I am open to ideas though, so any suggestions are welcome.
EDIT (2011-04-08): Going with the suggestion of one answer, I still have the issue of correctly identifying which subprocess I am currently inside, as I would either need separate closures for each log() call so that it writes to the correct file, or I would have a single log() function, but have some logic inside it determining which logfile to append to. In either case, I would still need some way of labelling the current subprocess, but I am not sure how to do this.
Is there an equivalent of the mpi_rank() function in the MPI library?
I think having multiple process write to the same file is a recipe for a disaster (it's just a log though, so maybe "disaster" is a bit strong).
Often times I parallelize work over chromosomes. Here is an example of what I'd do (I've mostly been using foreach/doMC):
foreach(chr=chromosomes, ...) %dopar% {
cat("+++", chr, "+++\n")
## ... some undoubtedly amazing code would then follow ...
And it wouldn't be unusual to get output that tramples over each other ... something like (not exactly) this:
... you get the idea ...
If I were in your shoes, I think I'd split the logs for each process and set their respective filenames to be unique with respect to something happening in that process's loop (like chr in my case above). Collate them later if you must ... ie. map/reduce your log files :-)
